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December 07, 2003
10 minutes on "Why should I care about YL?"
I'm awfully interested in writing process. Here's an experiment where I've set a timer, and will now write for 10 minutes.
My friend gl. has suggested that I need to put together some introductory documents about YL. Ideally, perhaps a "read me first" document, like you find when you open up new software. I haven't conceptualized just how to do that yet.
...However, I do have three bits that seem like they might go toward the front, were I to be creating a longer work:
- Reasons why people want to avoid thinking about youth rights issues
- Common objections to YL
- Why progressives should care about YL
Items two and three on that list have already been written -- I just need to dig them out. I think what gl. really had in mind, though, would be titled "Why should I care about YL?" That's more general than what I have for item three, I realize now that I think about it.
So, brainstorming: "Why should I care about YL?"
- Because YL attempts to address the root causes of child abuse
- Because if you care about the civil rights of other groups, you should care about youth rights
- The oppression that youth suffer shapes the people that they'll be as adults
- In some ways, adultism is a model for how other oppressions function
[Out of time!]
Posted by Sven at December 7, 2003 07:13 PM
hee! took you a while to get to the "why should i care about yl?" bit, but i think the timed exercise is a good one. it's enough to be interested in where it will go from here but this feels like a pause, like a breath after a sentence which allows someone else to speak if they have something to say. (i don't, obviously, but i'm hoping someone else does. :)
Posted by: gl. at December 9, 2003 05:32 AM