January 11, 2010
Radical Youth Rights Activism: Foundations
All human beings have reason to speak out in defense of their own well-being. Young people are no different.
Toward the goal of helping youth become more effective in their efforts at self-defense, I offer the following principles… A foundation upon which future collaborative projects might be built.
1. Youth have self-interest.
Even before a human being is able to articulate spoken words, they can recognize the difference between their own body and those of people around them. They can recognize hunger, pain, desire. While it is debatable whether a person at any age necessarily knows what it "good" or "best" for them, there is no denying that youth — even at pre-verbal ages — have self-knowledge of various things that they want and/or need.
2. Sometimes youths' interests and adults' interests conflict.
A human being, at any age, has interest in making the world around them a pleasant and convenient place. Existing in the company of other human beings, however, is not always pleasant or convenient. For example, a youth might be hungry at the same time the adult they are with wants to leave the house. Or, a youth might want to run and be loud at the same time an adult wants to rest. Conflicts may arise over where these two people want to be, what they believe, who they want to see, how to use space or time or money — any number of things.
3. Some adults abuse their power.
When the things that two human beings want/need come into conflict, there is motivation for someone to try to take control of the situation. One person might try to control another by shouting (intimidation), inflicting physical pain, restricting the other's movements, taking away or destroying property, attempting to set rules or turn rules into laws. When adults use methods such as these to control young persons, we should always question whether their actions are fair and just. It is self-evident that the way in which some adults pursue a pleasant and convenient life is neither fair nor just: it is abusive.
4. Youth have reason to work against absolute adult power.
Sometimes adults harm youth. Harm may include inducing fear, causing physical pain, harassing with insults, confining, preventing outside relationships, taking away or destroying personal property, blocking access to money, or denying participation in decisions that affect the youth — all things that are equally harmful when done by one adult to another. Likelihood of an adult doing harm becomes much greater when when they have permission from society — friends, family, community, government — to use power however they see fit. Without limitation, oversight, or interruption, the adult gains absolute power over a youth. For the sake of avoiding harm, youth have an interest in seeing that no adult is able to wield absolute power.
5. Youth have reason to work together for their collective self-interest.
The practice of absolute adult power is more alive in some families, communities, and states than in others. Where absolute adult power exists, it is seldom easy to break its hold. Because being in control makes life more convenient and pleasant, adults — like any group of people would — resist demands for sharing or limiting their powers. Youth become more effective at demanding change when they work together. The struggle remains difficult — but sharing intelligence, courage, and resources gives youth a better chance of success.
Based on these principles, radical youth rights activists might organize themselves into a larger political movement: one that is led by youth themselves, for the sake of all youth, working to end absolute adult power wherever it exists.
Posted by Sven at 9:50 AM | Comments (0)
October 29, 2005
Hybrid YL Philosophies
In a previous essay I talked about three main varieties of Youth Liberation. In this essay I will talk about a wide variety of Youth Liberation philosophies that can be generated by creating a hybrid of YL and some other school of thought / political movement.
In my essay "Three Types of Youth Liberation: Youth Equality, Youth Power, Youth Culture" (07.30.03) I described what I feel are the most "pure" forms of YL.
YE, YP, & YC each attempt to describe the plight of youth and propose a solution. Three aspects of how they go about doing so contribute to their "purity": (1) Their solutions do not make YL an adjunct of another movement. (2) They claim to address the needs of all youth, rather than just a subset of youth. (3) They are not constrained to a single issue, but rather suggest principles for social change that could, one supposes, be applied to many different issues.
To say that these three philosophies represent YL in its "purest form" does not mean that they are somehow "perfect". Each of them has shortcomings.
None of these three necessarily deals well with the unique issues of girls, youth of color, queer youth, street youth, etc. Consequently, they may all be legitimately criticized for having a bias toward serving straight, white, middle-class, male youth.
Furthermore, for each of these philosophies there are issues that are less easily addressed than others. For instance... Youth Equality, with its emphasis on civil rights, has a difficult time addressing power relationships within the family that aren't legally actionable. Youth Power, with its emphasis on confronting adult authorities, may be a difficult sell to parents and other adults whom we might like to enlist as allies. Youth Culture, by focusing largely on youth getting to express their "true nature" via alternative institutions, lacks motivation to undertake the undesirable (but necessary) work of watchdogging the actions of adult authorities.
In addition to the "pure forms" of YL, a wide variety of hybrid philosophies exist. I will now identify and discuss four categories of these:
- YL as an adjunct to another political philosophy
- YL as one project of a psychotherapy movement
- YL from the point of view of a particular subset of youth
- Single-issue activism that furthers YL's cause
1. YL as an adjunct to another political philosophy
There are several political philosophies that have the potential to be friendly to YL. These include:
- Socialism
- Anarchism
- Libertarianism
- Radical democracy
Each of these political philosophies is defined by the form of national government (or lack thereof) that it would like to exist. Each one has an interest in developing a broad base of support, in order to build the popular movement that would be required to change our current form of government. Toward this end, each potentially has an interest in mobilizing youth to help in the project of social change.
Each of these philosophies has its own analysis of how abuse of power comes to exist -- and thus can make an appeal to youth interested in YL. Socialism sees adult abuse of youth as the result of capitalist interests. Anarchism, with its strong association with anti-police activism, has a natural appeal to youth (especially street youth) who have been persecuted by the police. Libertarianism, with its emphasis on personal freedom and limiting governmental intervention has an appeal to youth who feel that adults have created too many laws regulating their lives. Activists who work to promote and maintain a healthy democracy can recruit youth by talking about the need for "youth voice" in the schools and in society at large.
For the most part, each of these movements does not see adultism as an independent phenomena. They see mistreatment of youth as a function of whatever problem they are already working against: capitalism, organized government itself, overactive government, or democracy that is inadequately inclusive.
A YL that bases itself upon one of these political philosophies is derivative, and maintains at least a psychological tie to the broader movement. In practical terms, it may be valuable to have access to the adult movement's intelligence and physical resources. However, there is also the risk that when there is turn-over in the adult leadership, sympathies will dry up and youth interests will be dropped from the agenda. When YL is merely an adjunct to another movement, you can almost guarantee that it will be a ways down on the priority list.
[Note: I'm tempted to add Liberalism to the list of political philosophies here. By "Liberalism" I do not mean "Democrats", but rather the philosophy created by Locke and others upon which the U.S. was founded. If it were added to the list, then Youth Equality would also have to be seen as a derivative form of YL, rather than as a "pure form". However, my gut sense is that this is not the case...
Because Liberalism represents the form of government that currently exists, there need be no effort to install a new system. If YE subscribes to Liberalism, but Liberalism already exists, then YE is not at risk of merely being an adjunct to an adult social change movement. It seems to me that YE's autonomy as a movement means that it should not be lumped in with these other movements for a change of government.]
2. YL as one project of a psychotherapy movement
I have seen several psychology-based movements pick up Children's Rights as an issue. These include:
- Re-evaluation Counseling (AKA "Co-counseling")
- Freudian thinkers
- Psychohistory
People doing therapy have a natural tendency to become interested in both youth and in social change. When one delves into the psyche, many (if not most) current psychological problems are going to be found to have their origins in childhood. Similarly, when one delves into healing work, there will be times when one discovers that the origins of a problem are not so much in how one interacted with other individuals, but in how society's norms are set up (e.g. racism as a source of mental trauma).
Within the Co-counseling community, there is an active discussion about adultism as one of the oppressions that generate "distress". I cannot prove this, but I see certain buzzwords in the writings of Tony Harris & Jacob Holdt and John Bell that suggest they come out of a Co-counseling background. Alice Miller is a good example of a Freudian thinker advocating for Children's Rights (e.g. "For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence"). For an example of psychohistory, see Lloyd DeMause's classic essay "The Nightmare of Childhood" (collected in "The Children's Rights Movement: Overcoming the Oppression of Young People", eds. Beatrice Gross & Ronald Gross).
One of the troubles with psychotherapy movements is that they are not geared for doing social change work. Their theories may have explanatory power -- but forming activist groups falls outside of the realm of therapy work.
...Is therapy that helps one deal with the psychological consequences of adultism -- but doesn't address the institutions that cause this suffering -- a kind of social change activism? Is an analysis of adultism without a program for social change still YL? In my opinion, the answer to both questions is "no". Nonetheless, the spirit of YL is strong enough within these psychotherapeutic movements that they're worth mentioning as a form of YL hybrid.
3. YL from the point of view of a particular subset of youth
There are several subsets of youth who have a clear history of youth rights activism (that I know about). These include:
- girls
- youth of color
- queer youth
- street youth
Additionally, I would like to suggest several subgroups of youth that have a strong potential for organizing, based upon the actions of their adult peers and youth-specific issues associated with the identity:
- youth workers
- battered youth
- mentally ill youth
- youth with disabilities
- incarcerated youth
When any of these groups of youth organize themselves to address their specific needs, a hybrid-YL group comes into being. These groups may or may not make explicit reference to adultism or Youth Liberation -- but simply by the virtue of being made of youth who are addressing youth-specific issues, they add "topics of interest" to YL's master agenda.
Again, I want to emphasize that being a "pure" YL organization -- one that addresses issues faced by all youth, rather than just a subset -- does not make one superior. A YL movement that addresses only the "pure" issues is failing to care for the needs of a great many youth.
[I'm not sure whether or not to include students in this list. My gut sense says "no", that students belong in the next section, the one about issue-based activism. Perhaps this is because school attendance is nearly universal. School attendance is currently part of what it means to be a typical youth -- going to school puts you in the majority, rather than in a minority.]
4. Single-issue activism that furthers YL's cause
A "pure" YL group tends to have some sort of "Bill of Rights" or laundry list of agenda items that it wants to pursue -- even if it can only practically pursue one issue at a time. To an extent, having that big vision is what really and clearly makes a group Youth Liberationist.
However, having lots of agenda items does not necessarily make one an effective YL organization. Being instead a single-issue group allows focus, and makes it easier to create a coalition of like-minded activists who might not agree on any other points.
Here are a few single-issue projects that might overlap with YL:
- school reform
- home-schooling
- anti-police harassment
- teen abortion rights
- prohibiting spanking
Several issues are almost guaranteed to be motivated by a pure Youth Liberation philosophy: the right to vote, eliminating the curfew, lowering the drinking age, etc. With the issues listed above, however, adults and youth may find themselves seeking a common goal, but for different reasons.
For instance... Home-schooling might be an issue of youth escaping the oppressive school environment -- or of parents seizing further control of their children's lives. Anti-police harassment may be about police picking on youth -- but it may also be about how the police treat people of color or the homeless. Teen abortion rights may be approached as an issue impinging upon young women's rights -- or it can be seen as part of protecting all women's rights. School reform and prohibiting spanking can be done for motives that are either liberationist or protectionist.
Deciding whether a particular single-issue campaign should be considered "pure" or "hybrid" may be impossible for an outside observer. If a campaign has described its goal narrowly enough -- that is, in a way that may appeal to many people, without regard to their overarching ideology -- then ideological motives may well be invisible. You'd have to be on the inside of the group, listening to people talk about their personal reasons for being involved, to figure out how to classify it.
To summarize... There are organizations that embody a "pure form" of Youth Liberation. These groups can be recognized in part because they (1) advocate a multi-issue agenda, (2) address issues that are experienced by all youth, and (3) operate independently of adult organizations whose main focus is something other than the needs of youth.
In addition to "pure" YL groups, however, we need to recognize that a variety of "hybrid" organizations exist. In this essay I looked at four types of hybrid:
- YL as an adjunct to another political philosophy
- YL as one project of a psychotherapy movement
- YL from the point of view of a particular subset of youth
- Single-issue activism that furthers YL's cause
Being a "pure" Youth Liberation organization should not be viewed as a mark of superiority. In fact, organizations that are single-issue or that work under a "parent" movement may have several advantages: (1) Youth working under a "parent" movement may have better access to resources and training than youth who work independently. (2) Single-issue groups may be better able to mobilize allies when a concrete goal, rather than ideology, is in the spotlight. (3) Activists who work at the intersection of youth and another identity (e.g. female, black, queer) address issues that a more generalist group may fail to notice, find too controversial, or lack direct knowledge about. (4) Working on a single issue allows a group to specialize, to develop their analysis and strategies to a higher degree.
It seems to me that we need both "pure" YL organizations -- which articulate a broad and general vision of social change -- and hybrid organizations, which are well-suited to specialized work. The danger of hybrid philosophies that we must beware of, however, is that the "parent" philosophy may overwhelm YL -- either diverting YL activists to its own cause, or simply jettisoning youth when the adults in charge lose interest in them.
Posted by Sven at 8:49 PM | Comments (0)
October 23, 2005
Outline: Youth Power - Four Theory Frameworks
Back on October 11, while I was working on the "Youth Power Framework" series, I had a little epiphany. I can view the "Youth Power Framework" as several interlocking frameworks, rather than one big one.
This is a good thing. It creates "severability". There's a core YP framework -- but then there are several useful add-ons. If you disagree with one of them, that's OK -- it can be jettisoned without harming the other pieces.
The other useful aspect of thinking about several frameworks rather than just one, is that it makes my job of juggling all the pieces much easier. There's less chance that I'm going to forget to talk about something important, if my subject areas are narrower.
I've written I-don't-know-how-many outlines that try to sum up all the topics that I would like to cover in my lifetime. This organization of information, however, is slightly different. Rather than listing everything, I'm just going to describe several main chunks that can be removed without hurting the whole. ...They're like modular components. They're built to complement each other -- but can all function independently.
The stripped-down Youth Power framework, I believe, has to include these components:
- The command / obey relationship. An analysis of how one person controls another on the person-to-person level. Perhaps a discussion of consent, as the alternative to hierarchical relationships.
- The structure of adult power at the society level. The relationship between adult power in the family, in the government, and anti-youth propaganda. Locating the heart of adultism in the family, I think, is one of YP's key distinguishing features.
- Escape freedom. This is the principle by which YP generates its agenda. It has an enormous amount of overlap with the agendas of Youth Equality, but arrives at its goals from a different direction.
I think that you can talk about the power relationship between adults and youth without defining where the line between adults and youth lies. Still, it's an awfully nice to be able to explain what you mean when you use the terms "adults" and "youth".
- Adulthood as a membership organization. Adulthood is an artificial concept projected onto biological realities. Distinguishing between adulthood as biology, psychological development, a character virtue, and law.
- Strategies for avoiding childhood's stigma. The strategies that both adults and youth use to dissociate themselves from childhood. Adults' options to embrace adulthood, passively benefit from it, or be conscientious objectors.
- Ageless being. The problem with "maturity" connoting both inevitable biological stage and a personal accomplishment. Age-bending with regards to clothing, music, qualities, interests, etc.
You can pursue the goals of YP without putting any strictures on adults who want to help. However, if you're concerned about well-meaning adults nonetheless taking over formerly youth-led organizations, this can be a useful bit of theory.
- Model Youth Lib organization. "A local activist group led by youth, for youth, engaging with adult authorities."
- Limiting adult participation. How one's role in the movement changes depending on if one is under 18, 18-25, or over 25. Principles that help an ally feel comfortable deferring to youth leadership.
- [Pro-youth parenting. A bill of rights for youth in the family. How parents can mobilize their power to assist YP.] Nix -- this is non-essential.
There are a variety of ways of understanding what "oppression" is. There has to be some comparison between different models here. Still, however you explain why adultism happens, it doesn't change the fact that it does happen.
- Adultism vs. Ageism. How the two concepts differ.
- Oppression defined. "A historical relationship between two groups where one has power over the other -- institutional, economic, enforcement, standards of "normal". A survey of other definitions of oppression.
- Comparing adultism to other oppressions. How adultism is unique, how it is the same, how it overlaps with other groups' history.
- Arguments for a progressive alliance. Why other movements should care about Youth Lib. Why Youth Lib should care about other movements. ...As I understand it, the main reason for invoking an oppression model is to be able to facilitate talking with other radical liberation movements.
A framework is different from a strategy or a position. It's a theory which allows you to understand the world -- it's a lens that you look through. Here are several topics worth writing about that wouldn't belong in the frameworks that I've described:
- Positions on specific issues. For instance: school reform, violence against minors, the curfew, the drinking age, age of consent, teen access to abortion, etc.
- Activism tactics. For instance: how to organize at the national level, how to run a local organization, how to orchestrate a direct action campaign, how to engage with adult governmental bodies.
- Other branches of Youth Liberation. The distinctions between Youth Equality, Youth Power, and Youth Culture. The history of the YL movement. Comparing and contrasting YP and "Youth Rights". Proposing an alternate model of how youth and adults differ (contrasting that of YR).
Posted by Sven at 9:45 PM | Comments (0)
October 22, 2005
Exploration: Difference - Accommodating the "Average" Human Being vs. "Normal Variations"
I want to suggest an alternate way of conceptualizing age and difference.
One way of conceptualizing age differences, the current way, is to think of adults as "normal", the average or standard human being. The Youth Equality (AKA "Youth Rights") movement accepts this premise. Their argument is that youth and adults should be treated as equals. The problem, then, becomes one of minimizing the differences between youth and adults.
How do we do this? Rhetorically, there are just a few ways to go.
(1) You can argue that youth are underestimated -- that youth in general are more competent, intelligent, and responsible than they have been given credit for. You can draw upon anecdotal evidence, or you can appeal to scientific studies (such as those of Mike Males).
(2) You can point to youth prodigies. The argument could be that prodigies represent what most youth would become if they weren't oppressed. Or, on the other hand, the argument could be that we must remove oppression because it would wrong to stand in the way of prodigies, even if there are few of them. That is, punishing the exceptional few for the failings of the many is wrong. [John Stuart Mills used a strategy like this to argue for the equality of men and women in his book "The Subjection of Women" (1869).]
(3) You can point to the flaws of adults -- their stupidity, cruelty, and misbehavior -- and argue that youth are at least no worse. It's hubris on the part of adults to deny youth rights; the burden is upon them to prove that youth should be excluded -- and the burden of proof has not been met.
(4) You can argue that certain rights are innate, regardless of qualification. For example: adults can believe that the earth is flat and still vote -- there's no IQ test to vote -- that's because it's meant to be a right that one possesses simply for being a participant in society.
The "average" human being isn't necessarily so average. The U.S. began with the notion that only white, adult, wealthy, heterosexual men should enjoy the full privileges of citizenship. Rights have been extended to more and more groups -- but we continue to imagine those men as the standard people, whom all others deviate from.
This thinking gets expressed in some very practical ways. Let's consider differences between men and women for a moment... Light switches are placed at a height on the wall that is based on the average man's height. In medicine, for a long time (this may have changed by now), the "average" body temperature was based on men rather than women. While not all women are pregnant, nearly all women have the potential -- yet, this is seen as a mark against them in a male-dominated workplace -- rather than as an aspect of life that is simply accepted and accommodated.
It seems to me that rather than imagining the fixed characteristics of a single, average person, we should carefully consider the variables inherent in the human condition, and then construct society so that a range of differences are all considered "normal". [I'm supposing that we are able to build society anew, which isn't possible -- but this is a useful perspective if we are interested in transforming what-is into what-could-be.]
...In a village that is struggling for survival, in which all the townsfolk may starve come winter if adequate food is not stored away, it is understandable that the weak may be cut off. But we do not live in that village. We have wealth and abundance in the U.S., and if people starve, it is largely due to how wealth is distributed -- concentrated into the hands of the few. Transforming society to one that is more just, then, has a great deal to do with redistribution of resources...
This is a fairly traditional Marxist line of argument -- but here I want to diverge somewhat. I want to bring in the key concept of "accommodation". I want to say that if our society is not in a state of desperate poverty, then surplus should be dedicated first to re-shaping institutions to be inclusive of the needy -- not simply redistributed among the totality, as if all people are identical. [I may be doing an unfairness to Marxism here. There is that principle of "each according to their need"... But I want to get very specific here about what needs we are dealing with. And I am not arguing for an abolition of capitalism -- merely setting limits on how much one person is permitted to take for themselves, meanwhile taking away from the rest of society.]
As a thought experiment, can we construct an adult who is in all ways except appearance a facsimile of a young child? My sense is that if we do so, we will be better able to get a grasp of what variables society must provide for -- what variations among human beings must be considered "normal", and be accommodated for.
I also want to take this route because I believe we must be vigilant about how we imagine difference. We must continually compare different groups against one another in order to ensure that we are not inventing "false otherness".
...For instance, men in the U.S. during certain periods have imagined women as being more morally virtuous, more poetic, irrational -- yet, in other countries women are viewed as the more pragmatic sex, and the notion that women are irrational has fallen into disrepute, and the idea that women are inherently more noble is quickly slipping away.
...Along these lines, I reject the notion that youth are uniquely zestful, playful, energetic, irresponsible. There may be subcultures among youth that embody these qualities -- but to posit that they are part of youth's essential nature is a case of "false otherness".
That all said, here is the meat of the essay -- constructing an adult that is philosophically identical to a young child:
(1) dwarf
Let's get this one out of the way. There are adults who are very short. The wikipedia entry for the word "midget" says everything I would want to:
"In the 19th century, midget was a medical term referring to an extremely short but normally-proportioned person (e.g., with growth hormone deficiency), and was used in contrast to dwarf, which denoted disproportionate shortness. Like many other older medical terms, as it became part of popular language, it was usually used in a pejorative sense. When applied to a person who is extremely short, midget is now considered derogatory. The word dwarf has generally replaced midget even for proportionally short people, and the term little person is also sometimes used. According to the Little People of America, the human definition of this term is stated as such 'a medical or genetic condition that usually results in an adult height of 4'10" or shorter, among both men and women, although in some cases a person with a dwarfing condition may be slightly taller than that.'"
Building a society that accommodates the needs of little people (e.g. lower light switches, easily opened doors, lower urinals, etc.) will also benefit youth.
(2) impoverished
A young person is born without (a) home, (b) money, (c) clothes, (d) food. In these respects, a young person is essentially impoverished -- even homeless. Creating a social safety net that deals with needs of the extremely poor would also benefit youth.
(3) immigrant, non-English-speaking
Youth are much like newly arrived immigrants from an alien culture, who don't understand the culture or know how to navigate its institutions. Learning to survive here requires an orientation to American customs and systems. Like adults for whom English is a second language, youth are born without the ability to articulate themselves -- though they quickly gain the ability to conduct at least basic communications. [Being born to parents might be likened to being brought to America by a host family, as an exchange student.]
(4) disability
There are many forms of disability. One can lack a sense, such as sight or hearing -- this is not the case for most youth. One can have limited mobility, e.g. needing a wheel chair -- or lack motor control to the extent that a full-time care-giver is required. This is the case of the newborn or the toddler.
There are also a variety of mental disabilities -- these are a thornier issue. It's more difficult (for me at least) to sort out how society ought to accommodate adults with mental disabilities -- but looking at how competency is tested, and how care-givers maximize independence is an intriguing starting place for further research. There are impulse-control disorders, "developmental disorders" that impair reasoning, and other mental issues that lead to what we understand as incompetence. ...What humane options for dealing with incompetency among adults have been developed? ...And how can one ever prove one's competency once the label has been applied?
(5) suggestibility
The quality of young people that I'm least able to find an analog for, which is perhaps most uniquely belonging to youth, is their lack of experience. Youth are impressionable / malleable in a way that adults generally aren't simply because they are experiencing things for the first time. As much as I criticize the notion that youth are empty containers just waiting to be filled with knowledge, there is a way in which this is also true -- at least in terms of there being a vulnerability to manipulation. How important is this? I'm not sure.
I feel like I probably should have started with the metaphorical section first, comparing youth to other social groups. It's easy enough to say this: There are few ways in which youth are unique. Youth have common cause with several vulnerable adult populations...
I think I've got a good concept, criticizing the notion of the "average" person and replacing it with a notion of "normal variations". I think "accommodation" is an incredibly key term here -- one that has potential for reshaping the YL dialogue about equality. However, until I have a better sense of how vulnerable adult populations are / should be accommodated, I think my argument is a bit weak.
...I'm also pleased with the concept of "false otherness". I could probably go farther with that.
Hm. I also notice upon re-reading this essay that I didn't talk about variations among human beings that have practical consequences, versus those that are of purely social significance. Skin color, for instance -- apart from the significance that people project upon it, I can't think of any practical difference it creates. Pregnancy, on the other hand, is a prime example of a practical difference with significant consequences. [In the same way that Susan Moller Okins has coined the term "false gender neutrality", I think we could talk about "false age neutrality" -- badly ignoring age differences that do exist.]
Posted by Sven at 9:26 PM | Comments (0)
October 13, 2005
The History of Youth Liberation
I have a pretty decent understanding of the history of YL... But now I'm wanting to do some serious research to make sure all my facts are straight. Before I go to the library again, or do another Google search, I want to briefly state what I know at present.
Around 1970, the organization "Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor" was formed.
My first exposure to the existence of this group was probably via the book "Encyclopedia Brown's Record Book Of Weird And Wonderful Facts" by Donald J. Sobol (1979):
"When Keith Hefner of Ann Arbor, Michigan, was 15, he formed Youth Liberation, Inc. The group championed kids' lib.Among other things, it supported giving children the vote and the right to divorce their parents and get alimony.
Somehow it failed to catch on.
When last heard from, Keith was fighting the battle alone.
'I'm not giving up on this yet,' he said."
(pp. 33-34)
Since that first discovery, I have found three other books that talk about Youth Liberation, Inc.:
- "Youth Liberation: News, Politics, and Survival Information", Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor (1972)
- "The Children's Rights Movement: Overcoming the Oppression of Young People", eds. Beatrice Gross & Ronald Gross (1977)
- "The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent", ed. Daniel Tsang (1981)
To the best of my knowledge, Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor was the first modern YL organization: a fully formed doing organization, run by youth, guided by a youth rights manifesto.
...I've been told, via Adam Fletcher of freechild.org, that Keith Hefner is still involved in YL work of some sort (although it's changed in nature). I believe I've also seen a history of the organization online -- possibly by Hefner -- that I need to hunt down again.
Around this same time period, two adult authors published their own YL manifestoes:
- "Escape from Childhood: The Needs and Rights of Children", John Holt (1974)
- "Birthrights", Richard Farson (1974)
Abbreviated versions of their manifestoes were reprinted in "The Children's Rights Movement". eds. Gross & Gross. Misplaced, but somewhere in my collection, I know that I also have a copy of "Ms. Magazine" circa 1976 that has an interview with Farson.
Holt and Farson merit being called the "fathers of the movement" -- their books, I believe, are the enduring inspiration for the YL variety of Children's Rights. No others have been as influential -- but I've found a few leads for other authors that I need to hunt down.
Laura M. Purdy has published a book titled "In Their Best Interest? The case against equal rights for children" (1992). It's a philosophy book, and is dense as convoluted, as such books often are -- and despite being anti-YL, is surprisingly fair. One of the real benefits of this book, for me, is that Purdy identifies a bunch of authors whom she describes as "Youth Liberationists". Based on her footnotes, I think I'm most interested in hunting down:
- "Equal Rights for Children", Howard Cohen (1980)
...I've seen this book on the shelf at Portland State University, and it has a similar feel to Holt's and Farson's manifestoes. I suspect that I missed it previously because it was published after Children's Rights' heyday in the seventies. ...It looks like most of the other texts that Purdy cites are academic, rather than polemic -- and mostly just essays contained in scholarly journals.
Another lead I've found was in the "International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family", under the heading "Children's Rights":
"In 1959, the United Nations approved a modest but much-cited ten-point Declaration of the Rights of the Child. In the early 1970s, writers John Holt and Richard Farson both promulgated bills of rights for children, as did New York attorneys Henry Foster and Doris Jonas Freed."
...I haven't heard of Henry Foster and Doris Jonas Freed before. I can only guess that I haven't run across their writings before because they did not publish full books. If they were attorneys, however, I may be able to track them down in legal journals, at Lewis & Clark college's law library.
"Re-evaluation Counseling", also known as "Co-counseling" is a form of peer-counseling-based therapy. It was founded by Harvey Jackins, a friend of L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology), and has been described by some as a psychotherapeutic cult. Nonetheless, "RC" has done a great deal to promote the concept of "adultism".
Jackins' first book was "The Human Side of Human Beings". I would cite the date -- but once again, the actual book is misplaced in my collection. The "Fundamentals of Co-Counseling Manual (Elementary Counselors Manual)", however, is at hand -- it was first published in 1962.
My understanding is that when the various liberation movements of the late 60s hit, RC leadership seized upon the oppressions of racism, sexism, adultism, etc. as things that people would need healing from -- they used interest in oppressions to promote the RC "community".
RC does not involved in social change activism (as far as I am aware) -- but promoting the idea that youth are oppressed is a contribution to YL. Youth are encouraged to do co-counseling themselves, and at least for several years there was a publication titled "Young and Powerful".
Prior to the existence of the internet, it was extremely difficult to find YL writings. Youth-run organizations typically couldn't publish books and didn't receive news coverage -- so they simply disappeared from history when they folded. Pre-1995, finding a YL pamphlet was a very precious find indeed. My two prized publications that I found during this period are:
- "As Soon As You're Born They Make You Feel Small: Self Determination for Children", Wendy Ayotte (1986)
- "Young and Oppressed", Brian A. Dominick & Sara Zia Ebrahimi (1996)
Sometime during the early 1990s there was a organization called the National Children's Rights Alliance (NCRA). They had a newspaper that they put out, and had interesting membership guidelines -- adults could be members, but only if they were survivors of child abuse (as I recall).
NCRA folded. Two more national organizations have appeared in its wake: Americans for a Society Free from Age Restrictions (ASFAR), and the National Youth Rights Association (NYRA).
Here is what the NYRA site says about the recent history of YL:
"The youth rights movement first utilized the internet to help the struggle in 1991, with the creation of the Y-Rights listserv mailing list. Two members of that original internet presence, Matthew Walcoff and Matt Herman, began a non-profit organization out of that mailing list known as AS-FAR. Not too long after AS-FAR was founded, a Rockville, Maryland high school student named Avram Hein began a youth rights group called YouthSpeak. At the same time, a third youth from Canada, Joshua Gilbert, was starting a youth rights organization for his country, CYRA. Walcoff, Hein and Gilbert all met through AS-FAR, and decided to start a non-profit corporation to help unify the youth rights movement, which at that point consisted of almost a dozen different groups around North-America and the world. They eventually joined with Herman and created NYRA, the National Youth Rights Association. By June, 1998, NYRA was incorporated as a non-profit benefit organization with intention to lead the Youth Rights political movement in the United States.(http://www.youthrights.org/whatwevedone.shtml, accessed 10.13.05)
Posted by Sven at 4:11 PM | Comments (5)
Outline: What is Youth Liberation?
My current project is envisioned as a brief booklet (30 pages?) titled "What is Youth Liberation?" I want to give the most basic answer to this question, therefore excluding discussion about different types of Youth Liberation. ...That's a much more complicated topic -- possibly one that I would take on after the "What is Youth Liberation?" booklet.
I want to make a distinction between "defining" YL and "characterizing" it. A definition, as I understand it, is going to set down boundaries so that you can decide whether a particular thing falls within the category of "Youth Liberation" -- or whether it does not. Characterizing, in contrast, only attempts to identify the most important features of a thing. It describes the heart of a thing, rather than its boundaries.
At present, I see three key features that will need to be discussed:
- Inspired by / descended from the seminal work of adult writers John Holt ("Escape from Childhood") or Richard Farson ("Birth Rights") -- or the youth-led activist group "Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor".
- Advocates youth being given the right to vote.
- Young people are themselves included as activists in the struggle for social change.
To an extent, I will also need to discuss a taxonomy of Children's Rights / Youth Liberation...
Youth Liberation is a subset of Children's Rights. At present, it looks like there are two main threads within Children's Rights: protectionism / paternalism which seeks to defend youth without enabling them to independently access their rights, and Youth Liberation which emphasizes autonomy and youth being granted civil rights on an equal basis as adults. At this point I don't know to what extent there are more radical and more conservative versions of autonomy-based Children's Rights. My suspicion is that even among those who advocate youth autonomy (rather than dependence upon adult protectors), Youth Liberation's inclusion of youth activists still sets it apart.
So if there are a number of branches underneath the heading of "Children's Rights", there are also a number of branches of thought underneath the heading of "Youth Liberation". I've written about the main trains of thought elsewhere -- Youth Power, Youth Equality, and Youth Culture. However, I need to mention that there are further flavors. There are those that arise out of the struggles of a particular minority group -- e.g. youth rights being championed by girls, black youth, queer youth, street kids, etc. There are also flavors of YL that arise from schools of political thought -- e.g. anarchism and libertarianism. [Most YL thought draws upon liberal political thought, whether or not it realizes it... There's also plenty of room for flavors of YL to arise out of Marxism or Socialism.]
...Oh, I suppose there's also room for psychotherapeutic flavors of YL. Co-counseling is the strongest variety for that -- but Shulamith Firestone and Alice Miller might arguably be presenting Freudian versions of YL. [Sort of like how Nancy Chodorow presented a Freudian vision of Feminism, or Luce Irigaray presented a Lacanian vision (Lacan merely being a disciple of Freud, I suppose).]
Although I specifically don't want to go into discussing all these varieties of YL, I feel that it's important to at least mention that there is a diversity of schools of thought.
Another reason why I need to mention this taxonomy is in order to explain a discrepancy: I use the term "Youth Liberation", but most contemporary youth activists are using the term "Youth Rights". Minimally I need to point out that YL is not a consensus umbrella term. I'll probably justify myself by pointing to the term "Youth Liberation" as a historical touchstone. ...I'm tempted to go into an in-depth explanation of how the "civil rights" and "oppression/liberation" models differ from each other -- but this is best saved for a the booklet on different types of YL. [Still, I think the time for writing at least of an exploration of "Why YL instead of YR" is just about upon me. At least so I have something down on paper to return to later.]
...As you can see, the taxonomy section of the booklet is giving me the most grief.
I've been figuring that I would structure the booklet around the three characterizing features of YL. That means four essays, thus:
- Introduction / overview of the three characterizing points.
- Inclusion of youth activists. YL does not equal Children's Rights. A bit of history about Children's Rights? YL as the Children's Rights movement that is owned by youth themselves. Youth objections to the word "children" in the name of the movement. A call for power, rather than protection. Holt and Farson being included as seminal voices, even though they were adults writing... The profound difficulty pre-internet of finding and preserving youth-written YL essays. [Avoid going too in-depth into criticism of the term "rights". Focus on where youth participation has existed within the Children's Rights framework. ...This leads to researching "youth participation" in two ways: (a) youth as individuals accessing rights, and (b) youth as activists instigating institutional change.] Explain how writing can still be considered YL if it is not created by youth themselves. ...Is YL ideology, or a living movement? Adults can advocate YL -- but unless they're attached to youth themselves in some way, it's just theory and YL doesn't really exist. [A distinction between a live movement vs. belief system that exists only in theory?]
- A history of YL. It has seminal authors back in the 70s. There have been several national organizations that are youth-led. ...Local organizations that are working from a YL ideology and pushing the agenda forward?
- A consensus agenda, based on looking at several manifestoes and comparing the similarities/differences.
Perhaps I need to add an additional essay on political taxonomy, simply so I can get it out of the way, rather than trying to avoid it. I might be able to do a two page essay saying more or less what I've said here: YL is a sub-variety of Children's Rights, and YL itself has sub-varieties of its own; "YL" is not a consensus term -- but neither would anyone from the Youth Rights camp deny that they're for YL. This would allow me to get into "YL's relationship to Children's Rights" (or place within Children's Rights) in-depth in the next essay. ...Thus:
- Introduction / Overview
- Political taxonomy of Children's Rights branches. YL's position within Children's Rights. An overview of branches of Children's Rights thought.
- Youth participation and the Children's Rights movement.
- A history of YL authors & activists.
- A consensus agenda.
...Perhaps what I'm struggling to articulate here is a fourth characterizing point: YL is a "movement". It is a movement within other movements, which has internal currents of it's own. It's not simply an ideology, nor an isolated individual spearheading a youth-related cause. There have been YL organizations, and there is a YL program for social change. If there aren't organizations and agendas, it's hard to point to a movement. To say that YL is a "movement" is even more basic than saying that youth participation is critical. It lets me say that YL is, honestly, a fringe movement. And that there is an important distinction between abstract thought about youth (e.g. in Plato's "Republic") vs. actually trying to put your ideas into action.
And with that, I think I have a working outline that I'm comfortable pursuing now:
- Introduction / Overview
- A movement with organizations and manifestoes.
- Youth participation (a) in adult rights and (b) in the process of social change.
- A history of YL authors & activists.
- A consensus agenda.
Posted by Sven at 2:10 PM | Comments (0)
October 12, 2005
Fragment: Limits of the "Civil Rights" Model
This is an unfinished essay that I was working on two years ago. The document appears to have been begun on August 4, 2003 -- and was last updated on August 6, 2003. I was intending to send this to the "YouthRightsLeaders" email list, but got sidetracked. I remember putting a fair amount of work into this one, so I wanted to save it from the dustbin of history -- put it into my official log of essays. I'll be leaving it essentially as-is, including a bunch of notes and alternate paragraphs at the bottom. -- Sven, 10.12.05
Since the emergence of modern Youth Liberation thinking in the early 1970s, the movement has largely worked within a "civil rights" model. Winning civil rights is an important part of fighting adultism -- but it is only one piece of the picture. Adult oppression also manifests on an interpersonal level, which is difficult (if not impossible) to address by just changing the law.
Organizations that focus on legal struggle are vital to the movement. However, at times they seem to suggest that rights are all that is needed for Youth Liberation. For the well-being of the movement, it's important that they come to understand the limits of the "civil rights" model.
The "civil rights model" is a set of beliefs about the nature of justice, and how to go about fighting injustice. It is common within most minority movements, and particularly within Youth Liberation. I will try to summarize the key ideas:
* The "civil rights model" grows out of ideas found in The Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
* The word "Men", as originally defined, was understood too narrowly. Today, we would replace it with the word "people". The work of broadening inclusion in "Men" is ongoing. Much progress has been made toward including blacks and women -- now youth should be included in the vision of justice as well.
* We live in a society of laws. Justice requires that all people should be treated the same under those laws.
* Any law that does not treat youth as "equal" to adults, is unjust. The struggle for justice is a matter of rewriting civil rights laws to include youth, one law at a time.
* On an individual level, the injustice of treating someone unequally is called "discrimination".
* Because the equality of human beings should be "self-evident", we explain discrimination primarily as a result of misconceptions, "stereotypes". [Note: this use of the word "stereotype" differs from how psychologists understand the term.]
* Public education is an effective means of fighting discrimination. After their stereotypes have been debunked, most people will stop treating youth unjustly.
* While not universal, there's a common sense that progress is inevitable -- the truth will finally become "self-evident" to all.
The influence of our nation's founding documents on Youth Liberation is fairly obvious. Richard Farson, John Holt, and Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor -- arguably the founders of modern Youth Liberation -- each presented their visions of change in a "bill of rights" format.
Today, 30 years after the publication of Youth Liberation's seminal works, the "civil rights" model remains strong. Consider this passage from a National Youth Rights Association statement titled "What is Youth Rights" (Resolution 00-L):
"The organization deals only with civil rights -- freedom from oppression or discrimination by government, business or other powers -- rather than entitlement rights. We do not deal with issues like the quality of education or health care young people receive."
It seems to me that the "civil rights" model dominates the movement. This is worrisome. There are aspects of oppression and aspects of Justice work that the model addresses only poorly. I will proceed to examine its faults under the following four section headings:
- Rights alone are not enough
- Issues of respect and dignity
- The motive behind adultism
- Justice takes constant effort
Getting a moral right turned into a legal right is only a first step toward justice -- not the final achievement of equality. Besides the law itself, at least three other issues are important: enforcement, the complaint process, and defense against the law being overturned.
Without enforcement, a law is just a piece of paper. Suppose you go to a restaurant, and then the owner throws you out just because you are young, thus violating your right to freedom from discrimination on the basis of age. The existence of that right is going to be meaningless unless there is some agency to contact, that will investigate your case and make a judgment about whether or not the owner is guilty. But then, what good is a judgment if there isn't also a punishment -- a fine or imprisonment? The owner still gets away with their crime unless there are police and a prison system to back up the adjudicating agency's decision with force.
Even if all of the necessary government agencies are in place -- and they're adequately staffed and funded -- it still won't do a young person much good if they don't know that they have a right, and how to navigate through the complaint process. Very few victims of discrimination actually decide to pursue justice; even fewer have the necessary documentation to demonstrate that they have a case; of those, only a minority actually win their case and get some form of reparations -- and the process may take months or years to complete. It's important that these laws do exist; but they don't seem to be a very efficient means of combating wrongful behavior...
If a good pro-youth bill is passed into law, that's not necessarily the end of the story. Laws get repealed, or their effectiveness is eroded away over time by opponents' amendments. Abortion rights are a good case in point. Thirty years after the Roe v. Wade decision, abortion opponents continue the fight for repeal. They've created many legal exceptions (e.g. requiring parental consent for minors), and made it more difficult to access the services that are permitted (by intimidating doctors, so that few are now willing to provide the service). Youth rights activists should anticipate continuing legal opposition, even in the afterglow of a legal victory.
From its writings, the current Youth Liberation movement seems unaware of these issues. As much as winning new rights, I think we need to be concerned with making sure that enforcement agencies are willing to prosecute age discrimination cases, and making sure that these agencies are adequately staffed and funded for the job. We need to put a great deal of effort into educating youth about what their rights are, how to document a case of discrimination, who to contact, and how to navigate through the complaint process. Finally, we need to recognize that youth rights are going to remain controversial for some time to come. If we win new rights, we need to be prepared to defend our victories.
Not all injustices can be dealt with by law. The law can prohibit (or license) activities like voting, driving, drinking, and marriage. It's equipped to address harms that can be easily documented: like being fired from a job, or struck in a way that leaves bruises, broken bones. What it cannot easily deal with is subjective feelings.
One of the main ways that youth suffer at the hands of adults is by constantly being disrespected and denied dignity. The law protects essentially all of this behavior as "free speech" -- but a youth movement that ignores it is failing to deal with some of the issues that "sting" youth most of all.
In the public domain, we see defamation of youth in news coverage, TV sitcoms, magazines, and movies. Youth are commonly portrayed as fundamentally flawed beings: stupid, reckless, dangerous to themselves and others, laughable for their foibles, lamentable in their tastes.
Interacting on a personal level, parents' and teachers' attitudes toward youth often range from belittling to punitive. Being in a position of authority, these adults feel that they are entitled / obligated to stand in judgment of youth -- freely expressing their disapproval, doling out lectures, and attempting to coerce the youth to their will. While so sensitive to rudeness from youth, most adults seem entirely blind to their own disrespectful behavior.
Among themselves (or even in the presence of youth), many adults feel free express their naked bigotry toward youth: ridiculing youth culture (e.g. dyed hair, piercings, music), commiserating about how awful their own children are, joking about how "we should be able to lock them up until they're 18".
Most youth are used to the idea of not having civil rights. The fact that they won't be able to vote or apply for a driver's license until a certain age can recede to the back of their minds; disrespect, however, is not so easy to forget. It's perhaps the aspect of adultism that most impacts upon quality of life. It is a major failing of the "civil rights" model that it is unable to meaningfully address these issues.
To fully understand adultism in the U.S., we need to look at the history of how adults have treated youth...
At the beginning of the 20th century (and before), youth were viewed as the property of their parents. Like animals or slaves, much of youths' value was as exploitable farm labor. Just as the owner of a mule or the owner of a slave could inflict pain to discipline their possessions, so too have parents been entitled to use corporal punishment on their children. Strides have been made toward treating young people better, but vestiges of youth-as-property remain visible today in laws that prohibit running away, and in the description of legal independence as "emancipation".
The essence of treating youth as property is this idea: that adults should command, youth should obey. Government, schools, the family -- in almost every institution where adults and youth interact, we see the "command / obey" relationship manifested. I believe it is the fundamental dynamic of adultism. Adults don't simply have mistaken ideas about youth; they have a stake in adultism -- they personally benefit from being in positions of control (whether or not they realize it).
People working within the "rights" model don't seem to talk much about the actual history of adultism. It could be attributed to optimism: looking forward to a time when youth are full-fledged equal citizens, they see the present as "a glass half-full". The problem I see with this is that it can lead to very inaccurate ideas about adultism. In a future where our utopian bills of rights have all come to pass, then perhaps the nature of adultism could be reduced to "discrimination". However, looking back at the past, it seems absurd to sum up the injustices as "treating youth as if they're different from anyone else". The youth-as-property model of the past has not yet been defeated. Adults still maintain and promote the "adults command / youth obey" relationship as what's natural and necessary. It seems to me that we need to acknowledge this, rather than "discrimination", as our main problem at present.
Being in control, getting your own way, is its own benefit. There are lots of ways to rationalize and justify it. An adult can feel that they have young people's "best interests" at heart, and deserve power because they're better qualified than youth to make decisions. On the other hand, they could justify control by putting youth down, finding (or inventing) all sorts of faults in their character, depicting the latest generation as worse than any before. It seems to me that the best way to describe the negative things adults say about youth, is as a sort of propaganda, meant to justify adult power.
People working within the "rights" model tend to discuss bigotry and defamation in terms of "stereotypes" (or "prejudice"). These are some typical recommendations that I've heard in anti-adultism workshops: avoid ever making generalizations about youth; make no assumptions about a person before you get to know them; avoid "either / or" thinking. ...In themselves, these may or may not be wise ideas. As ways of avoiding adultism, however, they seem to me very much beside the point.
"Rights" model advocates tend to ignore the roots of adultism and adults' personal stake in maintaining control. They act as if "discrimination" has no history (except that it's been going on for some time). They act as if "stereotypes" are just the result of mistaken thinking. If the movement cannot accurately describe the origins and motives of adultism -- its cause -- how can it hope to effectively challenge the problem?
Youth Liberation's founding thinkers described their visions of justice in the form of bills of rights. The format seems to suggest that Justice will be achieved only after all the principles that it describes have been passed into law. Once that's done, Youth Liberation activists will be out a job.
I think this is a false idea. Imagine a time when all the best possible laws have been put into place. Even then, the world will continue changing. Year-in and year-out, there will still be new inventions, new celebrities and politicians, powerful people saying stupid or cruel things, events and public debates that keep newspapers publishing and the six o'clock news on the air. We can do an enormous amount toward eliminating adultism -- but we be trying to "put ourselves out of a job". Youth need to always be prepared to weigh-in on issues. Youth should aim at becoming permanent participants in society's decision-making processes.
I think the bill of rights format also suggests to many people that social change work will be a steady march forward -- that once a point on our agenda is won, we can just move on. As discussed earlier, this is unlikely to be so. Youth Liberation is controversial, and if there are victories, they will have to be defended against erosion or repeal for years to come.
Most of our efforts, however, probably won't be about winning ground. The opponents of Youth Liberation are strong and aggressive. We keep on having to defend against new attacks, exhausting ourselves just to protect the rights that we've got at present. Realistically, the better part of the movement's energies will probably go to this end.
To summarize: As a model for achieving justice, the notion that "all we need is civil rights" is flawed...
* It ignores the need for good enforcement agencies, educating youth about how to use the complaint process, and defending good laws after they've been passed.
* It fails to address bigotry and defamation -- which also hurts youth -- because it is protected as "free speech".
* It ignores the history of youth being treated as property and adults' interest in maintaining the "adults command / youth obey" relationship throughout society.
* ...Consequently, it wrongly identifies "youth being treated differently from other citizens" as young people's main problem, and promotes advice that has little bearing on adultism's real cause.
* It implies that once rights are won, permanent justice will have been achieved.
Winning civil rights is still important -- it's just not the *only* battle that needs to be fought.
Organizations such as NYRA probably shouldn't change their current mission statements. If they are going to work on legal issues, then they'll probably be most effective by keeping their focus narrow -- not trying branch out to address every issue at once. [Even attempting to address all legal issues may be too broad of a focus, to be really effective.]
Youth Rights organizations can shift their perspectives while still working on the same projects. A better model of how to bring about justice can only make the movement stronger. In the following section, I'll discuss what I think is the best alternative to the "rights" model of justice and social change.
[Note: This is as far as I got when I was writing back in 2003. Following this point, it's just notes to myself and alternate paragraphs. -- Sven, 10.12.05]
* Society is made of groups with conflicting points of view.
* Justice is an ongoing process, in which different groups each attempt to negotiate for their own best interests, hoping to arrive at deal that is felt to be fair by everyone involved.
* At various points in history, one group has gained the upper-hand over another, benefiting from an arrangement that is not fair to others. A historical relationship where one group has power over another is defined as "oppression".
* The motive behind oppressive... XXXX is simple self-interest.
* Laws -- along with courts, police, and prison systems -- are tools for asserting control over a population. Whether the laws are fair, or enforced at all, has a great deal to do with what group's members are in positions of power.
Some Children's Rights authors have discussed the historical oppression of youth, using the word "oppression" in a fairly loose, but evocative sense. I mean to use "oppression" here in an almost technical sense, linking these issues to an alternate political framework. Alison Jaggar, in her book "Feminist Politics and Human Nature", explains the difference:
"Earlier feminists used the language of "rights" and "equality," but in the late 1960s "oppression" and "liberation" became the key words for the political activists of the new left. [...] The change in language reflects a significant development in the political perspective of contemporary feminism. [...] [O]ppression is the imposition of unjust constraints on the freedom of individuals or groups. Liberation is the correlate of oppression. It is release from oppressive constraints. [...] Oppression is the *imposition* of constraints; it suggests that the problem is not the result of bad luck, ignorance, or prejudice but is caused rather by one group actively subordinating another group to its own interest. Thus, to talk of oppression seems to commit feminists to a world view that includes at least two groups with conflicting interests: the oppressors and the oppressed. It is a world view, moreover, that strongly suggests that liberation is likely to be achieved by rational debate but instead must be the result of political struggle." (pp. 5-6)
The concept of discrimination is meant to be used in the context of applying laws to the citizenry. It is a stretch to use it in a social context, not treating a person as if they are the same to everyone else. Why do people do so? Stereotypes? Stereotypes are frequently described in incredibly passive terms: bad mental photographs, overgeneralizations, making assumptions before you get to know someone, "either / or" thinking. While some adults may not fully understand their own motives, adultism is motivated.
Why do adults treat youth so badly? I don't find the "rights" model's explanation convincing. It only identifies one form of mistreatment: discrimination. Within it's original context, discrimination means not treating everyone the same under the law. The concept can be stretched to cover social situations, like youth not being treated with respect equal to that of adults -- but it's still not a good fit for all aspects of adultism.
NYRA Mission Statement
"The National Youth Rights Association is dedicated to defending the civil and human rights of young people in the United States. We believe certain basic rights are intrinsic parts of American citizenship and transcend age or status limits. As the world's leading democracy, the United States should not lag behind other nations in granting first-class citizenship to its young people."NYRA aims to achieve its goals through educating people about youth rights, working with public officials to devise fitting policy solutions to problems affecting young people and empowering young people to work on their own behalf."
This mission statement was adopted by the NYRA Board of Directors on Tuesday, January 25, 2000.
Posted by Sven at 10:54 PM | Comments (0)
The "Youth Power" Framework (short version)
"Youth Power" is a variety of Youth Liberation. Advocates of YP focus on how individual adults abuse power, how the governmental system structures power relationships between youth and adults, and how youth can win greater power to control their own lives.
This is the ultimate goal of YP: for youth to be able to control their own lives when they choose to. YP advocates share an interest in "equal rights" with Youth Equality ("Youth Rights") activists -- but do not place the same weight on youth receiving governmental treatment identical to adults. Instead, YP asserts that youth and adults both have a right to control their bodies -- and that it is wrong for either individuals or governments to use coercion. Justice is not based upon equal, non-discriminatory treatment (accommodating needs for care-giving is encouraged!) -- but rather upon respecting control.
1. Powers properly reserved for the individual
YP builds its philosophy upon principle that a person owns their own body. They have a right to say who will touch it or not touch it, whether it will stay still or be moved, whether it will be altered in any way, or destroyed. They have a right to a bubble of personal space and to owning property -- which will be treated as extensions of the body.
From these basic principles, we derive many freedoms. For instance, the right...
- to not be hit or hurt
- to not be physically violated via rape
- to remove an unwelcome fetus from one's body
- to not be imprisoned
- to travel through public spaces
- to assemble with people of one's choosing
- to speak freely (so long as one does not violate another's space)
- to leave the home of one's parents at will
- to have consensual sex at will
- to modify the body with tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, etc.
- to leave school at will
2. The role of a government in protecting the powers of the individual
While YP has a strong vision of what freedoms should be guaranteed to the individual, it does not take individualism to an extreme. We live in a society, depending upon each other for survival, and have an ethical obligation to contribute to the common good.
Maintaining the well-being of society could be achieved through a variety of social structures, including (for instance) small locally-based collectives, as anarchists advocate. YP, however, is committed to the existence of a fairly large scale government, with the power to police its citizens. While creating such a government creates the strong risk of governmental oppression, it is deemed a necessary counterbalance to the tyranny that parents are able to enact within the privacy of their homes. YP relies upon there being a government structure that creates a public sphere which youth can escape into -- a government that can overpower individual parents, should they abuse their power.
The existence of an organized state government means giving up some personal freedom -- particularly in terms of contributing taxes. However, YP expects this loss to be counterbalanced by valuable services that increase safety. A government has the power to imprison persons who do violence. It also has the power to offer free monetary welfare, food and clothing and shelter programs, health care, and public transportation. Youth, being born with nothing, are essentially an impoverished people. To the extent that a government confronts poverty, youth become less vulnerable.
[Note: Politically, YP finds common cause both with persons in poverty and persons with disabilities. Youth are born impoverished, and born with significant physical and mental disabilities. Society should not treat rich, able-bodied adults as the standard human beings -- it should strive to accommodate these variations.]
3. The nature of the group "adults"
Within the society of all human beings, adults have organized themselves into an organization, and established a government that excludes youth. While there is a biological basis for recognizing a group called "adults", "adulthood" is an artificial categorization projected upon natural differences. YP, thus, understands "adulthood" primarily as membership within an organization.
Consider the various ways in which adulthood looks like an organization:
- there are members and non-members
- being a member grants privileges not available to non-members
- there are formal processes for electing leaders
- most members are not leaders, but merely beneficiaries
- the line between members and non-members is policed
- there is an informal "dress code" -- things that are deemed appropriate for adults to wear, say, be interested in
Adulthood is unlike other organizations in at least two respects: one does not voluntarily join, one is inducted in by default; and rather than there being a single line between members and non-members, there are several (although the majority fall on the age of 18). Despite these uniquenesses, the metaphor still holds.
Because adults as a group have power over youth, it is desirable to be adult, and undesirable to be a youth. Youth -- and the qualities, mannerisms, and interests associated with it -- is stigmatized. Both youth and adults attempt to minimize being stigmatized by being seen as too youth-like.
Strategies for dissociating oneself from childhood include: (1) denial of membership ("I'm not a kid!"), (2) choice of peers (a ninth-grader avoiding eighth graders, trying to hang out with tenth graders), (3) contrasting oneself against others ("you're such a baby!"), (4) emphasizing other "superior" identities (e.g. manliness), and (5) passing as an adult (using a fake I.D., smoking, etc.).
Why is there no political conversion, youth renouncing their former allegiance to other young people, when they become adults? Because most spend their entire youth attempting to dissociate themselves from other youth, looking at "kids" from the point of view of adults, not including themselves in the category.
[Once "adulthood" is viewed as membership in an organization, it becomes possible for people to analyze and protest its policies. They can cease to identify with the group uncritically, instead becoming "conscientious objectors" within the group.]
4. How adult oppression is organized
All varieties of Youth Liberation share an anger toward three things: (1) unfair rules/laws, (2) youth being forced to do things against their will, (3) disrespect. The different forms of YL can be distinguished by how they understand the relationship between each of these issues.
YP views the family as the fundamental institution of adult oppression. Parents commanding youth, youth expected to obey -- is a model for adult-youth relationships that is elevated into law by an all-adult government that was created primarily by parents, and serves their interests. While parents may sometimes feel justified in commanding their children because the government sanctions this behavior, it does NOT make sense that parental behaviors are merely an imitation of how the government deals with youth.
Disrespectful portrayals of youth are viewed as a form of propaganda that supports the adult supremacist power structure. Parents commiserating about their kids, news items that portray the current generation as being morally worse than previous ones, scientific studies that demonstrate the biological inferiority of youths' brains, TV ads and entertainment shows that portray youth as ridiculous or needing serious moral guidance, government campaigns that encourage adults to closely supervise youth -- all these things justify and reinforce adults' belief in the rightness of what they do. There is a feedback loop involved here -- but it does NOT make sense that adult control originates with "stereotypes" or "misconceptions"... These beliefs didn't just passively spring into existence -- they were created, and there is a strong motivation for adults to continue creating them.
5. Power in the hands of parents
The original motivation for adult's command/obey relationship over youth is simple self-benefit. To a large extent, the relationship continues due to tradition -- but even if the tradition were stopped, adults would still have an interest in getting what they want. It is pleasant (though not ethical) to be able to impose your will whenever you want, and very convenient when you have agendas that you're trying to pursue.
YP does not pretend that youth and adults are identical. Youth, particularly during the early years, require care-giving: physical support, education about how to access society's services, and financial support. It requires conscientious effort to avoid coercion, and even the best parent is likely to occasionally find themselves in an impossible situation when dealing with toddlers. However, best efforts should be made to respect a young person's will, even when they are a toddler -- and as the youth masters communication, there should be no excuses. Note that there is still ample room for parents to non-coercively influence youth with opinions; it is coercion, and actually going against a youth's will that is prohibited.
YP recognizes parents' default right to custody of their offspring. However, parents ought have no power to detain a youth, should the youth want to sever the relationship. Leaving the parents home, and severing their economic obligation ought be dealt with as two separate steps. Parents, by having compelled a new person to come into existence, become financially obligated to provide them with a minimal means of survival. The relationship is not reciprocal: youth, having entered into existence without consent, are not obligated to obey their parents or financially support them.
6. Power in the hands of adult government
When the command/obey relationship is not entered into consensually, and a person is not allowed to leave it at will, this is the essence of treating a person as human property.
Parents have elevated this notion that youth are their property to the law of the land. We can see its logic in laws that prohibit youth (like slaves) from running away, that give parents permission to inflict physical pain as a means of discipline/punishment, that enable parents to "disown" incorrigible youth, that hold parents responsible for controlling their offspring.
However, because adults have organized themselves into a government, youth are not merely viewed as the private property of parents -- they are also viewed as a the collective property of all adults -- a "valuable resource" to be managed. At times, the government and individual parents come into conflict -- the government intervening in situations of abuse, removing the children. This is not a case of youth being given control over their own bodies and lives -- nor even violence being truly prohibited. Violence is merely being regulated; the collective intercedes when its property is going to be damaged by the private owner.
The adult government cannot be trusted to police itself. Opinion about what standards parents should be held to is likely to shift and change; but given how powerful a lobby parents are, there is a strong chance that they will not shift in youths' favor. Individual parents' interest in being in control is likely to be expressed in law again and again. In order to win positive changes, and to fight off new attacks on youth rights, youth activists must be vigilantly engaged in the political and legal systems.
7. Power in the hands of youth activists
It is in adults' self-interest to preserve control over youth; there is no reason for them initiate giving youth more power. Youth must demand their rights. The only way to win is to fight.
YP advocates forming "direct action" activist groups on the local level, to watchdog city, county, and state governments, responding to attacks on youth rights, and (when possible) initiating pro-youth legislation. These organizations must draw their support from the youth community itself, and should therefore host events that raise awareness among youth of relevant legal issues and foster discussion (partly as a means to develop new activists). Such activist groups must also pay attention to more than just the written law -- they must make sure that there is adequate funding for enforcement agencies, that such agencies are doing their job, and that youth actually know how to access these agencies and navigate through their systems.
Even if we reach a plateau of youth rights, a "youthtopia", the potential for adults to express self-interest again will always remain. In order to maintain justice, youth must always have a place "at the table", participating in the perpetual negotiations about how to juggle fairness for multiple parties.
8. Goals of the youth power movement
There is a great deal of overlap between YP's goals and the goals of other YL branches. Why YP advocates these particular goals, however, is a distinguishing feature.
YP's focus is on creating the means for youth to escape situations of suffering/abuse at will, without the help of adult mediators. [This does not mean that YP is against the existence of adult-run youth welfare agencies.] YP views violence against minors as the epitome of adult oppression, and generates its list of goals by imagining what would help a youth escape:
- treating physical "discipline" as assault
- improved education re how the child protection system works
- eliminating the curfew (to assist travel when escaping)
- free public transportation for youth
- access to short-term youth hostels / shelters
- freedom to self-emancipate
- access to financial welfare
- access to free food and clothing
- access to public housing / communal living situations
- ability to establish foster parent relationships
- college scholarships for youth who have left their parents
In addition to the principle that youth should be able to escape suffering at will, YP sets its goals according to a second principle: youth should be able to formally participate in all decision-making processes that effect their lives, and exclusive control over decisions where it is a matter of control over their own body. Adults have a self-interest in being in control of youth -- which constitutes a conflict of interests -- and so are not suited to be the sole guardians of youths' "best interests". While youth are likely to lose many debates over public policy, being directly involved improves their ability to protect themselves against oppressive legislation. Expressions of this principle include:
- promotion of a "bill of rights" for youths' powers within the family
- creation of community-based mediation services to serve as a "court of appeals" for conflicts among family members
- power over school hiring / firing / funding / curriculum decisions
- right to run for office in public elections
- right to vote in state and federal elections and referendums
- establishment of youth lobbying groups
- establishment of standing youth advisory groups
[With regards to schools, YP advocates transforming public schools rather than abolishing them. Although compulsory schooling may seem to force youth to do something, it also provides an invaluable escape from the private home into a public sphere. YP seeks to mitigate the coercive aspect by simultaneously promoting "unschooling" as an alternative educational route.]
Posted by Sven at 7:21 PM | Comments (0)
October 11, 2005
The "Youth Power" Framework (notes)
I just finished writing a multi-part essay on the "Youth Power" framework. [See the appendix for an overview.] It was a big enough concept that I didn't want to get stuck on outlining beforehand -- so I just worked off of a long list of notes. Now that I'm done, the first thing my mind wants to do is go back and reorganize all this material. I don't have time right now to do too much editing -- but I thought that I might at least sketch a new outline. Here is the overview:
The biggest changes are the addition of " A GOVERNMENT THAT PROVIDES FOR JUSTICE & WELFARE" and " SHARED INTERESTS IN ENDING OPPRESSION". I also split what was previously "THE NATURE OF YOUTH" into two sections: "HOW HUMAN BEINGS SHOULD BE TREATED" and "THE GROUP 'YOUTH'". The other sections have perhaps been re-titled and rewritten somewhat -- but their essence remains the same.
Here's the new outline, in full, for my essay-in-progress, "The 'Youth Power' Framework":
1. The fundamental "right" is ownership of one's own body.
2. Treating a person well means conscientiously respecting their right to consent or not consent in matters that concern their body.
3. It is unethical to treat any person as if they are human property.
4. Collectively, society has a responsibility to provide services to people who are impoverished or vulnerable to abuse.
1. YP presupposes the existence of an organized, democratic government.
2. YP advocates socialized services, a form of socialism.
3. There should be government-sponsored services that provide for the welfare of the needy. (e.g. Welfare, housing, food, clothing, healthcare.)
4. There should be laws that prevent oppressive treatment toward minority groups.
5. There should be well-funded agencies that enforce protective laws.
6. There should be some form of taxation that creating a pool of wealth, used to maintain justice enforcement agencies and social services.
1. "Youth" is a group whose members are characterized by: (1) being under 18 years of age, (2) living in the parents' house, and (3) being economically dependent.
[2. Youth are persons.]
3. Youth and adults are not identical.
4. Youth require care-giving. This does not justify granting adults absolute power.
5. Babies and fetuses fall outside of Youth Liberation's purview.
1. The line between adults and youth is artificial.
2. Adulthood is a membership organization.
[3. The implicit "mission statement" of the adult organization is this: "maintain control over youth".]
4. Both adults and youth try to dissociate themselves from childhood.
5. Members of the group "adults" can refuse to identify with the organization, and challenge its structure.
1. Adults oppress youth.
2. The family is the fundamental institution of adult oppression.
3. The all-adult government elevates the order of power within the family to a societal level.
4. Negative beliefs about and caricatures of youth are propaganda that supports the order of power.
5. "Ending" adultism would require a transformation of culture as well as laws.
1. Adultism is motivated by self-benefit: the desire to be in control.
2. The essence of control is to treat youth as if they are human property.
3. Parental tyranny inevitably produces situations of violence against minors. This is the epitome of adultism's harm to youth.
1. Adult authorities cannot be trusted to maintain fair and just institutions on their own.
2. Adult government must be kept in check by direct participation and activism initiated by watchdog groups.
3. The potential for injustice cannot be eliminated.
1. Youth need the means to escape suffering / abuse at will.
[2. Youth must have access to socialized services in order to lessen dependence.]
3. Youth need to be able to escape suffering without having to ask adults for help.
4. In all decisions that effect youth, youth should have direct participation in the decision-making process, or sole control.
5. To win these freedoms, youth must band together into activist groups.
1. Most oppression comes in the guise of "protection".
2. Adult allies pose a threat of cooptation.
3. It is important that actual youth be the voice of, and in control of, YL organizations.
4. There is more to being a YL advocate than just being a youth.
1. Oppression is a historical relationship between two groups, where one group has control over the other.
2. Adultism is an oppression -- comparable to racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, anti-Semitism, etc.
3. Youth have an interest in eliminating other oppressions because youth is itself a diverse group.
4. Other liberation movements have an interest in furthering the cause of youth liberation because adultism is one of the strongest models of the command/obey relationship.
5. While Youth Liberation may be encompassed within the goals of humanism, the need for youth activists who specialize in fighting adultism remains.
The goal of this essay is to describe the sub-variety of Youth Liberation that I call "Youth Power". Consequently, what I need to keep asking myself with each section is "Does this contrast YP against Youth Equality and Youth Culture -- or am I making statements that would hold true for all three flavors?" Here are a few notes about what I think of each section at present:
Identifying my principles for "right treatment" is pretty fundamental. It gets at a theory of human nature... I worry that I haven't gone far enough into exploring the implications here. I should refer back to Alison Jaggar's work... Youth Equality comes out of the political tradition of liberalism; that implies presuppositions about rationality. Am I falling into similar pitfalls? Or have I escaped them by creating a standard of "right treatment" that need not be earned? ...Do I need to say anything here about what punishments are appropriate for people who violate the principles?
This section feels almost ridiculously basic -- and yet, I think that it does a good job of contrasting YP's views against Republicanism and Anarchism. I think that YL is committed to there being a government, and depending on its authority as a means to escape being trapped under the power of individual parents. A while back I started realizing that YL has an interest in socialism; as I started digging into history, I came to see that my larger presupposition is that there be a governmental structure at all.
It feels like I'm doing two things in this section, and that perhaps I should only be doing one. Mostly I need to contrast YP with YE by talking about how we understand the differences between youth and adults. YE's notion of justice is based on treating youth and adults identically -- YP's notion of justice is based on accommodation of differences, as exemplified by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The other thing that I'm doing is stating my definition of "youth" -- although actually I'm avoiding a definition here, and using a "characteristics" approach instead. How important is it to write out my definition of youth here? Do definitions belong? Or is there room for different definitions that would still maintain the spirit of YP?
...I'm struggling with how minimalist I want this document to be. Should I eliminate all points that are not truly essential to a YP point of view? If so, I can see whole sections that could be jettisoned.
With the exception of the point about adult's "mission statement", this section seems very solid, and very vital to the YP point of view.
This section also feels pretty solid and pretty essential. The ways in which YE, YC, and YP understand what's primary, secondary, and tertiary, was one of my most exciting insights as I put this essay together.
I didn't have any point in the essay previously that said "adults oppress youth", so I re-titled the first point. I'm not sure whether or not I really need to invoke the oppression framework, though -- oppression is a extremely useful add-on, but not essential. I could probably add a section about the nature of oppression... E.g. "all youth are oppressed", "oppression is a system, not merely aberrant individuals", "oppression, privilege, and entitlement are three separate things", etc. The last section, "SHARED INTERESTS IN ENDING OPPRESSION" could go together with this new "add-on" framework.
I like the use of the word "power" here, tying back to the term "Youth Power". However, I'm not sure that "ADULT ABUSE OF POWER" is what I need here. I do like that the points deal with power within the family -- that seems to expand upon what is said in "THE ORGANIZATION OF ADULT OPPRESSION" -- but I'm left wondering, then, if there are other points about the family that I want to deal with. I'm considering going back to the original heading, "POWER AT THE INTERPERSONAL LEVEL".
Previously I had talked here about how youth need to organize themselves collectively. In this draft, I took all that out, and tried to just leave the bits about how adult power works at the governmental level -- basically that biases exist there, and that it can't be trusted to be impartial any more than individual parents can. Again, it seems like what I want to be talking about is the nature of power itself, more than the people who hold it. I'm wondering if I need to make my points a bit more general then, like "the government is a group of individuals, each of whom is corruptible", etc.
This section is now largely about what youth as a group can do that will make them as safe as possible. The point about them needing to organize into activist groups seem like less of an abstract principle, and more of a practical one, so it doesn't feel as right here... But I'm not sure that I want to move it back into the section about governmental power, either. Part of me thinks that this bit, since it deals with ideals, ought to come before the section on how the government works -- but that would break up the organization wherein I talk generally about "THE ORGANIZATION OF ADULT OPPRESSION" and then move to the family and to the government.
Maybe I need to change these two sections into "power within the family" and "power in the government" -- followed by "youth power outside of the family and government"... Sort of a "non-governmental organizations" (NGO's) approach. ...That, then would be followed by something about "YOUTH POWER AGENDA"? You'd identify three bases of power: the parents, the adult government, and youth activists groups -- then you'd say what the youth activist groups stand for. ...Which would certainly be a means of distinguishing YP from YE & YC.
This again feels a bit like an "add-on" framework. It's not essential to the YP frame, but it does derive from it, and is very complementary. Maybe I need to explicitly say that there are several interlocking frameworks here -- not just a single one... The Youth Power framework, the oppression framework, and the "by youth, for youth" framework!
I've already talked about this section. It is of one cloth, with general remarks about "oppression". [Note that I never define the term "adultism" here, either...] It really deals with progressivism -- which is, in my mind, the big reason for invoking the term "oppression" at all. It's tacked on -- but well worth mentioning somewhere. ...How do I want to go about interlocking frameworks, if I've now determined that more than one is at work here?
As a multi-part essay, there was no point in the presentation of "The 'Youth Power' Framework" where I displayed the entire outline in one place. For convenient reference, I include the original outline here.
1. The primary problem is parental tyranny and its inevitable result, violence against minors.
2. The family is the fundamental institution of adult oppression.
3. The all-adult government elevates the order of power within the family to a societal level.
4. Negative beliefs about and caricatures of youth are propaganda that supports the order of power.
5. Adultism is motivated by self-benefit: the desire to be in control.
6. The essence of control is to treat youth as if they are human property.
7. Parental tyranny inevitably produces situations of violence against minors. This is the epitome of adultism's harm to youth.
8. Right treatment of youth is founded upon their consent (and their freedom to not consent).
9. Youth should have the power necessary for self-protection, without mediation.
10. The most important freedom for Youth Liberation to win is the ability for youth to escape situations of suffering, at will.
11. Self-protection requires youth to band together, to work for their collective well-being.
12. Adult authorities cannot be trusted to maintain fair and just institutions on their own.
13. Adult government must be kept in check by direct participation and activism initiated by watchdog groups.
14. Self-protection requires direct participation (not merely representation) in all decision-making processes that effect the life of an individual youth or the youth community.
15. The potential for injustice cannot be eliminated.
16. Most oppression comes in the guise of "protection".
17. Adult allies pose a threat of cooptation.
18. It is important that actual youth be the voice of, and in control of, YL organizations.
19. There is more to being a YL advocate than just being a youth.
20. Youth are persons.
21. Treating someone "like a person" means conscientiously respecting their right to control their own body.
22. It is unethical to treat any person as if they are human property.
23. Youth and adults are not identical.
24. Youth require care-giving. This does not justify granting adults absolute power.
25. Babies and fetuses fall outside of Youth Liberation's purview.
26. The line between adults and youth is artificial.
27. Adulthood is a membership organization.
28. The implicit "mission statement" of the adult organization is this: "maintain control over youth".
29. Both adults and youth try to dissociate themselves from childhood.
30. Members of the group "adults" can refuse to identify with the organization, and challenge its structure.
31. "Ending" adultism would require a transformation of culture as well as laws.
Posted by Sven at 7:30 PM | Comments (0)
The "Youth Power" Framework (part 3)
27. Adulthood is a membership organization.
Adulthood is an organization. There are people who are members, and people who are excluded. Membership grants privileges. The rules for who is a member and who is not are explicit, they are written out. The organization has a government that makes policy decisions. The organization has a constituency of members who usually do not have direct control over policy decisions, but whom elect representatives and benefit from membership nonetheless. The lines that divide members and non-members are enforced by a police force. There's even an informal dress code, for what is considered appropriate for members to wear (as well as how they should behave).
Adulthood is unlike other organizations in several ways. Induction into the group is not voluntary, it is presumed. The majority of membership privileges are granted at age 18 -- but some are granted earlier, and some are granted later than this. Despite these peculiarities, adulthood is still fundamentally an organization.
28. The implicit "mission statement" of the adult organization is this: "maintain control over youth".
The U.S. government, by virtue of excluding youth from all participating in formal decision-making processes, could be called an "adultarchy". The government has relations with, and policies for, many groups, not just youth. Where youth are involved, however, the government's goal is to maintain control. This control may be viewed as being for young people's benefit -- protecting them, educating them, supervising them. Nonetheless, it is adults and not youth who are intended to be in control of youths' lives.
There is a tension between parents' interests and the interests of the government.
There is a long history of parents viewing children as their private property. The government, as primarily a collective of parents, raises this principle to the law of the land. A law such as a city-wide curfew is an example of rules that may exist within the home being elevated.
There are differences of opinion amongst parents about how to best manage youth as a "resource". This leads to creating standards for parenting, and intervention in situations of abuse. Youth are the private property of their parents; but they are also the collective property of all adult citizens. The question of what youth themselves want is seldom even discussed.
29. Both adults and youth try to dissociate themselves from childhood.
An important philosophical question for YL is this: If youth are oppressed by adults, why do they themselves go on to support the adultarchy? If adulthood is an organization, wouldn't becoming an adult require a sort of political conversion, wherein youth renounce their former identity as a youth?
It is undesirable to be underneath other people's control. It is an inferior status that bears stigma. Consequently, both youth and adults attempt to dissociate themselves from childhood and things deemed "childish". There are a number of strategies for doing this.
A young person may (1) simply deny membership ("I'm not a kid!") -- interpreting childhood as a matter of character rather than law. They may (2) avoid being in the company of people younger than them, and try to make friends with people older than themselves (tenth graders avoiding ninth graders, trying to hang out with eleventh graders). They may try to make themselves seem superior bullying or putting down peers ("you're such a baby!"). Youth may (4) try to emphasize another identity's superiority, in order to compensate for youth's inferiority (e.g. manliness). Or, they may (5) try to pass as an adult -- either by embracing "adult" activities such as smoking, drinking, and sex -- or by actually creating a fake I.D.
Adults, even though they are formally members of the adult organization, often continue to engage in these same behaviors. It is still possible for the stigma of seeming "young" to be attached to an adult. And, since adulthood is a largely artificial category, it may be difficult to feel secure in one's identity.
[Most people never "renounce" their former identity as "youth" upon becoming adults, because they never identified as "youth" to begin with. They have spent their entire lives looking at the world from the adult point of view, and attempting not to be marked as "kids".]
30. Members of the group "adults" can refuse to identify with the organization, and challenge its structure.
There is an important distinction to be made between "membership" and "identity". With regards to being a youth or an adult, one has no control over which group one has membership in. However, one can "identify" with either group at any particular time. One's identity is how one thinks of oneself, and presents oneself to the world.
People who have been given membership in adulthood need not identify with the organization's interests. One may in essence be a "conscientious objector", fighting against adults' control of youth. One may even consider oneself a sort of "abolitionist", attempting to do away with the organization (as it stands) altogether. In terms of the "dress codes" of adulthood, one may be an "age bender" -- mixing adult and youth clothing, behaviors, and cultural interests. Rather than aspiring to be either "young" or "adult-like" at all, one may aspire to embody "ageless being" -- transcending the stereotypes attached to either category.
31. "Ending" adultism would require a transformation of culture as well as laws.
Adult oppression of youth is not merely a matter of laws. Laws are simply the most clearly articulated expressions of adult supremacism.
If we were able to truly end adultism, we need to begin with revisioning the relationship between adults and youth within the family. Creating a new relationship there, which is based on egalitarianism and young people's ownership of their own bodies -- but which also deals with the practical issues of being a caregiver -- would give us a firm foundation for also creating new laws. Even within YL, work remains to be done. revisioning the parent-child relationship.
Even beyond the parent-child relationship, however, adultism is embedded in identity. Adult supremacism is not merely about seeing youth negatively -- it is also about adults feeling pride, feeling they are better than youth, feeling they deserve control. Adulthood itself must be re-imagined. Youth Power advocates a vision of "ageless being" -- a society wherein differences in anatomical and mental ability are grappled with seriously, but where there is no special glory in being adult or male or white or able-bodied -- these things are mere accidents. To invest identity in them sows the seeds for oppression.
[It should be noted that investing identity in being a youth, female, black, disabled, etc. -- while oppression exists -- is another matter. Identity of this sort provides the basis for resisting oppression. It is the work of adults to learn to see themselves as more similar to youth; it is the work of youth to learn to see the ways in which they are treated dissimilarly from adults.]
Posted by Sven at 4:16 PM | Comments (0)
October 5, 2005
The "Youth Power" Framework (part 2)
11. Self-protection requires youth to band together, to work for their collective well-being.
Sometimes a young person's suffering is not simply the result of an individual adult, acting as a private citizen. Sometimes suffering is the result of how an institutional system is constructed. A law or rule is inherently unfair -- or it encourages adults to act in ways that are unfair or abusive -- or it prevents youth from engaging in a decision-making process that could change the situation.
12. Adult authorities cannot be trusted to maintain fair and just institutions on their own.
Adult leaders working in institutions such federal / state / county / city governments or the agencies thereof (e.g. police bureau, liquor commission, school boards) -- are lobbied by many interest groups. Elected and appointed officials themselves tend to be members of such interest groups, who have risen to power. Society will always have many segments to it, and will always remain diverse. Adult leaders -- serving both their constituencies and their own biases -- are likely to favor adult interests over youths' self-professed interests when youth-related issues come up. That is, if the adults are even aware of what youths' self-professed interests are.
It is in the self-interest of adults -- as individuals, and as a collective -- to exclude youth from decision making processes. Without youth participation, adults can make whatever laws / rules they feel are useful -- even if they seem outrageously unjust to youth. Being in control is a desirable position to be in. Adults' interest in control is in direct conflict with youths' interest in controlling their own lives.
13. Adult government must be kept in check by direct participation and activism initiated by watchdog groups.
Because adults cannot be expected to know how youth feel without consulting them, and because it is within adults self-interest to exclude youth from power, and because excluding youth from power leads to adults abusing power (perhaps merely out of convenience, or due to a mood) -- youth must play an active role in keeping adults in check.
Pragmatically, this means that youth must maintain activist organizations which both watchdog adult authorities for misbehavior, and train members of the youth community in how to do activism which will bring about change.
Adults have no motive to change on their own. Youth must confront adult authorities and demand it. The only way to win new freedom -- or even to just preserve the freedom that exists now -- is to fight for it.
14. Self-protection requires direct participation (not merely representation) in all decision-making processes that effect the life of an individual youth or the youth community.
This is a general principle: if youth are to be able to protect themselves against suffering and injustice, then they must be formally involved in all decision-making processes that effect their lives.
At the group-level, this means decision-making processes about things such as the minimum wage, taxes, requirements for drivers' licenses, etc., youth should be able to formally register their opinions with equal weight to adults. If that means a vote, then youth need the right to vote. If decision-making is done by a small committee, then youth must be members of that committee (e.g. a school board). If decision-making is done by representatives, then youth must be allowed to run for office, and to participate in electing their representatives. [Youth will not necessarily win elections, nor will their segment of the voting population necessarily ever be able to defeat adult voters.]
This does not mean that youth and adults should be equals in all matters. Especially within the family, there many decisions in which adults should have no say at all. Where a young person has a will for how they want to use their own body, a concerned and friendly adult might voice an opinion -- but they should have no right to veto power. Examples: when a young person chooses to have sex, get an abortion, get a tattoo, objects to being hit, travels at night, wants to spends time with whom they choose. [Respecting the will of toddlers is a more complicated matter -- but the principle stands.]
15. The potential for injustice cannot be eliminated.
Because self-interest is innate, the potential for adult leaders to seize unjust control over youth is permanent. We might be very lucky, and in one generation educate all members of society about adultism, convincing all that youth and adults should live together in a more egalitarian fashion. Even if this were the case, though, some one or more adults in a future generation could reinvent the notion of adult superiority and take action upon it.
Because the threat is permanent, youth activists must remain eternally vigilant against injustice, and continue to train the youth who follow them in how to fight back. Justice means that youth will always be at the negotiating table -- not that there is nothing left to negotiate, and youth can stop having to engage.
16. Most oppression comes in the guise of "protection".
The adult population circulates a great deal of anti-youth propaganda. Parents commiserate about their kids, adults make derisive comments about youth culture, the adult media runs news stories that imply contemporary youth are a problem generation, and the government (and non-governmental agencies) run campaigns urging adults to take control. Even so, much adult oppression is done with the intent of "helping", "guiding", and "protecting" children.
Adults must be judged not on their words alone, but upon whether or not young people's own wills are being heeded, and if youth are being granted more or less control.
17. Adult allies pose a threat of cooptation.
Even adults who explicitly support the Youth Liberation political agenda pose a threat. Growing up in this society, messages that adults should be in control seep into would-be allies minds; they are over-eager to voice their own opinions; perhaps they were youth activists themselves, and haven't transitioned into their new role as adult allies. The result is that the actual youth participants in a group feel stepped-upon, not listened to, and lose control of their organization.
This does not necessarily mean that adults must not participate in YL groups -- but there is a case to be made for limiting participation. For instance: speaking in discussions but not voting, and not speaking in public in place of actual youth members. It is scary and awkward to confront an adult when they have said or done something that stings; adults should not presume that they have not offended simply because they haven't heard a complaint. Adults in YL groups should go out of their way to encourage youth to criticize them; it's a good idea to leave a time at the end of each meeting when youth are invited to talk about any interaction that "stung".
18. It is important that actual youth be the voice of, and in control of, YL organizations.
If the main purpose of YL is that youth should have control over their own lives, then they should also have control in the organizations dedicated to winning that freedom.
Youth activists have an authenticity that supporters of youth rights should put at the forefront of the cause. Youth know about the problems they experience first-hand, rather than abstractly; they have insight into the details and emotional impact of life as a young person that others won't think of, or simply don't feel as profoundly. Youth are motivated because they are being directly impacted; outsiders are less likely to care as passionately about youth issues, if the going gets rough. Youth activists also lack the conflict of interests that adults -- because they benefit from being in control -- have.
Youth are also likely to be heard differently than adult speakers. Youth opinions may be discounted as "naive" -- but it is unusual to hear youth speak out as a group, which will seize adults' attention. Youth talking demanding control of their own lives makes it believable that youth can control their own lives -- whereas this is a point of debate when adults discuss the matter amongst themselves. The ideal world that we seek to create is one in which adults listen to youth; it's good to introduce adults to this experience in a very practical way.
19. There is more to being a YL advocate than just being a youth.
Being a good advocate requires more than just being a youth -- but also more than just good ideas.
Being an adult doesn't mean that someone is a bad ally -- simply that they aren't cut out to be the formal leader of a YL group, or be the main spokesperson for the group. Adult allies must be conscientious about not taking over youth-led groups -- but this does not mean that they are bad people, or the same as Youth Liberation's opponents. Still, good ideas alone are not enough.
Neither is just being young enough to make one a good YL advocate. Many youth -- happy to just wait out youth and then assume adult supremacist power -- are actually against Youth Lib. Being young does not automatically "enlighten" a person and guarantee their support for the cause.
Being an ideal spokesperson for young people requires both the vantage point on society conferred by living in a young body, and also a youth-centered politics -- one that grows out of having personal relationships with others in the youth community, and having a historical perspective that that comes from studying the history of youths' position within society.
20. Youth are persons.
Young people -- by which I mean anyone who is legally a "minor" -- have personhood and humanity that is equal to that of adults.
Youth should be treated with the dignity and respect due to persons. People -- all people -- should be treated as well as possible (given constraints such as time, energy, resources, threat) at all times.
...Often they are not. Youth are one of several groups that are treated as inferior persons, less-than-persons -- sometimes even as sub-human -- by much of the U.S. population, much of the time.
Youth Liberation seeks to promote treating youth like persons.
21. Treating someone "like a person" means conscientiously respecting their right to control their own body.
The key words that Youth Power uses to describe a person's humanity are: boundaries, will, consent. Youth are no less adults' equals in personhood if they are seen as lacking in any of these qualities. Youths' humanity is inalienable. We use these words to help describe how to treat youth well.
Youth have innate boundaries. They are the sole owners of their own bodies. They have a human right to control the immediate physical space around their body. They are entitled to own property, which is to be treated as if it were an extension of their body. That is, the youth has the right to control whether these things are touched, moved, remain in place, modified, or destroyed. They have a right to refuse to exert their body or mind's energies.
Youth have a will. That is, an emotional or intellectual opinion about what they want with regards to control of their body. Where a youth's own body is concerned -- so long as they aren't violating another person's control of their own body -- the young person's will should be supreme, no other person having veto power. There is room for ethical intervention in cases where a youth has no discernable will, and another seeks to do care-giving. There is also room for ethical intervention where a youth has discernable will, but due to ignorance of an immediate and probable physically harmful consequence (e.g. stepping in front of a car), their action must be interrupted immediately. There is not an exception for overriding the youth's will when physical harm will not be immediate (e.g. drug use); but there is room for stating one's opinions. A second person may conscientiously choose to force a youth to do something against the young person's will, for the sake of serving their own needs or convenience; doing so may not cause harm, but it is ethically undesirable. The person who aspires to being ethical will conscientiously seek to create means to avoiding such situations.
Youth have a right to give or withhold consent. Ideally, consent is an explicit verbal "yes", given enthusiastically, without fear or confusion. This is an ideal to aspire to; agreements are seldom so clear-cut. In virtually all situations, that which is consensual is also ethical. Whether or not something is consensual is the prime test for whether it is ethical.
Boundaries, will, and consent belong (somewhat obviously) not only to youth, but to all persons. The rights described here are those that should be enjoyed by all humanity.
22. It is unethical to treat any person as if they are human property.
That which is consensual is ethical. Doing something to a person -- or compelling them to do something -- against their will, without their consent, is unethical. The epitome of a non-consensual relationship is to treat someone as if they are property. Historically (in the U.S.) enslaved Africans, women, children have all experienced a similar level of subjugation, being treated as if they were the property to be owned.
The essence of this relationship is that one person commands and the other is expected to obey. If the "owned" person does not obey, the "owner" may inflict physical pain to compel obedience. The "owned" person is legally prevented from voluntarily leaving the relationship. [Whether or not an "owner" may at will transfer possession of the "owned" to another is perhaps a distinguishing mark of full slave status, but not, I think, essential to the persons-as-property metaphor.]
[Note to self: Here I am describing a relationship in which the oppressed are of use to the oppressor, e.g. as labor of some sort. But what about situation where the oppressed is seen as an obstacle to the oppressor? This would be the case for groups such as the Australian Aborigines, Native Americans, and Jews -- natives in the way of colonization, or perpetual outsiders. Oppression has two extremes: enslavement, and genocide. On the genocide side of things, I seem to be leaving questions about minimum care out. What about issues of neglect? An oppressed population can be suppressed with poverty, starvation, lack of funding -- as well as by violence.]
[This section sounds too similar to point #6 -- "The essence of control is to treat youth as if they are human property" -- and should probably be excised.]
23. Youth and adults are not identical.
Anatomically, biologically, mentally, and psychologically, there are important differences between children and adults. Of course, youth and adults are only artificially separate groups -- there is a continuum of age, "youth" metamorphosing into "adults".
At the extreme, you have babies, who are unable to understand language, find food or feed it to themselves, find clothes or dress themselves, walk, procure transportation, navigate to stores or buy things, procure or use money. They are profoundly ignorant and in need of assistance.
Youth as a group are not to be defined by this extreme, however. With amazing speed, these skills -- and countless more -- are acquired, and youth become capable of intelligently moving through the world. It is also worth noting that youth are not alone in their initial disabilities. For every disability that young people begin with, there is a significant number of adults who face the same challenge. There are adults who are illiterate, or who don't know how to speak English -- and there are adults with more significant disabilities, who are unable to feed or clothe themselves without assistance.
Rather than simply advocating that youth be treated identically to the average adult [which is what the Youth Equality movement does], Youth Power seeks to transform how we view the entire human population. Among the population as a whole, there is a diversity of ability. We must strive to make society increasingly accessible to people who do not have the abilities of the "average" adult citizen.
24. Youth require care-giving. This does not justify granting adults absolute power.
Youth Power finds common cause with the People with Disabilities movement. Both movements seek respectful rather than demeaning treatment. Both seek to maximize people's ability to live an independent life, following their own will. Both value the importance of good care-givers -- and believe that care-givers must at all times strive to assist the will of the ward, not impose their own.
Youth Power views parents primarily as care-givers. For having given a child existence, they are obligated to provide the necessities for continued survival; youth owe no obligation of obedience in exchange for this basic care. There is a presumption that birth parents will be the child's primary care-givers; we do not advocate automatically making children wards of the state. However, neither does Youth Power believe that obstacles should stand in the way of the youth leaving their birth family. A youth should be able to sever themselves from their family at will; severing the relationship of housing / care and severing the obligation of economic support should be two separate steps. Youth Power promotes alternatives to living with the birth family, such as creating youth communal housing, increased ability for youth to choose their own foster family, and increased access to welfare funds.
[This next bit is probably, again, off topic.]
In ancient Rome, fathers had (at least in legal theory) the power of life or death over their offspring. Offspring had no independent legal existence, being subsumed under the power of the head-of-household. They were expected to fulfill an obligation of obedience for having been brought into existence, and could be sold into slavery...
In England during most of the second millennium, a parent was no longer allowed to sell their child into slavery (although forced labor wasn't necessarily better), or murder them. A new legal obligation upon the parent to provide for their children came into being (to relieve the state of the burden). The obligation that youth give obedience and labor in exchange for existence remained...
In the U.S. during the first part of the 20th century, there was a major shift in adult-youth relations: youth labor was largely prohibited, and the prohibition was bolstered by compulsory schooling, which helped to remove youth from their parents' control. Youth were no longer obligated to give labor in exchange for material support -- but the obligation of obedience (and parents right to discipline) remain.
Youth Power challenges this fundamental notion that because a parent gave you existence, you owe them obedience. Rather, we believe that for forcing youth into existence, parents incur an obligation to support the person they have created -- and youth are not obligated to make "payment" to them of any sort.
25. Babies and fetuses fall outside of Youth Liberation's purview.
Youth are no less persons if they are unable to communicate. However, since Youth Liberation is primarily concerned with amplifying youth's ability to have their will (in matters of their body) win out, in practical terms our interests begin with verbal speech, when a youth is able to articulate will themselves. [Youth Liberation, then, has at least some interest in teaching infants sign language, as a means to making contact via articulate communication even earlier.]
With regards to fetuses, if one chooses to view them as persons, then there is a conflict between two segments of youth: fetuses and young women who would choose not to have the fetuses inside of them. In this situation, the rights of the girl win out, because no person -- adult or fetus has a right to inhabit her body without her consent.
The situation is likened to rape: a man has no right to be inside of a woman's body if she does not want him there. If there is a way to stop a rape mid-progress without killing the man, then that is the ethically preferred option. However, the man's life is forfeit if he refuses to leave. Rape, as we understand it, encompasses not only assault by strangers, but also rape that occurs on dates or within marriage. Sexual intercourse that began consensually may become rape if a man refuses to leave the woman's body. By the same reasoning, then, it may be ethically preferable for a woman rid herself of an unwanted child in a way that is non-lethal -- but the fetus' life is forfeit when it does not leave her body when she wills it. And, just as consensual sex may become rape, whether or not the woman consented to the sex that led to the pregnancy is irrelevant to the issue of whether or not fetus has a right to continue inhabiting the woman.
[Youth Equality is more likely to avoid the issue of abortion (because it's controversial) or be pro-life (viewing fetuses as the youngest of youth); it has less of an emphasis rights originating with ownership of one's own body.]
26. The line between adults and youth is artificial.
There are main ways of defining "adulthood": as (1) a biological phase, (2) a set of characteristic qualities and behaviors, or (3) a legal status.
Youth Power tends to focus on adulthood as a legal status, which is inherently artificial.
Youth Power tends to view the characteristic qualities and behaviors that distinguish adults and youth also as artificial. We posit the existence of "adult culture", which is not inherently superior to "youth culture".
Adult culture sets its ideal for behavior as "maturity", a word that perhaps means all positive traits: wisdom, responsibility, seriousness, emotional stability, competence, intelligence, etc... Adults collectively blur the distinction between "maturity" as an inevitable biological state and "maturity" as a personal achievement: thus, if you don't have one, at least you have the other. Youth get the short end of the stick with this arrangement. The opposite of maturity, "immaturity", is equated with nearly everything negative: foolishness, irresponsibility, silliness, emotional instability, incompetence, stupidity, etc. Youth are stigmatized for being immature of character -- but even if they are "mature" in this way, they are still by definition immature biologically. Biological youth then, is smeared by association. There is no way to escape the stigma of simply being young. [The Youth Culture branch of YL focuses on reclaiming youthful qualities as valuable: e.g. playful, emotionally engaged, curious...]
In addition to "maturity" as an ideal to aspire to, adult culture divides the world into "adult" stuff and "kid's stuff". There's adult music, adult movies, adult books, adult clothing, adult hairstyles, adult food, adult art, and so on. Adults are enticed to embrace their own culture, and to avoid / speak badly of youth culture. Just as it should not be said that Japanese cultural expressions are superior to Mexican cultural expressions (or some other such ridiculous example), it should not be said that authentic products of youth culture (e.g. youth music, fashions) are inferior to those of adults. They merely have a different aesthetic. [To what extent youth are able to have an independent culture that has not been marketed to them by adults is another matter.]
With regards to biological age, there are firm markers such as puberty, losing one's "baby teeth", growing taller, etc. However, there's a great deal of interpretation that can be done about what these things mean. Much of the behavior markers of youth that others would attribute to hormones and brain development, Youth Power would attribute to cultural or existential differences. ["Existential" here referring to things such as what it means to have had less time to explore the world.]
[Note: The bits about culture go on to long. It's also interesting that I skipped the usual bit about how definitions of adulthood have varied during different time periods, and in different places. I skipped issues of a drawing a numerical age line entirely... Very interesting. The "Adulthood is a membership organization" approach may make that bit obsolete now. It's not necessary; it's sufficient just to say that there is an organization that does set age lines and polices them.]
[It might have been useful in this section to say something about how youth don't naturally have qualities different than those of adults, that youth are able to display all those qualities that constitute "maturity" when it is what is they feel inclined to do...]
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
October 3, 2005
The "Youth Power" Framework (part 1)
1. The primary problem is parental tyranny and its inevitable result, violence against minors.
There are several varieties of YL thought. All branches of YL are concerned with these three areas: (1) unfair laws & rules, (2) use of force against youth, (3) disrespect. However, each of the branches assigns different weight to these areas, and describes the relationship between them differently.
Youth Power does not necessarily prioritize which area is more important than another to work on, since issues tend force themselves upon activists -- however, it does view certain issues as more central to what causes adultism. Youth Power understands centrality and describes relationships thus:
primary problem:
parents being tyrannical, teachers being so in loco parentis
secondary problem:
nearly absolute parental control elevated into law, so that all adults have control over all youth
tertiary problem:
this order of adult power over youth is bolstered by pro-adult, anti-youth propaganda
[To contrast: "Youth Equality" (a.k.a. "Youth Rights) views unfair laws as primary, and tends to view disrespectful beliefs ("stereotypes" and "prejudice") as a secondary concern -- often positing these beliefs as the original cause of laws that discriminate. Parental tyranny tends to be ignored, except in terms of where it overlaps with the legal rights that a full adult citizen would enjoy.]
["Youth Culture" tends to posit disrespect of youth as the primary problem, largely ignoring both law and family as issues -- except with regards to how they constrain youth from being themselves. (School, however, does play a fairly large role in "Youth Culture" thought.)]
2. The family is the fundamental institution of adult oppression.
Stated differently, Youth Power views the family as the fundamental institution of adult oppression. Parents' power over their children is the model upon which all other institutions dealing with youth are based. The family is a hierarchy, wherein adults claim the right to command youth, and youth are expected to obey.
3. The all-adult government elevates the order of power within the family to a societal level.
The current government, because it explicitly excludes youth from political participation (running for office and voting) is appropriately termed an "adultarchy". The system of government we have elevates the familiar order of adults-over-youth to a societal level. At the familial level youth are essentially the property of their parents; at the societal level, youth are a resource owned collectively by all adult citizens. Adult society claims the power to limit youth freedoms in ways similar to the family (e.g. curfews, driving privileges...). The power of adults as a collective may override the rights of individual parents.
4. Negative beliefs about and caricatures of youth are propaganda that supports the order of power.
Negative beliefs about youth serve to rationalize adult's dehumanizing power over youth, in the face of youth's humanity. Anti-youth beliefs are transmitted in many forms, including: commiseration between adults, derision of youth culture, slanted news items, punditry asserting that the current generation is a sort of "problem people", scientific research that demonstrates youths' supposed irrationality (etc.), and public campaigns urging adults to take a stronger hand in supervising kids.
The fact that such propaganda has been going on for so long means that there's a feedback loop, so that adults exert control because of their beliefs. However, Youth Power differs from Youth Equality because it sees this propaganda as serving a motive of control, rather than being an original cause. Youth Power is critical of Youth Equality for not explaining where negative beliefs come from, rather explaining them as free-floating "stereotypes" arising from over-generalization.
5. Adultism is motivated by self-benefit: the desire to be in control.
Human beings are innately self-interested. It is natural to try to make the world around you suit your preferences. However, in dealing with other people, forcing them to do what you want is usually unethical. Self-interest is transcended when one is conscientious about the boundaries between oneself and others -- only enforcing one's will when one a matter when within one's rights, striving for consensual arrangements otherwise.
When another person is under someone's control, if there isn't a strong motive to be conscientious (or push back from the person being commanded), there is a gravitational pull to use power in ways that are not in the other person's "best interest" but simply suit the authority's preference, mood, or whim.
As infants, youth require focused care-giving to survive. As youth become able to care for themselves, they still require material and economic support. This is an inconvenient and sometimes burdensome situation for parents. It is convenient and desirable on selfish level to have absolute command over youth.
6. The essence of control is to treat youth as if they are human property.
"Power" and "control" are fairly abstract words. A more understandable term is "command/obey relationship": adults feel entitled to command youth, youth are expected to obey. When a person is expected to obey, but has not entered into this relationship voluntarily, and has no way of opting out of the relationship at will, then they essentially become the property of the person commanding them.
Historically, women, youth, and slaves (think not only of Africans abducted to America, but also slavery as it existed in Roman times) have suffered this status similarly -- and only during the past three centuries has the rightness of people-as-property begun to lose its veneer of naturalness. Youth Liberation joins in the project of erasing the last vestiges of people-as-property from the world.
7. Parental tyranny inevitably produces situations of violence against minors. This is the epitome of adultism's harm to youth.
Not all parents use violence against minors; however, intentionally inflicting physical pain is a tool of control legally available to all parents. Violence is a means to an ends: a means to compel youth to obey. Given the legal mandates for parents to control their children, and the culture sets up adult maintaining youth obedience as an end in itself, it is inevitable that some parents will use the tool of violence. Furthermore, it is inevitable that a minority of parents will not only cause suffering -- they will cause physical damage or death. Child abuse is not abnormal; it is a product of status quo attitudes. Legally "child abuse" is not prohibited; it is merely regulated.
These are the stakes for Youth Liberation: life and death. Violence against minors is adultism taken to its logical conclusion. It is the epitome of adult power over youth. It symbolizes what youth activists are fighting for, and is a tangible test for whether our proposed policies are on the right track: do our proposals help youth defend themselves against violence?
8. Right treatment of youth is founded upon their consent (and their freedom to not consent).
The antithesis of coercion is consent. Whatever a youth consents to -- fully understanding the bargain, without fear, and consent given explicitly -- is ethical. Consent is an ideal; most interactions fall somewhere along a continuum of consent and coercion, being neither extreme fully. The younger a child is, the more difficult it is to negotiate a consensual arrangement. Consent is an ideal to aspire to; failure is not always a terrible wrong -- but without aspiring to create a consent-based relationship, terrible wrongs are likely to occur.
Consent-based relationships represent an ideal for interpersonal relationships not just for youth, but for all people.
[To contrast: Youth Equality bases its understanding of "right treatment" upon the notion of identical treatment. Justice, according to this framework, is a matter of non-discrimination, of treating all people the same. This leads to several difficulties: (1) Are we to ignore the biological differences between people and different levels of need for care-giving? (2) Who is the standard person upon whom rights should be based? (3) What if the benchmark for how all people should be treated is low? [It's no good to be treated the same if everyone is treated badly.] (4) Attempting to be "age blind" blinds one to the ways in which youth and adults are treated differently. (5) It is impossible to not make generalizations about people, and some assumptions turn out to be well-founded -- trying to deal with everyone purely as an individual ignores this intelligence.]
[To be fair, the Youth Power principle of consent is also problematic. For instance, what is a parent to do if they are out in public with a young child who is doing damage to a merchant's merchandise? Consensual interaction becomes difficult or impossible if the youth is for some reason unable to engage in rational discussion... I expect that there are work-arounds for situations such as this, that arrive at some sort of ethical solution, one that minimizes coercion.]
9. Youth should have the power necessary for self-protection, without mediation.
Youth must have the power to protect themselves from suffering, without having to call upon an adult to represent them. [Note the "no, go, yell, tell" and "stranger danger" programs.] This is not an ideal world; adults do not necessarily believe a young person's complaint, or believes considers just, or simply ignores the problem. Youth should be given the ability to use physical self-defense in the moment, trained in how to do emergency planning, and be given many options for how to escape situations of suffering. [I am thinking here most of abusive parents, but a bad school situation, or oppressive laws also fall into this domain.]
[Self-protection does not preclude there also being adult-run advocacy groups. It's just that youth should not be compelled to be utterly dependent upon the protection of others.]
10. The most important freedom for Youth Liberation to win is the ability for youth to escape situations of suffering, at will.
There are "positive" and "negative" freedoms. A positive freedom is the legal right to do something: to vote, to drive a car, to hold a job. A negative freedom is a guarantee that one will not experience something: hunger, child abuse, discrimination. [Laws cannot actually guarantee negative freedoms -- they can only set up service programs (e.g. free school lunch) or punishments if a perpetrator is apprehended.] The freedom that Youth Power is most interested in is termed "exit freedom" -- the ability to leave situations of suffering at will. It is a power that it can be bolstered by appropriate laws and service programs, but which is ultimately invested in youth themselves.
Examples of things that would support youth escaping a violent home: a knowledge of physical self-defense; hostels, shelters, or safe-houses to immediately escape to; no city-level curfew in the way of traveling; inexpensive or free public transportation; laws that deal with violence against minors as assault rather than "discipline"; eradication of laws against running away; easier ability to self-emancipate ("divorce one's parents"); independent access to welfare; guaranteed scholarships for school based on having left one's parents; access to free healthcare (in cases of injury); youth control over the decision to stay with or leave their parents; partnerships between child protection agencies and schools, so youth are familiar with their options; legal aid funds for youth who allege violence.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
September 15, 2005
Exploration: Criteria for YL Organizations
I had this idea a few years ago, and am very pleased with it; it's astonishing that I haven't written about it sooner. I know that Adam Fletcher has a similar concept -- but I know that I didn't nick the idea, because I recall verbally outlining to Adam when we met. Plus, y'know, I have the various hand-written notes I've taken.
Originally, I was going to title this essay "Youth Liberation - Definition" -- but over time I've come to realize that I'm really only talking here about activist organizations. Me, I tend to think that YL is purely activism -- that ideology on it's own isn't very meaningful. I realize that probably goes too far. Still, I imagine I could write an essay discussing the extent to which a movement is it's activism vs. its ideas...
Anyway, enough caveats. My intent today is to write about the criteria for YL organizations, straight out of my head, without referring to my notes (which got me stuck the last time I attempted this topic)
A Youth Liberation organization is one which does (1) youth-led (2) activism (3) for the benefit of youth, (4) challenging adult power.
I've numbered the key terms, so I can focus on them one at a time. I've worded the definition today in a way that makes it easier to read. Previously I've worded it more like this: "Youth Liberation is activism that is (1) led by youth, (2) for youth, (3) against adult power." As you see, I've added the word "organization" to the mix now... And I've also problematized the word "activism".
I'm not sure whether or not I need to go into the issue of what constitutes activism. On the one hand, it doesn't seem very relevant to whether or not a group is Youth Liberationist. On the other, there's an interesting discussion to be had.
On one end of the continuum there's "direct action" activism, which entails face-to-face interactions with adult decision-makers (e.g. the mayor, the city council). ...Then there's this gray area, where education is involved. Is education activism? Most people would say yes. I have a bias that makes me want to say no... But I've recently been doing some further thinking about direct-action activism that might transform the matter. See, the key to direct-action activism is leveraging key decision-makers. My usual gripe with "education" tends to be that it's abstracted, it doesn't actually impact how people act; it can even do harm, by teaching oppressors how to more effectively hide their misbehavior. But perhaps, again, the key is decision-making. I workshop that presses people to make actual decisions -- that might again fall within the realm of what I consider activism. If in a workshop you asked the adult participants to decide to do something from this day forward -- for instance, never use the word "brat" again -- you're actually using the tools of change. Are these the most important decision-makers to be talking to? Ah, now that's a good question -- but at least you've you're using the tools of activism now.
Now that I think about it, I seem to recall that in a previous attempt at this essay I also problematized the term "organization". By narrowing my definition from "Youth Liberation" down to "Youth Liberation organizations", I've made that issue moot. Still, it's another interesting question: is it activism if you're an individual working alone? Sure, it can be. But I so want to encourage people to work in groups, I neglect the issue of solo activism. [I suppose I could also get into the difference between a "group" and an "organization"... How much structure is truly necessary?]
Anyway, my conclusion: "activism" and "organization" (vs. "loose group" and also vs. "solo work") are probably terms that I don't actually want to problematize here. And, though I haven't talked about it here at all, "movement" is another term to leave out for the time being.
So, having eliminated some extraneous terms from my definition, three key terms remain: (1) led by youth, (2) for youth, (3) against adult power. [Apparently I'm reverting to my older phrasing.]
The power of this essay, as I see it, is that rather than setting a cut-off point, drawing a line in the sand for each of these criteria, I'm going to describe a continuum. This should circumvent controversy by avoiding the opportunity to boldly declare certain groups as NOT YL. I imagine it will also be useful because it will allow for a more intelligent discussion: by naming certain points along each continuum, participants in a discussion should be better able to locate their differences.
That said, let's now embellish upon the criteria. [Hm. I now see that it would have been wiser to identify the key terms using letters rather than numbers, since numbers will be better used in the continua.]
A. Led By Youth
- all youth, no adult involvement
- led by youth, adult participation limited
- adults and youth work together as equals
- led by adults, youth participation limited
- all adults, no youth involvement
B. For Youth
- issue deals with all youth, and only youth
- issue deals with some youth, but only youth
- issue deals with youth significantly, but also adults
- issue deals with youth because all people are effected
C. Against Adult Power
- goal is to change the system by which decisions are made
- goal is to influence an adult leader to make a certain decision
- goal is to influence average adults (w/o institutional power)
- goal is to influence / educate youth only
- goal is purely social
Alright, let's quickly move on to discussing these continua.
I believe that one of the key features of Youth Liberation is that youth themselves are involved in the process of social change. Let's refer to the criteria again:
- all youth, no adult involvement
- led by youth, adult participation limited
- adults and youth work together as equals
- led by adults, youth participation limited
- all adults, no youth involvement
In my opinion, #5 is clearly NOT Youth Liberation. An organization may do "Children's Rights" work without any actual involvement of youth -- it may have only adult members. It may be doing good work that is in line with Youth Liberation philosophy, but I wouldn't call it in itself Youth Liberationist.
Option #4, where youth participation is limited, I would also see as fairly clearly not YL.
I think where the controversy within YL circles is going to be is with whether the line should be drawn at #2 or #3. Option #2 is what activists have sometimes called a "by youth, for youth" group. Option #3 is what has sometimes been called a "multi-generational organization". Many YL activists feel that the ideal world we are seeking is one where youth and adults live in equality -- so #3 embodies this perfectly. The counter-argument from advocates of #2 would be that even well-meaning adults have a tendency to dominate in meetings -- inadvertently turning what was supposed to be a #3 group into a #4 group -- so certain limitations, voluntarily honored by adult volunteers, is the only way to preserve something more like equality for the youth.
My own bias is that I favor #2 groups -- but I would not like to say that #3 groups are not "real" Youth Liberation simply on principle.
Option #1, "all youth, no adult involvement", I think is the most clearly Youth Liberationist option. However, for practical reasons I don't advocate that this is an organizational form that YL should promote. Youth working on their own can be done, and can be effective. However, for a variety of reasons there's a greater risk of the group quickly falling apart (there tends to be less activist experience in the room; adults help compensate for high turn-over; etc.).
What issues are "Youth Liberation" issues? Once you have a group of individuals committed to doing activism, what projects might they take on that would fall within the realm of Youth Liberation? It seems clear to me that a defining feature of YL is that youth must be the primary beneficiaries of YL's efforts. Let's consider the relevant list again:
- issue deals with all youth, and only youth
- issue deals with some youth, but only youth
- issue deals with youth significantly, but also adults
- issue deals with youth because all people are effected
Option #1 is most clearly Youth Liberation. For instance, curfews affect all youth and only youth. As does the prohibition upon youth participation in national elections.
Option #2 concerns issues that deal with only a segment of the youth population, e.g. girls, black youth, queer youth, homeless youth, etc. Parental notification about abortion is an issues that deals with some youth, but only youth. So is the issue of whether or not queer youth are allowed to start clubs in high school.
Some YL activists would see abortion as being outside the purview of Youth Liberation because it's a girls' issue. I disagree. It seems to me that the Youth Liberation movement must embrace its own internal diversity -- otherwise it becomes a movement that solely benefits straight, white, male youth.
An example of an option #3 issue would be the minimum wage. Adults are also effected by what the minimum wage is set at -- but this issue effects youth disproportionately. Personally, I would see this as a good issue for YL groups to take on -- if the option #1 and #2 issues are also being addressed. If a group's energies go solely into #3 projects, the group becomes a borderline case.
Option #4 issues might be "the environment" or "war". I've heard progressive adult activists make appeals like this: "the environment effects everyone, including youth -- therefore it is a Youth Liberation issue". While the environment is an important issue, I reject the notion that it is inherently a Youth Liberation issue. Youth activists should certainly participate in work to save the environment -- but I don't see that they can be said to be furthering Youth Liberation while doing so. [YL is concerned with adult oppression -- and while there may not be youth without the environment, working to save the environment does nothing to unseat adults' power.]
...Something to consider in this "for youth" section is that activist groups frequently take on more than one campaign at a time. Thus, you can evaluate a group's work for whether it is "Youth Liberationist" on a project-by-project basis -- but whether or not the group itself is an instance of YL ultimately is a matter of where the weight of its work falls. A particular group may be tackling two option #1 issue, but also a #4 issue -- I wouldn't want to disqualify it from the "honor" of being included in the Youth Lib movement just because of that.
[Here's a caveat for the top, too: What does it really matter whether a group is "really" Youth Lib or not? There is lots of important work to do that is borderline YL, or not YL at all. The purpose of this definition is merely to help us in our thinking about YL, to help us sharpen our intent, if that's what we want.]
I've been wrestling with this part of the definition for quite some time. An alternate phrasing might be "against adult oppression". After all, as I was just saying, I think it is clear that one of the ultimate aims of any YL group is to eliminate adult oppression. This is what distinguishes an environmentalist group from a YL one -- both help youth, but a saving rainforests doesn't address adult power.
I worry that I may be building controversy into my definition here. After all, I've come to recognize that I advocate a very particular form of YL -- "Youth Power". Other thinkers favor "Youth Equality" (A.K.A. "Youth Rights"), and yet others favor "Youth Culture". I think members of both these camps would be with me on in the "led by youth" and "for youth" sections -- but they might not agree with this last section.
I'm also concerned that rather than focusing on the aim of "eliminating adult oppression" [which might not be a bad alternate phrase!] I'm mixing in my opinions about activism here. Am I ignoring potentially Youth Liberationist organizations because I'm so focused on direct action? What sorts of organization might not be showing up on my radar? Perhaps youth advisory councils? Or youth-run collective living arrangements? Should I insist that YL is about activism -- since I think we all agree that youth liberation is about social change -- or should I narrow my focus further, and say that these criteria only apply to groups doing direct-action work? [A criteria, I might add, that NYRA and ASFAR might not live up to!]
I'm simply going to have to leave a big question mark here for the time being. In the meantime, I'll elaborate on the continuum here as if I have no doubts about it. To review:
- goal is to change the system by which decisions are made
- goal is to influence an adult leader to make a certain decision
- goal is to influence average adults (w/o institutional power)
- goal is to influence / educate youth only
- goal is purely social
Probably the single most defining YL agenda item is the vote. While there could be an YL organization that doesn't advocate youth participation in our nation's decision-making processes, nearly any organization that does is clearly going to be Youth Liberationist. Projects that change how decision-making is actually done, procedurally, address adult power in the most direct way.
Very little direct-action activism attempts to change the system itself. Most tries to work within the system, leveraging key adult decision-makers to make change in our favor. An example of option #2 is trying to get adult legislators to prohibit physical assault against children and teens that has traditionally been protected as "discipline" (e.g. "spanking").
In the hierarchy of power, there is the decision-making system that transcends the specific decision-makers holding positions inside it during a particular time period. Beneath the decision-making system are the decision-makers, who are granted powers that can effect the lives of the many people beneath them. Beneath the decision-makers, there are the constituents of the decision-makers' districts, the people whom they represent, the intended beneficiaries of their work. These are the "average" adults. "Average" adults have little decision-making power in the system-at-large except for electing people to represent them -- but if they're parents, then they do have enormous power over their children, direct control of the youth who are (in some ways) non-persons in the eyes of the law.
With this criteria, I'm trying to address the directness with which a group of YL activists strikes at the heart of adult power. It is most direct to change the system itself. Less direct to ask for the favors of an adult governmental official. Less direct still to appeal to average adults. And perhaps least direct to address one's messages to other youth.
...However, directness doesn't seem all that important, now that I look at it. The "hierarchy of power" as I've described it is interesting -- but also over-simplistic. Government is not just the mayor and city council -- there are bureaus beneath them (e.g. the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, or the school board).
Furthermore, I'm not sure that I want to imply that talking to other youth is irrelevant. You have to talk to other youth in order to get new members -- or better yet, to train them in how to file a discrimination lawsuit. It's almost as if there are two unrelated power-nodes: the government, and the family. If you're trying to win victories within the family, then equipping individual youth is only one level removed from ultimate power -- not four.
What I'm trying to capture here is that YL is concerned with (1) social change and (2) eliminating adult oppression. I interpret "adult oppression" primarily in terms of power and control -- which can also be reduced to decision-making authority. However, I'm increasingly uncomfortable with simply ignoring work that addresses adult supremacist propaganda -- e.g. adultist TV ads. Advertising is outside of the governmental structure entirely -- but it still matters.
My problem here may be that while I see power as the most important aspect of adult oppression, I still recognize age dualism and adultcentrism as important components of oppression. In my recent essay "Youth Liberation Simplified" I discussed three things that YL folk get angry about: unfair rules, use of force, and disrespect. The continuum I've described here only seems to deal with unfair rules.
Oh, that last point on the continuum -- "purely social" -- what I had in mind with that was a group that doesn't even make contact with the outside world: they only talk to themselves. Or, if you simply threw a party and invited other youth... Having fun may be good for youth, but I don't see that it directly relates to Youth Liberation.
I'm nervous about introducing the term "oppression" into my definition. "Oppression" is such a nebulous term, it deserves at least an essay for its own definition.
...And yet, there needs to be some third continuum that says more than just "by youth, for youth" -- somehow "adult mistreatment" needs to be invoked. Perhaps "adult mistreatment" is the term I'm looking for? Maybe at that point we don't have a continuum, but rather a multiple choice list: unfair rules, use of force, disrespect? Aesthetically, it was awful nice to have three continua... And the danger in a multiple-choice list is that there may be options that you haven't thought of yet.
In actuality, this third continuum seems to be about the level within the power structure of society that activism is happening at. Working at a level lower in the hierarchy may have a less far-reaching impact, but I certainly don't want to imply that it's less important. Getting one youth out of an abusive family may be more valuable than having a law on the books that doesn't get used, or never causes too much discomfort (e.g. something about driving permits perhaps?).
I'm looking for something that addresses the extent to which adults are the target of activism. I still like having the system for decision-making at the top of the list... At one point I was thinking about programs that help get youth employment; they help youth, but don't address oppression...
What if the south-side of the continuum had to do with the extent to which a group was focused on youth-and-not-adults? The adult government transcends individual adults; at the next level is working within the system -- which could incorporate both leveraging adult leaders AND teaching youth how to file law suits; ... A middle point might have to do with bridge-building and making friendships between individual adults and youth; youth community events might be a step farther toward youth-focus; and creating youth community centers / training youth activists might be a step farther in the direction of focusing on youth power. Hm.
At a very basic level, I need to state that in some way adult behavior is viewed as the problem. Perhaps the continuum's variable could be "the extent to which adults are seen as oppressing youth". Not bad.
- adults as a group actively keep youth-as-a-group out of power
- the legal system fair, but inadequately inclusive
- some individuals have prejudiced attitudes
- youth and adults need to better understand each other
No, not happy with that. This continuum seems to focus on the extent to which a group views the problem as systemic vs. a matter of individual personality. Furthermore, it's about ideology, rather than practical, structural aspects of a group. In terms of practical matters, I could focus on types of activism...
- direct-action activism (force a decision on an issue)
- education / advisory (change opinions, action only implied)
- discussion group (consider a issue, no action implied)
- social group (purpose of enjoyment, no action)
The focus on whether there are actions / decisions involved is nice, but still not right.
Oh! I see what the internal structure I'm trying to satisfy is: by youth = who is the actor; for youth = who is the beneficiary; against adult power = who is the target of action. It's as if there are three people in a little drama; an activist, the person they are defending, and the person they are defending the beneficiary against.
So, in the "by youth" category, I vary the continuum from "entirely youth" to "entirely adults". In "for youth" I vary two factors (hence the four options rather than five): all youth vs. some youth, and only youth vs. also adults. One would expect, then, that in this third continuum, we'd have "who is the problem" as the variable, where the south-side is "youth are the problem". In practical terms, how do we frame this? It's not just a matter of who you work with, since you could be training youth as activists to work against adults. What makes someone a "problem"? If the focus were on improving youth's self-esteem, there's a way in which that makes youth the problem -- whereas one might instead focus on adults as the cause of youths' low self esteem...
I guess I don't really have this third category yet. I'll have to just sit with it longer, see if something comes to me. ..."For" vs. "against" can be so nebulous -- lots of adults think that they're "helping" youth by spanking them; "tough love" approaches that are abusive, but in the name of assistance. Youth Lib activists could conceivably become oppressors to the youth they claim to be working for.
If your organization is not working "against adult oppression" or "challenging adult power", then what is it doing? Challenging youth? Not addressing power, but instead partying? What if I look at other movements -- e.g. queer rights, or feminism. What distinguishes friend from foe? One continuum that might be useful here (but which would focus us back on power) would be whether power is being shared. Thus
- means and ends involve collective youth-decision-making
- ends benefits youth, but decision-making en route to change excludes youth community
- goal is to press youth to make certain decisions
- goal is to force adults to make certain decisions
- goal is to give youth more options for independent, non-coerced decision-making
- adult decision is forced; youth decisions are made by group (not individual), transparently to all (not behind closed doors), without coercion (multiple options considered)
Bah. Interesting, but still not what I'm looking for (and not in any sort of order). ...As I'm working on this bit, I'm seeing some blurring between the "activists" and "broader youth community" categories. On the one hand, an activist can work in isolation, but in the name of their community. On the other hand, the activist can convene the community, so that it almost seems as if there is no one activist pushing the initiative. However, this notion of what activism can look like largely depends upon there being a smallish community. You can meaningfully convene a community when there are 500 or fewer people involved... Or if you have something like a city-wide voting system established. But in practice, youth tend to be too far strewn to bring "everyone" together for a decision. [And again I'm straying from "against adult power".]
What if the key word here is "against"? You could set up a continuum like this:
- trying to abolish a thing
- trying to reform a thing
- leaving things as they are
- trying to create by using the thing as it is
- trying to create something wholly new
In a way, this continuum presumes that social change is the goal, and balances creation and destruction. Doesn't seem very useful. In general, discussions about whether we should be "for something" instead of "against something" ("because it sounds so negative") turn me off. We could leave the word "against" out, and simply focus on whether the target of social change is adults or youth.
If I give up the notion that adultism is something that can be "eliminated", now thinking rather that it can only be replaced by something else, something that we must imagine with precision, then maybe the third category encompasses the three branches of YL.
- youth must be given more power, adults must relinquish power
- youth and adults must become equals, sharing power
- youth should separate from adults, form their own culture
These are useful distinctions, but they feel awful ideological. They feel like they are ideas that overlap with the "led by youth" section, and explain the rationales. I don't see much in terms of in-between positions here, though.
Maybe I could focus on what sort of change is demanded of adults. This could dovetail nicely with that section earlier where I was talking about how I've come to see that workshops can be more activism-like if participants are asked to make a clear-cut decision about something.
- adults are asked to change their process for making decisions
- adults are asked directly to make a decision in youth's favor
- adults are not asked to make a decision, but merely to contemplate how youth feel
- adults are not addressed; youth are asked to contemplate how adults feel
- youth are asked directly to make a decision in adult's favor
- youth are asked to a change their process for making decisions
Hm. I don't think that I should have moved into youth territory, talking about YL activists essentially taking on youth as their "enemy" or target for change. I should have ended instead with:
4. adults are addressed indirectly
5. no communication with adults occurs
Ooh... That may be it.
Let me do it. Please do this for me. This is how I feel -- figure it out. I'm not even here, but I left signs. No interaction.
Instead of "asked" in option #1, I might say "pressed" or "urged". ...You can't very well just ask nicely for a whole system of government to change.
Option #2 covers going directly to an adult authority, which could be either someone in an institutional role or a parent in their private home, depending upon what the situation is.
Option #3 gets at what I was trying to say about why workshops are often ineffective: there's no action step -- and if there is one, adults are left to confront (or not confront) their own conscience, rather than having the question put to them directly.
Option #4 involves situations where youth aren't even going to be in the same room with an adult -- e.g. defacing an adultist billboard. Perhaps I want to say something about youth being anonymous at this point. ...I'm not sure though if I would put writing letters to the editor, essays, graffiti, etc. at this level. Writing where there's a physical person attached to it feels different from writings where you're never going to meet the person. The writing seems almost from an imaginary person -- even if it's a very persuasive demand for something. This raises odd issues of embodiment and the role of youths' physical bodies in the process of social change...
Option #5 covers parties -- or endless, pointless meetings. If you never actually engage with adults, nothing can happen. Ooh! "Level of engagement with adults" might be the category heading.
Thus: "A YL [activist] organization is one that is (1) led by youth, (2) for the benefit of youth, that (3) engages with adult targets."
Hm. It's not as smooth in my ears, but I think it covers all the bases. It may just be that I need time to get used to it. ...Glad that I kept pushing, one way or another. I'll leave it there for now, let it compost in my head for a while.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (4)
August 29, 2005
Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 4)
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
Well, apparently I have enough material in me for a fourth installment. Once again, this is not so much an essay as a brain-dump -- getting all the various practicalities of activism out of my head so that I'll be able to reshuffle the pieces into formal essays later.
Thinking once again at the national level, I'm interested to note that specialist organizations seem more effective than generalist organizations. Think about the early 70s when the National Organization for Women (NOW) is really expanding quickly. The dialogue about women's rights is at its early stages in the popular mind, so it's possible to conceive of an organization with enough committees to cover every women's issue. Thirty-plus years later, the various feminist issues are now championed by separate organizations -- if not separate movements. Getting women elected, abortion, domestic violence -- each cause deserves its own focus.
With regards to YL, the national organizations that I'm familiar with (e.g. NYRA, ASFAR) are still very generalist in nature: their manifestos lay out many various issues that we see as hanging together. Is this a stage in the growth of the movement? Maybe we'll be evolving in the right direction if we establish an anti-curfew movement with a national coalition, and another that deals only with voting rights, and so on. On the other hand, I've noticed in looking at feminism that while the activists have become pretty specialized, there's still a need (particularly among men) for groups that show how all the issues are related. It seems to me like there's a gap right now that needs to be filled -- there should be an organization (or two) at the national level promoting a "101" level of anti-sexist awareness.
There's a strong impulse to found an organization. We can see that the problem of adultism is going to be around for a while, and we can think of lots of issues that we want to tackle... So we want to pledge our commitment to tackling all these issues by creating a group with an infrastructure that will allow it to last for years to come.
This may be a mistake. It takes a great deal of effort to maintain the existence of an organization. It also takes a great deal of effort to spearhead a political campaign. The work that it takes to simply maintain the organization may get in the way of actually doing the work that it's supposed to support. You can find yourself in a position of having endless weekly meetings where you're trying to figure out how to get more members -- but no one's going to join because you're not actually tackling the real problems, you're only promising to do so once enough people are present. If your energy is limited -- and it usually is -- it may make sense to dive into working on a political campaign; if you start making progress, that will interest people in joining you.
Youth groups are particularly prone to turn-over. If you yourself aren't going to be a part of this organization for several years to come, trying to stabilize the internal structure is probably a bad use of energy. Do something that can get done -- and be called "finished" -- during the year or two or three that you can personally give.
The wish for an ever-lasting youth organization is related to setting up a multi-issue group: you see that there's lots of work to be done. Again, rather than trying to tackle the vote and the curfew and discrimination against youth at a chain of restaurants, you'll probably do better to focus your energy on a single project. ...If you have 45 or 50 youth actually attending your meetings, rather than a typical maximum of 15, then maybe you're ready to branch out!
Suppose you've settled on trying to eliminate the curfew. There are (at least) two major approaches to how to construct your organization for this purpose. On the one hand, you can frame this as a Youth Rights issue, and thus name your group "Youth Rights Portland". If you do this, you'll be attract people who believe in youth rights as members, and the name of the group will keep people coming at the issue from this angle.
On the other hand, you could name the group something like "Project No Curfew". By making your group's campaign part of the name, you're able to attract anyone who wants that goal -- even if they wouldn't endorse a broader Youth Liberation agenda or ideology.
I've seen a conflict of opinions on this matter emerge (and boil over) several times, in various contexts. One faction wants as many people involved as possible, and doesn't care who's involved -- so long as they agree on this one issue. Another faction feels that you shouldn't ally yourself with groups that would be against you in other contexts. For instance, during the 80s there was a coalition against pornography that included both some feminist groups and some religious conservative groups. This created a lot of controversy in the feminist community, activists being unhappy with the company they found themselves keeping.
In identity politics, putting the issue first may also lead to problems within organizational meetings themselves. When men and women work together against sexism, whites and blacks against racism, adults and youth against adultism, there is potential for members of the oppressor group -- though well-meaning -- to engage in typically oppressive behaviors. At worst, members of the oppressed group can feel that their organization has been stolen from them. In less severe situations, it can simply feel like the men / whites / adults can't be confronted for their bad behavior, because they're "one of the good ones".
Adult allies bringing their patterns of oppression into an anti-adultism group can be an argument for youth separatism. I am not in favor of pure separatism -- for practical reasons: adults have valuable resources that youth stand to benefit from. However, I do think it's important to confront oppressive behaviors, even when coming from one's "allies". The compromise I advocate is building processes into youth organizations that encourage youth to discuss words and actions that "stung" either when they happen or at the end of each meeting.
This practice of "processing" does have the potential to take up valuable time when one is in the middle of a campaign. When one is tight-for-time in the middle of a campaign, in fact, is probably when conflicts are most likely to arise. Having the campaign fall apart because group participants are too busy processing is unacceptable. Still, being in the habit of dealing with "stings" during times when the group is not under pressure can help build a trust that gets the group through the more challenging periods.
[Another strategy for naming organizations that I should mention: to pick a slogan that responds directly to the opponents' criticisms. For instance, in Oregon civil rights for gays and lesbians have been called "special rights" by opponents. In response, one of our most powerful organizations has dubbed itself "Basic Rights Oregon". This naming strategy may be a more advanced concept, since it comes into play when the opposition is already well-organized. Most of the activism I'm discussing here begins in a context where the opposition has not yet organized itself.]
It can be difficult for representative organizations to do political activism. If you initially set up your organization so that people could be dues-paying members, then you've probably implied that your group exists to serve their will. If there are board members who are periodically elected to their positions, this impression is strengthened.
Having a base of many members strengthens your position as a voice for a community -- you can say "I speak for the 500 dues-paying members who elected me". However, how do you choose to serve them circumstances are changing quickly?
For example: Suppose you've had a meeting with a the mayor, in which you gave her the text of a new law that you'd like passed. She says she'll think about it. A week later you find out that she has decided to bring the proposal to the city council for a vote -- but she's changed the wording. In some ways you'll get what you want -- but in other ways you may actually lose ground. The vote is in three days. What do you do?
On the one hand, you could decide that having been elected by your membership, they trust you to make decisions in cases like this -- so you decide to either support or oppose the new text on your own, and the members can vote you out of office later if they didn't like your decision.
On the other hand, you could try to call an emergency community meeting. Community members could talk about their opinions in person, so you'd know how they really feel, and you'd probably get ideas that you wouldn't have had on your own. But because you may only be able to give 36 hours notice before this meeting, attendance may be pretty bad.
I've been through dilemma very similar to this, myself. You may never find yourself in this situation, though... Let me come at this from a different angle.
The smaller the group you are in, the more likely it is that you'll be able to arrive at agreement. The larger the group you have, the more diversity of opinion there will be, and the more difficult it will be to reach a consensus. Politics are inherently matters of opinion. If an issue is not part of your mission statement -- if perhaps it has recently emerged and you are trying to respond -- then you may not be able to unify your membership and rally them behind the cause.
A small group, a "cadre", does not have this problem. When your activist group is only as big as the number of people who are in your meeting room, then you can make decisions without being concerned about what non-participating members think.
Again, I seem to be making an argument for single-purpose organizations. When I was with the Portland Bisexual Alliance board of directors, we tried to be a one-stop all-in-one organization. We had social events, educational events, and political events... But while the leadership was committed to doing politics, many of the members were purely interested in social events, and were disinterested in the projects that we hoped to rally their support behind. Had we approached politics as a cadre rather than from a "serving the members" point of view, we would have saved ourselves an amount of grief.
The "Portland Bisexual Alliance" was poorly named, not being an "alliance" as I understand the term.
An "alliance" is when two or more groups share common values, and support each other's work. The alliance may result in collaborative projects, or it may be more loose -- a sort of network of like-minded groups.
A "coalition" is a collection of groups that band together to work on a single issue. The participating groups may disagree on all other issues, but they agree to set those differences aside for the sake of achieving this one goal.
[I learned this distinction at a Portland Women's Crisis Line training at least a decade ago. Possibly from Guadalupe Guajaro?]
When you're pursuing a political project, often you'll want other organizations to support your work. You try to establish as broad a coalition as possible, to give the appearance (if not the reality) of community support.
Over time, you're more likely to get support, and more likely to be seen as a trusted organization, if you develop relationships with the groups you want to be working with. In practice, what this means is that you go to their meetings, you staff a table at their events, you show up at their protests in solidarity, you invite them to coffee to get to know them better. It's great if you can get multiple people from your group to come -- but as a leader, getting to know other leaders personally, getting to the point where they know who you are -- that's valuable.
But you also need to not be disappointed when they say "no" to joining your coalition. Consider for a moment if the roles are reversed -- if another group asks you to be a part of their coalition.
The easiest requests to deal with are for a donation of money or for a simple endorsement. Your group can discuss the matter and send off a check or permission to add your group's name to a list of other supporters. You do that, and your commitment is done.
Things get trickier if the other group wants you to actually collaborate. When I was running a board, my policy was that representatives from other organizations were always welcome to attend our planning meetings to present their case. You don't need to decide in advance whether or not your group collaborates -- you can decide on a case-by-case basis. After hearing what the other group is trying to do, you discuss how closely aligned your aims are, whether there's overlap between the membership of their group and the membership of yours, whether you have adequate energy to take on another commitment, and so on. ...Coalition work isn't such a simple matter when it's someone directly asking you for a contribution!
There are several debates about how to do politics that are likely to never go away. To an extent you can circumvent them by making some decisions about the nature of your organization when it is first being formed.
(1) Bridge-building vs. Confrontation
This is largely a matter of style. Do you want to challenge the people who oppress you? Show them how outraged and angry you are? Condemn bad behavior in no uncertain terms? ...Or do you want to peacefully educate the people who have done harm -- arriving at a sense of understanding and friendship?
In my opinion, both styles are valuable tools -- it's really just a question of when each one is appropriate. A confrontational style can often get people's attention, so that an issue will get dealt with rather than ignored. On the other hand, when you're trying to get a person or group to change, they ultimately need to feel like there's a potential solution. If your group will be against them no matter what, then there's no motive for change.
(2) Separatism vs. Partnership
If you are an oppressed group, should you welcome members of the oppressor group into your organization? Strict separatists want to prohibit members of the dominating group for several reasons: to prevent take-overs from within, to allow the minority culture to flourish, to allow space for healing...
Activists who prefer partnership tend to feel that separatism excludes, and therefore is a matter of doing the same behavior that we complain about. There are men, whites, adults (etc.) who are strong supporters of anti-oppression causes -- and there are women, blacks, and youth who are against the cause of liberation. Shouldn't belief rather than body be the criterion for involvement? And, if a world of equality is the ultimate goal, shouldn't this be embodied in the organization itself?
As I've said many times before now, I am in favor of a compromise: organizations where oppressor and oppressed work together -- but where members of the oppressed group are given special encouragements to speak up when their "allies" (presumably unwittingly) do things that hurt.
(3) Cultural pride vs. Melting pot
Should members of minority groups try to emulate and fit into the oppressor's culture -- or should they work to reclaim and celebrate their own unique heritage? Youthful character-traits, clothes, music, etc. have frequently put down by adults. "Youth spaces" where these things are celebrated can help youth feel pride in who they are, shed conscious and subconscious shame for not measuring up to adult standards.
However, using slang, and dressing in youth fashions may lead to adults dismissing youth activists rather than listening to them. Politics may not be the best time for self-expression. Recall that African-American protesters in the Southern civil rights struggles of the 60s wore their Sunday best. Youth wearing formal clothes, such as suits, who may look like National Honor Society students, may (or may not) make the better impression at an election day protest about youth not being allowed to vote.
I think there's a place for both approaches. Self-expression motivates youth to become part of the movement. I think we want to create more room for youth to be themselves... Trying to dress, speak, and act "adult" is a form of costume that one can put on when necessary. ...But then, I don't believe that either "youth" or "adult" cultures are natural and real -- both seem artificial to me, so I'm happy to mix and match. My preference is to transcend age entirely.
(4) Unified front vs. Taking care of our own
Oftentimes "progressive" leaders will make the argument that the various liberation movements (feminism, black empowerment, youth lib, etc.) will never succeed alone -- we need to all band together into one big movement. These leaders may point to ways in which oppressor groups set oppressed groups against each other, and thus let us keep each other down, saving them the work.
However, an organization only has so many people -- no one has time and energy to take on all issues at once. Sometimes one group has been asked to put their agenda on the back burner, to work on the "more important" issue first. Sometimes groups on the Left -- Socialist groups in particular -- have actually infiltrated other movements specifically with the intention of subverting them, bringing them around to doing the other movement's work. Being back-burnered or infiltrated isn't OK. If we don't fight for ourselves, who will fight for us? And who knows our agenda better than we do? A progressive agenda might have a hundred points on it -- our small agenda might have only ten -- which is much more workable.
I believe in a realistic progressivism. It is worth our while to learn as much as possible about other oppressions. Because we ask others not to oppress us, we should care about not oppressing others. Furthermore, learning about other groups means we don't have to reinvent the wheel -- our own oppression becomes more easily understood when we look at the suffering of others and how they have struggled. We should take on coalition commitments when it makes sense to do so -- and always be open to hearing other people's requests for help.
(5) Role of Allies
I have talked about this above, so I will say little here except to note this as a perennial point of contention. Some people feel that anyone who believes in justice should be welcomed into the movement. Others feel that the subjects of oppression have special knowledge about it and deserve special considerations in the process of doing activism. Me, I feel that members of the oppressor group are not universally evil, ignorant or untrustworthy -- but that because we are often unaware of our own oppressive behaviors, those who want to be allies should be careful not to take over groups (voluntarily removing themselves from votes, for instance), and should take extraordinary measures to make themselves safe people to criticize, should criticism be needed.
There are a number of types of political functions that an organization can fulfill. In part, it is worth considering these because it is difficult for a single organization to undertake all tasks. Thus, at the local level and at the national level, a healthy movement should have a variety of organizations.
(1) Watchdog Group
A watchdog group pays attention to known opposition groups or government bodies (state legislature, county commissioners, city council, government agencies, etc.) or media outlets. A watchdog group may or may not take action in response to current events... But someone has to notice that things are going wrong if anyone's going to do something about the situation.
(2) Lobbying & Legislative Activism
There is work to be done to prevent bad laws from passing, to strike down bad laws on the books, and to propose good new laws instead. This work can be done at the federal, state, county, or city level.
(3) Court-based Activism
Good laws aren't worth much if your community doesn't know how to use them, can't afford lawyers to pursue their cases, or judges interpret those laws in ways that render them ineffective. There is work to be done teaching youth what youth they have and how to use them. Legal defense funds can be set up to help youth get lawyers to help defend them. We tend to think of the legislature as the only place where laws are shaped -- but putting our energies into a significant court case can be just as effective (or more so!) in terms of pushing the legal system in the direction we want.
(4) Against Media Defamation
There are biased or downright inflammatory articles, advertising, and entertainments being produced all the time for TV, newspapers, billboards, movies, the net, etc. Letters to the editor, protests, etc. can use these items to our advantage, pointing out oppression when it occurs and critiquing it.
(5) Education
It can be argued that education is not true activism because it does not directly address power. However, running workshops or producing videos is a time-honored way of attempting to win support for your views, which perhaps means translates into more activists joining your group. [Beware training oppressors how to discriminate simply without getting caught!]
(6) Social Events
Social events are decidedly not activism. However, helping establish a community is a first step towards mobilizing that community to activism.
Activists want to mobilize their communities to action. However, this can be difficult to do when a population -- such as youth -- has not even recognized itself as a community yet. We want youth to care when a new anti-youth law is created, for them to get angry and get working to stop it. But if youth haven't developed their perspective as a youth, it's almost as if the law deals with someone else.
Let me take a moment to explain how people get involved in activism and why they stay.
People get active when an issue directly affects them, in a deeply personal way. Lots of issues effect you, but you're not so bothered that you care to do anything. ...Having a friend or partner who cares deeply about an issue means that that issue impacts you in a personal way.
People get involved in groups because they know someone else who's going. It's very hard to walk into a room of strangers; it's much easier to come along with a friend. Really, nearly all social change happens because of the bonds that people have with each other. This is why good activists know put effort into getting to know quite a few people quite well.
People stay involved in groups, and become committed to a larger movement, because the ideas that they hear help them make sense of their lives. A movement that gives you a worldview is a movement that becomes home.
...Because youth organizations have such high turn-over, they must constantly concerned with recruiting new activists. The first step is not necessarily a hard-sell to join (which too often means just giving money to become a member). The first step can be to ask questions. Host a community forum about what issues matter most to youth in your community now. As youth work on answering this question together, they begin to see themselves not just as "people" but as "youth". This is probably the first step towards mobilizing the community -- and it's an action that doesn't necessarily have an immediate outcome. It's outreach, but without too forceful of a hook.
In much of my past writing I have been extremely skeptical about parents' ability to be allies -- the motivation to stay in control is so strong. However, I have recently been reevaluating this position. I am seeing pockets of radical parents emerging, such as the readers of "Hip Mama" magazine. I don't know how closely our ideologies align -- but there's potential.
Parents are a valuable source of money which could go toward hiring lobbyists to watchdog the state legislature. They are also a constituency that would have a voice that is well-received when it speaks up in legislative struggles. However, I think that YL would want to try to assert some standards for what constitutes acceptable parenting and acceptable participation in the movement, in order to prevent being steam-rolled.
I've been imagining (but haven't yet written) a sort of domestic bill of rights -- a set of entitlements that parents of conscience voluntarily extend to their offspring. Ex: I will not spank or hit; I will not invade the privacy of your room; you are allowed to call me by my first name; you can choose your own name; you will not be constrained by a curfew; I won't prevent you from dying your hair, wearing clothes of your choice, getting a tattoo, etc; and so on. A document such as this might be a good core document for radical parents to organize themselves around.
I seldom talk about what sorts of activism an individual can do -- even though an individual is very powerful on their own. Rather, I'm always talking about groups and organizations. Why is this? Because I believe that groups are the social unit that will push forward social change. Working in a group has several key advantages over working as an individual.
Working in a group gives you courage. Alone, you are full of doubt and uncertainty. Being with people who believe what you do gives you confidence. They support you in taking risks that you'd never actualize on your own.
A group is smarter than an individual. When you discuss something together, you come up with many more ideas that you would alone. You get different perspectives, you come up with more solutions. And if you're wrong, you're more likely to discover it if there's a friendly group to check your thinking. [This collective intelligence can also be very useful when you're actually in a meeting with an authority!]
A group is taken more seriously than an individual. If you go into a principal's office alone with your complaint, s/he can fairly easily dismiss you. But if a group of eight students come in together, the complaint has much more weight to it.
Adults aren't used to hearing youth speak as a group. Adults generally only listen to one youth at a time (when they're listening at all). When a group of youth all speak together, their voices take on a different quality: it's as if all youth are speaking. Rather than just listening to individual persons, an adult feels like they're listening to what youth as a group feel.
Working in a group you can get more done. You pool your efforts, each taking on a few small tasks, and something very large can be accomplished.
A group continues to exist even if it loses a member. When a cause is important, you want someone to keep working on it. Creating a group is a strategy for making a force in the world that will continue on even after you've left it.
Here is a very basic principle. We act as if an organization is a person that can do things, some kind of giant robot that we can order around. In reality, there is no organization -- only the individuals who work under it's name. The organization is an illusion. It's worth perpetuating: people on the outside take an organization more seriously than they take an individual. For the sake of the illusion, the people who are making it happen don't emphasize their own unique identities and contributions so much -- they contribute to the group project. And yet, it is absolutely crucial that the activists on the inside remember that the organization is only themselves. If there is work to be done, someone at the table is going to have to do it. Talking about what "we" should do is a waste of time if no one is volunteering to be the individual who takes on a specific task.
An activist's most powerful tool is one-on-one, face-to-face conversation. I'm not exaggerating -- most powerful tool.
If you want to raise money, the most effective way to do so is to ask. Make a list of everyone you know. Make appointments to meet them at coffee shops. Tell them what you're doing and why you need money, and then ask them for a specific amount. Wait silently, let them consider it. Then they give you some money, or they don't. Maybe they can give you time volunteering instead. ...You're far more likely to make money this way than by sending letters to strangers.
Politically too, make a point of inviting people out to coffee. Get to know the other political leaders in your town. Get to know the members of your organization. When you know about the lives of these people -- and they know about you -- they're no longer strangers, but rather acquaintances whom you can call upon. Knowing something about their lives gives you better knowledge about their motives, their interests, what kind of time and money they can bring, etc.
Too many people seem to think that you can do activism entirely via email. Not so.
Email is notoriously bad for group discussions. If you want to plan something, do it in person -- or at least over the phone. With correspondence, there's too much opportunity for a tone of voice to be misread. Or for someone to not respond to an important point. Or for the reality of a situation to not set in. These things are quickly dealt with face-to-face.
Face to face, you have much richer conversation -- there are facial expressions and tones of voice. You can talk much faster, progressing through much more material. There's a physical sense of commitment to each other.
Use email for invitations, RSVPs, and reminders. Do all your planning face-to-face.
Before you leave a meeting, always figure out when and where you're going to meet next. Leave adequate room for this discussion on the agenda. [This point should be under "how to facilitate a meeting".]
Justice and fairness aren't very compelling issues. Pain and suffering are. Legislators tend to be pragmatists rather than idealists. If you can't dramatize how a problem makes someone suffer in a practical way, they probably won't be interested.
Furthermore, I'm not sure that we should be interested, either. On a theoretical level, there are a lot of things that aren't fair. However, ultimately I think we should be devoting our energies to lessening real suffering in the world. I've sometimes described this in terms of "bread and blanket" issues. Feed the hungry, give a blanket to people who are cold. Issues that are purely a matter of pride matter -- but keep them in perspective.
...On youth turf.
(disrupt & occupy city hall; election day protests; take back the night marches)
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
August 25, 2005
Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 3)
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
The past two days I've been writing about the nitty-gritty details of doing activism. After 23 pages, apparently I still have more to say! I'm seeing several threads in this material that I might later pull out and hone into more succinct essays.
The two main options for how to make decisions as a group are either use a "consensus" process or to vote. Personally, I favor voting.
The idea of "consensus" is that a group can talk about a decision that needs to be made until everyone is in consents to a particular option. This can be an extremely long, convoluted process. It can take 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours or more to arrive at a decision... And often there will be long tangents, talking about other matters that seem to have a bearing. Nonetheless, this is a process that can work -- even with very large groups (e.g. 50+).
Making decisions by a vote is a way to arrive at a decision more quickly. The downside is that you may be skipping the work that brings about a sense of unity, which ultimately leads to rifts in your organization.
Consensus and voting don't have to be at odds. When I'm facilitating a meeting, often times I get the impression that our discussion has led us to a point where everyone pretty much agrees. At this point it's useful to speak up with this observation: "I think we've reached a consensus. Does everyone agree that what we want to do is __________?" [It's important at this point to echo back to the group what it is that you think they all agree about.]
Another important thing to understand about consensus is that you don't have to be 100% in agreement to move forward: a person can decide that while they don't entirely agree, they're willing to let a decision pass. This is perhaps one of the most important things I know about participating in decision-making -- that I don't always have to get my way. I can decide that my differences of opinion really aren't all that important: "I don't entirely agree, but I'm satisfied enough with the current solution to let this pass." I can also have very strong differences, and decide that it's OK if the group goes forward nonetheless: "I have to say that I strongly disagree with this decision, but for the sake of moving forward, I can let the group go in this direction."
In an organization that votes, you can create complex rules about who gets to vote. Usually it's easier just to go with a simple majority. However, if the vote is extremely close, a facilitator might want to suggest further discussion, to try to hammer out some more differences.
If you've got a legal status as a non-profit, your by-laws may require that you have a certain quorum of members present to vote. It's very frustrating if you don't have enough present to move forward! If you are a small group, I recommend having a policy that whoever is present at a particular meeting constitutes a quorum, so decision-making can move forward. Even so, if only two of you show up, it probably behooves you not to make any drastic decisions without more people present.
In order for a vote to occur, someone actually has to say "I think we should vote on this now." As a facilitator, part of your job is to notice when a vote is appropriate and make that proposal. People can say that they don't feel they're ready for vote, and discussion continues -- but there's nothing wrong with making the proposal.
Oftentimes there seems to be more disagreement in a room than there actually is. It can be very useful occasionally to ask people for a "straw poll". Ask: "So if everyone was going to vote right now, how many people would say yes? I just want to have an idea of where we stand." The results of the straw poll lead to new options. You can decide that discussion needs to continue, or that the group really is ready for a vote -- or if there's only a small minority of dissenters, you can either ask them if they're willing to step aside, or what would quell their concerns.
There are several ways to run an actual vote. You can write your decision on a slip of paper and put it in a hat. You can get complicated and print out ballots, making sure that only people who are qualified to vote are allowed to. You can ask people to verbally say "aye" or "nay". You can ask people to show thumbs up or thumbs down. You can ask people to raise their hands. Personally, I find raising hands tends to be easiest. Most decisions don't need the formality of writing on slips of paper; it can be confusing to count votes when a vote is verbal; and it can be difficult to see people's thumbs (especially if they want to wave them sideways to show that they're ambivalent!).
A nicety of voting that I recommend is to not simply ask "all in favor?" -- but to also ask "all against?" and "all abstaining?" If you're not going to win a vote, it's nice to feel like your vote is being counted, rather than just stopping when it's clear that the majority agrees. Also, a person may have reasons to remove themselves from a vote -- they should be allowed to show that, rather than being accidentally counted as a vote against.
It's very easy for one leader to stay in power for a long time. This can lead to feelings on the part of other group members that this leader really owns the group, and if you disagree with them frequently... Then what's the point of being involved?
Leaders are often the persons who do the most work. To an extent, the fact that you're willing to do a greater share of the work of an organization is what gives you the right to lead it. It can be extremely frustrating to be criticized for having too much power by persons in the group who want a say, but refuse to do any of the work.
Oftentimes, leaders don't want all that power, anyway. They would rather that other people would do more work, so that it's not all on their shoulders. This can lead to resentment towards the other participants. "Why am I the one who has to do all the work?"
One strategy for sharing power that can be effective -- especially in youth-led groups -- is to have a rotating chair and co-chair. The chairperson has a term of two or three months, during which the co-chair learns from them how to the job. Their most important meeting outside of the general meeting is probably the one where agenda items are brainstormed. [This is something that can sometimes be done over the phone rather than in person.] At the end of the two or three month term, the chair steps down, the co-chair comes into power, and a new co-chair is elected.
With regards to people brainstorming what the group should do without offering to do any work... An important thing to understand about organizations is that it is impossible for an organization to do anything. An organization is an illusion, the fiction that a group of people are actually one more powerful person. In reality, there is only you and the individuals sitting at the table with you. It is an important practice to get into, to stop talking about what the group should do, and instead talk about who in the room can do what.
As a facilitator, when I hear a discrete task that needs to get done -- for instance putting up posters -- I pick someone who I think might be willing to do that job and I ask them directly if they'll do it: "Morgan, can you take care of putting up the posters?" It's may be a little uncomfortable at first, feeling like you're singling someone out -- but when you ask lots of people during the meeting to take on tasks, it seems less so -- and people start to volunteer to take tasks as soon as they've been identified.
Many organizations start out by creating positions that they think should be filled: publicity director, political director, social director, etc. In my experience, this is an ineffective way to run a group. A person may take on a position without really knowing how to get the job done. They will feel isolated and guilty for failing. If, instead, you discuss what concrete tasks need to get done in the group, then people who know how to do the task and have the energy to do it can identify themselves. A leader does NOT have the right to force a task on anyone, even if they said they'd take a position. Everyone has the right to say "no" when asked to take on a task. People also have a responsibility to say "no" if they aren't going to have time to take on a task. For the sake of having realistic expectations, it can be very useful to talk about what's actually going on in people's lives -- find out who has time and who doesn't.
When a leader feels overworked, they're often told "you need to learn how to delegate!" I find that this is fairly useless advice. The best way to share work around is to talk about the work in a meeting, and ask specific individuals -- not the room as a whole! -- if they're willing to do certain jobs. How many people seem to interpret "delegation", however, is to think that committees should be formed.
I recommend against creating committees. People think that what you should do is brainstorm all the tasks that there are to do, and then create a committee for each of them. You quickly discover that there are far more tasks than people in your group. Instead, if a task really does seem like too much to do during your regular meeting time, then suggest that there be a special meeting to deal with this topic later. Ask who would like to attend such a meeting; if no one does, then there simply isn't will to pursue the project at this point in time; if more than one person wants to attend such a meeting, then they're in charge.
...This resolves a potential conflict that committees raise. Suppose you have a committee whose job it is to come up with a T-shirt design. What if they spend a long time making their design -- and then when they bring it back to the group, everyone else hates it! Does the T-shirt committee have the authority to make a decision, or do they need an OK from the rest of the group? If they put in a lot of work, it can be crushing to find out after the fact that the group gets to veto their work. ...By working with meetings rather than committees, you either attend the work meetings or you give up your right to have a say in the decisions being made. It's a general principle: for the most part, the people doing the work have a right to control their project.
The idea that a group shouldn't have committees applies in formal non-profit organizations, too. I was on the board of the Portland Women's Crisis Line for about a year and a half. Originally the group had seven or eight or nine committees that we were supposed to keep staffed. However, we only ever had between nine and fifteen board members. The solution that was recommended to us by an outside consultant -- which worked out well -- was to have just two committees: the executive committee and the development committee.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
August 24, 2005
Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 2)
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
[I'm breaking my own rule and trying to pick up an essay I was working on yesterday. The preceding 12 pages were written in 3 hrs 15 min on Tuesday Aug. 23. Today is Aug. 24.]
I can see maybe four sections emerging: (1) the national level, (2) how a movement gets subverted, (3) direct action tactics, (4) running a local organization.
Beyond these, there are clearly more topics: etiquette for adult allies, why limit adult participation, how to draw age lines within a youth organization... Perhaps these topics are all a subset of the "running a local organization" topic, since they seem to belong in that context.
In the meantime, I had several additional topics that I was thinking about addressing yesterday that I didn't get to.
We have terrible role models for being a "leader". We think a leader is a president or a general or a teacher who commands other people. Don't think of it that way. If you want to be a leader, you'll have the power of initiating events -- but once they're under way, everyone's opinions have fairly equal weight. You'll also have a fair amount of power in terms of setting the agenda of meetings -- but again, this is largely about being more prepared for the meeting than other people in the room, not controlling discussion with an iron fist. If you've prepared an agenda (a list of topics that you think should be discussed), people will pretty much naturally look to you to guide them through an evening.
A leader is the person who decides a meeting needs to be called and invites people. A leader is the person who decides that even if no one else attends, they will be at the designated meeting place on time. A leader takes it upon themselves to make sure that meetings continue, and does whatever is necessary to ensure that they do.
Being a leader often doesn't feel fair. Shouldn't other people be helping more? People seem to depend upon you to do this organizing work, when they should be responsible for it too. Being in the lead can be tiring. But you take on the job because you think it's important that a group should exist, and when you look around you don't see anyone else stepping up to the job. Everyone would rather that someone would do the work of changing the world for us. The impulse that makes you a leader is: "well, I guess if I don't make this happen, it's not going to happen at all."
Oftentimes the job of being a leader merged with facilitating meetings. You might say that being a leader breaks down into two parts: what you do outside of the meeting in preparation, and what you do as a facilitator during the meeting.
(1) Meeting length.
One hour is almost always too short to get much real work done. Three hours is too long -- people get tired and cranky. Two hours is standard meeting length. An hour and a half can be a nice compromise if people are feeling like meetings are eating up too much of their lives -- but when business isn't finished by 8:30pm, these meetings often stretch into 2 hours anyway.
Start on time. Easy to say -- but more difficult in practice. Youth frequently have transportation problems; it's not uncommon for someone to show up 30 or 40 minutes late. Don't accommodate this behavior -- even if there are good excuses or a person calls to say that they're on their way -- if you do, meetings will start increasingly late, and people won't want to come at all. If you make a practice of starting when you say you're going to start, people will try to be there on time because they know they'll miss the meeting otherwise.
There's an almost universal acceptance that meetings actually start ten minutes late. If you think no one is going to show up, you don't have to stay after waiting 30 minutes -- and leaving after just 20 is acceptable. Waiting for an hour for someone who promised they'd come but never shows up is incredibly demoralizing, and an intolerable waste of your time. Being a leader does not require that kind of sacrifice from you!
...By the same token, end on time. This can also be difficult in practice. If you say you're going to end at 9pm, but everyone is in the middle of a heated debate, what do you do? You interrupt. Which can be hard. But at five minutes to nine, you have to pause and draw people's attention to the time. You say: "I think this conversation is going to take more time than we have. Do people want to stay another half hour? If not, let's talk about scheduling another time when we can continue this conversation." ...What you're doing is asking for people's permission to continue. That way people have an option to opt out, and don't feel like they were forced to stay against their will, unable to leave for fear of interrupting.
(2) The agenda.
Meetings tend to be much more productive if you have an agenda. It sounds fancy, but it's not so bad. You just try to think of all the topics that you're going to want to cover in the meeting, and then write them down.
There are several ways introduce people to the agenda. You can have it written down in front of you and verbally tell people what's on it. You can make photocopies and pass them around. You can get a big piece of paper, tape it up on the wall, and write the agenda there with big markers, so everyone can see. This last option is the most "professional" and has some advantages to it -- it also requires that you haul big clumsy pieces of paper, markers, and tape around with you. The worst option is to write down your agenda, but not tell anyone what's on it -- simply telling them from time to time that everyone has to move on to the "next topic" now.
If everyone can see the agenda, on big paper or on photocopies, then it's customary to quickly (1-2 minutes) explain the items and ask if anything has been left off that people want to add. Most often the answer will be no. If someone has something to add, though, it's your job to suggest a where in the agenda it should fall, and write it down so it doesn't get forgotten.
(3) Time-keeping.
There are only so many topics that you can cover during a 2 hour time-span. Before the meeting, it's a good idea to estimate how many minutes you want to spend on each of your agenda items. Write these estimates on the agenda itself so everyone can see.
When people are suggesting additional items, that's also a time when they can suggest that you'll need more (or less) time for particular topics. Anything that involves ideology is likely to take a long time (45 min - 1 hr, or more), and it's unlikely that you'll arrive at consensus in just one night. Projects that involve concrete actions can be dealt with more quickly.
These time estimates are merely estimates! Don't try to stretch a discussion out to 30 minutes if it reaches a natural conclusion at 15. And don't be surprised if a topic you thought would take 5 minutes winds up taking 40 -- that happens even to the pros.
However, don't just let your time markers pass silently because conversation is heated. It's your job to interrupt the flow and draw attention to time. I advise against simply cutting conversation off -- being the leader doesn't make you dictator -- and people will begin to resent a brusque style. Instead, I recommend "renegotiating for more time". Simply say: "Our five minutes is up; can we renegotiate for more time? How about five more minutes and then we cut it off? Is that enough?" By doing this, everyone has some control over the schedule.
Trying to pay attention to the conversation and the clock at the same time is always difficult. A very good idea is to ask at the beginning of the meeting for someone to be "time keeper" -- to let everyone know when the time for each topic is up. Help the time-keeper by not writing your agenda in terms of "7:30 - 8:00 discuss fundraising" -- the exact time is likely to change. Instead, write "discuss fundraising = 30 min" -- that way the length of time is relative.
A nice tool to have along is a kitchen timer that beeps. Even if you have someone else doing time-keeping, they too can get caught up in discussion -- and they too can feel awkward interrupting conversation. The beeping alarm takes the burden off of them for interrupting, and you don't have to constantly be paying attention to it.
Another nicety of time-keeping is to not just suddenly say "time's up!" -- instead, say "we've got 5 minutes left on this topic". It allows participants to collectively decide whether they have time to wrap up a big topic, or if they want to renegotiate for more time. When you're suddenly out of time, there's more pressure to just keep going, rather than manage time responsibly.
I've discussed this in lots of detail -- it sounds more complicated than it really is.
(4) Introductions.
Typically, the first two items on an agenda are: (1) OK agenda, and (2) introductions / check-ins.
Introductions are appropriate if you're hosting a workshop or meeting of people who don't all know each other. The basic intro is: name, your organization's name, what you hope to get out of this meeting. It's nice to spice this up with things that help you get to know the people at the table. The questions can be serious or silly: Why did you first get involved in Youth Lib? What matters most to you about this work? Who is someone that inspires you? What is your favorite fruit?
There's enormous room for creativity in introductions -- there are lots of games you can use to get people in a good mood and get their energy up. That's a whole essay unto itself! Most of the time in a two-hour meeting, however, you won't have time for these things.
Check-ins are similar to introductions, but it's like you're asking participants to stop and introduce themselves to themselves. How do you feel emotionally? Physically? Spiritually? What are you bringing with you from your day? What would you like put aside from your day, so you can be wholly present here? These questions can be particularly useful when your group is working on emotionally charged issues with each other. If you draw attention yourselves as emotional beings at the beginning of the meeting, it's easier to acknowledge the emotions in the room later on when things get heated.
A word of warning. Figure that it takes 3 to 4 minutes for each person to introduce themselves / check-in. If you've got eight people at a meeting, you can easily use up half an hour checking in -- which may be more like 45 minutes if people arrive late. Take care not to eat up all your work time just getting started!
(5) Facilitation.
I'm a fairly hands-off facilitator. I try to notice who hasn't been talking much and occasionally ask them if they'd like to add anything. Do this gently -- it's not fun to be put on the spot, forced to talk when you really don't have anything to say. A nice stock phrase to use: "Is there anyone who hasn't spoken yet who'd like to say something?"
Some people feel that facilitation should involve encouraging people by comments such as "that's a good point, John" or "Mary, what do you think about that?" In my experience, this is heavy-handed. People feel less free to talk on their own -- they wait for the facilitator to prompt them... Ultimately the facilitator wonders why no one speaks up on their own. Me, I advise becoming comfortable with pauses in the conversation. It's OK if there's a short period of silence -- someone will speak up to fill it, and it doesn't have to be you.
Having said that, there are points in conversation where it seems like conversation has come to a dead stop. I find it's very useful to brainstorm some questions before coming to the meeting -- that way, I'm prepared with new angles, and can reinvigorate the conversation when it slows down. Avoid yes/no questions. [This aspect of facilitation is really more appropriate for when you're in a discussion group, rather than when you're in a business meeting.]
The essence of any meeting or event is this: (1) there is a meeting place, (2) a date, (3) a begin time and end time, and (4) one person who is committed to being present to speak.
If you are making a poster for an event, these are the four basic pieces of information that you must include. ...Always mention the day of the week, not just the calendar date. Always include the street address of the location where you'll meet. Oftentimes you don't have to publicize who precisely is going to speak -- you simply need to say what the content will be. Example:
Friday, Sept. 20
7 - 9pm
@ Common Grounds Coffeehouse
4321 SE Hawthorne
Discussion: How can we eliminate curfews?
This formula works for all kinds of events, with minor adjustments. If you've got a rock band playing at a dance club as a fundraiser for you... If you're hosting a rally in a public park with twelve speakers... If you have a guest speaker coming to a bookstore after hours... If you're hosting a community discussion about what political issues youth currently feel are most important... These are all essentially the same event -- all that varies is where you meet, and who the person guaranteed to be speaking (or singing) will be. ...The person introducing the event will always be you.
There are groups where everyone is essentially an equal participant. You can have an ongoing support group, discussion group, "consciousness raising" group, etc. where everyone is there because they are personally benefiting from the meetings. When a person feels that they aren't getting as much out of it anymore, they leave.
Another sort of group exists to host such events. The members of this group plan when and where the discussion group will happen, they attend and facilitate -- but their personal investment is in making sure that other people in the community are served. When one is concerned with taking care of the community, then there's a greater concern with things such as publicity, public meeting spaces, and facilitation. In addition to the discussion group then, there is a second set of ongoing meetings dedicated to planning future events.
Activism can be accomplished at either level.
Not many -- but a few -- people grow up in households with activist parents. For most, activism is alien territory, and pretty daunting. In my opinion, it takes great courage to get involved in activism -- it's in bad taste to complain about the "apathy" of the uninvolved.
Let's talk about how one becomes committed to activism in terms of levels.
At the first level, activism seems almost imaginary to a person -- it's nothing they've considered getting involved with personally.
At the second level, a person is aware of an active group -- almost certainly because a friend is involved -- and becomes curious to attend. It takes a large amount of courage to finally attend, and there's a strong sense of not belonging, and fear that the other participants will condemn one. This is the curiosity phase, exploring.
At the third level, a person has sufficiently enjoyed attending a group that they come back. At first irregularly, then with loyalty. There's a sense of belonging. This is the membership phase.
At the fourth level, a person takes responsibility for the perpetuation of a group. Quite possibly it's because there's a crisis where a previous leader is leaving, and it seems that the group will disappear if one doesn't personally make sure that it keeps meeting. This is the step from participation into leadership.
At the fifth level, the activist now explores other groups. There's an interest in the cause in general, and how organizations in general function. The original organization may end; the person may have multiple memberships. The activist has transcended their particular group and moved on to a position of activity / leadership in the larger movement.
I want to return to the topic of direct action. I talked about interacting with various authority figures and what sort of research is useful. Here's more detail.
[Note that direct action pretty much only works with institutions. It's not designed for shaping public opinion, shifting the attitudes of your average adult, e.g. eliminating stereotypes. Activism, as I understand it, can use the system to punish adults for prejudice, and teach youth how to navigate the system -- but it's not for changing their minds. Changing minds is the work of propaganda (a loaded word, I know). For that sort of goal, host workshops, put up posters or billboards, write persuasive articles. Be aware, though, that what you are doing is only dialoging with people's opinions -- not actually changing the rules that we live by.]
(1) What level of government is involved?
The curfew exists at the city level and at the state level; it does not exist at the federal level. Prior to an amending the U.S. constitution, the voting age for state and federal elections varied; the amendment gave the U.S. government the power to set the voting age for states -- but the age at which one may run for office at the state level still remains under the control of the states. For whatever issue you want to tackle, it's important to discover what level the relevant law exists at: federal, state, county, or city.
It is easier than ever before to find the original text of the law that you're wanting to change. Most cities and states now have their entire legal codes online. It's daunting at first to look at the texts of laws -- but it's exciting, too, to see them in their raw form. Explore. Slowly look into these online realms. Believe it or not, the texts of laws are reasonably readable by your average human being.
(2) How does law-making happen at that level of government?
It's important to understand the big picture in terms of how, say, your city council functions. If you can find your state or city's legal code, you can probably also find an explanation of how proposals for laws get turned into law. Still, if you know an activist who works at this level, it's even easier to ask them to meet you at a coffee shop and then pick their brains, asking every question you can think of. That's how I learned most of what I know in this area.
Some questions to ask -- because these things vary from state to state, or city to city. [I'll focus on a city council, because it's a simpler structure.] How many city councilors are there? How long is a term? How long as each councilor had their position? Are there term limits? Which city bureaus (e.g. water, the police bureau, etc.) does each councilor oversee -- or is the mayor in charge of all bureaus? Does the mayor have a veto? How many votes does it take to pass a law? Do the councilors get paid, or are they volunteers? Do they meet part of the year, or all year round? Do they work every year -- or every other year? What positions are elected in your city, and which ones are appointed?
(3) Where exactly do governmental meetings happen?
Those are basics of the governmental structure. Here are some more specific, practical things that you should find out, too.
Where does the city council meet? When do meetings occur? Are meetings open to the public? Is the public allowed to speak at the meetings? If so, where do you have to sign up?
If possible, I strongly recommend actually going to a city council meeting, just to physically locate the building and get a feel for how meetings work.
(4) Who are the people sitting in the seats of power?
What are the names of the councilors? What districts do they represent? Where are each of the councilors' offices located? What are their phone numbers, and what are their secretaries' names? [ALWAYS treat secretaries well -- they're much of the real power in the government!] Are there specific times when each councilor is available to meet one-on-one with the public?
And, as I said before, google each of the councilors -- find out what their pet issues are, what their career prior to becoming a politician was, what laws they've passed previously, etc.
City and county level politics are reasonably approachable -- there tend to be only 5 to 9 council members involved. State-level politics are more challenging -- because there are many more legislators involved, a larger volume of laws are being passed each year, and the state capitol is often a longer drive away.
Particularly toward the end of a legislative session, there can be mere hours notice before a bill gets a hearing. If you want to make a statement before the relevant committee at this point, you may need to be prepared to drop what you're doing and hop in a car to rush to another city.
This is one of the reasons why state-level organizations tend to hire paid lobbyists. You need someone at the capitol building keeping an eye on what's going on. [It can be very effective for like-minded organizations to share a paid-lobbyist.]
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
August 23, 2005
Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 1)
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
I've got some ideas, but haven't outlined anything yet. So I'm just going to start writing and see where I end up. If I'm lucky, there'll be material that I can do something with in a more organized essay.
Based on what I've recently seen on the NYRA online forums, the Youth Rights movement is desperate for ideas about tactics -- how to recruit people to the cause, how to effectively win battles. I've been chewing on these questions myself for years, and can't say that I have the final answers. However, I do (apparently) have a lot more experience working in political movements than the vast majority of folks in NYRA -- and much of my curiosity has been devoted to questions of movement-building, which can benefit Youth Rights. I've worked both on the local level, with the Portland Bisexual Alliance -- and on the national level, with the National Organization for Men Against Sexism.
The hub of a movement we imagine as an organization which commands the chapters. This is a military metaphor, and not how things actually work. There are a couple of options.
You can have a chapter structure, where local groups are affiliates. The benefit to them is the feeling that they're attached to something larger than just their own work. The national leaders, however, may find themselves asked to mediate in local conflicts that they don't feel qualified to intercede in. Chapters may challenge each other, and ask the national leadership to excommunicate a group. This is not a franchise like "Taco Bell"; the national HQ is very poorly suited to make such decisions. The best you can do is set down general principles that all chapters must adhere to; if the ideological questions are ambiguous or controversial, then you probably just have to live with the suffering.
You can also have a national congress / convention structure. This, as I understand it, is a direction that U.S. Socialists have pursued. Each year, representatives from around the country get together and argue about directions and policies. There's a vote, and everyone goes home from the convention with a commitment to pursue a certain direction, or abide by a new policy. While in theory, you've got a more focused movement via this route, it also buys you a lot of in-fighting. Groups that are insistent about their own point of view splinter off. Sometimes the national group splits in half; sometimes you just lose a single chapter. An additional down-side for youth is that sending a representative to the congress annually is a huge burden; most youth don't have the money, vehicle, or time-off to make such trips. To an extent a congress can be imitated using online forums -- but really there's nothing that can the energy and clarity of face-to-face meetings like this.
I suppose on the opposite end of the spectrum from the congress structure is the network. With a network, there are no trappings of membership -- simply a list of groups that feel they have enough in common to share ideas and resources with each other. Where you lose in terms of a sense of unity, loyalty, and strength -- you also gain, in terms of avoiding conflict and splintering. There are no pretensions of agreement, so people can have their disagreements, but still feel that it's worth associating with one another.
I'm going to focus on a national organization that uses a chapter structure, since that's what I'm most familiar with.
National organizations tend to be mostly smoke and mirrors. Frequently there are only a handful of chapters, and their connection to the national group may be in name only. The national organization perhaps doesn't have an office, it's just nine or fifteen really committed activists who make a road-trip once or twice a year to see each other. In reality, it's probably just one, two, or three really strong personalities who put themselves out into the media as spokespersons. ...And that's OK. This is just how things work.
The value of a national organization is largely symbolic. People in their home towns can point and say "Look, a national organization exists!" to acquaintances who won't take the cause seriously. People who are isolated can pay some money, get a membership card, and feel like they're part of something larger than themselves. Or, they can pay their money and feel a bit less guilty about not being activists, because they're paying someone else to do the work. [That's probably the main reason why people give money. It's fee for service: I'm paying you to change the world for me.]
But what is a national organization actually good for? Less than you'd think. Suppose I'm a national organization -- just me, Sven, myself. First of all, I need to have a directory of organizations around the country that I want to work with. Compiling that list is challenging work in itself! Once I have it, there are basically two things I can do with it.
One. I can create or collect posters, tri-folds, and booklets, and send them out to the chapters. That's the essence of being a "national clearinghouse" or a "resource center". Notice that there's going to be substantial costs involved: photocopying or printing materials, postage to mail them out. Nowadays you can do a lot with PDF files online -- that's an option; but you may feel uncomfortable making all your best thinking available to the opposition as well. This is also more or less what a "think tank" can do -- but if you're wanting to promote "best practices", then you're going to need to get some additional deep-thinkers to join you... To help find out what's been tried, evaluate the options, and draft recommendations.
Two. If I'm a national organization, then I can come up with a great idea for an action, and then recruit as many local organizations to participate as I can -- all on one day, giving the appearance of a unified movement. For instance, we could declare that October 20th (completely random date) is National Anti-Curfew Action Day, and get youth in 20 cities to all hold marches / candle-light vigils. Or, we could ask youth from all over the country to descend on Washington D.C. for a "million youth march" (a very expensive and likely-to-fail option that I don't recommend).
So, in my opinion, those are the two things that a national organization is good for: sending out resources to chapters, or organizing chapters to all do something at the same time.
What national organizations actually do most of the time, unfortunately, is try to get money. I'm not saying that we shouldn't raise money -- I just don't what this confused with actually creating social change. Imagine if you will an organization that does nothing at all; it just has a name: "The National Alliance for a Perfect Utopia". Based on the name alone, you can recruit members: $20 apiece for a year long membership. Say you get 1000 people to become members; that's $20,000 -- just enough to hire a part-time employee. But wait, we're still not doing anything! At this point, the organization may decide that to give members value for their money, there should be a quarterly newsletter. The organization's not actually doing anything; the board of directors doesn't have a physical HQ and only meets once a year; and there's only one real gung-ho activist willing to do any work... So the organization goes into debt to put out just two newsletters, both of which are late, and the organization has now gone into debt because it didn't have enough money for printing costs and postage -- it was all spent on the employee.
Don't let this happen to you! If you can assemble an address list, then you've got what it takes to do national-level activism. Membership dues and paid employees are what makes you a business, not necessarily a force for social change.
All that said, there is one more potential function for a national organization that I failed to mention. If you're in Washington D.C., you're in a position to do lobbying. That is a function that can be useful to a national movement -- but it's entirely dependent upon location.
Oh. Hm. Other options... You could collect a legal defense fund. That would be a pretty good use of funds collected from members -- although how you would choose to disperse the money, I don't know.
You could host a national conference. Since you're preaching to the choir, I hesitate to call it social change -- but it does have a function. Functionally speaking, however, it does fall into the "everyone do something at the same time" model -- rather than everyone go to a rally, you're asking them to go to a conference.
[After an hour of writing, I just took a break for a few hours, to have dinner.]
Looking back at some of the stuff I just wrote, I realize that I've wandered into another topic, which deserves it's own heading. It's not exactly about how to organize a movement -- rather, it's about how to recognize an "national organization" which isn't pursuing its proper mission -- social change -- but is instead purposelessly sucking money out of its constituents. One could make a very reasonable argument that such a group is exploiting the community that it claims to serve. I won't rebuff that argument -- but neither will I champion it.
It's entirely plausible to have a well-meaning group of activists trying to create a national organization who are simply unable to do so. They may be stymied by not really knowing what the organization should do, not having enough gung-ho activists with time to spend, by the distances that have to be crossed to meet. If a group is simply ineffective, some would argue that it should dissolve, in order to clear the way for a new organization to form. I don't think I necessarily agree. When one group ceases to exist, there is no force of nature compelling a different set of people to emerge. Furthermore, there's no reason why a second national organization can't emerge while the first exists. Having two (or more) national organizations could easily be seen as a sign of a movement's health, rather than its demise.
Please note that my comments are not pointed at NYRA. Rather, they are more informed by the controversies I listened in on while on the leadership council of NOMAS some years ago. The principles transcend the organization; I think they're illustrative for any group that's trying to embody a national movement.
A national organization can vacuum money out of its constituent community simply to line the pockets of its employees, without producing any meaningful change...
Another problem scenario involves national spokespersons. To have an impact on the national stage, we imagine that the organization must have a face -- a person who is authorized to speak to the media. Expect internal conflict if/when that spokesperson publicly says things that several leaders within the group don't agree with. If you don't have an actual building for an HQ, if the group only meets once or twice per year, then this is likely to happen. You need a fairly close camaraderie amongst your core activist group in order to feel like you're all "on board" with policies and "on message" when speaking.
Sometimes -- and from what I've encountered, this doesn't seem like an uncommon scenario -- there's really just one charismatic leader who's running the organization and acting as its spokesperson. You need to have a strong will, strong opinions (which is different from ego), to pursue social change at this level. It's an understandable position that one can arrive at. However, the more one becomes a benevolent autocrat, the more likely it is that one will lose connection with the constituency...
In the world of activism, a lot of people say "I can only speak for myself" or "I can't speak for all youth" as caveats. A leader who speaks publicly claims the right to speak on the behalf of others. He or she asserts authority to do so by having a constituency that has elected him / her, or by being gregariously connected to many people in his/her community, by having studied the written history and opinions of the people her/his community. ...You start looking like a "self-appointed leader" without legitimacy if those things don't exist. And then, if you're also the sole person getting a salary... You look like a fraud, financially exploiting an already oppressed group.
I am aware that Alex Koroknay-Palicz, president of and spokesperson for NYRA, has just been given a the first paying contract with the organization. Again, my comments are based on other organizations I am familiar with. I see that Alex could be heading into an ethical snarl during the next few years, but withhold judgment, hoping that this situation will not go the direction that others have.
Perhaps another section title might be "aborted revolution" or "the sham revolution" or "sham national organizations". ...This section's such a disruption, it would probably be best to move it to the end of the essay, as a warning. Possibly to another essay entirely -- still, the topics of self-appointed leaders, cooptation, front groups, sham organizations, and other ways that a movement can go wrong, are important, and need exploration somewhere...
Parents, teachers, and other adults can be important political allies. But they can also destroy Youth Rights organizations from within. I am increasingly thinking that one could plausibly found a group called "Adults for Youth Rights". The trick to it would be to clearly articulate what is required of members / contributors / participants to avoid co-opting the authentic, youth-led YL movement. That would require several position / policy papers, and I wonder what it would take to get a core founding group to agree to these...
Radical parents are a group that has been coalescing on its own. There are parents who unschool their kids, and readers of Hip Mama magazine... They're a source of money, labor, physical resources (vehicles, meeting spaces), that I don't think we can afford to pass up. I've been imagining a "household bill of youth rights" that such a group might form around. A core set of principles for what democratic public schools should look like might also be a founding document for a similar group for teachers. I've often looked at teachers as an enemy of YL -- but what I must remember is that within any group, there are conscientious objectors. Still, we must be very careful not to let even well-meaning teachers steal control of the movement from youth themselves.
There is an etiquette for adults who want to work with Youth Liberation that I have written about elsewhere. It involves simple but important things, such as not interrupting youth while they're talking, being careful not to just talk to the other adults in the room, moderating how often and for how long one talks (let youth talk, too!), and abstaining from actually voting when the time comes for youth to make their decision.
I often talk about "by youth, for youth" organizations. Within the realm of organizations that might be called "youth lib", there are: (1) groups that exclude adults entirely; (2) groups where adults are involved, but youth are in control; and (3) groups where adults and youth participate as equals ("multi-generational organizations"). I am in favor of option #2 rather than option #3 because #3 so often slides down the continuum to an undesirable option: (4) youth participate, but adults are in control. Nonetheless, I want to be very clear: I believe that option #2 is preferable to option #1.
Organizations that have no adult involvement have several major problems to overcome. Youth are inherently a high-turnover group. There are ways of building recruiting into the regular activities of an organization; nonetheless, having adults onboard helps create stability and "organizational memory". Adults have access to vehicles, meeting spaces, photocopiers, etc. that youth typically don't. Perhaps most importantly, adults -- including those whom have recently aged out of Youth Liberation -- have knowledge about how to do activism. Youth can do meaningful activism within a nine-month period (before the "summer bomb" hits), and they can do it with almost no resources -- but if you don't know about how activism is done, then you're really stuck.
Protests are often thought of as synonymous with activism. In certain situations they are useful -- but they are only one tool. On their own, they can be nearly pointless.
The very core of activism -- as I understand it -- is "direct action activism". This is theory that I learned from SPIRIT (Sisters in Portland Impacting Real Issues Together), but which is borne out in other reading and workshops I've encountered.
In "direct action", one identifies a target decision-maker, and leverages them to make a specific decision-maker in your favor. That's one of the most important sentences you'll ever learn as an activist, so I'm going to say it again: In "direct action", one identifies a target decision-maker, and leverages them to make a specific decision-maker in your favor.
Who is a decision-maker? It's a mayor. Or a city council member. Or a county board of commissioners member. Or the head of a school board. Or a school board member. Or a police commissioner. Or the head of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. It's a person who has the power to make a decisions regarding your issue. Typically someone who has other people working for them.
How do you leverage them?
Set up a meeting and talk to them. But first, do as much research as you possibly can. Maybe you don't have a lot of time to google them and find newspaper articles -- that's OK. Go with what you've got... But the more about them that you can find out, the better you'll be able to talk with them. Find out what kind of issues they've supported before. Find out where they go to church. Find out who gave money to their political campaign. Find out what their spouse does for a living, where their children go to school. These things help you figure out how to spin your usual talking points just for them.
If talking to them doesn't work, then you start building public pressure.
Get as many people as possible on your side. Authorities typically have public meetings. When you go and speak at these meetings, bring as many people as you can with you. If possible, make them visually identifiable -- wear shirts or pins that you've made, or silently hold signs in the meeting room. See if you can get other organizations to join you in your cause, e.g. a teacher's group, a union, a crisis line, a youth shelter, etc.
I could say a bunch more about specific tactics in a campaign like this, I'm going to leave it there for the moment.
[Note: How do you bring people to your side? Face-to-face conversation, and then directly asking them for something. That's the most powerful tool. Ever.]
A "movement" doesn't exist but for its local organizations. Really, there's just not that much that a national organization can do! Spend some time looking at the age laws... Most of them are state or city level, not federal level. Winning issues at the national level is premised upon building a foundation of support at the local level. First we win victories at the city, county, and state levels -- then we'll be able to approach federal laws. In fact, our local victories are likely to have a ripple effect: our state representatives will take their opinions of what's going on at home (good or bad!) with them to Washington D.C.
A caveat to begin with: we don't necessarily need to build local organizations. Fighting a campaign and running an organization are almost two separate issues. A campaign, if you're lucky, may only need to run for 2 - 12 months. You can run this kind of campaign out of people's living rooms...
Running a sustainable organization, on the other hand, doesn't necessarily lead to initiating (let alone winning) campaigns. There's plenty to do just to manage meetings, even if they had no content for discussion!
So, let me take a moment to address doing activism without an organization.
Meet at someone's home. Don't bother with setting up a power structure; use a set of rules that I learned from the Lesbian Avengers (paraphrased): (1) Anyone can bring an idea for action; (2) if you raise and idea, you're responsible for spearheading it; (3) people in the group can either participate in the action, or choose to abstain -- otherwise, there is no discussion.
...This last rule is the key one. Getting everyone to agree can be difficult -- if not impossible -- and the arguments that it takes to get to consensus may be so exhausting that people simply drop out, out of frustration. Using a system like this may not be as coordinated as one would like -- which can be frustrating if you're working on a big campaign -- but at least it actually results in actions -- and it discourages people from making proposals that they aren't willing to do any work towards, themselves (a huge time waster!).
You don't need a fancy meeting space, certainly not a building of your own. You can meet at someone's house -- but I would advise against it. When you meet at someone's house, you're imposing on someone's hospitality -- few people can offer up their home with regularity; you're going to have to find another meeting space soon. And private homes are often away from the areas that have common reference points; people get lose the directions, and even with directions get lost on their way to the meeting. And -- particularly for YL -- there are issues of having to leave by a certain time, particularly with parents watching over the proceedings.
Free public spaces are better. Public libraries often offer meeting rooms -- if you sign up for them far enough in advance. Sometimes youth-oriented dance clubs or music venues will let you use their space -- but it may depend on having a personal relationship with the owners. College campuses are OK -- although increasingly administrations are restricting student groups' ability to host outside groups. Youth drop in centers can be pretty good. Meeting rooms held by other organizations are particularly good (e.g. the Urban League, Cascade AIDS Project, etc.). One of the big benefits of volunteering for other causes is winning friendships that literally open the doors to such resources.
Meeting at restaurants has pros and cons. Restaurants (Denny's I've noticed in particular) can get irritated at "boisterous" youth and arbitrarily make rules that prevent good use of the space. Still, it can be nice to have food -- particularly if you're meeting in the traditional 7-9pm time block. Me, I'm very proud of having run board meetings in Taco Bell for several years -- everyone got fed, and most of the meals were for under a buck! ...Coffee shops -- they're probably where I've had more meetings than anywhere else. Ideal, if you don't have more than about six people there.
The best days to meet are Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, between 7 and 9pm. Mondays, people tend not to be thinking about their week yet; Friday night people have started their weekend; and on weekends people are off doing other things. Friday and Sunday nights are probably the worst times to meet. Nonetheless, any time that you can get people to commit to is a good one.
Most youth don't carry a calendar or planner with them. Don't bemoan it -- work around it. It's easiest to remember a meeting that happens every week on the same day. Avoid changing your meeting time around each week unless you have a very small group of committed activists (five or less) who you know to be conscientious about such things. If you're not going to meet every week, meeting every other week is easier to remember than "first and third Thursdays" or "second and fourth Sundays".
I advise against meeting only once a month in the belief that it will give people more time to get work done; most work is done immediately before a meeting -- you'll get the most work out of people when they're meeting 2-3 times a week. Meeting once a month -- or worse, twice a year -- tends to be very demoralizing: you carry the guilt of not doing the work you've committed to, everywhere you go. It is talking with other people that gets us energized.
Send out reminders -- this dramatically improves turn-out, for adults as much as for youth. Some people are phone people, some people are email people; use both modes if you're able.
It's extremely difficult to keep meetings up during the summer; I advise against even trying. People travel. And not having the imposed schedules of school, etc., that exist in the spring and fall, there's less context for a structured existence. Psychologically, we're conditioned to think of summer as time off -- we subconsciously feel that we should be resting, and rebel against work. ...And it's too hot!
time, place, person to talk
introducing agenda - default leader
clear on when to start and end. don't wait to start late. end on time or "renegotiate"
nicety: who hasn't spoken; don't interrupt; introductions; ground rules unnecessary
consensus vs. vote; stepping out of the way
sharing leadership, rotating & apprenticing
calling the vote
straw polls
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
July 22, 2005
Youth Liberation Simplified
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
Youth Liberation has many voices. Its activists have differences of opinion: different theories about why adults oppress young people, and about how to better young people's lives. In this essay, however, rather than working to distinguish the different branches of YL thought, I want to focus on what unifies us. In the simplest possible terms, I hope to say what it is that binds Youth Liberationists together.
In my opinion, what YL activists have in common is a sense of anger and injustice at the way that many adults and adult-written laws treat youth. There are three essential things that offend us:
- unfairness
- force
- disrespect
Let me now discuss each of these in a bit more depth.
YL supporters feel strongly that artificial age lines are unfair. It's wrong to deny young people rights based purely upon calendar age -- and it's wrong to deny them rights based on the average abilities of the group, not taking individual competence into account.
It should be recognized that artificial age-lines are attempts at dealing with several different categories of issues. These include:
- providing youth advantages not available to adults (e.g. compulsory education)
- guaranteeing competence for public safety (e.g. for driving)
- culpability for misdeeds (e.g. making contracts, juvenile courts)
- keeping youth away from vice (e.g. smoking, drinking)
- protecting youth from exploitation (e.g. child labor and age of consent laws)
- preventing youth crime (e.g. curfews, limiting sales of spray-paint)
YL has not necessarily generated better solutions than those that exist for each of these issues. Still, wherever possible, we prefer equal access to rights, or age-blind tests of ability.
We don't like youth being forced to do things against their will. We object to coercion in the form of emotional pressure, verbal harassment, hitting / spanking, and various punishments that "take away privileges". We object to youth being put in positions where they are given no choices, and thus coerced by a lack of options.
We prefer consensus between youth and adults where possible. In cases where youth are members of a large institution (e.g. a school), we feel youth should be able to formally participate in decision-making processes, and in ways that give their voices / votes real weight.
We also stake out a variety of areas where youth should always have the final say -- because the matter in question concerns their own body, their own property, or their life path. We want youth to be able to escape people who use force against them -- particularly parents and teachers -- immediately, and on their own volition.
We object to the idea that youth are inherently flawed or beneath adults. We object to the idea that any contemporary generation of youth is qualitatively worse than the ones that preceded it. We object to negative generalizations about young people, and to mocking the things associated with youth (e.g. fashions, music). We assert that bigotry against youth exists and is morally unacceptable.
We are concerned both with increasing youth pride in those things that make them different from adults -- and increasing the perception of how similar youth and adult abilities and psyches actually are.
We challenge adults' sense of superiority over youth, encouraging them instead to embrace humility and empathy.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
June 25, 2005
Historical Research on Adulthood, draft #1
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
Reviewing what I have learned -- without checking my source materials (much) for accuracy. The purpose of this: before I get too bogged down with checking my facts, I have to get a sense of what exactly I've learned so far.
The first (known) town was built circa 6000 BC. It had a stone wall around it, suggesting that it was engaged in warfare. There is evidence of slavery.
[See Chronology of World Slavery.]
We're dealing with about a thousand years of history here. The Assyrians and the Babylonians are the major peoples of the time. There are maybe 12 major cities. There are about six surviving legal codes from this time period to look into. However, "code" is not precisely the correct term -- the written laws are seen as proof to the gods of fulfilling one's duty as king.
There is slavery. Marriage is a private contract between families. Adulthood begins at marriage. Adults may be punished by punishing their children in their place.
[See A History of the Family, Vol I.]
Some of the earliest laws were written by Draco. These were substantially rewritten by Solon. Plato's notion of communally held children is rebuffed by Aristotle. Aristotle's Politics is a significant work, in which he describes women, children, and animals as the property of men. He also describes the household as a miniature state.
The Greeks have the clearest transition to adulthood that I've found. Children are brought into the forum, stripped naked, and given an adult toga. The "put away childish things". The city is organized into demes -- a political subdivision. People have three-part names; the name of the deme is part of how they are named. It appears that there is a census, and that entering new adults into this record is significant aspect of entering into public life. This may have to do with military service.
[See the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood entry on Greco-Roman history.]
The extent to which Greece Hellenized Rome and Rome Romanized Greece is unclear to me at present. Greece did not turn law into a "science"; lawyers are viewed essentially as sophists paid to lie.
Rome is a high-point in the creation of law; there are two major systems in the course of world history -- Civil Law (Roman) and Common Law (originating in England).
Prior to the creation of the Roman Republic, there are seven kings. Most of this history is legendary -- however, I have seen fragments of legal code from this period that declare the father's right to control his children.
[See "The Roman Law Library" online, "http://web.upmf-grenoble.fr/Haiti/Cours/Ak/index.htm".]
In the Roman Republic, the earliest legal code is the Twelve Tables, followed by the works of Gaius. Toward the end of the Roman Empire Period, as the Empire is becoming Christianized, the Emperor Justinian creates a great collection of previous law: the Corpus Iuris Civilis, the Civil Law.
Adulthood is identified with puberty: 12 for girls, 14 for boys. Early on there is a debate about whether adulthood should be marked by actual physical changes, or by an artificial age line. Identifying the point at which a person becomes physically able to procreate requires an embarrassing exam, and is not possible for male eunuchs. The debate goes on for a very long time, but eventually the artificial age line approach wins out.
[See A Casebook on Roman Family Law by Frier & McGinn.]
The Romans explicitly recognize themselves as having a unique legal system in terms of how much control they have over their children. The system is called patria potestas; all power is vested in the male head of household, the paterfamilias. No one but the paterfamilias is allowed to own property. The paterfamilias is the oldest male in the household, and only cedes power upon death, along the lines of primogeniture. In the case of there being no male children, an agnate (the closest male relative) is chosen.
The Roman System of law is based on the view that households are responsible for self-governance. [See the final chapter, "Conclusion: The Face-to-Face Society" of Being A Roman Citizen by Jane F. Gardner.]. The system of patria potestas, however, sets up a conflict between private and public life. A son may take a public office while still technically under the control of his paterfamilias.
Adulthood at puberty is modified by the additional institution of tutelage.
There is a long-standing conflict in Roman society between the older families, the patricians, and the newer families, the plebeians. It appears that originally only patrician members of the senate may vote, but that the vote is expanded to include sons above a certain age -- probably because they are an armed infantry, which must be given vestment in the political structure, or risk losing control of them (rather similar to how Viet Nam precipitated lowering the voting age in the U.S.).
[See Roman Private Law by R.W. Leage?]
Rome occupied England prior to approx. 400AD, at which point the Empire withdrew to deal with more pressing matters closer to home. The native inhabitants of England at that point were the Celts. There is widespread agreement that almost all traces of Roman culture were wiped away. The one enduring contribution of the Roman Empire was Christianity, which successfully dominated. Traces of Roman law persisted in the Canon Law of the Church's ecclesiastical courts. It is unclear to me at this point what of Roman Law persisted through Canon Law, except that I know Canon Law holds jurisdiction over marriage, divorce, and probate.
[See An Introduction to English Legal History, 2nd Ed. by J.H. Baker.]
With the Romans gone, two Teutonic (Germanic) tribes move into England: the Angles and Saxons. There are also invasions from the north by the Vikings. During the next six hundred years, there is a succession of kings. Aethelbert provides the earliest written legislation, albeit fragmentary. During this period, there are a number of artificial age lines. The primary sources are archaic, and English translations may be difficult for me to track down.
[See A History of English Law, Vol II, 3rd Ed. by W.S. Holdsworth, pp. 97-99.]
A great turning point in English history is 1066, when William I ("William the Conqueror") won the battle of Hastings, a.k.a. the Norman Conquest. The background of this battle is that three potential successors for the English crown came into conflict; one defeated another, William coming from Normandy in France defeated that victor, in his weakened state. Prior to 1066, there was already a fairly organized political system in England, composed of local governments (boroughs, etc.). William built upon this.
The origins of English Common Law are in the 12th century. Circa 1118, an author from the continent attempted to summarize the laws of England in the Leges Henrici Primi. Then, in 1189, Glanvil wrote De Legibus et Consuetundinibus. Meanwhile, in Bologna, Italy, the monk Gratian attempted the first summation of Canon Law with his "Concordance of Discordant Canons", a.k.a. the Discretum (circa 1140).
[See Handbook of Anglo-American Legal History by Max Radin for a time-line.]
During the period from 1066-1485, feudalism is in effect, and the age of majority is important largely relative to holding tenures. There are different ages for different classes, with 21 being the age of majority for knights; it gradually becomes the age of majority for all. There are complexities of different types of guardianship here that need to be examined. ...Apparently the Magna Carta (1215), which limited the powers of the king, had a number of provisos that dealt specifically with lords abusing guardianship of their wards' lands.
[See A History of English Law, Vol III, 3rd Ed. by W.S. Holdsworth, pp. 510-520.]
The parental duty to care for one's children emerges out of the Elizabethan Poor Laws.
[See From Father's Property to Children's Rights by Mary Ann Mason.]
William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England was published 1765-1769, and represented a concise summation of English legal principles, which was influential when it was transported to America. It is not in itself the English Common Law; I was in error when I previously asserted this.
Note that it wasn't until the 1832 Reform Bill that the majority of the male middle-class (but not the working class) was given the vote. [See wikipedia, "History of England".] The Common Law system came to an end circa 1850. [See An Introduction to English Legal History, p. 79.]
Historians divide the colonies into four regions: New England, the Middle Colonies, the Chesapeake Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.
[See wikipedia, "Colonial America".]
During this period, although there wasn't an elaborate state mechanism yet, there were still local officials who would intercede in significant abuse / neglect cases. I am unclear who created ordinances, and how they fit into the governmental system of the time. However, at this point in time parents are required to provide (1) food & shelter, (2) basic literacy, (3) vocational education, (4) religious training.
Children are crucial as a workforce. Street children are captured in England and sent across the sea as slaves. A father has all custodial rights; mothers are only owed "respect". A child may be "bonded out" to another adult as labor. A child may also be apprenticed out, which is similar, except there's an obligation for the master to teach them a trade. Within the home, physical discipline is the norm. In Massachusetts (?) there is a law based on the bible that allows a father to murder a disobedient child -- but there is no evidence that it was used.
[See From Father's Property to Children's Rights by Mary Ann Mason.]
James Madison argued in the Federalist Papers No. 62 for setting the age requirement for senators at 30. George Mason of Virginia suggested 25 for the House of Representative (Records of the Federal Convention of 1787). At the same congressional convention, James Wilson makes the counter-argument that there is "no more reason for incapacitating youth than [old] age".
[See West's Encyclopedia of American Law under the article "age requirement for holding office".]
The age of 21 doesn't enter constitutional law until the 14th Amendment is ratified in 1868.
During the 1800s, divorce law is changed significantly: people can divorce by going before a judge, rather than having to go before the state legislature. The principle of coverture, under which women have no legal existence under the law (feme covert), is eroded as women win the right to initiate divorce, own property, and (consequently) take custody of children after a divorce.
Toward the end of the 1800s, and during the first half of the 1900s, a revolution in the institutions dealing with children occurs. Prior to this period, there was a bargain that in exchange for receiving care, children are obligated to provide for their parents. During the progressive era, the children's obligation to serve their parents is eroded. There are three main institutions that emerge: (1) child labor law, (2) compulsory education, (3) juvenile courts. The activists spearheading these changes are generally referred to as the "child-savers".
After several decades of work, child labor is finally brought under control by the FDR's Fair Labor Standards Act, as part of the New Deal. Compulsory schooling is explicitly linked to child labor law by the child-savers: it puts children somewhere other than at work for their parents. Juvenile courts also play into the fundamental change of bargain, by lessening liability on parents for the actions of their children.
Additionally, toward the end of the 1800s, child abuse also begins to be recognized. Originally laws prohibiting cruelty against animals are used to argue the case. In the 1950s or 60s, awareness of child abuse explodes with the publication of the book the "Battered Child Syndrome".
Viet Nam highlights that young men can die for their country, but cant vote. This leads the U.S. government to pass the Federal Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970. The Supreme Court strikes down portions of this that make improper demands upon state governments. The Federal Government responds by passing the 26th Amendment. This legislation is rushed through, because an election is impending and all involved want to avoid confusion during the actual election process.
[See The Guide to American Law by West Publishing, 1984, under the article "infants".]
A series of Supreme Court decisions recognize the personhood of children. However, since a high-water mark for Children's Rights around 1970, a progressively more conservative court has made increasingly anti-youth decisions.
Children's Rights have been founded upon the principle of parens patriae -- the right of the state to oversee the welfare of all its citizens. However, there has been a conflict in approach to rights. On the one hand there is a right to be nurtured, on the other the right to autonomy. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is largely based on attempting to guarantee that children will be nurtured, rather than have autonomy. The strange outcome of this approach is that it leads to children not having rights that they can access -- they must be spoken for by an adult advocate.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
June 8, 2005
The Evolution of Youth's Position Under the State - A Hypothesis
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
I'm still working on researching this question: What is the earliest origin of the age of majority?
My search for answers has me doing in-depth research on the laws of Rome and Greece, and has gone as far back as Mesopotamia 2000 BCE. I've finally begun to find clues for what actually happened in Greece and Rome, historically speaking... But before I get the actual details in order, I want to state my hypotheses -- to either be proved or disproved by the historical record.
It appears to me that the emergence of the age of majority -- full legal adulthood, as opposed to biological adulthood or maturity of character -- is tied to the emergence of an organized state. Thinking structurally, I see three periods that need to be addressed: (1) before kings, (2) the monarchy, and (3) the republic.
1. When agrarian societies emerge, the male head-of-households (paters) use slavery to help tend the land.
[See Aristotle's comments in "Politics" about how at its most basic, the family is composed of a man, his wife, and his servant.]
2. The slave-owning mentality permeates the society; women and children are increasingly treated like property.
[See Gerda Lerner, "The Creation of Patriarchy" for ideas about the connection between enslaving members of other tribes and the subjugation of women.]
3. Marriage is dealt with as a private contract between paters. It is essentially an exchange of human property, which creates alliances.
4. Without a strong merchant class, the land is the primary means of producing the necessities of life. Consequently, rules regarding inheritance and lines of succession are all-important within the family power structure.
1. The king's primary duty is as warlord, protecting the community from outside threats. During times of peace, this power is redirected inward, to securing the domestic peace.
2. The king establishes his rule by forging relationships with the paters. He does not interfere in the private sphere.
3. The first laws, in an attempt to create domestic peace, set out punishments for crimes against persons (e.g. homicide). Only state violence is deemed legitimate: this stabilizes relationships between paters and ends the cycle of vengeance required by blood feuds.
4. Almost simultaneously, the king creates punishments for crimes against property. Given that women, slaves, and children are largely treated as human property, this addresses rape and abduction as well as simple theft.
5. The father's right to obedience from his children is probably formalized at this point. The king essentially makes this deal: I will maintain peace in the public realm; you, paters, are responsible for policing the persons within your private home.
6. Property disputes require adjudication. As a means of preventing some disputes, the king prohibits sons from making contracts, which might later be contested. All contracts must go through the pater. (This includes marriage contracts.)
7. After the father dies, there may be disputes between siblings over inheritance of land. This leads to formalizing rules of succession. Primogeniture, by virtue of vesting power in the (presumably) next most powerful male in the family, has a synergy with the system that originally put power in the hands of the father.
1. The overthrow of the king leads to a system where paters have votes within an aristocratic parliament / congress. While there may be an executive office, the lords / senators now have significant control over government.
[Incidentally, the power of the old families begins to come into conflict with newer families. Consider the conflict between the patricians and the plebeians in Rome.]
2. The bureaucratic apparatus of the state begins to use numerical age as a qualification for holding public office.
[Look at Aristotle's Greek Constitution.]
3. Conscription of sons into the military leads to an expansion of voting rights to individuals, not just senatorial paters. The armed forces constitute a threat that concessions must be made to.
4. For females, the transition from girlhood to womanhood is (and has been) marked by marriage. Eventually, marriage becomes a status conferred by state authorities, rather than a private contract.
[How does this serve the needs of the state? Is it purely a concession to organized religion?]
5. For males, the ability to hold public office creates a tension with the power of the father. This increasingly leads to individual rights based on attaining the age of majority, instead of legal invisibility under the control of the father.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
May 27, 2005
Exploration: Joining the Opposition?
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
I am currently deep in the midst of research, guided by this question: "What are the origins of artificial age lines?" The research is becoming very expansive, spanning from the time of Hammurabi (ca. 1700 BCE) to the present day, 2005 AD. Currently, I am at a stage where I'm skimming books and articles quickly, experimenting with skeletons that will presumably get fleshed out later.
Today I discovered the "Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society" (2004. Paula S. Fass, Editor in Chief. To be referred to as ECC from here on.). In the section titled "Law, Children and the", there's an illuminating account of minors' legal status from the time of the thirteen colonies to the present day. One interesting point was that there has been a backlash towards Children's Rights gaining in strength since a high water mark around 1970. The essence of this backlash seems to bee opposition to the notion that youth should be granted the full set of adult rights.
Curious about what directions the backlash has taken, I pulled out "In Their Best Interest? The Case Against Equal Rights for Children" (1992. Laura M. Purdy.) To my surprise, Laura M. Purdy is a feminist philosopher. I've had this book on my shelf for some time -- it was obvious that I had to own it -- but I haven't gotten around to reading it, partly because I expected it to come from a religious conservative perspective. My sense now, after a brief skim, is that Purdy is against YL as it has been articulated by Howard Cohen, Richard Farson, and John Holt -- but she is nonetheless in favor of getting rid of many of the obviously unjustified expressions of adult authority (e.g. dress codes, censoring reading material). Furthermore, her analysis is adequately in-line with my own values, that I'm prone to look at her book as a contribution towards improving the YL movement, rather than as the work of an enemy.
The ECC entry says:
"[A]ge-blind" rights became the goal of children's rights advocates, who argued that children should have the same rights as adults. Indeed, some even called for the abolition of minority status, which was likened to slavery and coverture." (p. 545)
I think this is a fairly accurate description of Cohen, Farson, and Holt's work -- as well as most of my own... However, the key phrase here that the backlash objects to is "the same rights as adults". Me, for some time now I've been going in a different direction from "equality" as it's been traditionally understood -- and I think perhaps it's time for me to hash through some of the fundamental differences between myself and these seminal authors, whom I've been so inspired by.
The crucial difference, perhaps, is that I don't think YL can afford to interpret "equal rights" as "identical rights". Instead, I think that we need to (1) recognize differences, (2) create accommodations for young people's actual disabilities, and thus (3) transform how we understand both adulthood and childhood.
To an extent, the YL movement should consider the civil rights movement of adults with disabilities our implicit ally. A premise of their cause is that people are not physically and mentally identical -- but by modifying the physical environment and institutional structures of society, the playing field can be leveled so that they can enjoy something like "equal rights". I do want an "age-blind" society -- but it is absurd to think that we could simply stop paying attention to the special needs of five-year-olds. We must change the practical arrangements of living: then age differences can begin to gently fade away on their own.
The strongest current incarnation of YL, the Youth Rights movement, seems to take it's inspiration from the civil rights movements of blacks and women in the fifties, sixties, and seventies. What I sense the YR activists may not be fully aware of, however, is that "equality" has been a problematic concept when it's been applied to women. Of the top of my head, I know of two books that deal with feminism's struggle with "equality": "Feminism and Equality" (1987. Ed. Anne Phillips.) and "The Equality Trap - Why Working Women Shouldn't Be Treated Like Men" (1988. Mary Ann Mason*.) I have suspicions that research into why the Equal Rights Amendment failed would also garner insight.
[*Note: I just realized -- Mary Ann Mason is the same person who wrote "From Father's Property to Children's Rights: The History of Child Custody in the United States", which I referenced in my last essay.]
The issue that I've most frequently seen discussed with regards to women and this issue of problematic equality is pregnancy. If you view the male as the standard human being, then work situations will effectively penalize women for having children. If one redesigns the workplace taking women's experiences as the norm, then one comes up with proposals regarding day care, health care, child support, and paid leaves. This is not "equality" if men get to set the standard -- but if the realities of women's bodies and lives are accommodated in the first place, a form of equally fair treatment can proceed from there. [See "The Lenses of Gender - Transforming the Debate on Sexual Inequality" by Sandra Lipsitz Bem, 1993, pp. 73 -79, for a discussion of androcentric laws regarding pregnancy.]
Youth are wrongly denied legal rights. We must fix this. But to simply say "treat all youth the same as adults" isn't good enough. Infants need care in order to survive; young children need to be taught how society functions; and even teens need financial support to get started in the world -- whether that be from parents, the government, or other sources. Youth need special benefits that not all adults will receive...
I believe we can deal with the issue of legal rights by appealing to the concept that youth must not be property, rather than the concept of identical treatment.
The title of this essay is "Joining the opposition?" -- which I intend to be tongue in cheek. I have no intention of giving up my loyalty to the cause. But it occurred to me to try listing a bunch of the points on which I agree with our opponents.
When trying to argue our cause, I've run up against the same objections over and over. Now, you have to realize, most of the workshops I've run have been for fairly like-minded people... When I start feeling like I'm just trying to slip out of their arguments -- maybe it's time to take a couple of months or years to really try to address what they're saying. In the process of doing so, I've abandoned certain arguments -- and there are certain objections that I now anticipate, and want to dispel before they're raised. It almost starts to sound like I'm agreeing with the opposition...
So, I say to myself tonight, let's not be scared of that. Let's try listing all the points on which I'm in (a sort of) agreement with the opponents.
1) I'm for maintaining the parent-child bond. It should be a default that a child stays with their biological parents.
2) An adversarial relationship between a youth and their parent(s) is not desirable.
3) Children are different from adults. The difference between a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old is negligible -- but an infant and a 40-year-old are very different. The younger the child and the older the adult you're comparing, the greater the difference.
4) Young persons have special needs. They need to be given food and shelter, orientation in society, and financial support. Some adults also need these kinds of support in a continuing way -- but all very young children minimally need these things for survival.
5) Simply sending a young person out into adult society to fend for themselves, without any support, is a bad thing.
6) There are a variety of ways in which treating youth as legal adults could seriously harm them.
7) Young people, particularly the younger they are, may be emotionally unstable, have irrational beliefs, and lack the competence to make important decisions about their own lives.
9) Legal guardians should have authority to take care of their children.
8) There are instances of conflict between youth and their parents where the parents, in good conscience, will be compelled to override the will of their offspring. Youth don't always get to have their way.
10) Parents should be engaged with their child. One should not simply leave the youth to their own devices.
11) Youth need warmth, nurturing, mentors, and role-models they can look up to.
12) It is the government's responsibility to intercede in cases of abuse, protecting children from unfit parents.
13) A form of state-sponsored compulsory schooling should exist.
How can I agree with all these things, given the body of my work to date? It's all about the caveats.
1) I'm for maintaining the parent-child bond. It should be a default that a child stays with their biological parents.
Plato, in "The Republic", advocated that parents should be separated from their parents at birth, and never allowed to find out who they are. I can't support this position. I think that when a woman gives birth, she has a inherent right to stay connected to the being that has exited her body. As soon as the baby leaves her, it becomes a separate being with rights of its own. However, having no discernable interest in leaving the mother at birth, the infant should be kept with her.
[In fact, to the greatest possible extent, the infant should be held against the mother's skin immediately following birth, not taken away. Studies on child abuse have shown that this is a crucial moment for the mother to bond with the child -- which can help found a warm relationship for the years to come.]
I do say "default", however. I do not think that a family should be kept together at all costs. If there is abuse, the parent shouldn't necessarily get to keep custody. Whether because of abuse -- or simply because the youth has a strong desire to leave -- if the youth wants to move out of their parents home, I believe they must be allowed to do so.
Most families *do* function adequately, though. No need to fix what's not broken! YL, in my opinion, deals primarily with giving youth more options for when things go wrong...
2) An adversarial relationship between a youth and their parent(s) is not desirable.
An adversarial relationship is not desirable -- but that doesn't mean that a youth should simply submit to parental authority. If there arguments in good faith need to happen, then they should happen. And if the parents exercise their authority unjustly, then the youth should fight back. Domestic peace mustn't be founded on either subordination or squelching dissent.
3) Children are different from adults. The difference between a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old is negligible -- but an infant and a 40-year-old are very different. The younger the child and the older the adult you're comparing, the greater the difference.
However, even if adults have more extensive abilities than youth, it is wrong to cultivate a feeling of superiority. Adults should be humble about their abilities, acknowledging all that they are *not* capable of -- and honoring the honest struggles of youth to manage their own life with the facilities that they do possess. Rather than yanking young people's lives out of their hands, adults should do all that they can to maximize young people's self-determination.
4) Young persons have special needs. They need to be given food and shelter, orientation in society, and financial support. Some adults also need these kinds of support in a continuing way -- but all very young children minimally need these things for survival.
Youth did not ask to be born. For imposing existence upon a youth, parents owe them at least the means for survival, without an reciprocal obligation of labor or obedience on the part of the youth. The parents' burden of support should be lessened by society, which should provide socialized services as a safety net that all citizens (including youth) can benefit from in times of need.
5) Simply sending a young person out into adult society to fend for themselves, without any support, is a bad thing.
Youth need caring assistance -- particularly during their earliest years. However, when a youth takes it into their mind to go out and explore, they should be enabled to do this. With regards to most rights issues, I am in concurrence with John Holt that rights should be made *available* to youth, at the asking.
6) There are a variety of ways in which treating youth as legal adults could seriously harm them.
There are several varieties of age-lines, some of which are problematic with regards to youth welfare. I've written about this elsewhere so I will merely synopsize here. (see "Exploration: Ageless Being - A Thought Experiment", section 5, from 12.20.04)
A) Skills required for communal safety
B) Minimal intelligence required for communal decision-making
C) Regulating the impact of vice
D) Assessing responsibility for someone's criminal actions
E) Identifying and empowering persons vulnerable to exploitation
At present, I don't think that YL has adequately addressed all of these types of age-lines. Particularly with regards to sexual exploitation, it is irresponsible in my opinion to simply erase age lines at present. I'm not happy with the age of consent on principle, but don't have a better solution. ...It's OK for us to not have all the answers yet.
7) Young people, particularly the younger they are, may be emotionally unstable, have irrational beliefs, and lack the competence to make important decisions about their own lives.
However, it is absurd to presume that youth are incompetent to control their own lives until they are 18. Rather subordinate youth to their guardians' will, guardians should strive to merely assist youth in following their own will. Standing in the way of a youth's will should be a grave matter, an action of last resort. Furthermore, the areas in which a parent *is* justified in overriding a minor's will should be clearly spelled out.
Parents predictably fear that young children will put a fork in an electrical socket, put a marble in their nose, run into the street, touch a hot stove burner, and eat nothing but cookies. Intervening in situations where there will be unintentional and immediate physical damage is justified -- punishment for these errors is not. [With regards to the cookies: why has an environment been created where these cookies are so available to begin with?]
With regards to teens, parents predictably fear drug use, teen pregnancy, gang involvement, and tattoos. If the behavior in question is criminal, then a parent has a legitimate dilemma about what to do. However, for issues where the teen is altering their own body -- e.g. through sex, pregnancy, dying hair, getting tattooed -- the parent can voice their personal opinions, but not try to veto. There may be serious consequences -- but none of them are the end of the world; they can all be dealt with.
It is more important for a young person to be able to have their own mistakes and be able to learn than for a parent to impose what they believe to be right. It is more important for a young person's sense of control of their own life to be respected than for them to be shielded from all negative consequences.
9) Legal guardians should have authority to take care of their children.
Parents or other legal guardians need freedom and flexibility in taking care of their children. However, there is a whole list of areas that parents should conscientiously, and in advance, decide that they will not control. The most fundamental principle that must be respected is that a youth is not their parent's property; the youth owns their own body and life.
[I have notes for "a new parent-child contract". See "Exploration: Youth As Their Own Property", from 10.06.04. ...I hope to expand upon this idea of an actual contract, or perhaps a "within-family youth bill of rights", in the near future.]
8) There are instances of conflict between youth and their parents where the parents, in good conscience, will be compelled to override the will of their offspring. Youth don't always get to have their way.
The younger the child, the more likely this is to be. For instance, you might go to a park with a child at 1pm, with a commitment to someone else to meet at 2pm. If the youth stubbornly refuses to leave at 2, then the conscientious parent has a dilemma. A conscientious parent can do a great deal to minimize the likelihood of having to overrule a child -- and I think there's a burden upon the parent to go out of their way to make concessions to the dependent youth -- but there will be unfortunate times when conflicts occur and the parent sees no other way out. It is forgivable.
However, come the teen years, overriding the will of the youth should be unheard of. If it comes down to a matter of criminal behavior such as drug-taking, the parent's choice is more or less to allow the behavior, or turn the child over to the police. This is the same choice the parent would face if they discovered one of their adult friends was using drugs.
10) Parents should be engaged with their child. One should not simply leave the youth to their own devices.
Generally speaking, young children want (kind) parental attention. Give it. Just because you don't stand in the way of youth freedom doesn't mean that you can't be interested in the youth and participate in their lives! Work to have a strong, meaningful relationship. Treat the youth with dignity, respect, and compassion. People, all people, tend to be attracted to someone who treats them this way.
But, if a youth wants privacy, or to have a life independent of you -- respect that wish.
11) Youth need warmth, nurturing, mentors, and role-models they can look up to.
All people, including adults need warm and nurturing people in their lives. It doesn't matter who they are. It could be two parents, a single mom, two married gay men, a familial collective -- so long as there's a strong personal connection with someone, it doesn't matter who. It just has to be someone who cares about you, and can listen and talk with you compassionately.
By the same token, we all need mentors and role-models. They can be people of our own age -- it doesn't matter. The point is that we need people we can learn from, and someone in the world who we respect and think is worth emulating. If a parent can provide this, that's great! But parents don't *inherently* offer these things, simply by virtue of having given birth.
12) It is the government's responsibility to intercede in cases of abuse, protecting children from unfit parents.
Youth need to be able to remove themselves from abusive situations at will, without having to go to an advocate that will then speak for them. This does not mean that adult-run child protection agencies should be shut down. Child protection agencies should remain in place -- and they should be adequately staffed and funded, which is not the case now. Very young children are generally unable to initiate self-defense measures. Older youth, however, should be given the tools to remove themselves from danger immediately -- and perhaps as well a knowledge of physical self-defense techniques.
13) A form of state-sponsored compulsory schooling should exist.
Compulsory schooling -- because it is compulsory -- is problematic for YL. There are three worthwhile courses of action here: (1) unschooling should be promoted as an option, (2) more alternative schools should be founded, and (3) mainstream public schools should be radically democratized. I am against abolishing schools altogether because they offer an important means to extract youth from a potentially abusive family situation, where they may be trapped. It is a bad thing for youth to be trapped in a tedious, degrading, or dangerous school situation, too. Yet, it seems to me that there must be some juncture where parents are legally required to allow their children to make contact with the public sphere. School seems like the best way to do that.
I also believe that education is important to the health of a democracy. To the extent that youth receive a benefit that adults do not, being given free education, I would like to see things equalized. I would like there to be some sort of system that gives people of all ages a means of furthering their education without expense. At higher-levels, this might deal with a system of scholarships... I've heard about programs that sound even-handed, but am not up on the topic enough to be able to reiterate how they work exactly.
The YL proposals of Cohen, Farson, and Holt suffer from an appearance of impracticality. Their lists of equal rights sound good in principle, but when you try to imagine what their world look like in practice, it's difficult to really picture oneself as a youth using all these rights. ...You only use the rights that you need. Most of us just sort of slide along in life... And this picture of the world doesn't necessarily feel very well suited to very young children (say, 7 and under).
A few concluding notes about a practical approach to youth justice -- including how we get from here to youthtopia:
- Write a new parent-child contract, founded on ownership of one's body. The contract places specific limits upon the parent's areas of veto power. The contract is entered into voluntarily by the parent, but could also be the rallying point for radical parents who support the YL cause.
- Develop social services that enable youth to escape from harmful situations under their own power. Make assault on youth ("discipline") illegal; train youth in physical self-defense; eliminate curfews, truancy laws, and prohibitions on running away; fund public transportation; create more youth hostels / shelters / collective living units; establish scholarships for school.
- Promote unschooling. Support founding new alternative schools -- particularly based on the Sudberry Valley School model. Work to radically democratize public schools: try to win youth real control over hiring, firing, funding, and curriculum decisions
- Accomplish "Children's Rights" work through youth activism. The demand for change is most credible and compelling when it comes from the people who are actually effected.
- Strengthen the youth community. Without community forums where youth learn about the history of adult-youth relationships and come to identify with youth as a group, there will be no pool of activists to replace the ones who are constantly aging out.
- Work to educate youth about the rights that they have currently, how to recognize when those rights are being violated, and how to navigate a grievance process.
- Help youth activist organizations move from simply protesting wrongs (e.g. the curfew) to engaging with legislators at the city, county, and state levels. Propagate knowledge about the practicalities of who the officials are, where and when they meet, and how to get a chance to speak. Talk about how to research laws and propose alternatives.
- Work to address issues surrounding each of the different types of age-lines separately. Eliminating artificial age lines remains our ultimate goal -- but we need to address each type with sophistication, rather than lumping them all together. Our rhetoric is undermined if we argue for absolute equal rights but noticeably ignore the problem areas. This is theory work that we haven't completed yet.
- Don't pretend youth are identical to adults. Instead, build upon the work of the people with disabilities movement. Dismantle the model of parent-as-owner. Replace it with parent as physical care-giver / provider of social orientation / financial patron. Work to deal with each of these roles separately, eliminating the mystique of the paternal protector.
- Among adults, promote a new vision of what it means to be an adult, what a good family looks like, and our goal of wiping the last vestiges of persons-as-property from the face of the Earth.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (3)
May 26, 2005
Research: The Origins of Law
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
In this document I'm going to try to sum up some research I've been doing. My facts may not all be accurate yet. This is me trying to get my facts straight, and sort out the big picture in broad strokes.
I want to trace the evolution of law from the origins of written law to the present.
This is part of a research project that began with the question "What is the origin of artificial age lines?" It's essentially a question about legal history. And that, I quickly discovered, meant that I had to research not just particular laws -- but the history of how law itself evolved. My hope in this expanding project was that I would be able to discover a direct lineage of written law, one society borrowing from the previous from the time of Hammurabi to the present. I've been extremely pleased to discover that this largely possible.
Here are the broad strokes:
1) Mesopotamia
The Code of Hammurabi (ca. 1700 BC)is one of the earliest written law codes. There are others from roughly the same period in Mesopotamia, but none as influential.2) Before Rome
There is a period next that I don't understand very well yet, where the Hittites, Hebrews, and Egyptians emerge and evolve. I'm looking at this as the period between "the cradle of civilization" in Babylonia / Sumer and the emergence of the Roman Empire. Hebraic codes will clearly play an important role in Canon Law and obedience to the Torah / Bible -- but I haven't pursued course of religious history adequately yet. From my point of view, this period culminates in Hellenic Greece, where you have a very advanced constitution-based democracy in Athens. And then: Rome absorbs Greece.3) The Roman Empire
The most important legal code of all time: the Corpus Jurus Civilis -- translated as "The Civil Law". The Corpus Jurus Civilis was a project of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, produced between 529 and 543 AD. It collects a bunch of previous roman law, including the twelve tables, the pandects, etc. When you see the phrase "at civil law" in a dictionary, this is the document that is being referred to.4) Common Law vs. Civil Law Explained
From here, law splits into two traditions: Common Law, and Civil Law. Civil Law is based on Roman Law, it's descendent. Common Law is based on customs, tradition, precedent. It is also influenced by Roman Law, but less directly. In the present day world, it seems that the countries of Europe (and their former colonies) are about evenly divided between those that follow the Common Law tradition, and those that follow the Civil Law tradition.The tradition of Civil Law puts emphasis on written law created by legislators, judges playing a minor role in law-making. The Common Law uses judges much more as law-makers, and often avoids putting tradition into statute, for fear that doing so will interfere with the flexibility of judges to respond to specific cases. This could lead to very inconsistent judicial rulings, were it not for the principle of stare decisis -- "let the decision stand". A hierarchy of courts exist, and when a precedent is set, it is binding. Precedents are considered nearly inviolable.
Contrary to what you may think, given the Conservative furor over "judges making law", the U.S. is a Common Law country. If you go into a lawyer's office, the books that catalog statutory and constitutional laws would fit on a small shelf. The wall of books is the result of case law.
5) The Middle Ages
The Corpus Jurus Civilis is lost. To what extent it is remembered in countries of the Civil Law tradition, I'm unclear yet. Law is a matter of local authorities. Strange "superstitious" judicial systems arise, e.g. "Pick that burning hot stone out of the fire. If you heal within an allotted time, you're innocent."It seems that the laws I'm interested fall into two distinct categories: Statutes and Constitutions. During the Middle Ages, Europe descends into feudalism and monarchies. Without a democratic or parliamentary system, there's no constitutional law to study. ...For this reason, I see that my next research project will have to be studying the origins of government.
6) The Enlightenment.
The Enlightenment seems to really be in motion between 1750 and 1800. During this period the Corpus Jurus Civilis, in its original Latin, is rediscovered by the Europeans. During the same period, there is what is described as a "codification movement", many countries putting their law into writing.In England, codification results in William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769). When you see the phrase "at common law" in a dictionary, this is the work being referred to.
In France, codification results in the Napoleonic Code (1804, AKA the Civil Code). The Napoleonic Code was not the first codification among Civil Law countries -- but it was the most influential, and remains Napoleon's greatest contribution to the world. French and Austrian codes follow the Institutions system of Gaius; three parts: Law of Persons, Law of Things, Issues common to both parts. Germany and Switzerland's codes are structured according to the Pandect system: General part, Law of Obligations, Law of Things, Family Law, Law of Inheritance. (See "civil code" in wikipedia.)
7) The Thirteen Colonies
Being under the control of England, the colonies follow English Common Law. In this situation, the charters for each of the colonies seem analogous to constitutions -- but I don't expect to discover voting rights there. I have yet to discover where to find statutory law from this period -- but know it to exist. There is a particularly awful law from this period that was inspired by the bible, declaring that disobedient children may be killed. At least one author has gone out of their way to state that the law was probably never actually used.8) The U.S. Constitution
The U.S. Constitution deals with three age lines: 25, 30, and 35 -- the requirements for being a congressperson, senator, and president, respectively. I believe that if a historical precedent for these numbers is to be found, it will likely be in the Federalist papers.The age of 21 is not introduced until the Fourteenth Amendment (1868), and comes in the context of reworking the electoral college. The voting age is lowered to 18 with the Twenty-sixth Amendment (1971), I believe in reaction to the outrage of 18-year-olds being able to die in Viet Nam, but not have a say about the government sending them there.
I've found a document by the Ireland Law Reform Commission considering lowering the age of majority from 21 to 18 in 1977 (and simultaneously raising the absolute minimum age for marriage) which references similar movements to lower the age of majority in other countries. It appears that there was a sort of global movement afoot during the 70s. Whether other countries were following the United States' lead, or if it was the influence of the global Children's Rights movement, I don't know. The document does mention, however, that in 1962 the United Nations was urging countries to set absolute minimum ages for marriage. The history of the United Nation's influence (or lack thereof) is another thread to pursue.
9) Canon Law
I know that the Bible has played a major role in shaping youth-related law. However, I have made little progress on this thread so far, but for quotations from the Bible itself and the law from the thirteen colonies period, previously mentioned.To my great surprise, codifications of Canon Law were not completed until the 20th century. There is a divide between the Eastern and Western Catholic churches that's relevant here, but that I don't quite understand yet. The Western church published its first code of canon laws in 1917; a revised version, the Codex Iuris Canonici was released in 1983. The Eastern Catholic churches were writing the Codex luris Canonici Orientalis, but suspended work on it in 1959. In its place, the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium was released in 1990.
A superficial review of these two documents suggests to me that they are similar to constitutions, dealing with decision-making structures. I know that there are papal declarations and whatnot somewhere out there that are more analogous to statutes, dealing with homosexuality, women's ordination, etc. I've yet to find them.
10) Contemporary Common Law
Blackwell's Commentaries on the Laws of England have been superceded. In England, they've been replaced by Halsbury's Laws of England. In the United States, they've been replaced by the Corpus Juris Secundum (a direct reference to Rome's Corpus Jurus Civilis) and the American Law Institute's Restatements of the Law. Each of these American works is something like a 40 volume set, costing more than $4600 to purchase. It is unclear to me if these are the products of two competing companies, or if there is a more complicated relationship between them.II. YOUTH'S PLACE IN THE LAW
With this backdrop in place, now I'll try to summarize some of what I've learned about young people's place in legal history.
1) The Importance of Rome
Roman Law influences everything that follows after it. While I am still pursuing research on Mesopotamian, Athenian, and Hebraic legal codes, I am convinced that Rome is the fulcrum of legal history, the "big bang" that everything else seems to proceed from.2) Freemen, Slaves, and Dependents
In the "Institutes" section of the Corpus Jurus Civilis I found this profound statement: "The principle division of the law of persons is this, that all men are either free or slaves" (TITLE III. CONCERNING THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS). [http://www.constitution.org/sps/sps.htm]Later in the same document, I find this: "some persons are independent, and some are subject to the authority of others; and again of the latter some are under the control of their parents, and others under that of their masters" (TITLE VIII. CONCERNING THOSE WHO ARE THEIR OWN MASTERS, OR ARE UNDER THE CONTROL OF OTHERS.)
In other words, in the Roman world there were freemen, who controlled both slaves and the dependents living in their home (women, children). In essence, if not letter of the law, both slaves and dependents are human property.
Freemen were referred to as sui juris, "of one's own right". Slaves, women, and young people were under the absolute control of the male head of household -- the paterfamilias -- whose power was referred to as patria potestas. A distinction was made between slaves and dependents; however, slaves, women and children alike had to use a custom called the mancipium (from which we get the word "emancipate") in order to remove themselves from the father-husband-master's control. ...The commonalty with regards to the freeing process, I think more than anything else demonstrates that the essential people-as-property principle was in place.
3) Slave-like Statuses vs. Legally Defined Slavery
Let me depart from my focus on Rome for moment, in order to discuss this issue of people as property in a broader historical context.
...In "From Father's Property to Children's Rights: The History of Child Custody in the United States" (1994), Mary Ann Mason goes out of her way to counter the notion that Colonial children were viewed as property by the law:
"In labor-scarce America the services or wages of a child over ten was one of the most valuable assets a man could have. Thus fathers, without dispute, had almost unlimited authority of control over their natural, legitimate children, leaving almost no room for maternal authority, at least during the fathers' lifetime. [...] The existence of these common law rights have led some contemporary legal historians to conclude that the law regarded children as a property right, to be treated as chattel.
Yet, as indicated by the Massachusetts Bay Colony statute, the relationship between fathers and children was far more complex than these legal historians might have us believe. While fathers had almost absolute control over their children, fathers also had considerable responsibilities, both to their own children and to children legally bound to them as apprentices. In that sense the relationship between father and child was more that of master and servant than of owner and child. [...]" (p. 6-7)
Well, then, let's hear about the relationship between master and servant...
"To emphasize the similarities between the condition of children in various forms of servitude does not detract from the central fact that, both legally and conceptually, slavery was a distinctly different condition than indentured servitude. The central legal distinction was that indentured servitude was a contractual employment arrangement with rights and obligations adhering to both master and servant, while slavery was a form of property ownership where the slave held a legal status most closely akin to chattel. This meant that, short of murder, the master could use or abuse him as he could a horse. The master of an apprentice, as we have seen, was limited in the degree of physical punishment he could inflict upon his servant and was required to provide adequate food and shelter and, in most cases, elementary literacy and training in religion."
The thrust of Mason's objection to comparing youth to chattel (movable property) seems to be two-fold. First, there is the factual legal distinction, that youth were not dealt with as chattel under Common Law. The comparison to chattel, I've read elsewhere, has been a rhetorical tool dating back to the Abolitionists. Second, Mason seems to feel that being subject to near absolute control is significantly mitigated by the father's responsibility to provide food, shelter, and education (literacy, a vocation, religious training).I do not find the argument compelling. It seems to me that Mason misses the gist of the social arrangement: adults command, youth obey. Even if we just look more closely at the enslavement of captured Africans, we discover that there are differences in status -- house servants had a better standard of living than workers in the field. Even if a slave-master were legally compelled to provide basic care for their slaves, this benefit cannot undo the fundamental repugnance of the non-consensual command-obey relationship... Which leads me to this:
"While a child had a clear obligation to be obedient toward his or her parents, the father had a mutual obligation to control the child." (p. 12)
I'm appalled to see Mason try to describe the command-obey relationship as one of mutuality. To argue ad absurdum, it's like saying that a murderer and a victim have mutual obligations to one another: the killer to kill, the victim to die.Thus, I will take Mason's point to heart, that it is important to be precise when talking about legal history to get your legal definitions of status correct. And I will reject her notion that owing absolute obedience for the basics of survival in a society is a form of "mutuality". And I will persist in arguing that the essence of slavery is a non-consensual command-obey relationship -- a relationship experienced by slaves, women, and children under a freeman in the thirteen colonies, very much like that of slaves, women, and children under a Roman father.
Slavery, coverture, indentured servitude, dependence (as a minor), apprenticeship, and other master-servant relationships -- these are slave-like statuses.
4) Public vs. Private Spheres, re Legal Age Lines
In my research on legal age lines, an important distinction is emerging: there are laws that deal with minors under the custody of the paterfamilias, and there are laws that deal with the one's right as a citizen to participate in the government and civil life. This distinction could almost be identified as a difference between Statutory and Constitutional law.It doesn't appear that the constitutions of any Western nations deal with family law. In their constitutions we find age lines that deal with being a voter, a senator, a president, etc. It is within statutes that we find law pertaining to the age of majority, parental responsibilities, etc.
An interesting note: Via the Ireland Law Reform Commission document, I learned that the ages for voting and holding various public offices varies widely according to nation. I have noted in the Athenian Constitution by Aristotle that you have to be 40, 50, or 60 to hold various positions. [I see similar things in Plato's Laws.] ...It will be interesting to see if I can find any connections back to the Greeks' age lines, as opposed to the Roman ones.
Another interesting note: In the U.S., the age for being a state-level congressperson, senator, or governor depends on what state you are in. Those lines are embedded in state constitutions. Law about age of majority, emancipation, parental responsibilities, etc. will be in the states' statutes. ...I know that there have been various efforts at promoting unified code on certain issues; I haven't discovered yet how to see if any age laws have been subject to this attention.
5) Constitutional Law Requires a Constitution
As I noted in the first section of this paper, when you're discussing government positions and voting, those are matters of Constitutional law. However, there's not going to be a constitution in a monarchy, is there? This insight suggests that I will need to research and write another paper on the origins of government.6) Clues re the Origin of the Age of Majority
What is the origin of the "age of majority"? What was its first occurrence in written law? What rights did it confer?Reading through the Ireland Law Reform Commission document, I was struck by the concurrence of marriage and ability to make contracts. Some of the component rights of the age of majority are the right to marry, the right to make contracts, and the right to vote. I'm beginning to suspect that the right to vote is a separate issue, one that has been lumped together with marriage and contract law for convenience. The Ireland document discusses raising the marriage age, and lowering the voting age, until they match... Is this a merging of the public and private spheres? (And in very recent times?)
Within the privacy of the patriarchal family, the key to understanding youths' status seems to be property ownership.
Only the paterfamilias is allowed to own. Whatever benefits his sons' labors bring in, belong to him. This remains so until the paterfamilias dies. If the son does not have legal right to own his own body, if the son does not have legal right to own his own labors, then how could he have the right to make contracts -- unless it is willed by the father?
I recall seeing something in Hammurabi about the minor son not being allowed to make contracts. A form of coverture also seems to be in place, where a father's crime may be punished by executing his son.
Marriage, originally, according to the Handbook of Marriage and the Family (1987. Ch. 27, "Families and the Law".), was a contract between private parties -- not a state-officiated status. It makes sense then, that a son would not be in charge of this contract-making... But then, it seems that marriage is one means of becoming emancipated.
Hm. Looking into the origins of emancipation may help answer this question. That sends me back to Rome again...
7) Clues re the Origin of Artificial Age Lines
One bit of bedrock I seem to have discovered is that in Roman times, puberty was commonly set at 14 for boys, 12 for girls. I've encountered various references to Roman theories of stages of development. These seem to be the rationale behind laws that deal with childhood within the family. Laws that deal with government posts, on the other hand, seem to be fairly arbitrary, setting "minimum standards" for important people, based on the presumption that older equals wiser. The arbitrariness of the one set of laws may have infected the other set over time...I've encountered other societies' theories of stages of development, both for Athens and the Middle ages -- although I don't have any actual data transcribed yet. Stages of development will be an interesting thread to pursue farther. It seems pretty clear at this point that Philipe Aries' thesis that "childhood" didn't exist in the Middle Ages -- that people went directly from infancy to adulthood is false. [Various authors have criticized him on this point, and he himself more or less conceded.] Aries is not entirely wrong, however; there does seem to be an abrupt shift from "childish things" to adult clothing. One might interpret this simply as a failure of merchants to create sub-niches for marketing, as has occurred in present times.
[There is a relevant, fascinating custom in ancient Rome of having the son, at adulthood, strip off his clothing and put on an adult's toga. This is an amazingly clear instance of there being an adult dress code.]
8) Protecting Youth for Selfish Reasons
As I dig deeper and deeper into history, I'm finding more and more questions to ask:
- what is the origin of written law?
- what is the origin of constitutional government?
- what are the origins of constitutional age lines?
- what is the origin of "senior citizen" status and retirement age?
- what are the origins of legally recognized marriages?
- what is the history of the right to marry?
- what is the origin of emancipation?
- what is the history of adults' legal entitlement to obedience?
- what is the history of adults' explicit right to use corporal punishment?
- what is the origin of parental obligation to care for children?
- how has liability for damages caused by youth changed?
- what is the origin of the juvenile delinquency code?
- what is the origin of the curfew?
- what is the origin of compulsory schooling?
- what is the origin of our youth labor laws?
- what are the earliest origins of slavery?
- how did the legal status of slavery evolve over time?
- how did women's rights within marriage evolve over time?
- what is the history of indentured servitude and other slave-like statuses?
- what is the history of theories of stages of development?
- what is the history of adult-identified clothing?
So many questions! But I'm heartened to be beginning to find answers. Two leads are worth mentioning here.It appears that legal parental responsibilities to care for one's children may have a selfish origin. Mason's book seems to be saying that these obligations had their origin in the 1601 English Poor Act -- which was intended to lessen the burden on society for caring for impoverished children.
In a similarly selfish move, U.S. laws against child labor seem to come from the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act -- a New Deal measure aimed at putting jobs in the hands of adults, by taking them away from youth. This also seems to partly be the case for retirement, which came into being circa 1935 (?). [The Social Security administration's website is unclear on this point, on a superficial reading.]
9) The Parallel Stories of Women's and Slaves' Liberation
I'm increasingly convinced that in order to tell the story of "The Invention of Adulthood", I'm going to also have to tell the story of women's and slaves' experience with being treated as human property.Women in the 19th century were fighting for the right to divorce, to own property, to inherit, to make wills, to have custody of children (a form of ownership)... It seems to me that these struggles are far more like what YL must face now than those of the civil rights era.
There are interesting threads concerning marriage. Apparently divorce was easy in Rome -- but the Catholic church moved to make matrimony unbreakable. There's a transition from marriage being a contract between private parties to a status officiated by the state. Given that divorce has similarities to emancipation -- especially post- patria potestas, when divorce grants independence, rather than remitting control of the woman to her father -- right to divorce is a thread that needs to be pursued.
There seems to be connection between marriage and slavery. Gerda Lerner, in "The Creation of Patriarchy", suggests that women were the first slaves -- being easier to take captive and keep (due to their maternal bonds to infants) than men. ...I suspect that the existence of any slave-caste in a society has a chilling effect upon all relationships, permeating them with a similar dehumanization.
Mason points out that there were no provisions for slavery in the Common Law. The enslavement of Africans was a "peculiar institution" originating in the 14th century, along was a racial justification, if I recall correctly. I need to see to what extent slavery existed in Civil Law countries during the Middle Ages. If there were a continuing thread there, it would greatly bolster my rhetoric that YL is part of an ongoing effort to wipe away the last vestiges of persons-as-property.
I've outlined a great deal many more questions to research above. ...Next I will have to start getting my primary sources organized, and find replacement citations for information I gleaned from non-authoritative texts such as wikipedia. Moving to the O.E.D. and perhaps the Encyclopedia Britannica may be good starting points -- but I'll also need to be looking for more specialized books now. [I've been astonished at how far I've gotten with just an unabridged Webster's Dictionary and the wikipedia!] I haven't decided yet if I need to get hard-copy citations for the various codices I'm studying, or if the "Liberty Library" online site will be adequate.
Posted by Sven at 12:01 PM | Comments (0)
Exploration: Youth Against Youth Liberation
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on September 6, 2005]
I've written about this before, but at the time was using the term "Right-Wing Youth".
Not all youth support Youth Liberation. In fact, a large percentage would be against Youth Liberation -- even after being introduced to its ideas. ...See, granted many youth simply haven't encountered the ideas of Youth Liberation, and so they just go along with the flow. But resistance to YL, by youth, runs deeper than that.
My thinking here is highly influenced by the book "Right-Wing Women" by Andrea Dworkin. ...It's 1971, the second wave of feminism is cresting, and the slogan "Sisterhood is Powerful" is hitting the streets. There's this feeling among radicals that with 51% of the population, women are going to be an unstoppable force. All we need to do is raise women's consciousness, and they'll surely be on board with the cause.
But, it comes as a slap in the face to discover that not all women *are* on board with feminism. There are people like Phyllis Schlafly (in particular) who defend the notion of wives being subordinated to their husbands. Why is this? The Marxist Feminists fall back on the concept of "false consciousness" -- which to my mind is rather patronizing, and un-disprovable. ...Once you basically say that a person is wrong because they're deluded, there's no further room for argument.
Dworkin argued that Right-Wing Women are basically offered a better deal. It's the sexual revolution, and one segment of the feminist movement is feeling disillusioned, getting the sense that they're just getting exploited and used by "free love" men. So the choice looks like this: be the property of just one man, who has some obligations to care for you -- or be the property of *all* men, none of whom owe you squat. ...From that perspective, it makes a lot of sense to me why a lot of women would want to stick with the "traditional" patriarchal arrangement.
Back to youth. You're 16, legal adulthood is just two years away. You can either make a fuss and fight for your rights -- taking lots of flack from parents, teachers, and society in general along the way -- or you can simply wait out your time, aging out of minority. It's the path of least resistance. And all the privileges of adulthood are just waiting, shining in front of you; the fee-for-entry seems to be putting up with the 18-year hazing of childhood just a little longer.
Furthermore [and I know that I've said this numerous times elsewhere], youth are well-practiced at taking the point of view of adults. It's the dynamic of dissociation. The five year old protests, "I'm not a baby!" The eleventh-graders avoid hanging out with the tenth-graders, to avoid the stigma of being associated with one's inferiors. Most people spend the first 18 years of their lives not thinking of themselves as minors at all -- but rather, practicing thinking like adults.
I've listened to youth condemn Youth Liberation, talking about how children aren't competent to vote. Or about how they support the curfew, because youth are bound to get in trouble. It's rather amazing: the speaker never seems to doubt their own intelligence and good nature -- but their opinion of their peers is abysmal. I can't help but wonder: what portion of this is actually based on observation -- and what portion is based on the powerful image of youth-as-inferior propagated by adult society?
[Hm. This is an argument for contradicting stereotypes of youth that I haven't considered before: *dislodging them from youths' brains as a precursor to bringing them into the activist fold*. If this were the goal, the statistical information created by Mike Males would probably be most effective. The line of reasoning used by many Youth Equality activists, that "it's wrong to over-generalize", wouldn't be very effective, I suspect.]
Note on placement in the larger outline of essays: This essay should go in the same section where I discuss "dramatis personae" of the YL movement: 0-18 youth, 18-25 "tweens", 25+ adult allies (responsibilities & limits of each); the YL activist org (criteria); the branches of thought within the YL movement.
Hm. This suggests that perhaps I should also write a profile of the major opposition groups... Notably religious conservatives (e.g. Focus on the Family).
...Oh. In terms of talking about the "deal" that society presents youth (be a rebel and suffer, or be patient and get enormous privilege) -- I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the deal offered to religious youth. Secular society offers up legal status for putting up with minority. Religious communities (many of them) offer up heaven. "Honor your father and mother..." (which means "obey", I believe), is the fifth of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21). If you believe in the bible, then YL is seemingly a rebellion against God.
Religion offers a complete world-view that can be very difficult to argue with. The worldview offered by most YL thinkers, by contrast is very limited. Our area of focus tends to be limited just to a few legal rights, and a period of one's life that may only be 2-4 years long. I think our ranks remain thin partly due to this. Notice that the YL movement is being far outpaced by the Christian Youth movement. ...Ironically, some of these youth groups are also dubbed "Youth Liberation"!
It need not be so, however. YL has the potential to offer up a very expansive world-view: one that is not merely about a few years of one's life, but rather encompasses (a) what it means to be an adult, how do well at having a family of one's own, a vision of justice and fairness that takes it's strength from the principle that no person is property (and we must continue working to wipe out the vestiges of people-as-property), a world-view whose truth is firmly rooted in verifiable historical events.
A world-view is a powerful thing. Feminism, Marxism, Freudianism, Re-evaluation Counseling, and other such philosophies are compelling largely because they give you a lens -- through which it becomes possible to interpret the world around you. The sense of control provided by being able to make sense of the world -- is intense.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)
May 10, 2005
Outline: New Framework for Historical Research on Adulthood
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
...A new outline, designed to help guide actual researchI. Youth as property / Adults as property owners
At my current stage of research, property seems to be the essential idea for understanding the evolution of adulthood. The model that best allows me to understand this comes from early Rome -- and I am expecting to find further support in periods prior to this. Family life was organized in a way where the father was essentially the king of his own kingdom, his home his castle. Women, slaves, and youth all had a similar status as living property. The father was the only person who was allowed to own anything at all. Thus, inheritance laws bore great importance.
Saying the "father" was in charge isn't quite correct. It was the oldest male, sometimes an uncle, who was in charge. Control passed down the male line via primogeniture (the oldest son). Women were like a separate species: excluded from inheritance, and subject to being sold off (literally) or married off (for profit or alliance) at the will of the male head of the house.
At the outset, fathers had the right even to murder their offspring -- and they seem to have maintained control of both sons and daughters even into adulthood. This absolute power seems to have been altered by the evolution of the state -- in its early stages, a monarch overseeing a city state comprised of many male heads, whom in a sense owned them all.
At the outset, discussing youth as property, we need to distinguish between several "slave-like" statuses. Reading "From Father's Property to Children's Rights", the author discusses at least three states: (1) enslaved children (not necessarily black); (2) children who were "bonded out" (essentially given to other parents as laborers); and (3) normal children, obligated to obedience. [A variation of this third state is apprenticeship, wherein the obligation of obedience has been transferred to another party, now responsible for educating the youth.] The author makes a big deal out of discussing how parents had a mutual obligation to provide youth with (1) food/shelter, (2) literacy, (3) vocational training, and (4) religious training. However, even if true slavery is defined by the absolute right to abuse and even murder a person without penalty, I do not think that this erases the property-like status of all youth. The obligation to give absolute obedience (and suffer punishment for disobedience) makes one property-like, even if parents are obligated to give some care to higher-status property. Consider how house-slaves were treated in the South; perhaps better than those in the fields, but as property nonetheless.
There are three relationships that we must be considering: parent-child, state-parent, and state-child. My current hypothesis is that the state initially saw parents as being liable for the actions of their child-property. As the state became more sophisticated, seeing that it had an interest in children growing up to be good citizens, parental responsibilities were formalized. As the state grew further sophisticated still, the warlord-monarch was slowly replaced by the diplomat-monarch, primarily in charge of overseeing peaceful commerce between and within nations. Merchant organizations contributed to democratization -- a means to having a permanent foothold in the nation's power structure.
As the government was increasingly controlled by the people, it was increasingly expected to provide services, rather than simply act as an autocratic, god-descended power. Parents, who now had a fair number of responsibilities for caring for their children, began to diversify and specialize the state institutions for dealing with managing children. The fundamental sense that children are the property of their parents persists; a tension exists between the government's property claim on youth as "our most valuable resource", and parent's property claim (I made it, I own it).
The origins of property itself seem to go back to owning land and owning a house. Being severed from the filial bond, meant to be cast out from the house and the land -- exposed to the elements. The male head-of-house's power seems to originate in being a warrior, fighting off those who would claim the land and house. Women, children, and slaves having a similar status seems to go back to tribal times, when women and children were taken as slaves. The ability to take men as slaves seems to be a later development, as it takes greater sophistication to control them (see Gerda Lerner's book on the Origins of Patriarchy). Taking human slaves at all, then had a profound effect upon the entire family, leading to relationships with native women more slave-like.
"Adulthood" seems to become a meaningful concept once there is a strong state apparatus, which needs to be able to distinguish between "freemen" and the non-free dependents (women, children, slaves). It appears that adulthood in itself was not originally enough to make one free, even among men. In Rome, adulthood came around 14, the age at which one could procreate. Men at 14 could become adult citizens of the state; women at 12 could become adult wives (property of a different man). Males remained under the control of their fathers until 25 it seems. [None of these points should be considered accurate yet -- I am still assembling information. Some information (e.g. freedom at 25 vs. being owned by the father until he dies) seems to conflict.]
Adulthood prior to Rome, e.g. in Mesopotamia, seems to be strongly related to becoming married. It looks like marrying and moving out of a parent's house may constitute adulthood. If so, that reinforces the link between adulthood and being, foremost, the owner of land.
II. Defining Adulthood
1. Biological... Give this equal attention to detail
- full height
- puberty = ability to procreate
- baby / adult teeth
2. Adulthood as membership organization
My premise in this work is that contemporary adulthood is like a membership organization. Certain criteria govern who may be considered a legal adult, and the status of adulthood grants certain privileges. The line between members and non-members of the organization is actively policed.I am interested most of all in the origins of this organization. What is the first instance of an "age of majority"? Where do specific artificial age-lines first originate, e.g. 14, 16, 18, 21, 25? For how long have children been legally obligated to give obedience to their parents? How did parental responsibility to provide for one's children come into being -- and how precisely have those responsibilities been enumerated in law? How has the state's interest in intervening in parent-child relationships evolved? And what is the process by which the government has come to provide specialized services concerning youth (e.g. schooling, juvenile justice, child protection, youth labor laws, etc.) -- services perhaps benefiting parents, by relieving them of certain responsibilities?
Throughout my exploration of this organization's development, I shall be most interested in the role of adults as property-owners -- and owners of youth as property. I shall also be extremely interested in the command-obey relationship (the obligation of youth to be obedient to their parents). [Whereas most YL authors would be primarily concerned with winning youth the privileges that adults enjoy, I am most concerned with elevating youth from property to person status -- which I believe is a prerequisite to winning the privileges of citizens, and which I believe is strongly connected to delegitimizing the command-obey relationship.]
3. Age as character / culture
Maturity, as emotional control and a set of mannerisms could be more than simply a "virtue" that people are supposed to aspire to. It could also be viewed as a culture. By this perspective, adulthood is about what clothes you wear, what words you use, what arts you are interested in. This is in line with how the Romans had boys "put aside childish things" upon entering adulthood, and literally gave them new clothes -- the uniform of adulthood. That youth are capable of seriousness might be demonstrable through the reports on the behavior of children in the Sudberry-Valley School.It might be argued that childhood is developed into a (mandatory) culture, which is sometimes given a sort of respect: as femininity is revered, so too the privilege of having a childhood is something to be protect. A child who is forced to behave in a mature fashion is said to have had their "childhood stolen".
The culture of adolescents, though largely produced by adult commercial interests -- and fueled by the attempt to steal the fashions of those with higher status -- is seen as a marker of inferiority. It is customary for adults to put down the musical and fashion tastes of teens. Notice how Aristotle (?) made very similar complaints about the youth of his era.
4. Mental age / stages of development
The Aries debate about whether children were viewed simply as "little adults" could be recast as debate about whether or not "children" was seen as having subcategories during previous periods. The essence of this theory is that there are a set number of stages, and one must go through each of them progressively in order to arrive at adulthood. Barring getting stuck in one of the "mental ages", adulthood is an inevitable realization. The "wisdom of experience" is both inescapable, and impossible to achieve early through effort. Note how "developmentally delayed" adults have "the mind of a child".Prodigies are seen as abnormal exceptions, with adult abilities. However, a great deal of these skills are present or not-present simply based upon availability to practice. Note how "wiz kids" on computers were treated for a while; or how in earlier centuries, Mozart had musical instruments much more integrated into his environment.
I am dubious about attempts to create a "biological determinism" theory of youth. Recognize how biological determinism has frequently been used to justify subordinate statuses -- for blacks, for women. "Age-appropriate" guidelines (such as those that one may link to via the US government's websites) are helpful to parents; however, there is also risk for youth's equality. Note how several of Piaget's notions about youth inferiority (e.g. his belief that infants think a thing ceases to exist when it disappears) have been disproven. It seems that the new frontier for this field is brain development. Note how there was a spate of news articles following Columbine about teen brain development.
If youth are different than adults, then what we must put the weight of our attention is not on competency, but on accommodations that can maximize youth participation.
III. Adulthood through history
- Prehistory
- Mesopotamia
- Athens
- Rome
- Byzantium
- Medieval
- Early England
- Colonial America
- Early United States
- 20th Century United States
NOTE: These historical periods are necessary for the purposes of research. They will assist me in making sure that my understanding of each period is adequately detailed. However, the actual telling of the history of adulthood may ultimately proceed more via theme (e.g. parental responsibility, children's obligation to obedience, state oversight of parenting, etc.).
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (1)
May 5, 2005
Exploration: A New Contract Between Parents and Youth
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
This is an exploration. Rather than being an essay where I know where I'm going, the point of this document is to allow me to sort through some thoughts and see where I wind up.
1:50pm - 2:50pm = 1st hr
2:50pm -/- 4:09pm = 2nd hr
4:09pm - 5:09pm = 3rd hr
Reading William Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Laws of England" (published 1765-1769), I come across this passage:
" 2. THE power of parents over their children is derived from the former consideration, their duty ; this authority being given them, partly to enable the parent more effectually to perform his duty, and partly as a recompense for his care and trouble in the faithful discharge of it. And upon this score the municipal laws of some nations have given a much larger authority to the parents, than others. The ancient Roman laws gave the father a power of life and death over his children ; upon this principle, that he who gave had also the power of taking away. [...]
THE power of a parent by our English laws is much more moderate ; but still sufficient to keep the child in order and obedience. [...]
3. THE duties of children to their parents arise from a principle of natural justice and retribution. For to those, who gave us existence, we naturally owe subjection and obedience during our minority, and honor and reverence ever after ; they, who protected the weakness of our infancy, are entitled to our protection in the infirmity of their age ; they who by sustenance and education have enabled their offspring to prosper, ought in return to be supported by that offspring, in café they stand in need of assistance. Upon this principle proceed all the duties of children to their parents, which are enjoined by profitive laws."
(Book 1, Chapter 16. URL: http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/blackstone/bk1ch16.htm Archaic spellings amended for modern readers' convenience. Footnotes in original deleted. Emphasis added.)
I'm fascinated by this discussion about how different societies conceive of the divine contract between parents and children. In Rome, a father could legally murder his son: in essence, "I made you, I have a right to kill you." In England, in the middle of the 17th century, the right to murder your offspring has disappeared -- but still, in effect the child remains the property of their parent: "I made you, you are obligated to serve me."
What I'm calling the "divine contract" could be phrased thus: "What do I owe my parents for having given birth to me?" My very life? My never-ending obedience? Perhaps, rather, ...nothing?
As I understand it, YL understands the divine contract between parents and children thus: "I did not ask to be born -- the world was thrust upon me. At the moment I become an separate animal, after leaving the womb, I am a person. No person is property owned by another. And no contract may be pressed upon me that I have not knowingly consented to. The burden is upon the parents to support my existence now that I have been created, and I am not obligated to compensate them in any way -- neither by labor, nor obedience, nor love."
I think it is presumption upon the part of parents that their offspring should be "grateful" for being given life. Parents should not play the role of God, becoming the omnipotent ruler of their creations. When human beings create new human beings, these new arrivals must be treated as equal beings, not inferior or naturally "subordinate" due to disabilities. Even among adults, there is a diversity of anatomical shape, intellectual skill, and mental competence. Let us choose to treat each other with equal dignity, affording respect, and compassionate accommodation of differences -- not build a hierarchy governed by those who are deemed "superior". Let us be humble about how great we are; adults and infants are equally ignorant of the true nature of existence; if there is in fact an omniscient deity, then let us leave matters of superiority to him/her.
Rather than seeing the parent-child contract as one of mutual responsibilities, YL places nearly the full burden of responsibilities upon the parents. This may initially seem unreasonably unfair -- but YL must raise questions about why parents choose to create new human beings in the first place.
Very reliable birth control exists in current times (in the U.S. -- not in all countries). The decision to not to have children, without giving up the pleasure of sexual intercourse, can be easily accomplished by most people of my generation. Still, accidental pregnancies are bound to occur. These can be aborted (if access to legal abortion services has not been disrupted by Right Wing politics). If a person has ethical objections to abortion, then they can choose to give birth -- which will obligate them to the parent-child contract -- or they can still avoid the committing themselves to the contract, by giving the child up for adoption. The parent-child contract, as YL conceives it, is burdensome and should not be forced upon a parent if they do not want to commit to it, and there are other persons in society whom are willing to.
In contemporary society, there are many honorable reasons why a person may want to intentionally have a child. [I'm certain I won't mention them all, or do justice to these...] For women, there is the curiosity of wanting to go through pregnancy, getting to experience the full range of possibilities inherent in one's body. There is the sense that sharing one's life with a new person will enrich the lives of parents and child alike. There is nostalgia for one's own childhood, and respect for how one's own parents raised one, that may inspire a parent to pass on the favor.
There are also reasons why a person may want to intentionally create children that are less honorable:
- Friends and relatives may put pressure upon one to have children (or grandchildren), parenthood becoming a way to acquiesce.
- Parenthood may be a matter of surrendering to the wishes of one's partner -- either because it's very important to them, or because it's simply unimportant to you).
- Parenthood may be an attempt to prove one's love to a partner, or to renew an already faltering relationship.
- Children may be seen primarily in terms of their cuteness, a sort of pet or doll.
- Parenting a child may be about attempting to re-parent oneself, becoming the parent you lacked, enjoying nurturing now vicariously.
- A child may be an attempt at immortality, creating someone who will carry on minimally your name, or perhaps your business and values as well.
- A child may be the attempt to create the you that you failed to be -- pressing them to be an artist or athlete (etc.) because you feel that dream was denied to you.
- You may have a child as a means of promoting or preserving your political or religious ideology in the world.
- You might create a child in order to make yourself feel like an adult, or a "real man", or a "good mother", or heterosexual.
Parents in previous periods of history were in a different position than we inhabit now in at least two significant ways. Firstly, preventing pregnancy -- while still having sexual intercourse -- was a much riskier and difficult task. Sex, much more inevitably, would result in pregnancy and birth. Secondly, the conditions for survival were typically much more difficult. Without regularly producing more babies, a community was much less likely to survive. Without replacement citizens, a settlement would die out relatively quickly. Given that settlers were very interdependent upon each other for survival, the pressure to procreate is very understandable. [The flip-side of this is that in an established society where resources are scarce, but birth control is unavailable, infanticide may be understood as a way of making sure that there aren't more available mouths than available resources can accommodate.III. JUDGING THE CONTRACTS IMPOSED BY PREVIOUS GENERATIONS
Parents in previous periods birthed children and non-consensually demanded labor of them in exchange. In many cases this coercion was done for the sake of personal survival, which mitigates the offense somewhat. Mitigates -- but does not pardon. [A case can be made that allowing the species to die out is not an objectionable outcome -- but that's a matter for another essay.] ...Still, what is the point in judging past societies? I will not make the relativist argument that "we cannot judge them by today's standards". Being all dead, judging our ancestors is moot; I will choose to forgo a real ethical evaluation, instead simply acknowledging that we could not arrive at our current options for ethical behavior had they not built civilization to this point.
In the U.S., the wealthy heart of an empire, we have great material potential for advancing to a more perfectly ethical society. Whether we are collectively primed for this transition politically, psychologically, religious-/spiritually -- is a whole other question! But we do have adequate food, lumber, person-power, technology to consider YL's vision of the parent-contract as a realistic possibility.
Reviewing historical legal developments, it seems that a great deal of the laws dealing with families are about an implicit parent-society contract. Having chosen to give birth to a child, society wants for the parent to be financially responsible for its care. Why should other citizens have to pay?
Why? Because we hope to cooperatively create a pleasant society to live in, rather than a brutal "every man for himself" environment. Without a government, the strong subjugate the weak and create their private fiefdoms, unopposed. Without an inclusive, democratic government, the strong gang together and to wrest political power from the common people whom the government is meant to serve. Kindness cannot be mandated; but cruelty can be regulated and suppressed.
Among Liberals, one of the defining features of our desired society is equality. We oppose discrimination. In letter, that may be interpreted as a directive to treat everyone the same. In spirit, it's a prohibition against intentionally treating certain disliked groups more cruelly than others. We support creating a social safety net that will keep people's personal situations from becoming too painful. We promote making accommodations in our physical landscape and in the processes of its institutions so that many different groups are able to participate in communal life. We look at the diversity of anatomy, competence, and access to resources among our population and try to find ways minimize suffering among all, increase ability to participate willfully for all.
Given these values, we must collectively contribute financially in order to support the special needs of youth.
Particularly since the institution of mandatory schooling in the U.S., there has been a growing public interest in managing the destinies of youth-as-class collectively, rather than abandoning them to the will of their parents. Intervention in situations of child abuse is another bellwether.
From a YL perspective, the main financial contribution that society must make is toward enabling youth to escape abusive parents at will. Youth need:
- public transportation
- youth hostels
- free meal programs
- welfare checks
- health care
- scholarships to schools (in order to be able to enter a profession)
- training about the legal processes of emancipation and filing discrimination complaints and how to access political representatives.
With these services in place, a youth could live outside the control of their parents. It would not be a luxurious life, but a form of survival that is at least not too harsh. These are services that should be available not just to youth -- but to all. It might be argued that without the threat of perishing in poverty, society would fall apart, the weight of the lazy who coast through life breaking the backs of the workers who support them. I disagree; there is adequate wealth in this nation to support all -- but it has been concentrated in the pockets of a few wealthy corporate leaders, forcing most of us struggling for scraps.The ambition to have a better-than-minimum life will keep an adequate number of people working. Capitalism need not be abolished -- merely regulated. A redistribution of wealth can be accomplished in part by capping how much a person is allowed to take as income. [Money is a symbol; we need not give our blessing to god fantasies of the successful.]
Accomplishing this socialized society will be an uphill struggle against greed and fear. Fortunately we need not begin from scratch. We already have many socialized services (many stemming from FDR's New Deal), which we can build upon.
To a great extent, the interests of YL are simpatico with those of Democratic Socialism.
[Note: I realize that society runs on money. If judges aren't paid, the courts are forced to shut down. If prisons are not funded, prisoners have to be released. A down-turn in the economy can have a direct impact upon doing the work of justice.]
An infant is a person, not property. In theory, they are independent beings -- even if they require the services of a compassionate caregiver for mere survival. Given this independence, one might think a parent has no inherent right to custody of the child. I do not argue this. I think that there is an inherent affinity between parents and their offspring that must be presumed until proven otherwise.
[Breaking the bond between parent and child, removing a young child from the parents for significant amounts of time, should be avoided as much as is reasonably possible. In this, I am in agreement with my political foes. However, we depart company when it comes to what we consider reasonable circumstances.]
...My original question was "What do I owe my parents for having given birth to me?" My answer: Nothing. However, for compelling me to exist, they owe me the means for independent survival.
What does this mean in financial terms? What standard of survival do they owe me? It's easy to imagine YL activists demanding a financially expensive standard of living for youth. We must beware of oppressing the poor and the homeless. Being poor does not make one an inherently bad parent -- although, it seems, poverty has frequently been used as a means for condemning parents. Shifting a great deal of the burden for providing public transport, etc., to society at large serves to lessen the burden of the parent-child contract on parents without money.
If we demand of parents that they provide clothes, they need not be new clothes. If we demand that youth be allowed some privacy, this should mean a place to safely hide a few possessions, ability to be alone for periods, etc. -- not necessarily a room of their own. ...We should not assume that there is a house.
In the American colonies, before the founding of the United States, the responsibilities of the parent to their child were these: (1) food and shelter, (2) vocational training, (3) to teach literacy, and (4) provide religious training. The parent's responsibility to society (also their privilege) were: (1) to maintain control of the child (by means of inflicting pain if "needed"), and (2) be held responsible for the youth's misdeeds (?). The child's responsibility to the parent: obedience. [This is my own summary of information from the book "From Father's Property to Children's Rights".] ...During that period, I'm not sure what society's responsibility to the child could have been.
My concern is primarily with the child's responsibility to be obedient -- clarifying what areas the youth has right to control. I have an actual contract in mind, to clarify what parents do and do not have power to determine...
Unfortunately, I've run out of time to continue writing today.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
May 3, 2005
Exploration: Expanding Parents' Role in YL Work
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
This is an exploration. Rather than being an essay where I know where I'm going, the point of this document is to allow me to sort through some thoughts and see where I wind up.
Liberal / Equality YL (A.K.A. the "Youth Rights" movement) focuses on equal rights for youth as citizens. It looks at youth's relationship to the government, and largely ignores their relationship with their parents -- both legal and social. Youth Power, as I've described it, sees the parent-child relationship as the fundamental origin of adultism. The one-on-one, command-obey relationship gets elevated into law. I mean that both historically, and in terms of how new laws originate out of shifting cultural norms.
This insight, that the command-obey relationship within the family is the origin of adultism, is relatively new to me. It is still permeating the rest of my thought; there are portions of my thinking that haven't adapted to the shift yet. One of these may, oddly enough, be the importance of parents in the YL movement. Previously my focus was on how youth are treated as a class, and how youth activists can fight back, independent of adult assistance. I've said "I leave the application of YL principles to parenting to other authors". I think the time has come to change my mind about this.
If the parent-child relationship gets elevated into law, then the way that we're going to change the laws is by having a groundswell of parents call upon legislators to change things. Not to say that youth are suddenly unimportant in the process -- I maintain the belief that a process for bringing about youth rights that does not involve youth themselves is inherently adultist, and is ripe for corruption.
Yesterday or the day before, I had the sudden realization that unschooling parents are a potential market for YL texts. I'm coming to a greater appreciation of the fact that probably most parents have passionate feelings about how youth should be raised. Some of these people are sympathetic to YL -- after all, the unschooling movement (I believe) crystallized around Grace Llewellyn -- who was inspired by John Holt, if I recall correctly. [I also just discovered "Taking Children Seriously" via wikipedia, which seems to be a Libertarian attempt at non-coercive schooling.] ...Furthermore, yesterday I was at Powell's on Hawthorne listening to the author of "The I Ching for Writers" -- which got me thinking about how you could put your intended audience directly into a book title: "YL for parents", "YL for teachers", etc. ...Anyway, the significance of all this is that I've suddenly realized that there is indeed a diverse population of radical parents (e.g. readers of Hip Mama) who constitute a market for YL.
It occurred to me today that the Left really doesn't have any sort of analysis of how youth should be treated. The Right has very successfully mobilized around "family values". Of course, their vision of family is hierarchy: children obey parents, wives obey husbands, husbands obey king and country, and the king / president obeys God. Liberals value equality -- but have only worked out what that means with regards to women. In the life-cycle of the family, basically they know what to do up through the dating and marrying stages. But if you don't have answers about how to parent -- then your movement can only last one generation. Which, given how the Right has taken control of the country, could be a possible legacy of the 60s: one sole generation of justice lovers pushing the boundaries. The more I think about it, the more I see a huge niche in the dialogues of the Left for what it means to parent well. We seem to know that we support abortion -- but what comes after that? Lefties are interested in schools -- but what about home life? Righties know what they want in the home, and they push it into the school. We, on the other hand, have nothing.
[Addendum: Whereas for the Left, parenting remains a private matter, the Right has embraced parenting as a public / communal concern.]
OK, so in a previous document (at present unpublished on the web), I spell out how different age groups have different roles to play in the movement. I discuss 0-18 as genuine youth, the people whom the movement is for; people aged 18-25 as being in a gray state, needing to moderate their influence on the movement; people aged 25+ are full-fledged adults whom need to play supportive roles, and conscientiously avoid wresting control from the actual youth. With regards to adults, thus far I've only really discussed "adult allies" -- by which I mean volunteers working inside of youth-led activist organizations. Now I think I'm at a point where I can more clearly discuss the role of parents, which at present I will define thus:
- practice non-ownership style parenting
- fund YL organizations
- volunteer for youth-led YL organizations
That second point, about funding YL organizations -- that's a really critical piece. YL is destined to be a ghettoized, fringe movement unless it gets better funding. Radical parents have the money and the motive to invest in the movement. There's also a profound opportunity for them to subvert YL. But given how things are now, how much worse could that really be? This leads me into a discussion about how the money of radical parents fits into our cause.II. RADICAL PARENTS HAVE THE MONEY AND MOTIVE TO PUSH YL FORWARD
There is only one way to win youth rights: fight. If you don't show up for the fight, the other side wins by default.
Where are YL's battlefields? The state legislature is a major battlefield. Today I was listening to the radio, about how there are new efforts to require pregnant girls to tell at least one parent before they get an abortion. It infuriates me -- and the line of argument is classic Youth Liberation. The Republicans say that a girl shouldn't be alone, that it is an act of love to make them connect with a parent. Obviously, though, the motive is not love here -- it's control. The Republicans depict the girl as scared, confused, coerced, and parents as inherently kind and wise. The Democratic opponents of this bill tell stories about a girl who was raped by her father for years, while the mother stood by and did nothing... Basically they're arguing for exit freedom. A youth is a thinking person, and if you trap them with the parents, some portion of those parents are going to be absolute monsters. There has to be a door out -- and it should not be made difficult to access.
OK, so the state legislature is a battlefield. The county and city governments are also battle-fields. [Courts and individual schools are, too, but let's leave those aside for the moment.] In each of these domains, you have one or many decision-makers. Our goal is to press them to make decisions that favor us. When we're doing well, we'll be the ones promoting new, good laws. Most of the time, however, we'll simply be trying to halt bad laws from passing. This raises more questions: If there are decision-makers, when do they make their decisions? How do they make the decisions, process-wise? How do we find out that a decision is upcoming? Who among us will be paying attention to the relevant news outlets?
Politics are won by money funneled through expertise. You can run organizations that watchdog the legislature on a volunteer basis -- but it's very difficult. When the legislative session is on, checking up on new bills and where they are in the legislative process can be an almost full-time job, requiring daily attention. ...Jobs that require consistency beg for paid positions.
If there's a constituency of radical parents who have an interest in watchdogging the legislature, then it should be possible for them to form a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, and raise money to pay someone to spend all their time watching what's going on. [Of course, if you're lucky, then there may be other progressive organizations already watching the legislature, who are willing to keep your group informed, as a matter of solidarity. That's a tricky, high-level negotiation, though!]
There is a danger in setting up such a non-profit, however. We all want non-profits to do the work of social change for us -- so we don't have to. It's a fair trade: I'll donate $20 a year, and you do the work that I cannot. However, we also want a grassroots cause, where the constituency is actively involved, not just passive. The work of watchdogging the legislature, lobbying, etc. may get divided up between different groups; still, there has to be a central organization that develops the youth community. The youth community (once it actually exists!) gives the campaigns that follow their direction and legitimacy, and they address the issue of organizational turn-over (which YL in particular must face).
Adding to what I've said previously about adult allies within youth-led organizations, here are the seven main areas of information that adults must focus on transmitting:
A. History
1. the history of adultism
2. the history of youth lib (and its various branches & strategies)B. How to make change
3. how governmental decision-making processes operate
4. how to design a direct action, leveraging decision-makers
5. how to run an organizationC. Self-defense
6. legal rights that do exist and how to make use of them
(abortion, discrimination, etc.)
7. physical self-defense / safety-planning...For some time I've been overwhelmed by the number of stages on which the drama of justice gets played out. Perhaps some are more significant than others. The state legislature is pretty crucial. Most family-related issues are legislated there -- not at the city or federal level. ...Though certainly there are laws there, too -- perhaps I should say that it depends on the law. Curfew laws, for instance, exist at both the city and state level. But laws about drivers' licenses are only at the state level... Anyway, I could see that the real spine of the Youth liberation movement is the interaction between state government, radical parents, and youth community. This formulation may not address schools, or court issues, or the media -- but it's a solid foundation, which can expand to address other issues as needed...
This actually deserves some more attention -- what the infrastructure of the movement is like. Perhaps I've been too atomistic, only looking at the idealized organization, when really I need to be looking at a collection of interrelating parties. Previously, I've discussed national organizations and conferences; perhaps talking about the ongoing development of local youth community is better -- the movement is larger than just its organizations.
- patron / guide / caregiver - the three roles of parents
- the colonial articulation of parental responsibilities
- principles to guide the parent
- my first listing of parental contract (10.09.02)
- the birthday contract renewal concept
- economic options
- the contract spelled out in detail
- forming a community of radical parents around the contract
- elevating the literal contract into the law of the land, the contract between youth and society
- the necessity of democratic socialism for this vision -- providing services for all
- with regards to society and youth, the contract is very much about where the money to support them will come from
[Title for this section as a new document: "Exploration: The Parent-Child Contract"?]
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
April 28, 2005
Notes: How Adulthood Evolved - A Speculative History
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
These are notes I took in my little notepad today while on a 5-mile, 2 hr 25 min walk. [Plus a few notes at the end that I made while typing up this document.]
- I don't want a historical montage of examples; I'm looking for a direct legal lineage.
- ** If my premise is adults = org then I need to look not only at the history of law, but also at the evolution of government itself.
- The Middle Ages may be a period without a "state" government -- only local law. Common Law may be particularly relevant here.
- For artificial age lines, I want to find instances of specific numbers throughout history: 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 30, 35...
- ** Two kinds of adultism: modern and pre-modern. Modern is interwoven with the existence of the state and a legally based status system. Pre-modern still deals with community rules.
- The overthrow of the elderly may only be as recent as the New Deal. It will require research in the field of aging.
- I recognize that my history is Eurocentric. This is because I am an English-speaker, and because I want this work to be useful to youth here.
- Canon law / biblical law may be a thread of maintaining the artificial age lines' lineage during the Dark Ages.
- I am looking for rules that have been written down that govern the relationship between youth and adults.
- ** Youth / Adults is an abstraction from the father / son relationship. It is inherently about a relationship between government and the adults; youth / sons are property -- if patriarchy breaks down, then the government needs an alternate way to identify adults... Persons who are free, not owned.
- **For most of history, being owned by someone has been the norm. The governmental recognition of "free men" to include blacks, women, has been relatively recent.
- **** Slavery is the norm. Slave-like statuses of command / obey, non-voting, right to murder -- are the status of most humans, going back to the earliest camps. We see the term "free men" in Hammurabi. It's fallen out of use, but the principle remains active.
- **** Let us presume tow sorts of societies: (1) Those that are isolated, geographically cut off, thus homogenous; and (2) those which are in contact with outside groups, thus inherently in conflict, internally diverse. The first will be ruled by elders -- a gerontocracy rather than adultism per se. This resonates with village life, where there are elders as judges, but no need for a strong autocratic mayor. City-states on the other hand, are almost by definition in conflict with other city-states, which facilitates the rise to power of warlords.
[A similar dynamic may exist in tribal societies where war-leaders assume power, toppling gerontocracy, instituting a form of adultism... If so, ** I would expect "rites of passage" to be more common in warring tribes -- the transition marks one's readiness to no longer be protected (and used) like the women, but instead killers who join the adult soldiers. Rites of passage for girls may be derivative of those for boys -- signifying readiness to be a wife -- but existing only because rites exist for the men (much like hazings -- intended to cull out the weak, since struggles will be life-or-death).]
...Warlords succeed by controlling their soldiers -- organizing them. It's a mindset that leads to military coups and assuming control of society in general. After the conflict is over, the principles of inheritance kick in -- the king giving the world to his son. Recall that property is inherently an extension of oneself. Thus, the son being the property of the king -- who has been groomed and indoctrinated -- the king feels he lives on -- regardless of religious beliefs. In advanced society, overt war may be replaced with commerce between nations -- wherein stealing resources from neighboring nations / tribes is replaced with trades.
- [Potential title: Intergenerational Justice]
- Now that I've speculated about tribal life, let's go back even farther. Tribes are originally nomadic extended families. So long as there is little property, merely food to hunt and gather, there is a relative lack of conflict -- there are no material goods to argue over! Which is not a utopian peace... So long as there are feelings, there are hurt feelings. Being scorned by a lover you want, an older brother who toys with a younger and hurts him, a lusty male raping a female. Such conflicts probably lead to splits in the extended family and new tribes forming.
- Jealousy for attention -- attention and affection being a commodity -- are a likely origin of (sexual) possessiveness. Being with a mate because you favor them may look like monogamy, but lacks conscious exclusiveness. [Premise: age taboo, heterosexuality (vs. bisexuality), monogamy -- are inventions too.]
- Incest is a modern taboo, but I doubt the taboo exists in tribes that aren't in conflict -- that have not been stratified by the soldier / warrior class. The incest issue (and monogamy) bear on the issue of marriage. Gerda Lerner has hypothesized that marriage originates in capturing female (sex) slaves -- women as booty, which has a dehumanizing effect upon the whole society and is probably the antecedent of patriarchy and enslaving blacks, or Hittites, or whatever.
- ** So, I am revisioning my notion that gerontocracy (respect of elders) was simply replaced by adultism. Yes, there are modern instances of the overthrow of the old by the middle-agers (retirement age) -- but there are antecedents of this in tribal societies at war, where the middle-age soldiers seize control. Gerontocracy is most likely to appear in homogenous, isolated communities without elaborate governments.
- Enslavement of youth may be a function of how much the slave-owning mentality permeates a society.
- [RE] ** U.S. military service is 18-25. The last U.S. amendment was inspired by Vietnam -- dropping the voting age from 21 to 18. That means that 18 is probably related to the "age of military" in the Common Laws of England. Having a minimum draft age probably has to do with kings respecting the property rights of their subjects -- not taking their sons. [This might be an interesting segue to discussing Feudal lords' right to "first night" with a woman being married!]
- [RE] The varying ages of consent, military, discretion, and majority may have to do with the theories of stages of psychological development from the Middle Ages -- which are likely to derive from bible interpretations! I can see myself needing to read up on the canonization of the bible.
- Age relations deal with two levels of ownership:
- father-son (women being a whole other category of animal)
- king-subject (free man)
- father-son (women being a whole other category of animal)
- [RE] The essay Kristian recommended on state-making as organized crime is probably going to be useful.
- I'm increasingly seeing more historical themes to pursue:
- rise of the organized state
- lineage of written law
- origins of marriage and child custody
- origins of communal affirmation of child obedience to parents
- origins of parental responsibilities
- consequences of tribal isolation vs. war
- origins of slavery / free men
- state oversight of custody disputes (between men?)
- scenarios that encourage gerontocracy
- rise of the organized state
- Just as parental responsibilities have increased, so have state responsibilities to the subjects -- moving on a continuum from kings (elected by god) toward socialist democracies (capitalism being rule by merchants vs. laborers / consumers).
- It has been thousands of years since the primary meaning of adulthood was ability to procreate. You are able at 12 or 14 -- but the current adult organization attempts to prevent us from doing so.
- Adulthood came to mean something else -- the owner of property, slaves, and slave-like familial women and youth. Adulthood, then only had meaning for a minority of men -- those with hope of being "free men". This is in a period where slaver and slave-like states is the norm for humanity; only the king is free -- all others are more or less ruled from above.
- The state has evolved, and while youth are still primarily the property of adults, membership in the organization is heavily mediated from above. No longer simply mediating in disputes, the single-ruler system has moved toward being a service provision apparatus (except in times of war) -- largely driven by the interests of merchants. Thus, adulthood has become a state-level public status, rather than an inter- and intra- familial "contract" [...for having been born. See Blackstone.] "Free men's" membership has been expanded -- but the vestiges of slavery and slave-like statuses persist.
- I should insert another stage: when adulthood was primarily defined by / made meaningful by the rite of passage -- being inducted into a tiny organization of soldiers, essentially a hazing prior to going into life-or-death battles with other tribes / animals. [Is the hunt for animals what shapes our treatment of other tribes as animals??] This is the "ritualistic" stage in the evolution of adulthood.
- The evolution of adulthood (like the evolution of the state) is motivated by the organization of society to meet the demands of war.
- Gerontocracy, then, is a parallel phenomena to adulthood. It is most likely to emerge in peaceful, isolated societies.
- At the theological level, gerontocracy is ultimately propped up by ancestor worship. Adultism, however, is bolstered by a war-like father. God is the father of nation, government the super-adults who oversee average parents. In the autocratic state, authority is invested in the ruler directly by the god -- like the Egyptian king whose lineage goes back to god himself. The autocrat, with god-like power, is invested with the actual power of god. In an organized state, motivated by war / commerce -- whichever keeps resources flowing -- god is going to be rule-oriented -- just like the authorities, whose job is to mediate disputes. A sun-god ruler enjoys absolute power. A bureaucratic government has a god that is a judge of right and wrong.
- Am I moving into the anthropology of adulthood, rather than pure history? And where's the line between that and sociology?
I. Premise: Modern adulthood is a membership organization
II. Speculative: The stages of adulthood's evolution
A. Societies without adulthood [or "pre-adult, in peaceful tribal society"]
(Note, early anthropologists saw tribes as child-like -- perhaps in part due to lack of owning youth)
B. Ritualistic adulthood in warring tribal society
C. Children among the slave-holdings of free men
(warlord-governed societies)
D. Adulthood as a status in the advanced service-providing government
III. Involved discussion of each stage - A few principles:
- the organized state emerged due to war
- age stratification was motivated by war
- people as property has existed since tribal war began taking captives
- slavery transforms a whole society, slave-ness bleeds into other relationships
- historically, free men have been the exception
- slavery is an outgrowth of war
- marriage is an outgrowth of slavery
- the organized state emerged due to war
- Love is an invention of romanticism: "I love my child, and it is obligated to love me back" originated then.
- Prior to romanticization, the contractual view of youth held sway: "obey me and you will inherit." Sentimentalization obscured the bargain.
- Rome believed "I made you, I own you." Blackstone commented that we owe something to those we've borne.
- I wonder if romantic love sprang from urbanization -- you shop around for love, rather than marrying whatever farm girl lives within 20 miles. Romancing then is advertising for a desirable mate in a competitive market.
- Inheritance is an interesting phenomenon to try to explain.
- It's interesting to think that government has shifted from being the instrument of a single ruler's power to being a vehicle shared by a government of many co-rulers, an organization whose purpose is to provide services. ...Being a member of adulthood, your only semi-metaphorical membership card gets you a bunch of privileges, services from the club.
- Perhaps the pinnacle of the third form of adulthood was Rome -- the warlord of the city-state having evolved into the emperor. Or maybe Rome had achieved the fourth variety of adulthood? Maybe the government was a service-providing structure -- I don't know enough about the history of Rome to really say. Perhaps during the Dark Ages, adulthood back-tracked, going back to the ritualistic phase -- but transformed by peaceful isolation into less meaningful rituals, possibly even moving laterally into gerontocracy. The only difference between the city-states and the empire, as contexts for adulthood, is probably the extent to which the government provides services, versus merely mediating in disputes over child custody, paternity, etc.
- My four stages in the evolution of adulthood can be linked to stages of social organization:
- nomadic extended family
- tribal organization, with role-differentiation for combat
- city-states overseen by warlord kings
- nation-states / empires which provide services to some citizens
...What's notably missing here is any mention of agrarian societies. What sorts of governmental structures are common when a people is primarily made up of farmers, rather than hunters? Is a key distinguishing factor, in terms of types of adulthood, whether or not a people has some sort of organized military? Is militarism the origin of sexism, adultism, and all other slave-like statuses, after all? - nomadic extended family
- Rather than focusing on the military, perhaps my demon should be property-ownership. If you're willing to fight and kill, then you're also willing to take human captives, which then become slaves. On the other hand, if you work the land, then territory is the primary form of property... Which may shift father-son issues somewhat away from obedience, and more towards inheritance.
- When a community's survival is dependent upon having enough laborers, it's understandable why they procreate. Slaves are desirable if there's a high death rate, or if you need farm hands. But if you're a merchant, or can't support more mouths, then you move to infanticide. You make a child, it belongs to you. You steal a child from another tribe, it belongs to you...
- Within the nomadic extended family, adulthood need not exist. A four year old can carry and tend a newborn; a four-year old can lend their hands in the fields. Everyone with hands can help. In terms of hunting, even fairly small children can hunt small game -- it's only big game that requires a full-on hunting party. Women may stay at home due to pregnancy or wet-nursing, but the gender-divide need not be strong. There may be long-term mating due to favoratism, but it need not be monogamy in the sense of conscientious exclusion. The exclusion of other partners of the same age isn't necessarily there, nor is there necessarily an age taboo. "Sexual games" and all-out incestuous sexuality may be present. Biologically pregnancy, development of breasts, pubic hair, and menstruation may be markers of adulthood -- but still, these things need not be invested with much pomp and ritual. ["Becoming a man", is probably a somewhat more symbolic transition.] In nomadic extended families, there is surely recognition of infancy, youth, adulthood, and old age -- but there need not be the dissociation from one's social inferiors that we see in more stratified societies. Control is practical -- those who are competent lead -- rather than there being a system of command / obey relationships, where power for it's own sake has taken on significance. The extended nomadic family, then, represents the most natural manifestation of adulthood -- where transitions are organic rather than artificial, and may go without any sort of ritual or change in social or legal status. Adulthood is (could be) purely functional, without layers of symbolism, status, prestige, privilege. [Perhaps, again, because there's not much for the adults to bother with hoarding.]
- Adults can hoard and control resources such as: land, command of labor, symbolic money, goods such as a house. No wonder why being severed from the filial relationship has typically been seen as a terrible thing... The sort of independence that Youth Lib is interested in today only makes sense in the context of a democratic socialist society, which provides services to its members, distributed according to the will of the society's leaders.
- ...How important is it for youth to understand their place in history with regards to the new benefits? --Not just with regards to the lingering vestiges of slave-status? Within the family, we can easily talk about dismantling the command-obey relationship. In the greater society (as well as in the family), we have the more difficult task of discussing how to distribute wealth and share control of it. Asking adults to share their wealth and power with those they have created -- not easy!
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
April 27, 2005
Research: History of Adulthood
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
Today I'm actually in the library doing research. I have a few lines of questioning to pursue. My premise: contemporary adulthood is an organization. Two aspects of that that I want to research further: (1) the evolution of artificial age lines, (2) the evolution of obedience [adults' entitlement to command -- which is interwoven with the history of their legal responsibilities].
With regards to age lines, in "Exploration: Outline for a Youth History of Adult Power" (12.08.04), I outlined four theses:
- Previously birthdays were not taken into account in separating adults from children -- only practical distinctions.
- Numerical legal age lines mimic lines between child / parent / grandparent.
- Gerontocracy, "rule of the old" and "older is better", existed previously.
- The power of the elderly was toppled, resulting in modern adultism -- rule by adults, not just the oldest.
These theses will have to be proven or disproven using the historical record. Let me summarize some of the historical points I've made a connection with so far...
- "Rites of passage" probably exist in pre-historic tribes. The book "Rites of Passage" will probably be helpful here.
- Prior to the invention of writing, Western Civilization was forming into city-states in the Middle-East.
- The first written legal code of note appears to be the code of Hammurabi in Babylonia (http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/MESO/CODE.HTM). I have noted references to parental rights over children in the 282 rules listed therein; however, I have not read closely enough yet to discover if there's a definition of adult vs. child there yet. [Note that numbers 13, 66-99, 110 have been lost.]
I have a suspicion that the origins of "adult" as opposed to "parent" may evolve out of the origins of marriage -- that in Babylonia, you're a child to be controlled by your parents until you're married yourself. If this is the case, then I'll need to pursue the origins of marriage further.
Beyond the code of Hammurabi itself, there are anthropological descriptions of Babylonian society that will likely prove useful. One source I saw said that a father had control over his children until marriage.
Question: What does the code of Hammurabi say specifically about age-lines?
From my wikipedia search on "Hammurabi" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammurabi) [note - a photo of a sculpture of Hammurabi is included]: "Hammurabi reigned over Babylon and the Babylonian Empire from 1728BC until his death in 1686 ... The Kassites ruled for 400 years, and respected the Code of Hammurabi.
From my wikipedia search on "Cod of Hammurabi" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Hammurabi) [note - a photo of an inscription of the Code is included]: "The Code of Hammurabi, created ca. 1700 BC, also known as the Codex Hammurabi, is one of the earliest sets of laws found, and one of the best preserved examples of this type of document from ancient Mesopotamia. Other collections of laws include the codex of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur (ca. 2050 BC) the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 BC) and the codex of Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (ca. 1870 BC)." ...So, while Hammurabi is important, there may be other ancient laws that need to be researched.
Question: How do other ancient Codexes compare to that of Hammurabi?
Question: What are the commonly recognized periods of world history?
[Note: it looks like "History of Europe" is the relevant wikipedia search here, since it goes back to Greece and Rome...]
More: "The code is often pointed to as the first example of the legal concept that some laws are so basic as to be beyond the ability of even a king to change. By writing the laws on stone they were immutable. This concept lives on in most modern legal systems and has given rise to the term written in stone."
Reading through the code now, I notice the term "minor son"
Question: Does use of the word "minor" in Hammurabi mean that a legal category for youth existed?
...It appears that fathers choose who their son will marry; and that a price is paid for someone else's daughter; and that that fee is for child-bearing -- you basically get your money back if you don't get children out of her. ...An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth -- and a son for a son! ...It looks like a "minor son" may be a younger son? ...The most relevant quote herein may be #195: "If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off." [There's also a bit about getting your tongue cut out if you say "you are not my father!" -- but that's perhaps not so much about defiance as lineage.]
Also of note: #135 talks about fathers retaining custody of their children; #169 talks about depriving a child of their filial relationship -- casting them out; and #182 talks about artisans apprenticing youth -- which reminds me of the apprentice relationships in "From Father's Property to Children's Rights".
...Having now read through the code, it does look like an anthropological history will be more useful. The code, with regards to family, has mostly to do with inheritance and marriage contracts (which seem to be very focused on producing more children).
- Roman law influences everything that comes thereafter. Fast-forwarding to England at the time of William Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Laws of England" , you basically have two forms of law that go into the work: common law, and civil law. Common law comes from customs of "time immemorial"; civil laws come from Rome.
- Roman society seems to embody the height of adult supremacism, fathers having the right to murder their children. I also seem to recall that Roman adulthood was set at 25 -- which explains where number 25 comes from in the U.S. Constitution.
Question: Where in Roman Law is the number 25 located, specifically?
- In England, it appears that there was a period during which the country was controlled by inconsistent local laws, and Canon law (church law).
From my search on "common law" (http://www.wikipedia.org/): "Before the institutional stability imposed on England by William the Conqueror in 1066, English citizens were governed by unwritten local customs that varied from community to community and were enforced in often arbitrary fashion. ... In 1154, Henry II became the first Plantagenet king. Among many achievements, Henry institutionalized common law by creating a unified system of law "common" to the country through incorporating and elevating local custom to the national, ending local control and peculiarities, eliminating arbitrary remedies, and reinstating a jury system of citizens sworn on oaths to investigate reliably criminal accusations and civil claims." ...The further I read in this entry, the more I complexity I see in the history of law. Uh-oh...
- There is a debate about childhood in the Middle Ages spawned by Philipe Aries about whether or not a conception of "childhood" as distinct from "adulthood" existed. He puts forth the notion that children were merely seen as little adults. This point of view seems to have been nearly disproven by people more familiar with that time period. I found a summary of the debate in the "Handbook of Marriage & Family", which said that Aries himself had more or less conceded the point.
Question: Did the concept of "childhood" exist in the Middle Ages?
- The idea that "childhood" did not exist in the Middle Ages was not matching my own research, either. In "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 2nd ed." (1940) I discovered that "Before the age of majority come military age, age of consent, and the age of discretion." (See definition of "age"). Each of these age lines originates in common law. They also tend to set different lines for boys vs. girls.
- After Rome, I was going to make my next big stopping point William Blackstone's "Commentaries on the Laws of England" (http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/blackstone/blacksto.htm).
From my wikipedia search on "common law" again (http://www.wikipedia.org/): "The definitive historical treatise on the common law is Commentaries on the Laws of England, written by Sir William Blackstone and published in 1765-1769. ... Today it has been superseded in the English part of the United Kingdom by Halsbury's Laws of England that covers both common and statutory English Law."
From the wikipedia link to "Commentaries on the Laws of England" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commentaries_on_the_Laws_of_England): "The commentaries are frequently quoted as the definitive pre-Revolutionary War source of Common Law by US Courts ... Blackstone's four volumes cover the Rights of Persons, the Rights of Things, Private Wrongs, and Public Wrongs. The first treatise on the Rights of Persons is by and large concerned with the relations of status in the English social structure, from the King of England and the aristocracy down to the untitled commoners. Also Dealt heare were common relationships such as that of husband and wife, "master and servant", what we would now call employer and employee, and guardian and ward."
Within the commentaries themselves, the chapters relevant to my studies all seem to be in book 1:
"Chapter the Fourteenth : Of Master and Servant Chapter the Fifteenth : Of Husband and Wife Chapter the Sixteenth : Of Parent and Child Chapter the Seventeenth : Of Guardian and Ward "
Summarizing chapter 16 [for clarity, I'll translate the archaic use of f into s]... "Children are of two sorts; legitimate, and spurious, or bastards" ...No, I change my mind: I'll include the text below as an appendix.
- Parental rights and responsibilities in Colonial America seem to be spelled out pretty explicitly, legally, according to the book "From Father's Property to Children's Rights".
- In the U.S. constitution, the numbers 25, 30, and 35 seem to derive from Rome, where 25 seems to have been the line for adulthood. The number 21 doesn't show up until the Amendments, when the electoral college is being reworked. And 18 seems to be the most recent Amendment... Therefore probably not likely to be changed soon. I suspect that these numbers, 18 and 21, derive from English Common Law.
Question: Where do the age lines in the Constitution come from?
- The New Deal seems to have revolutionized age relations in the U.S. As I understand it, this is where retirement age was really cemented into place -- in a sense, overthrowing the power of the old. I believe it is also where labor laws for the young were really put into effect -- not for their protection, but to protect the earning power of adults.
Question: Is the New Deal summed up in a single document that I can read?
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
April 9, 2005
Justice is a drama that plays out on many stages
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
Justice is a drama that plays out on many stages.
Many of the instances of injustice occur within institutions, where behavior is very scripted. Moving from injustice to justice, then, requires formally re-writing scripts -- laws, within-organization policies, training manuals. Scripts must also be taught to the people that will enact them. This involves someone being paid to do trainings for officials, money being spent on public education, youth being trained on how to use their rights, and formal processes being in place for resolving complaints.
We cannot re-write these scripts from above. The physical scripts exist on many levels: from an individual teacher's syllabus & classroom rules, to the college textbook they read, to the policies of national education associations, and federal laws that dole out funding. In many ways, the process of bringing society-wide justice is like being a book-editor. You have to focus on the wording of texts, what texts exists -- and which don't. ...Unfortunately, the number of texts that need editing is enormous, and the physical reprinting of institutional documents is infrequent.
An oft unnoticed aspect of justice is that all the acting officials are paid. Creating social change is founded upon countless unpaid volunteer hours. But with regards to institutional justice -- every act of justice has a literal price tag attached to it. If a city fails to levy enough tax money, courts shut down, and prisoners are released from the jails -- as I've seen in my home town of Portland, OR. Corrupt government is inexpensive -- but the "checks and balances" that bring about a just system require paid employees. When economic hard times hit, justice will suffer.
The causes of adultism are selfish; the opponents of youth lib are aggressive in their interests. But institutional systems, to an extent, run on inertia. There is room for the Youth Lib movement to take proactive moves toward justice -- against the current of opposition (which may take some time to organize its backlash).
Our movement must recognize two important principles in its self-organization: (1) specialization, (2) youth community development.
With regards to specialization, there are so many institutional areas that require attention and effort -- within any city, there is a need for dozens of oversight and activist groups. Yet, the pool of youth who have an interest in doing this work, rather than simply enjoying their own lives, will always be inadequate for the job. Justice is likely to always be only partial. But something is better than nothing!
Regarding youth community development, there is a fair amount of discussion that has to go on among youth about what it means to be a youth in order to encourage even a portion of youth to become activists. There need to be physical locations where youth can meet that are non-school and non-activity oriented, that is, where youth have some opportunity to talk about their experience of being youth in their particular locales. These opportunities for discussion should not be limited to projects intended to train activists. While YL activists may fantasize about all youth joining the cause, we have to accept that many will not (and some will even be against the cause). Even so, the discussion about the experience of youth identity is a discussion that should be shared as widely as possible.
acceptance of spanking and parental tyranny
- explicit condemnation by parenting books and experts
- adoption of principles by American Psychological Association, etc.
- supporting research papers
- adoption of principles by American Psychological Association, etc.
- projects that offer voluntary youth-adult "contracts"
- domestic "mediation" projects for youth-adult conflict -- a voluntary conflict resolution system
ending an instance of violence against minors by parents in the home
- creation of anti-violence laws at city, county, state level
- funding for public ed campaigns (billboards, TV ads)
- physical self-defense training projects
- violence awareness and "safety planning" education
- calling the police
- having been trained at school about your options
- police receive training in how to intercede in such situations
- making restraining orders available to youth
- having been trained at school about your options
- temporary escape to safe houses
- youth underground network (potentially illegal)
- good public transit system
- working with youth hostels to provide emergency shelter
- eliminating runaway laws
- eliminate curfews
- train police not to return youth to parents
- youth underground network (potentially illegal)
- divorcing your parents in the courts
- establish a legal precedent with a court victory
- write the right to divorce a guardian into state law
- youth access to welfare system
- creation of special scholarships for youth leaving parents
- college scholarships should not be based on parental income if separated
- project of youth co-op / shared (inexpensive) housing opportunities
- establish a legal precedent with a court victory
[homeless youth services]
classroom practices
- adoption of principles by teachers associations
- "fair classroom" ideas taught in colleges
- publication of books on "fair classroom" practices
- research on "fair classroom" practices in academic journals
- publication of books on "fair classroom" practices
- "fair classroom" ideas taught in colleges
- adoption of "fair classroom" principles by school board
- teachers go through training on what is required of them
- complaint process is in place in school
- training for students on how to use the complaint process
participation in the decision-making processes of the school board
- "unionization" of students (replacing bogus "student councils")
- processes formally documented for making hiring / firing / funding decisions
- school model is documented and shared among national assoc. of schools (?)
- regular trainings for students on how to participate in school government
- a curriculum for these trainings is written
- an in-staff is given responsibility, or training is contracted out
- a curriculum for these trainings is written
- governmental funding of school is dependent upon meeting standards of student inclusion in decision-making
[unschooling / deschooling]
- promotion of student-directed learning model
- teachers no longer hired for on-going contracts, rather on-call for students
- ght with teachers' unions
- option of unschooling is promoted
PUBLIC SPACESdiscrimination in housing and public accommodation
- knowing your rights and how to document abuses
- a well funded / staffed bureau of labor & industry to prosecute complaints
- education of owners of housing and public accommodation
- in-house staff training
- education of owners of housing and public accommodation
- public outcry at discrimination - protests and news coverage
- meet city / county / state representatives to institute non-discrimination ordinances / statutes
media defamation
- watchdog groups for local papers, local TV news, national TV & papers
- orchestration of quick-response letter-writing campaigns (sim. to Amnesty International)
- youth voice media projects producing their own (counter) stories
[anti-youth attitudes]
- among youth, discussion of anti-youth attitudes (toward "youth culture"?) [targeting youth because they become adults]
- celebration of youth culture: music, clothing, etc. [=pop culture?]
- youth arts projects promoting creation of authentic, original youth expressions
- ongoing discussion about "maturity" and "adulthood" as behavioral ideals
- youth centers / cultural orgs for non-school, non-activity youth interaction
- identifying youth community needs (e.g. new playground, bussing options)
STATEcity hall / state legislature - discriminatory policies
- independent lobby groups exists to watchdog these decision-making bodies
- grassroots effort to identify youth interests and lobby for them
- a model of how to involve youth (not youth advisory councils) is propagated among city / state-level attorney associations
- pro-active meetings with city / state representatives to dismantle curfews, etc.
city / state / federal vote
- changing the U.S. constitution
- changing state and city level constitutions
- funding for public ed campaign about voter registration for minors
- voting sites in locations easy for youth to access (schools)
- cultural support for youth vote via youth participation in school decision-making structures
Missing here are economic issues... Youth right to work, how much money a youth is entitled to receive from their parents, etc.This list of "stages for the drama of justice" should be double-checked against other "bill of rights" type documents.
Should "bedroom" be a stage for justice, with regards to sex? Or does this fall under the context of parental tyranny and potential youth-parent contracts? I'm thinking that voluntary participation in an agreement is the only solution within the family. We can outlaw certain acts, which then requires involving an outside agency to intervene. But within the voluntary association of parent and child, you have to mutually agree on who your conflict-resolution party will be. Agreeing on the use of an outside conflict-resolution organization may be the best solution I've found so far -- given that otherwise you have to always fall back on the parent as their own judge.
I'm also very interested here in how I've configured anti-youth attitudes as negative attitudes toward "youth culture" rather than individuals. This then situates the origins of fighting stereotypes in the with-in community discussion about youth culture. That's an exciting development. Interesting how it moves away from individualism toward the necessity of community-building (and maintenance). No justice without community. No community without communication.
1:40 hrs writing
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
February 23, 2005
Book Outline: Youth Liberation's Big Ideas
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
My previous essay revised and commented on an outline for "The Keywords of Youth Liberation". Herein I integrate all those notes.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction: How do these buzzwords fit together?
PART I: AGE 2. Adult / Youth
Q: Where is the dividing line between the two?
A: It's fuzzy -- but based on the family.
- Youth as a social group - objections (objections)
- youth is temporary, a phase; other identities are permanent
- youth is a universal, there's no relationship between groups
- experiences of girls/boys, teens/infants, blacks/whites are too different
- youth is temporary, a phase; other identities are permanent
- Different models of age
- [Adulthood is (mostly) artificial]
- Adulthood as a membership organization
- ways in which adulthood is like an organization
- the "family resemblance" model of youth
- explaining a paradox: oppressed becoming oppressors
- ways in which adulthood is like an organization
- What word to use? - youth, minors, kids, children
3. Difference
Q: How different are adults and youth, really?
A: As different as adults are from one another.
- Sameness vs. difference: addressing age-based abilities
- Varieties of age-based discrimination [problems for equality]
- Obvious discrimination (curfew, spray paint)
- Participation in decision-making (the vote)
- Skill-based competencies (driving license, airplane seating)
- Vice (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pornography)
- Protection from exploitation (age of consent, labor laws)
- Privileged treatment (juvenile sentencing)
- Obvious discrimination (curfew, spray paint)
- Thought experiment: Ageless being
4. Identity
Q: Who do you think you are?
A: It depends on where your allegiance lies.
- Membership vs. identity
- what if I don't feel like an adult?
- acknowledging membership -- while transgressing identity
- what if I don't feel like an adult?
- What makes me an adult? - different models
- "I'm not a kid!" - strategies for dissociating from childhood
- Being a conscientious objector to adulthood
- [Maturity as virtue]
- [** Adults entitlements & obligations; a sense of superiority]
- [Good kids / bad kids (and daring to be bad!)]
- [Is the problem adult's image of youth -- or adults' self-image?]
Q: How do adults mistreat youth?
A: They continue to treat youth like human property.
- [A brief history of adult oppression]
- [How different varieties of YL frame the problem]
- How different authors have defined "Adultism" [same topic?]
- [** Adultism as the command / obey relationship]
- Ageism vs. Adultism
- Creating a YL vocabulary
6. Oppression
Q: Why do some groups mistreat others?
A: There's a history of one group benefiting off of another.
- Oppression: A starting-place definition
- a historical relationship of power difference
- commonly recognized oppressions
- oppression vs. privilege vs. entitlement
- a historical relationship of power difference
- Different models of oppression
- Misconceptions about oppression (objections)
- How oppressions get named
- Two different frameworks: Inequality vs. Oppression
PART III: THE SOLUTION 7. Youth Liberation
Q: How do we end adultism?
A: We fight back!
- YL as a loose philosophy / movement
- Youth Liberation vs. Children's Rights
- Sub-varieties of Youth Liberation
- Criteria for YL organizations
8. Activism
Q: What tactics should YL use?
A: Working in small groups to influence decision-makers.
- What constitutes "activism"?
- The value of working in groups
- Risks & benefits of becoming an activist
- How youth activism differs from that of other groups
- Perpetual debates: long-standing disagreements about what tactics to use
- separatism vs. collaboration
- angry confrontation vs. peaceful friendship
- assimilation vs. radical cultural identity
- narrow identity politics vs. a united progressive front
- separatism vs. collaboration
- Problems that arise within the movement: cooptation, corruption, self-appointed leaders
9. Adult Allies
Q: What should the role of adults be in YL?
A: Helping youth with resources -- but not replacing youths' own voice.
- [What adults fear about YL (objections)]
- Different models of being an ally
- Against adults being the sole voice of YL
- Separatist vs. Multigenerational organizations
- Different roles for different age groups
- Etiquette for allies
- [Parents as allies]
- [Why activists from other movements should care]
10. Social Change
Q: What does the world we're fighting for look like?
A: A place where youth can escape harm, and where adults don't feel entitled to command.
- Models of social change
- A consensus YL political agenda
- [Life in a post-YL world]
- [Escape freedom / Guiding Principles: self-ownership, etc.]
Posted by Sven at 12:03 PM
Book Outline: The Keywords of Youth Liberation - Revised
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
My previous essay roughed out a book idea, commented the notes I'd made, and suggested further tweaks. Here is an amended version:
1. Introduction: How the terms herein interrelate
2. Adult / Youth: The groups we'll be dealing with
- Youth as a social group - objections (objections)
- youth is temporary, a phase; other identities are permanent
- youth is a universal, there's no relationship between groups
- experiences of girls/boys, teens/infants, blacks/whites are too different
- youth is temporary, a phase; other identities are permanent
- Different models of age
- Adulthood as a membership organization
- ways in which adulthood is like an organization
- the "family resemblance" model of youth
- explaining a paradox: oppressed becoming oppressors
- [strategies for winning prestige]
- [adulthood's conscientious objectors]
- ways in which adulthood is like an organization
- Identity: What makes me an adult?
- Terms we use: youth, minors, kids, children
- [Good kids / bad kids]
3. Oppression: The problem, in general terms
- Oppression: A starting-place definition
- a historical relationship of power difference
- oppression vs. privilege vs. entitlement
- a historical relationship of power difference
- Different models of oppression
- Misconceptions about oppression (objections)
- Adultism in the context of other oppressions
- How oppressions get named
- Two different frameworks: Inequality vs. Oppression
4. Adultism: The problem, in specific terms
- How different authors have defined "Adultism"
- Ageism vs. Adultism
- Creating a YL vocabulary
- [Five definitions of "Adult Supremacism"]
- [What Adultism encompasses]
- [A brief history of adult oppression]
5. Youth Liberation: The proposed solution to our problem
- YL as a loose philosophy / movement
- Youth Liberation vs. Children's Rights
- Sub-varieties of Youth Liberation
- Criteria for YL organizations
- [Guiding principles]
6. Activism: The means to accomplish our solution
- What constitutes "activism"?
- The value of working in groups
- Risks & benefits of becoming an activist
- How youth activism differs from that of other groups
- Perpetual debates: long-standing disagreements about what tactics to use
- separatism vs. collaboration
- angry confrontation vs. peaceful friendship
- assimilation vs. radical cultural identity
- narrow identity politics vs. a united progressive front
- separatism vs. collaboration
- Problems that arise within the movement: cooptation, corruption, self-appointed leaders
7. Adult Allies: Roles of different groups within the solution
- [What adults fear about YL (objections)]
- Different models of being an ally
- Against adults being the sole voice of YL
- Separatist vs. Multigenerational organizations
- Different roles for different age groups
- Etiquette for allies
- [Parents as allies]
- [Why activists from other movements should care]
8. Social Change: Our ultimate goal
- Models of social change
- A consensus YL political agenda
- [Life in a post-YL world]
- [Escape freedom / Guiding Principles: self-ownership, etc.]
...I could see potentially putting two new sections after "Adult / Youth":
#. Difference: How different are adults and youth, really?
[Equality? Equal treatment?]
- Sameness vs. difference: addressing age-based abilities
- Varieties of age-based discrimination [problems for equality]
- Obvious discrimination (curfew, spray paint)
- Participation in decision-making (the vote)
- Skill-based competencies (driving license, airplane seating)
- Vice (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pornography)
- Protection from exploitation (age of consent, labor laws)
- Privileged treatment (juvenile sentencing)
- Obvious discrimination (curfew, spray paint)
- Thought experiment: Ageless being
#. Identity: One's sense of self re age [who do you think you are?]
- Membership vs. identity [what if I don't feel like an adult?]
- What makes me an adult?
- "I'm not a kid!" - strategies for dissociating from childhood
- Being a conscientious objector to adulthood
- [Maturity as virtue]
- [Adults entitlements & obligations; a sense of superiority]
- [Is the problem adult's image of youth -- or adults' self-image?]
- [Good kids / bad kids (and daring to be bad!)]
- [Acknowledging membership -- while transgressing identity]
I'll bet that each of the section subtitles could be phrased in the form of a question. I'll bet that would make them more compelling. Let's see...
1. Introduction: How do these buzzwords fit together?
2. Adult / Youth
Q: Where is the dividing line between the two?
A: It's fuzzy -- but based on the family.3. Difference
Q: How different are adults and youth, really?
A: As different as adults are from one another.4. Identity
Q: Who do you think you are?
A: Maybe you don't want to be either! ["feel like"?]5. Oppression
Q: What general problem does YL seek to redress? [Wrong Q?]
A: Human beings being treated as if they're property.6. Adultism
Q: How, specifically, are youth oppressed? [Wrong Q for content?]
A: Adults continue to treat youth like human property.
[Q: Is adultism an oppression? /Q: Do adults oppress youth?]
[A: Yes!]7. Youth Liberation
Q: How do we end adultism?
A: We fight back!8. Activism
Q: What tactics should YL use?
A: Working in small groups to influence decision-makers.9. Adult Allies
Q: What should the role of adults be in YL?
A: Helping youth with resources -- but not replacing youths' own voice.10. Social Change:
Q: What does the world we're fighting for look like?
A: A place where youth can escape harm, and where adults don't feel entitled to command.Note: I just added the answers to these questions in as an afterthought. I kind of like them! I could have section titles, and then on the same page a "Q:" and an "A:". [...I've just added that change.]
ALTERNATE TITLES:And now, let's brainstorm some better titles:
- The Key Concepts of Youth Liberation
- ** Youth Liberation's Big Ideas
- Youth Liberation: A Primer
- Youth Liberation Philosophy
- Everything you need to know about Youth Liberation
Once again I find myself putting the section on "Oppression" before the "Adultism" section. The rhetorical strategy if I do so, is to describe the general concept, and then show how adultism meets the criteria set forth, and is justified in being included within the category. I've grown uncomfortable with this approach, as it seems to depend too much on saying "me too!" to the work of other movements.
I would rather, now, put "Adultism" first -- describe the phenomenon independent of anything else -- and then follow it with "Oppression", as if to say "and look: here are other groups with whom we have common cause." Perhaps that means that I need to add an additional category (Argh! Proliferation!): "Mistreatment" (or something similar). Perhaps "the command / obey relationship"? ...That would be followed by "Oppression", which would then be followed by "Adultism"... Which now would focus on the question, "does how adults treat youth constitute an oppression?"
That seems overly complicated -- and I'm uncomfortable giving such importance to a term that I coined myself ("command / obey relationship"). Perhaps the issues around whether or not adultism is an oppression could be rolled into the oppression section -- which would simply become a longer, more technical part of the book, then.
...If I do go with adding "Difference" and "Identity" sections, then I have enough sections in this book vision that I might want to break it into three parts. Thus:
1. Introduction
2. Adult / Youth
3. Difference
5. Adultism
7. Youth liberation
8. Activism
9. Adult Allies
10. Social ChangeHm. What I notice now is that I've emptied all the real content from "Adultism" into "Oppression". Let me see if I can rework this...
3. Adultism: How adults mistreat youth
- [A brief history of adult oppression]
- [How different varieties of YL frame the problem]
- How different authors have defined "Adultism" [same topic?]
- [** Adultism as the command / obey relationship]
- Ageism vs. Adultism
- Creating a YL vocabulary
4. Oppression: The theory of why people mistreat each other
- Oppression: A starting-place definition
- a historical relationship of power difference
- commonly recognized oppressions
- oppression vs. privilege vs. entitlement
- a historical relationship of power difference
- Different models of oppression
- Misconceptions about oppression (objections)
- How oppressions get named
- Two different frameworks: Inequality vs. Oppression
Posted by Sven at 12:02 PM
Book Outline: The Keywords of Youth Liberation
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
Most of my book outlines include large sections that I've never written a word on -- they only exist in my imagination. One of the benefits of this particular outline is that I've written on basically all of these topics -- I'd merely need to collect them into one place, and then edit or rewrite as I see fit. ...It's not necessarily a great first book, in terms of making a splash; but it's probably the most doable book concept I've come up with yet. It's probably better, anyway, to just write as many books as possible -- let the issue of quality sort itself out.
1. Introduction
2. Oppression
3. Adultism
4. Adult / Youth
5. Youth Liberation
[6. Activism]
[7. Movement]
8. Adult Allies
9. Social Change
NOTES:1. Introduction
Introductory essay lists what they "keywords" or "buzzwords" of YL are, and explains how they're interrelated. The terms are somewhat dependent upon each other, and weave into a framework. Each following essay will deal with one term in detail. [I could see some of these terms actually needing more than one essay...] My approach in the following essays will be to catalog differences of opinion -- to be a proponent of my own definition of "oppression", but at the same time to list six or seven other definitions that exist out there, and compare/contrast them.
2. Oppression
Points to hit: (1) RC (AKA Reevaluation Counseling, co-counseling), Socialist, and Liberal perspectives. (2) Discuss the list of other oppressed groups (racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, ableism, etc.). (3) Nomenclature: "heterosexism" vs. "homophobia"; "sexism" vs. "male supremacism" vs. "patriarchy" vs. "misogyny" vs. "androcentrism" vs. "gender polarization" vs. "biological determinism" vs. "masculinism", etc. (4) Different frameworks for Social Change and their origins: Rights / Equality vs. Oppression / Liberation, the Declaration of Independence & the Bill of Rights vs. the works of Frantz Fanon & the 60s.
3. Adultism
(1) "Ageism" vs. "adultism"; origins of the word "adultism". (2) Related words, a YL glossary, and how the terms relate to each other: adult supremacism, adultarchy, adultcentrism, age-bending, age androgyny, age dualism/monism, age apartheid, youth-hating, teenphobia, etc. (3) A selection of definitions from the web; discussion of what the key term in the definition is, e.g. stereotypes, beliefs re competence, power, legal discrimination, history of ownership, etc. [(4) Five definitions of "adult supremacism".]
4. Adult / Youth
(1) Different models of age: anatomy, character virtue ("maturity), practical competence, social markers (economic independence, marriage), mental age, legal age, age as organization, age as a feeling ("you're only as old as you feel"), age doesn't exist. (2) The organization model in depth. [(3) Good kids / bad kids.] (4) Adulthood examined ("what makes me an adult?"). [(5) The dissociation dynamic, and the struggle for prestige.] (6) Why use the term "youth" vs. "kids", "minors", "children", etc.
5. Youth Liberation
(1) Determining whether or not an activist group is doing YL work; group work vs. solo work, as a belief system vs. activism. (2) YL as a loose philosophy / movement. (3) Sub-varieties of YL (Youth Power, Youth Equality/Rights, Youth Culture). (4) "Youth Liberation" vs. "Children's Rights". (5) A consensus YL political agenda.
[6. Activism]
(1) The value of working in groups. (2) The risks / benefits associated with becoming an activism. (3) How YL activism differs from activism by other groups. (4) Perpetual debates: separatism vs. collaboration; outraged confrontation vs. peaceful friendship; narrow identity politics vs. a united progressive front; assimilation vs. radical cultural identity. (5) Defining "activism" -- "direct action aimed at a single pivotal decision-maker, aimed at leveraging them to make specific changes" vs. "education" or "demonstrations of protest". (6) Problems that arise within activist efforts: recognizing cooptation, corruption, and self-appointed leaders.
[7. Movement]
(1) Is YL strong enough to constitute a "movement"? Compare the terms "movement", "community", and "market".
8. Adult Allies
(1) Etiquette for allies. (2) Different philosophies of what it means to be an ally. (3) Different roles for different age groups: minors, tweens, adult allies. (4) Separatism vs. Intergenerational Partnership. (5) Against adults as the sole voice of YL.
9. Social Change
(1) Models of social change: inevitable utopia; violent revolution; popular education against ignorance; shifting the mainstream culture via the media and what's deemed acceptable behavior (making it too uncomfortable to NOT be PC); small political cadres watchdogging specific issues.
COMMENTARY:...Now having made notes on each of these 9 points, it seems clear that each one is not merely a chapter -- but rather a whole section. I see several here that could easily have 5 essays under them. Perhaps then, I would number the sections, but not number the essays within; treat them as essays, rather than traditional chapters, which are supposed to build upon one another. ...That does move in the direction of writing "bite-sized" chunks, which is an ideal that I like to embody in my writing.
Of the nine topics I've mentioned, "Movement" seems the weakest -- I could easily drop it. I'm not particularly wed to the order I list above. Here's an alternate order:
1. Introduction - how the terms herein interrelate
2. Adult / Youth - the groups we'll be dealing with
3. Oppression - the problem, in general terms
4. Adultism - the problem, in specific terms
5. Youth Liberation - the proposed solution to the problem
6. Activism - the means to accomplishing the solution
7. Adult Allies - the roles of different groups within the solution
8. Social Change - the ultimate endsThe structure I'm looking at is not necessarily the most exciting order -- but it doesn't have to be; I can encourage people to jump around. They'll want to get a rough idea about the ideas first, and may not need to get into every detail, linearly.
If I have an essay on "the consensus agenda of YL", perhaps it belongs under "Social Change", at the very end. It could go under "Youth Liberation" -- but I don't want to associate agenda too strongly with the movement -- I want the movement to be defined by the means. Similarly, I could put the essay under "Activism" -- but it's really about ends, rather than means. There are lots of issues we'd like to take on, but don't have the person-power to engage with.
The essay about "dissociation" seems like an important one -- but doesn't seem to fit under any of the sections well. Maybe it could be subsumed under the "adults as organization" essay. [I'm not sure, but "adult identity" might go there, too.]
...In fact, I may need to add an essay under "Adults / Youth" titled (7) "youth as a social group" which addresses objections to dealing with youth as anything but a "phase". Objections: youth is temporary, while other identities are permanent; all humans go through youth, so age cannot be a vector of oppression; girls' & boys' / teens' & infants' / different races' experience of childhood are too different to compare.
I could see adding an essay on "what adults fear about YL" that could go either in the adultism or YL sections.
The "Adult Allies" section is conspicuously missing an essay on "parents as allies" -- but I still don't know if I have adequate knowledge or material to write an essay like that yet.
There's additional material that I've written on the topic of oppression: "misconceptions about oppression": that oppression is just aberrant individuals; that it's purely mental (prejudice / stereotypes); that you're not oppressed unless you feel a boot on your neck; that privileged youth are not oppressed; that adults are equally oppressed by ageism; that the solution is "age-blindness"; "I'm not an adult, I'm just a Sven", etc.
NEXT STEPS:I think the next steps on this project, if I want to undertake it, is pretty obvious: collect all the essays I've written previously that roughly fit these topics, make new copies, and put them into a binder. Start reading through them with an eye to what's missing and what needs serious re-writing.
That step is different from the usual writing that I do, and will need a solid commitment of time in order to get started.
It's not the book that I ever thought I was going to write -- but there's a way in which it seems to best represent where I've been going all this time. What's my excuse for not getting to work on producing this piece?
[...Boy, the title needs improvement, though!]
Posted by Sven at 12:01 PM
February 9, 2005
Fragment: Life in a Post- Youth Liberation World
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
From W 09.29.04:
"The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]"
When I gave my YL presentation at the New Year's Eve 2003/4 party at the coast, I feel like I focused on the wrong things. I didn't talk about adult power, particularly the history of the command/obey relationship enough. I don't think I talked about "what changes I want to see" adequately, either. Once I started talking about exit freedom, and how YL principles would play out in practice, people seemed somewhat more open. In G's and my debrief after we got back home, we came up with a new idea for an essay: "Life [or Growing up] in a Post-YL World".
I'm taken with this idea. It seems more evocative than a "Bill of Rights" document -- and it also pushes YL activists themselves to really try to imagine what they want.
I want to contrast this approach with the "Bill of Rights" approach. The changes I talk about herein are not simply about changes in law. Most of the changes I describe are concerned with transforming institutions. Attitude changes for the typical parent / adult will also be addressed.
Going into this, I've sketched out a few notes. I'm a little daunted by the breadth of what I want to cover; it may take more than one day to get through all this. I've organized the information into seven sections:
- Basic Principles
- Birth and Infancy
- School
- Home Life
- Leaving a Troubled Home
- Government Regulation
- Adulthood
With this rough outline in mind, let's now dig in...I. Much will be the same, much will be different...
Try to imagine the world after the Youth Liberation movement has accomplished all of its goals. What does that world look like?
In most ways, it looks very much the same as life today. The typical child will be born, stay with its parents until maybe 18 years of age, going to school in the meantime, ultimately finding a career, and perhaps beginning a new family of its own. Loving parents post-YL behave very much the same as loving parents do today. ...Which is to say, "what's not broken, doesn't need to be fixed."
On the other hand, many things will also be different:
- The internal structures of schools will be reorganized;
- the government will allow greater personal liberties;
- parents will conscientiously strive to avoid the command/obey dynamic;
- a greater array of services will exist to help youth attempting to leave abusive homes;
- and people won't attach a sense of superiority to biological or cultural adulthood, instead striving to be "ageless beings".
Consider the point of view of an individual young person, growing up in the post-YL world. None of the legal or institutional changes proposed here will necessarily force them to live any differently than they would today. There will be a greater variety of alternative life choices available -- but to utilize any of them, the individual must take self-determination into their own hands. If they want to make a change, then they must make a conscious choice. Just coasting along through the system, living the standard-options life that is handed to you -- that's still an option.Many of the changes proposed are not meant to have any impact on a typical youth. Rather, they are safety nets -- they need to be in place when something goes wrong. They are options that, hopefully, most youth will never need to seriously consider -- but they should understand that they are there, and how to effectively access them, nonetheless. [A number of the attitudinal changes are intended as preventative measures.]
...The world post-YL will not be a utopia! There will still be arguments between youth and their parents. Parents of conscience will still find themselves in situations sometimes where they feel compelled to override the will of their child. Some parents (for a variety of reasons) will still become abusers -- and leaving or taking actions against them will not be an easy choice. Prejudiced attitudes toward youth and acts of discrimination will still exist -- but youth will have new tools for fighting back, and public opinion will put bigots in the minority. Youth will have a new say in politics -- but oftentimes the majority opinion of youth will still be outweighed by the will of adults, when election time rolls round.
Youth activist groups will not put themselves out of business -- there will be a continuing need for youth to "be at the table", contributing opinions and speaking in their own voices. The world will continue to change, year after year, and all of society's subgroups need to be active participants in the negotiation to create arrangements that are mutually just. YL will make significant improvements in the conditions of young people's lives -- but there is no final end to this effort.
The world post-YL will still be in motion. Hopefully society will stabilize, and the institutional improvements that we've fought for will take root, becoming the almost invisible backdrop of normal life. However, in the process of making change, society will take surprising turns. There will be predictable political backlashes [possibly making things worse than before!] -- and our changes may have unintended effects that we did not foresee, and which need to be corrected. No matter how detailed a vision we create, the future cannot be entirely known.
II. Guiding Principles
Youth Liberation will be accomplished with human hands, and so we need some guiding principles as we continue the work on into the future. Here are several of principles that guide the proposals below, and which should help guide our work far into the future. As we imagine a world post-YL, we will need to continually strain to discern not only their essence, but how they may be applied in practice, in ways that make sense.
A) Youth are not property to be owned.
The nature of property is that its owner is entitled to control it. Parents should not have the right to command youth, the right to be unquestioningly obeyed. The adult public should not have the exclusive right to elect decision-makers, or by referendum decide matters that will impact youth, without youth's say. Youth must minimally have a voice in deciding all matters that impact them. Their say must have actual weight, and have a fair chance at influencing matters -- though they may not always get their way.B) A body is the sole property of its self.
Not all matters are open to shared decision-making. Where a young person's body is in question, they have the sole right to control. If a young person's body is their own property, then they have the same rights over it that one would have over any other property: the right to move it, to keep it still, to touch it, to allow or disallow others from touching it, to physically alter it, and to damage or destroy it, to control a reasonable bubble of space around it. [Limitations to this set of rights emerge when one's personal space overlaps with that of another.]C) Youth should be able to remove themselves from harm at will.
"Freedom" typically has two flavors: a right to engage in particular activities (freedom to do), or a guarantee of protection (freedom from something). Both of these freedoms imply a standard quality of life for all -- how high or low that standard should be set is a matter of debate. The subjective experience of suffering, however, can largely escape a relativistic debate over standards: if I feel suffering, that is a bedrock of truth.Youth who feel that they are suffering in some way, should be free to leave the situation that is oppressing them. This is called "exit freedom". One's ability to leave a harmful situation should not be dependent upon finding an advocate who believes that you are suffering and is willing to speak for you. You should be able to remove yourself from harm on your own volition. This does not mean that advocates are unwelcome -- but when requires an advocate, it places a roadblock before youth. YL must work to remove roadblocks to youths' efforts at self-defense.
D) Artificial age-lines and legal double-standards are unjust.
[Both the Youth Equality ("Youth Rights") and Youth Power movements agree on this point, although philosophically it is primarily a YEq argument.] It is an affront to youths' dignity -- the sense that they are equally human and deserving of basic respect -- to create laws that utilize artificial age-lines. Building laws that reference meaningful (and measurable) differences in anatomy, physical ability, or skill is a viable alternative. YL recognizes enormous diversity among human beings: e.g. height, strength, muscle control, ability to walk, English language skills, literacy, cultural literacy, education, financial poverty / wealth, and specific skills. YL acknowledges that accommodating these differences (particularly given limits on money, labor, and time) can be very difficult. There will likely be cases in which YL is unable to suggest a legal construct that is clearly superior to a straight age-line; it is nonetheless important to wrestle with these matters.III. Birth and Infancy
Now, let us move on to the main substance of this essay: imagining life in a post-YL world...
I am going to begin with birth and infancy -- even though this period does not fall within the purview of YL proper. As I understand it, YL is about youth having the ability to speak out about what they want, and be able to achieve it. This implies that YL's early limit begins with the acquisition of speech. We should be concerned with the welfare of youth before they are able to verbalize their wants and needs -- but until those desires can be articulated into some sort of words [they need not be proper English], a young person's recognizable self-liberation is not involved.
For the sake of making it easier to track the issues and proposals herein, I will assign a number to each one.
1. Abortion
In a post-YL world, there will still be mistakes. There will be unintended pregnancies, and pregnancies thought better of. One interpretation of YL (See Jack Westman's article, "Juvenile Ageism") would describe a fetus' right to life as a YL issue. I disagree. As stated in the Basic Principles section above, "A body is the sole property of its self". The woman who is inhabited by a fetus has the right to control what is inside her -- and thus to remove the fetus if she so chooses.Hypothetically, how she is allowed to remove the fetus might be negotiable -- if there were some way for fetuses in their early stages to live outside of her body. However, as this is not the case, the life of the fetus is forfeit. In essence, an unwanted pregnancy and rape are the same thing: violation of a woman's right to control what exists inside of her.
The right to abortion, furthermore, is not strictly an adults-versus-youth issue -- young women as minors have a right to abortion as well. Thus, while specific to female youth, rather than all youth, access to abortion is at least partly a YL issue. Even more so because additional burdens such as parental consent are put upon young women seeking this procedure.
2. Gentle Birth
Once a baby leaves its mother's body, then it becomes a person, with ownership rights over itself. Again -- while not strictly-speaking a YL issue, YL should have some interest in how a person actually enters the world.While not knowing precisely what the baby feels at birth, we can intuit that it is a shock to be brought directly from the womb into dry, cold air and bright light. The practice of slapping the baby to get it breathing is also seemingly cruel. Alternatives have been suggested: birthing in a warm, darkened room, or being birthed into warm water.
Youth's allies on this issue are midwives, whom have created alternatives to the hospital environment: home birth, and special birth centers. Hospitals tend to view birth through the lens of sickness -- yet, the majority of births are normal and without problem. If need for medical attention is unlikely, is desirable for youth to not be born in hospitals, which are teaming with sickness -- instead to be born in a more quiet, comfortable environment.
3. Attachment and "Kangaroo Care"
During parts of the 20th century, it was standard practice to remove an infant from its mother immediately after birth. Lack of early contact has been linked to "failure to thrive"; in essence, lack of human contact can kill an infant. Furthermore, it has been shown that unwell infants can stabilize by being in direct contact with their mother's skin (this is called "kangaroo care"). It seems, thus, that newborns should be immediately given to their mother after birth, and allowed to have skin contact.Removing infants from their mother also interferes with the mother's ability to emotionally bond with their child, which has been identified as a risk factor for child abuse. This is further reason to keep the mother and child together immediately after birth.
4. Circumcision and Sex-Assignment Surgery
Again, based on the principle that youth themselves own their own bodies, both male and female circumcision seem to be cruel and unnecessary practices. Similarly, some people are born with micro-phalluses, macro-clitorises, or gender-indeterminate genitals. Surgically modifying these people's genitals without their permission is a practice that should be ceased.Both circumcision and sex-assignment surgery raise interesting issues regarding who has a right to be spokespersons for the cause. It is fair for both men and women to speak out against circumcision as a general practice -- but the issue of Jewish circumcision requires a more subtle political approach. Historically, Jews have been persecuted for performing circumcision; it is undesirable to side with anti-Semites on this matter. There is an anti-circumcision movement within Judaism; one approach to this issue would be to defer to their leadership, with regards to Jewish circumcision, focusing only on how the procedure is applied to gentiles.
With regards to sex assignment surgery, the actual voice of intersexed people has often been completely absent. During the past decade a movement of intersexed people has been building; their internal leadership should guide all efforts to modify doctors' procedures.
5. Breast-Feeding
Mother's milk transmits immunity to various diseases to the infant. It is nutritionally as well as immunologically superior to formula. YL cannot demand that mothers breast feed (their breasts, their bodies) -- but it can encourage the practice, and work to remove stigma (and laws) against breast-feeding in public. The La Leche League works in this area, and should be considered implicit allies (although they may not support any other aspects of the YL agenda).6. Toilet Training
Infants get chilled easily; it is important to help them stay warm when outside. Similarly, it is useful to keep a room in one's house warm, especially for diaper changing. [I know that I've heard about innovative ways to help infants become accustomed to using a toilet -- but I'm forgetting right now.] ...Thinking about how things will feel physically falls under the auspices of what is known as "child-centered" parenting.7. Immunizations
Again, I don't really recall the facts here -- suffice to say that there are some powerful arguments against immunizing all infants...8. No Spanking
The use of spanking and other pain-inflicting strategies on pre-verbal youth is cruel and unnecessary. The suffering is unlikely to be attached to the (presumably) dangerous thing that the parent wants to warn the child away from -- instead, it simply instills fear of the parent.9. "Yes" Environments
Beyond simply "child-proofing" homes against poisons, electrical sockets, sharp things, etc., people doing care-giving for youth should attempt to make "yes" environments, wherein they need not constantly be saying "no", because everything accessible to the infant is something that they are free to touch, mouth, eat, or play with freely. Rather than constantly saying "no", adults should attempt to remove their precious things from view, thus eliminating potential conflict.10. American Sign Language
Before youth can use spoken language, they are able to use sign language. Thus, even before the first birthday, youth may be able to communicate using words. Having seen toddlers that have learned 30 or so words in sign, I've been amazed by how much less fussy they are. They don't need to cry in order to get what they want -- they can tell you! [By learning ASL, the acquisition of basic language can occur earlier, thus bumping up the initiation of the YL period.][I think I've listed too many items here. I'm going too in-depth into child-centered parenting when I start talking about toilet-training. And anyway, these concerns exist now -- they don't really sound like "the world post-YL". They're too much about the personal choices of parents, too little about institutions. Maybe I should reframe "no spanking" in terms of law or child-rearing advice books -- or maybe I should save the "discipline" issue until later, for the parenting section.
Should I mention something about Ritilin here? ...It starts seeming like I'm listing all of YL's current issues -- which was not what I set out to do here.]
IV. School
[Numbering my points isn't working out quite how I'd hoped. I'm going to revert to a freer style of writing.]
I envision schools as being less incarceration facilities, where youth are bussed to each day, and must stay under threat of truancy and daytime curfew laws -- and more as voluntarily community centers.
As a sort of community center, the schools [or whatever they would be called] would offer a variety of services. Free food and clothing programs, psychological and career counseling, possibly even overnight beds, could all be linked to a central building. If youth won the right to vote, then school buildings would be good sites in which to place voting booths.
School attendance would not be mandatory. Instead, youth would have three main educational options. They could leave the school system and instead opt for unschooling. They could participate in student-led curriculums that allow for self-directed learning. Or they could take standardized classes in traditional subjects. [This last option keeps open the ability for students to "coast" if they want a basic education without taking charge of their own lives.]
The maintenance of some form of public school system, rather its complete abolition, is an important counter-balance to the power of the parents. If schools didn't exist, some youth would be trapped 24-hours a day with their abusive parents. School is an institutional way of trying to guarantee youth contact with the outside world.
Youth should have access to free "higher education" as well as basic education. I've heard that some states have done this by guaranteeing admission and a scholarship to a community college if your grades are good enough, and then similar access to a state university if you do well there too.
If schools become a central location for multiple services, then perhaps the line between "adult education" and "primary education" should be blurred as well. Rather than having an age apartheid in our society, where youth are kept in scholastic gulags for 12 years (thus exacerbating a sense of difference between adults and youth), both adult and youth learners could perhaps co-exist within the same building.
The schools would be run democratically, as has been modeled by the Sudberry Valley School created by John Holt. This does not mean that youth would have a powerless "student council" -- rather, students would have direct power over hiring, firing, and funding decisions. [Establishing real democracy in the schools is an important step toward winning the vote in federal, state, county, and city elections. Once youth have power in the schools, it will seem much more natural, culturally-speaking, for them to participate in running the country.]
Running schools democratically raises questions about scale. I don't know what an ideal size is for this sort of structure -- does it require a small student body? Are there ways in which a student body could deal with hiring and firing in small groups -- the groups that are going to be impacted by a particular educator? Would, then, votes by then entire student body of several hundred or thousand only be required for budget issues and hiring administrators, such as the principle? ...If this sort of democracy only works for small groups, then that would undermine the notion of grouping social services together in one building. It would also raise costs, in terms of having to build more buildings.
Teachers' job security will undoubtedly be an issue. If students themselves can vote out an ineffective teacher, then the teachers may fear for their jobs. Teachers' associations will fight youth control tooth-and-nail as we work to make this change. I'm not sure what we could do to make being a teacher more desirable. ...Perhaps all teachers would be more like substitute teachers, moving around as needed. Or perhaps people who are doing actual research in chemistry, literature, etc. would be called on to teach younger people, rather than reserving themselves only for adult (college) learners.
Curriculum-wise, it would be in youths' interest to have introductory, one-day workshops available regarding many topics. Youth can be trusted to learn when they are motivated by genuine interest -- which largely leaves the question of exposure: making sure that students get a taste of all the possible things that they could study. Once they know what exists, then they could choose either to hire an expert to help advise them on their own educational explorations -- or they could choose to enter a more traditional class.
Classroom dynamics, as a rule, would be non-hierarchical. Desks would not be arranged in regimented lines (intentionally designed to discourage student interaction) -- they'd generally be in circles. Bells that chop the day up into 50-minute segments would also be abolished, allowing students to go deeper into their studies. [See John Taylor Gatto's discussion of bells.]
Montessori techniques might be integrated into how younger children are taught.
School uniforms, security personnel, metal detectors, locker searches -- these typically draconian measures would not necessarily be ruled out -- but students would have to vote on such things, deciding for themselves whether they're necessary, and whether the gain in safety is worth the loss of personal privilege.
Yes, you could still be expelled for bad behavior. Disrupting the other student's experience or endangering them should not be tolerated. But by the same token, you should be able to stand up and freely walk outside without consequences if you want to enjoy a sunny day.
[I have an interesting idea, related to the section on infants, that maybe ASL should be a core skill that everyone learns. I can see some easy arguments for how it may be more useful than learning Russian or Japanese, at least for most people.]
[Another useful service to have on site: daycare, for students who have children of their own.]
IV. Home Life
[NOTE: Essay fragment ends here.]
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
January 26, 2005
Exploration: Youth Liberation - First Person Singular
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
From W 09.29.04:
"The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]"
When I went to NorWesCon maybe two years ago, I attended a workshop for fiction writers. The facilitators had everyone do an exercise where we answered a series of questions about our protagonist, such as "What problem do they face?", "Who are their allies?", "What do they stand to gain?", "What are they at risk of losing?", "What opportunity are they faced with?", "What do they truly love?", etc.
Since I didn't have a story that I was working on, I tried applying these questions to Youth Liberation -- imagining the hypothetical youth that was contemplating a life of YL activism. ...It was a surprisingly effective exercise! I have so consistently thought about the problems of YL from the perspective of an activist group, the individual has almost entirely disappeared from my writing. The exercise at NorWesCon forced me back into thinking about what YL means from an individual's perspective. It's a good thing; I think many youths' first response to YL would be "Yes, but what does it mean to my life?"
[Although, given that most youth already identify with the adult standpoint in society, the majority gut response might actually be to try to evaluate whether other youth (as a group) deserve new freedoms. ...I think the question "Is it right for youth as a group?" is probably what Youth Equality (AKA "Youth Rights") tends to focus on. ...Because Youth Power is about "by youth, for youth" strategies, it is appropriate that I should try to turn my focus more to the "I" and selfhood of youth in Youth Lib.]
While on a walk yesterday, I started brainstorming questions that a youth might ask themselves as they began to engage with YL. I can see how one could assemble these questions (and discussions about how one might answer) into a book titled "A Youth's Book of Questions". Given the popularity of the "A Book of Life's Questions"-type books -- people like to answer questions about themselves! -- it seems like this might not be a bad product to pitch.
Here's the list: [I'm going to roughly categorize it at this point.]
- Should I go to school? [vs. drop out]
- Should I homeschool / unschool?
- Should I go to college?
- Should I get good grades? [or bargain to get passing grades?]
- Should I skip school? [truancy]
- Should I work to change my school? [its rules / structure]
- Should I sue my school?
- Should I leave my parents? [What is unacceptable treatment?]
- Should I hit back?
- Should I call the police?
- Should I run away?
- Should I emancipate?
- Should I divorce my parents?
- Should I call mom and dad by their first names?
- Should I change my name?
- Should I join a group?
- Should I start a group?
- Where should I host my meetings?
- Should I wear a suit or clothes that express myself?
- Should I lead?
- Should I protest the curfew?
- Should I protest on election day?
...The focus in responding to each of these questions should be "What would it mean to me?" For instance, with the question "Should I go to school?", one would consider the pros and the cons:PRO
- getting to meet and socialize with one's age peers
- getting away from one's parents for most of the day
- getting to have a "normal" childhood
- getting a basic education without having to design it oneself
- getting cultural literacy -- knowing what other people know
- avoiding an argument by placating parents' desires
- improved chances of getting into the college of your choice
- improved post-school job opportunities
- avoidance of social stigma for having dropped out
- exposure to subjects you might not otherwise learn about
- boring classes
- pointless homework assignments
- being forced to study subjects you have no use for
- having no time to pursue your own interests
- a 12 year time commitment
- you could potentially learn subjects faster on your own
- a high school degree on its own has very little prestige
- harassment by peers
- demeaning treatment by teachers
- harm to self-image from constant criticism
- violations of privacy -- if there are locker searches
- physical violence -- if there is corporal punishment
- curtailing of self-expression -- if there are school uniforms
- censorship -- in the school paper, swear words, how one dresses
- submission to people who feel they have the right to punish you
- submitting to having your life run by a bell
...A list of pros and cons like this isn't bad in terms of examining the factors that might be involved in a decision to stay in school or to get out (via dropping out, skipping class, not trying, moving to an alternate school, trying to change the school using its own decision-making systems, protesting, or suing -- there are lots of alternatives to simply going with what's given to you!). However, what it doesn't do is make it personal. It doesn't talk about what the change would really mean to you. Maybe what I'm looking for is feeling words.EXAMPLES OF FEELING QUESTIONS:
- Are you happy at school?
- Are you happier at home or at school?
- How supportive are your parents about your self-determination?
- What topic areas are you really excited about?
- Do you spend time exploring what you care about in school?
- What do you fear about leaving school?
- Do you think your parents would resist your leaving school?
- How angry would dropping out make them?
- How much parental anger are you willing to suffer?
- Do you see your friends much outside of school?
- How motivated are you to get into college?
- Do you like reading books and learning things on your own?
- How much are you willing to suffer insults to your dignity?
- Do you feel safe at school?
- Do you fear not getting into college?
- What have parents and teachers said to make you fear leaving?
- Would dropping out feel like failure?
- Do you feel like you'd prove something by sticking it out?
- How much time do you have to yourself?
- Is going to school making you feel better or worse about yourself?
- How would your friends feel about you if you left?
- Do you think any friends would also be interested in leaving?
- Would you have more fun outside of school?
- Would you feel less downtrodden outside of school?
- Would you feel safer / less harassed outside of school?
- Are you willing to struggle to get your way (re leaving)?
- Do you maybe not mind just coasting along through school?
- What is the least amount of work your parents would tolerate?
- Are you willing to go against your parents' wishes?
- Would you, in the long run, have a sense of pride in getting out?
Look at the feeling words in this list: fear, pride, anger, suffer, safety, willing, happy, excited, lonely, hope, motivated, care, like, resent, fun, struggling, wishes, disappointment. One could almost start from that list of emotions, and then talk about how they all apply. Fear is certainly an easy one to discuss: "What fears do you have about leaving?" Resistance is also a pretty easy one -- talking about resistance from your parents, friends (who might try to talk you out of it), and teachers. I was interested in this list to realize that one's relationship with peers might be significant -- not just in terms of staying in the environment where they reside, but in terms of their opinions about your choice. [There might also be cultural issues to consider, e.g. how dropping out is viewed in the African-American, Latino, Japanese, or Vietnamese communities.]Looking again at my initial [1] "Youth's Book of Questions" list, I can see how one could go through it, processing each item. For each question, you'd first brainstorm the [2] pros and cons. Then, you'd introduce the [3] "feeling words" and try to really get inside of the experience of trying to decide in one direction or another. [Damn, that's a lot of work!]
Probably the final question becomes "How much suffering is too much?" You can name your fears and evaluate each of them, you can look at how each of the people in your social world would react, list the things that you really value and the goals you hope to achieve... When you're torn in two directions, however, then you start wishing you had some objective standard, some criteria that would state "If you're this unhappy, then you have a responsibility to yourself to leave." Discussing what [4] possible criteria you might use to justify your final decision (in addition to the necessary gut feeling of rightness) -- that would be a useful section in the essay.
...Now that I've suggested an elaborate process for guiding youth through decision-making processes about what kind of life they want, I can see how much work would be involved in pursuing this thread to its conclusion. Is it worth it? Do I really want to guide youth through this decision-making process? I don't think that I'd want to advertise the essay as such -- it sounds too much like guidance counseling, which is sort of an affront to youth's control of their own lives and ability to make decisions for themselves. [As if I the guidance counselor, having just met you the youth five minutes ago, can really deliver meaningful guidance from on high.]
In terms of how to package these essays, you'd probably have to focus on the "alternatives to school" angle in the title -- or come up with something so radical that it excites interest, e.g. "why the intelligent student should drop out of school". With the proper title, most of the content could remain the same.
How many of these questions am I interested in addressing, though? While schools are very significant to YL, they aren't really my personal focus. Talking about decision-making within the family is more up my alley. Even that, though, might feel more natural to me if put in the context of YL. I view YL as a movement -- if I go too far in the direction of independent individuals' selves, then I lose the sense of connection to a broader cause, which is so important to me.
Before I leave this topic, I wanted to capture one more fragment from yesterday's walk. I wrote this: [I'm editing slightly]
"Youth Liberation is about having a self. Your body is your own; your life is your own. You are your own possession.
Your life is not something for other people to determine -- and that includes me. Use what works for you. Disregard what doesn't. Be yourself -- but also be your best self, someone you can be proud of.
On a personal level, Youth Liberation is about self. But on a higher level, it is about more than just what you want -- it's about the well-being of your friends, and people who will be in your position in the future. On a higher level still, it's about the holiness of human beings -- how all of us deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
Youth Liberation is about living the 'examined life' -- making your choices consciously rather than going along with what you're told to do, and following the guidance of your own conscience. Writing journals is integral to this process. In the work of discovering and taking ownership of your self, writing is one of your best tools."
...Could be a nice intro to an essay dealing with selfhood within YL!
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
January 19, 2005
Exploration: Compare/Contrast Youth Equality vs. Youth Power
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
From W 09.29.04:
"The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]"
I've tried writing before about the differences between Youth Equality (AKA "Youth Rights") and Youth Power. [I've also mentioned Youth Culture -- however, it is less politically important, and I am less familiar with it in practice -- and so I won't be discussing it here.] A new approach to the topic has occurred to me: to compare and contrast the two philosophies side-by-side in a two-column format.
I think that this approach will be visually compelling, will make it very easy for readers to compare the two (rather than having to read about each one in different sections of an essay), and will help me to remember to ask each philosophy the exact same questions, rather than slightly different ones. I do worry some that this approach is inherently unfair, that the questions I'll pose will be slanted in the favor of Youth Power -- however, since I am not a disinterested party, since this is intended to sway minds to some extent, I will not try too hard to obscure my bias.
I will continue in this essay with my convention of using "Youth Liberation" (YL) as the generic term, treating Youth Equality (YEq) and Youth Power (YPow) as sub-movements, two interpretations concerning how to go about doing the work of YL. Similarly, because YEq and YPow have different views of the nature and causes of adult oppression, I will use the term "adultism" in a very general sense.
Questions that I'll address below:
1. What axioms should guide YL?
2. In its essence, what is adultism?
3. What is the primary institution of adultism?
4. What is the cause of adultism?
5. What is the nature of youth freedom?
6. What should YL's attitude be toward the government?
7. What "rights" should YL work for?
8. [Should YL focus on adults or on children?]
9. What should YL's attitude be toward adult participation?
10. How should YL view the differences between adults and youth?
THE QUESTIONS:1. What axioms should guide YL?
Youth Equality Youth Power Youth Equality seeks to build upon the principles outlined in the US Declaration of Independence, i.e. "We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The African-American and Women's civil rights movements have attempted to expand our nation's understanding of the term "all men"; YEq seeks to do the same, asserting that youth too are equal. YEq's central axiom is that all people, including youth, are "equal". Legally, this means that youth and adults should be treated identically by the law. Socially, it means that individuals should make an effort to ensure that there is no difference between how they interact with youth and how they interact with adults.
The central axiom of Youth Power is that people should not be treated like property. Looking at the African-American and Women's civil rights movements, YPow sees that both groups have historically been treated like property -- blacks being owned via the institution of slavery, women being owned via the institution of marriage. While not denying that conditions have improved for both youth and these other groups, YPow places the work of YL in the context of a great historical arc, in which work must still be done to wipe away the remaining vestiges of persons-as-property. The wrongness of treating people as property is contrasted with the rightness of consent: that which is consensual is ethical. Legally, this means that youth must be able to leave situations (e.g. the family, a school) when they no longer consent to the treatment they are receiving. Socially, it means that adults should make a special effort not to feel entitled to arrangements that youth have not agreed to -- particularly command/obey relationships.
2. In its essence, what is adultism?
Youth Equality Youth Power Adultism, in the view of YEq, is primarily discrimination. Since youth and adults should be treated identically, the essential act of oppression is viewing youth and adults as different, and then treating youth differently than adults.
...Advocates of YEq also tend to hold a negative view of treating adults in some way differently from youth. On an interpersonal level, treating people all the same means treating each one as a unique individual: that is, without any reference to their age (or other physical markers). This ideal is sometimes referred to as being "age-blind". [Compare to "color-blind" and "gender-blind", in the discourses of the African-American and women's movements respectively.]
YPow identifies adultism primarily with the phenomena of adults treating youth as their property, which is rooted deep in history, and continues on in contemporary society. The main feature of treating someone as property is that a command/obey relationship exists: adults feel entitled to tell youth what to do, and expect youth to comply unquestioningly.
3. What is the primary institution of adultism?
Youth Equality Youth Power YEq focuses its efforts on the government and its laws (primarily the federal government). Laws that treat youth and adults differently are YEq's main target for activism: e.g. eliminating the voting age, the drinking age, the age at which one may take a driver's test, curfews, the age of consent, etc. Laws such as these make youth second-class citizens. Winning equal legal rights may or may not first require winning social equality -- that is, mainstreaming the view that youth and adults are equals. However, once youth gain the power to vote, it is expected that their collective force in society will force adults to treat them with respect.
YPow views the family unit as the primary institution of adultism. The command/obey relationship originates in the notion that parents have an inherent right to do what they want with the thing that they've created (their offspring). The United States' adult supremacist governing structure has been created in the image of the family: adult have absolute power to control youth.
With respects to youth, the government exists foremost to (1) legitimate parents' right to child-ownership. It articulates parents' right to control and use force, and it mediates in custody disputes between child-owners. Furthermore, the government also acts as (2) a union of parents, creating laws that enact their collective will upon youth as a group (e.g. via curfews).
The government, however, stakes a claim upon youth that transcends parents' private ownership of youth. To some extent, it views all persons within its boundaries to as human property belonging to itself. Coming from this perspective, (3)the government treats youth as collectively-owned property, a resource belonging to all adults that must be managed (c.f. compulsory schooling). The government's perceived mandate to manage its human property is also the justification for (4) regulating child-owners and setting minimum standards of decent child treatment (i.e. child abuse intervention).
[While sometimes perceived as a conflict between parents' rights and children's rights, YPow views state intervention in family situations as a actually a conflict between the parents' and the governments' interests in owning youth as property.]
4. What is the cause of adultism?
Youth Equality Youth Power Discrimination is seen as being caused by stereotypes and prejudice. In popular discourse, stereotypes are likened to mental photographs that a person has of what members of a group are like. Stereotypes are generalizations about members of a group that may have some basis in fact or may be based on misconceptions -- but they tend to be uncomplimentary.
Prejudice (according to popular discourse) is acting towards someone based upon pre-judgment.
It is in the nature of the mind to create generalizations/stereotypes; it is an aspect of learning about the world around us. However, because no individual ever matches your expectations in all ways, stereotypes are inherently unfair. To be ethical, we must work against our own impulses to act in ways that pre-judge people, we must seek to recognize stereotypes within ourselves and "unlearn" them.
The command/obey relationship originates in selfishness. Being in control of youth is in adults' self-interest; getting to have things the way you want is its own reward. Because of the selfishness motive, adultism can be reinvented at any moment. For the most part, however, parents and adults inherit their beliefs about youth from tradition. They grow up in a society that teaches that it is adults entitlement and obligation to be in control.
While youth, especially in their early years, need assistance to survive, the command/obey relationship extends far beyond simple assistance: it views disobedience as an offense, sees respect for authority as an end unto itself, and claims violence as a sometimes necessary tool for obtaining compliance.
Because adults' claim to authority is so expansive, a great deal of effort has been made to rationalize adult power. Generally speaking, YPow views misconceptions about youth and negative media coverage as propaganda, propping up the status quo and justifying further curtailing of the few personal freedoms that youth do enjoy.
5. What is the nature of youth freedom?
Youth Equality Youth Power YEq views youth as citizens of an essentially just nation. The injustice of youth being treated as second-class citizens is believed to be incongruent with the nations fundamental values, as expressed in its founding documents. YEq maintains faith in the system, and seeks to correct its faults (discrimination against youth) via activism. Freedom is equated with having legal rights. If young people have the same rights as adults, then they are not free. Freedom for young people will be achieved once youth have won a list of political battles. A number of noted YEq authors have expressed the sum of necessary legal (and sometimes social) rights for freedom in the form of a "Bill of Rights" document. [...Again, referencing the nation's founding documents.]
In YPow's view, youth are inherently their own property. Adults may attempt to impose their will upon youth -- but their claim to own youth is never valid. Youth need not recognize the authority that adults claim. Youth are free at present, regardless of what adult laws say. For instance, a young person sitting in a school classroom may at any moment stand up and leave the building. The problem with this is that adults will try to stand in the way of this youth exercising their freedom -- both immediately, and in the form of punitive consequences.
Youth should, to the greatest extent possible, follow their own will. If their will can be accomplished covertly, by breaking the rules and not getting caught, there is nothing wrong this option. However, the ultimate aim of YL is to reorganize society so that adults do not stand in youths' way to begin with.
6. What should YL's attitude be toward the government?
Youth Equality Youth Power YEq believes that the US political system essentially works. If a consensus YL Bill of Rights were enacted, then youth activists work would be complete, and the movement could be dissolved. [Some YEq activists may see an ongoing need for youth participation in the enforcement of civil rights. However, I have yet to encounter these voices.]
YPow is pessimistic about the ability of the government to protect basic freedoms. Even if pro-youth laws are passed, adequate personnel and funding must exist to enforce the laws, youth must know their rights and how to access the system, and they must be able to demonstrate adequate evidence to win their cases. The existence of a law does not in itself prevent violation of a person's rights. YPow views the nation's laws as in state of flux, constantly being battled over by various interest groups. In the battle for youth rights, YL activists should anticipate fighting battles to resist new anti-youth laws more often than battles to win actual progress. The opponents of YL are numerous and very active. Laws that we win have every chance of being overturned later; protecting the ground we've won so far is an accomplishment in itself.
According to YPow, there is no endpoint for the YL movement. Justice is not a permanent state; there must always be actual youth at the negotiating table, representing their interests. Because there are so many different issues for youth to monitor (e.g. city hall, media defamation, police activity, court cases, etc.), justice is likely to remain a haphazard affair, depending greatly upon small cadres of activist giving attention to their fairly narrow pet issues.
7. What "rights" should YL work for?
Youth Equality Youth Power YEq is concerned with winning civil rights. It models itself primarily after the African-American civil rights movement of the 1960s and the women's suffrage movement of the early 20th century. It seeks to raise youth from the status of second-class citizens to equality. YEq tends to focus on civil liberties, that is, young people's right to do things. In essence, it seeks governmental permission for youth to do the things that adults do: vote, drive, drink alcohol, go out at night, etc.
Whereas YEq likens YL to the African-American civil rights movement of the 1960s and the women's suffrage movement of the early 20th century, YPow draws its parallel with earlier stages of those two group's work for justice. It likens the situation of youth today to that of blacks before Emancipation, and to women before they won the right to have a legal existence separate from their father/husband and to own property. In essence youth are still property -- property does not have "civil rights". Youth must win the right to self-possession, essentially to own themselves. This means that Youth Liberation at present is essentially a matter of property rights.
Until the principle of self-ownership is fully recognized, YL should focus on creating exit freedom -- means for youth to remove themselves from harmful situations at will, without the requirement of being represented by an adult advocate. This may take the form of social services (e.g. public transport, shelters, scholarships) -- or it involve breaking adults rules (e.g. hitting back, running away, safe-housing each other, setting up underground networks).
8. [Should YL focus on adults or on children?]
Youth Equality Youth Power Because it sees misconceptions about youth as the root cause of discrimination, YEq has an interest in challenging conventional (adultist) wisdom about youth. YEq activists tend to feel that it is important to educate adults, to help them "unlearn" what they have learned about youth competence. The target audience is adults, the subject matter is youth. [This bit might dovetail with a discussion about the necessity of youth voices in Youth Liberation. If anyone can see what's right, then adults can advocate just as well as youth. Not so if what matters is being in control of your own destiny.]
[I also think I want to say something here about how YEq focuses on utopian visions to the exclusion of fighting to right wrongs. It is less adversarial, more of a bridge-builder.]
[YEq doesn't identify parental tyranny as a problem. It doesn't discuss abuse of power at all. The only "wrong" is the lack of rights. It doesn't deal with violations, only utopian privileges. ...Equality and inequality are viewed as static states, rather than dynamic -- it doesn't deal with acts of power -- only with the potential to do acts. There's no analysis of decision-making except where the vote is concerned. People are treated as independent, not having authority over one another.]
YPow encourages youth to resist adult control. In general, its target audience is youth -- either discussing strategies for activism, or critiquing adult's beliefs. Activism is a matter of leveraging key adult decision-makers; persuading decision-makers may be a matter of creating a situation where it is too uncomfortable to not change, rather than about friendly discussion. [There may be a difference of opinion about whether reason is a stronger force of change, or a squeaky wheel.]
Whereas YEq lets adults set themselves as the standard of normalcy, which youth must then match in order to "deserve" rights, YPow criticizes adults for being less deserving of power than they claim.
To the extent that YPow communicates with adults, it tends to be with potential allies, rather than attempting to convince hostile audiences. YPow tends to view the battle lines as already having been drawn, leaves less room for bringing potential swing votes over to our side.
[YEq tries to raise the status of Y to that of adults, asking to be allowed to share power; YPow tries to remove power from adults, claiming that their authority is illegitimate. An issue of attitudes toward adult power?]
9. What should YL's attitude be toward adult participation?
Youth Equality Youth Power Because it is wrong to discriminate, YEq is opposed to distinctions being made between youth and adult activists: both are equally able to argue for the cause. Because adultism is caused by misconceptions, all that a person needs to do in order to be a part of YL is argue in favor of its ideology. To whatever extent adults may have more experience articulating the ideology of YEq, they may be somewhat better suited to act as spokespersons.
Although it runs contrary to the spirit of Youth Liberation, in theory YEq has no objection to a YL movement that is directed entirely by adults, without any youth participation whatsoever. So long as the end result is winning rights for youth, this is acceptable practice.
Because YPow seeks to youth control over their own lives, it follows that youth themselves must be the dominant force directing a YL movement. Adults are not prohibited from assisting youth activists; however, their participation is viewed with suspicion. Adults have material and intellectual resources of value to youth activists. Nonetheless, cultural training makes even well-meaning adults likely to take over youth-run projects.
Adult allies are welcome in the YPow movement if they observe an etiquette of monitoring how they communicate, abstaining from votes, and not taking pay for their work. [Actual rules of etiquette are likely to vary from group to group.]
10. How should YL view the differences between adults and youth?
Youth Equality Youth Power The fact that infants need special care is a problematic issue for YEq ideology. It does not make sense that an infant should be treated identically to an adult. YEq gets around this problem by saying that civil rights should be accessible to youth should they want to exercise them -- but use of these rights would not be mandated. For instance, a seven year old is unlikely to even want to vote -- but if they did, that desire in itself would be adequate cause to permit them to do so. Similarly, a seven year old is unlikely to be able to pass a driver's test -- but if they could, then they should be granted a license. YPow argues from the position that adults overestimate their own perfection. There are adults with various disabilities, physical and mental, who require caregiving. Care for young children should be about serving the emerging will of the youth, respecting the young person's dignity at every stage of development -- rather than a matter of owning a comically inept subhuman. Even at the earliest stages there should be means for youth to remove themselves from harm at will, with as little outside intervention as possible.
[Perhaps what I am going for in this section is really how each philosophy deals with infancy?]
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
December 22, 2004
Exploration: Worldview of the Youth power Movement
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
From W 09.29.04:
"The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]"
1. Youth Liberation in General
Before I get into talking about the Youth Power movement, there are some introductory comments to be made.
Youth Liberation is a subvariety of the Children's Rights movement. Its most important feature is the inclusion of youth activists and youths' own opinions in its work. Other branches of the Children's Rights movement are engaged in work that is putatively for the benefit of young people, but is entirely adult led, and often lacking any significant input from youth themselves. Youth Liberation is at its most basic level, Children's Rights work that is actually inclusive of youth -- that in some sense derives from the opinions and perspectives of youth themselves.
There are differences of philosophy within Youth Liberation itself.
One key issue on which YL groups vary is the inclusion of adults. Some YL groups take a radical "by youth, for youth" approach that excludes adult participation entirely. Other groups have youth and adults working on an equal footing, and others still have adults doing all of the actual work, but guided by input from a youth constituency.
A second key issue on which YL groups vary is how they envision the political goals of the movement. I argue elsewhere that there are three main branches within Youth Liberation: Youth Equality (AKA Youth Rights), Youth Power, and Youth Culture. Youth Equality focuses upon winning civil rights for youth identical to those of adults. Youth Power focuses on creating safe ways to exit harmful situations and on getting youth authority to participate in decision-making processes that affect them. Youth Culture focuses on defending youths' natural ways of being, and on creating alternative spaces where youth can be themselves.
[My own allegiance is to the philosophy of Youth Power -- but I see value in all three paths, and hope to help foster greater understanding between them.]
"Youth Liberation" is not a universally accepted umbrella term; the term "Youth Rights" has some popularity. I choose to use the term "Youth Liberation" in part because of its historical value. The organization Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor was very influential in this movement during the early seventies. This group, in addition to the seminal work of adult authors John Holt (Escape from Childhood) and Richard Farson (Birthrights), is a common point of departure for the various branches of YL.
While there is no single political agenda that all YL activists have agreed upon, Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor, Holt, and Farson all put forth their own Bill of Rights -style documents, and these documents each show a great deal of overlap. The most distinguishing feature of a consensus YL agenda is the belief that youth should be allowed to vote in elections. Support of this point alone is probably enough to brand a person or group as a supporter of YL. Belief that youth should be allowed a great deal more self-determination over their lives is also at the core of all YL philosophies.
From a strict semantic point of view the term "Youth Liberation" implies a particular framework of beliefs that was in vogue during the late 1960s and early 70s. "Liberation" is contrasted with "oppression", which implies the presence of two groups: one that actively oppresses, and one that is oppressed. This framework persists in a variety of social justice / social change movements that talk about "oppressions" or "isms" such as racism, sexism, classism, ableism, ageism, etc. The word "liberation", however is dated, and has become somewhat passé.
...While it is valuable to discuss how an oppression/liberation framework differs from a civil rights/equality framework, I choose to ignore the implications of the word "liberation" in YL here, for the sake of having a useful umbrella term for this movement's various branches. I see no point in attempting to delegitimize the work of activist groups solely because of differing terminology -- e.g. by denouncing a group because it is not "liberating" or alternatively because its focus is not on "rights". The interests of our sub-movements are too similar; in this context we should work to understand each others peculiarities, or at least tolerate them.
That said, neither should we shy away from discussing the fact that there are philosophical differences between YL groups -- at least not amongst ourselves. Groups that are separatist and groups that are integrated -- Youth Equality, Youth Power, and Youth Culture groups -- we can only gain from a sincere, yet tolerant, intellectual exchange.
2. Worldview of the Youth Power Movement
[Note that I am using the word "movement" here loosely. I am not certain what critical masse of activist goings on would constitute a historical movement -- but I am fairly certain that we have not achieved it yet. There are small outcroppings of activists at work that share a common philosophy. Given the physical distances that separate them, and the lack of a recognizable hub of interaction (e.g. an annual conference), I am reticent to call these people a "subculture". So, I use the word "movement" instead, but with this acknowledgement that it is still not quite the right term.]
[I suppose I should also say up front that the following "worldview" is not based on consensus. I am constructing it myself. One might criticize me for projecting my own beliefs onto a population that exists only in my own imagination. While I can't deny that there would be something to this criticism, I also don't think that that's the whole story.
The framework that I am articulating here is distilled from the political philosophies of other social change movements (particularly Feminism and Marxism). In a sense, I am translating those philosophies for use by YL activists. My sense is that this philosophy is a logical possibility simply waiting to exist. I sense that there are others who intuit its existence, and operate on its principles -- it just hasn't been articulated yet. It is as if there's a pantheon of social groups (blacks, women, gays/lesbians, poor, and disabled people) who have all employed a _____-power strategy; but there's a gap there in the line, waiting to be filled, where youth should be standing.]
The Youth Power movement is not defined purely by the goals that it wishes to achieve, nor by the methods that it advocates using to accomplish them. The movement is also defined by it's worldview: how it understands the initial situation that it is attempting to change. This worldview is not limited to merely the relationship between youth and adults -- it also includes beliefs about human nature, the nature of justice, and how social change occurs in general.
(A) Youth as Property
The Youth Power movement recognizes that human beings have selfish motives. This is not to say that people's only motive is self-interest. Acting out of interest for the common good, or altruistically for the welfare of another, or in obedience to authority, or unthinkingly out of habit -- all these motives undeniably exist. However, in addition there is also this thread of self-interest: that people will often, if not most of the time, do that which will in some way benefit them personally.
One thing that profoundly serves self-interest is to be in a command-obey relationship as the person who gives orders. When a person feels that they have the right to tell another person what to do, they get to have things the way that they want them. Getting to have your way is pleasant! On a basic, human level, it is desirable to get to spend your time how you want, go where you want, when you want -- and to not have to do work that's unappealing, to not be forced to cater to other people's needs and schedules when you'd rather be doing something else.
Parents are in an ideal position for having a command-obey relationship with their children. In terms of property rights, a person is generally seen as having natural ownership over a thing that they create (e.g. a piece of art). Having biologically generated a new human being from the material of their own bodies, there is a strong instinct for parents to view their offspring as property.
A person essentially has a command-obey relationship with their inanimate property. It belongs to them, and they get to do with it what they want -- using it, altering it, destroying it, giving it to others, or preventing others from interacting with it. Parents, as human beings who have created something, intuitively believe that they have these same rights over their offspring.
The command-obey relationship is the essence of slavery. During the past two centuries, slavery has become seen as morally unacceptable. However, most people's understanding of slavery is very limited -- it is typically identified with the experience of Africans who were brought to the USA to do labor in Southern plantations. [It is also perhaps identified by some with enslavement by the Egyptians, as described in the Bible.] If we strip away the inflammatory word "slavery", then we begin to see that there is a continuum of slave-like states, which includes imprisonment, shanghaiing, indentured servitude, and the obedience demanded of wives previously in the USA and still in some nations.
Youth Power is part of a continuing effort to end the practice of treating people as property. This is how Youth Power sees itself participating in a greater historical context, contributing to the larger goal of human rights and dignity.
(B) Self-Determination
The right of self-ownership is seen as self-evident. A person is nobody's property but their own. The rights that Youth Power seeks to protect are essentially property rights -- and the most fundamental property is one's body. As with any other property they own, a person should naturally have the right to use their body, alter it, destroy it, give it to others, or prevent others from interacting with it. Taken together, control over these aspects of one's person constitutes "self-determination", which is one of the goals of all Youth Liberation branches.
[Basing personal, civil, and human rights on ownership of the body, of course becomes more complicated when you start having to deal with shared space. Once you put people together in a room or open space, their boundaries begin overlapping. This is a more difficult area of theory, but still workable, I believe.]
When a youth's -- or any other person's -- right to do what they want with their own body (so long as it is not infringing upon others) is violated, that violation is unethical. Laws or other forms of rules that deprive youth of such freedom are inherently illegitimate. There is no ethical obligation that should compel a youth to abide by an invalid law or rule, regardless of what authority figure has created it. When an authority -- even one who comes by their power via legitimate means -- makes bad rules, a youth is free to ignore those rules.
Young people's situation is similar to that of a people in a nation that has been invaded and conquered. The conquering people claims the right to make rules as they see fit; the conquered people do not necessarily recognize the conquerors' right to make rules. In this sense, adults cannot "give" youth rights or freedom. Youth are free at present. For instance, at any moment, a young person in a high school class could decide to stand up and walk out of the building. The difficulty with freedom in this context is that the adult authorities in this youth's life are likely to impose consequences. Thus, youth freedom is not a matter of passing ten or twenty or a hundred laws; it is a matter of adults getting out of the way of young people who want to exercise the freedoms that are theirs to begin with. [Denying youth access to opportunities that should be open to them can be seen in a similar way.]
(C) The Organization of Adults
Because the US Constitution excludes youth from direct participation in government -- specifically prohibiting being a president, senator, representative, or voting in elections -- it is accurate to say that the US political system is an "adultarchy", that is, government by adults. A government that is explicitly by adults, is implicitly for the interests of adults.
From an age perspective, the government was installed by parents; it is run by them, and its laws reflect their collective will. For the most part, the laws of the adultarchy simply attempt to legitimate parents private ownership of their children-as-property. [E.g. by articulating the right to use physical pain for "discipline", and by prohibiting youth from running away.]
However, there is also a transcendence of private ownership, wherein all children are seen to be the collective property of all adults. Minors' status as citizens in the nation thus echoes the command-obey relationship of the home, but on a public level: as voters, all adults get to tell all youth what to do; as youth have curfews at home, so too they have curfews at the city-level.
This collective ownership of youth sometimes creates what looks like a conflict between parents and the government, e.g. when Child Welfare services remove a child from his or her parents. However, the situation is not per se that the government is siding with the child -- after all, the child may have little or no voice in the decision to be removed. Rather, adults as a collective are interested in regulating the behavior of their constituent members. The principle that youth are owned property is maintained.
Adulthood is essentially a membership based organization. Members receive privileges; there is a dividing line between members and non-members; the prohibitions placed upon non-members are literally policed and enforced; identification cards are distributed; there's even something of an informal dress code. The dividing line between adults and youth varies somewhat between different laws; however, most laws revolve around the age of 18 -- which I believe is intended to echo the line between parents and children, when minors have historically left home and moved toward becoming parents themselves. Adulthood is an unusual institution, but I do not think that inconsistency in the dividing line(s) between members and non-members alters modern adulthood's fundamentally organizational nature.
Another fairly unique aspect of adulthood as an organization is that non-members are ultimately, universally inducted -- without having to make a choice, without having to formally embrace doctrine. ...If the transition from childhood to adulthood were like a traditional political conversion, one would expect a requirement that one renounce one's previous affiliation. However, childhood is so effectively stigmatized, that most people spend their entire youth attempting to dissociate themselves from young people as a group. Most youth are so eager to join the adultarchy, that there's no solidarity with other young people to betray.
This constant struggle for status -- not associating with people younger than you, doing "adult" things like smoking or drinking, putting other youth down for being "childish", emphasizing other prestige-giving identities (like maleness), bullying other kids, simply denying that one is "a child", and refusing to look back at the past -- these strategies make organizing youth for activist efforts a more difficult task.
(D) Adults' Conflict of Interests re Child Protection
Youth must not depend on the organization of adults to police itself.
On the level of the family, parents' "right" to control their children-as-property is nearly absolute. Adult government has placed some obligations upon its members: to provide food and shelter at a level that does not constitute "neglect", to provide education. Parents are charged with controlling their children by whatever means necessary -- so long as they don't cause physical injury.
At the societal level, however, adults' power is absolute. There is no limit on what freedoms adult law makers may abridge (e.g. night and daytime curfews), or what requirements they may make of youth's labor (e.g. up to twelve years of compulsory schooling). Without the formal power of voting or being able to elect youth legislators, youths' only recourse against such laws is to appeal to law makers' consciences and hope for the best -- or to willfully flout the laws they make.
The saying "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Lord Acton) has relevance. Contemporary sensibilities want to trust that all except aberrational parents have their children's best interests at heart, and govern their private spheres fairly, because they know what's best for their kids. While it's probably true that most family situations are tolerable, parents aren't necessarily the best judge of what's fair and right in dealing with youth. Parents have a vested interest in getting things the way that they want them, in maintaining the command-obey relationship. Making commands or rules selfishly may not break bones -- but neither should the commonness of petty, casual tyranny be condoned.
The worst abuse of youth is an outgrowth of normal parenting values. Contrary to the notion that there are good parents and bad parents, I assert that there is a continuum between how most parents govern their children -- guiding, supervising, controlling -- and how the worst do. Parents are, by law, mandated to control their children; inflicting physical pain is a legal method for doing so. Even among "normal" parents, violence is a means to an ends: obtaining obedience. Furthermore, parental authority is seen as an end in itself; insubordination or lack of respect is a punishable offense. In this relationship, it's not surprising that some parents would use violence to the point of injury. Nor is it surprising that youth would resist such treatment -- and that this resistance, clinging to ones dignity, might spurn further, escalating abuse.
From a youth perspective, the adult government does not prohibit violence -- it regulates it. The Child Welfare system is widely understood to be understaffed for handling the amount of child abuse cases it receives -- and it is undercut by the legality of actions that would be considered assault when done to an adult. The legislature, being staffed largely by parents with a self-interest in maintaining their own command-obey relationships at home (as well as that of their constituencies) are not going to be quick to prohibit violence against minors. ...Yet, this is the system that youth are asked to entrust themselves to. If you are a young person being abused, you are supposed to tell a "good" adult, who will help you get into the system, wherein you still will not be your own property -- but rather now the property of the state. If you suffer from not being permitted to control your own life, violence merely being one tool of that agenda, what about entering the Child Welfare system sounds appealing?
[Still, this is not to say that the Child Welfare system should not exist! It helps ameliorate a bad situation, even if hamstrung -- and is of particular service to the very young, and to infants. However, it should be reformed to deal with some of youths' concerns, and augmented with youth-led initiatives.]
Violence is not the only issue that Youth Power is concerned with -- but it epitomizes the degree to which adult control can harm youth. It lays naked the core dynamic (maintaining the command-obey relationship between youth and adults) that manifests in the public sphere, and in so many laws.
(E) Need for Activism
For the most part, the interests of children and parents are viewed as one and the same. As one author put it, the child is the "dependent half of a two-person unit". The notion is that parents will take care of children, and so parents must be given the resources to do so. However, this erases youths' separateness, confusing their needs with those of "the family". [Coverture is, of course, founded on a parent owning their child as property.]
With no separate existence in the eyes of society, youth have no basis for complaining about their treatment. In order to criticize the command-obey relationship, youth must first be seen to exist! Each party within the family is separate, and has its own interests. The interests of the parents is in maintaining the convenience and pleasure of a command-obey relationship. If adults are expected to at the same time think of the best interests of their children, then they have a conflict of interests.
Rather than depend solely upon adults, youth must become their own advocates. Youth are poorly educated about how to defend themselves against mistreatment (it's not in adult's interest to do so!). For the most part, they simply aren't told how to access a system that will redress their complaints. This puts them in the position of having to wait to be "discovered" by an outside adult, who will escort them into the Child Protection system. If they youth are told anything about how to protect themselves, they're generally directed to tell their story to another adult. But this doesn't account for other adults seeing the offending parent as being in the right, or not taking the youth seriously! [What's missing in this entire system is any point at which a youth can command an adult, demand that their complaints be aired in a public setting.]
On a personal level, youth have every right to self-defense. They are justified in hitting back, running away, or temporarily safe-housing each other as a means of escape.
However, youth should not have to live with these options alone. Youth should work to create improved means of exiting harmful situations. They should have the right to voluntarily "divorce" their parents, to voluntarily seek foster parents; they should have greater ability to emancipate themselves, and to access the welfare system, as well as special scholarships for higher learning; there should be more places to stay overnight, including hostels, recreation halls, and shelters -- and freedom to travel in public at any time of the day or night, ideally with access to public transit.
While adults may at some point see the worthiness of these changes to public policy, youth should not stake their lives on that eventuality. Together youth are stronger than alone; they have the ability to press for change via youth-led activism. Youth speaking out for themselves will simultaneously be more easily dismissed than adult advocates -- and also more compelling, because their complaints are being made directly. Youth may try to compel adult legislators through reason and friendly discussion -- or they may adopt a more confrontational, adversarial pose, essentially trying to make it too uncomfortable for adults not to change. Because adults have violated youth's self-ownership, both approaches are equally valid -- there is no trusting relationship that should be honored. [To what extent the violation of youths' rights justifies violating the boundaries of adults, e.g. via destruction of their property, is a matter for debate.]
Ultimately, youth should not remain outsiders to the system. If change happens, it will happen because youth demand it. But youth should not have to make their demands from the side wings -- they should be seated at the negotiation table to make their demands heard directly. Youth, minimally, should have a voice in all decision-making processes that affect them. This means, in the context of schools, participating in hiring, firing, funding, and curriculum decisions -- and at the level of government, being allowed to vote in city, county, state, and federal elections, as well as being allowed to at least run in all elections for public office.
(F) The Method of Activism
Youth, as a people, have a particular point of view. Not every youth is qualified to speak for youth as a group -- but every youth is qualified to tell the truth of their experience. Youth who have studied the history of youth liberation and/or spoken widely with other youth, hearing their stories directly, are qualified to speak about the interests of youth as a whole.
Adults who study the position of youth in history and voices of the YL movement are qualified to be allies, and even to talk somewhat about the YL movement. An adult speaking on behalf of youth, however, -- no matter how educated -- is not the same as a youth speaking out for themselves. A youth who speaks out is in the actual process of controlling their representation, which in itself is a defeat of the command-obey relationship. An adult who speaks on behalf of youth takes up listening space that could have been filled by an actual youth, and has the potential to replace youths' wishes with their own, not even realizing that their image of youth is flawed.
Because Youth Power is concerned with establishing youths' ability to control their own lives, it has an strong interest in how "ally" adults interact with youth within YL projects. There is a constant danger that adults will take over YL projects, overriding the will of the youth until the youth involved have no control over the work. An adult may strive to be an ally -- but it is for youth to say whether or not they are successful.
There is an etiquette for adults who work with Youth Power groups, which has to do with limiting (but not eliminating) participation and minimizing the amount of control one has. Conversationally, allies need to beware of taking over youth in discussion: talking longer than the youth, interrupting youth, directing their comments only to other adults in the room, and ignoring youth opinions. Power-wise, allies may participate in discussions -- but they should abstain from voting; if they are on a board of directors, youth should make up half or more of that body. Money-wise, adults should avoid (where possible) taking on paid positions, reserving pay for actual youth. Process-wise, adults should make themselves open to criticism, building in time for youth to talk about "stings" after each discussion, without adult response. Living by these rules of etiquette is humbling, frustrating when one's opinions don't win, and sometimes hurtful when one is confronted about oppressive behavior -- but the code also provides a sense of pride in one's ethics, and gives youth ample reason to trust your support.
Because youth is a time-limited identity, there is a constant turn-over in YL organizations -- or effectively a take-over by adults, when old leadership grows up but doesn't get out of the way. Adults, tweens (18-25), and minors each have somewhat different roles to play in a YL organization. Adults' role is to support the leadership of the youth, provide material resources, carry over knowledge to the next generation of activists, do research, and speak up for youth in situations where youth are prohibited from speaking or specifically ask the adult to speak. Tweens are often able to access college and university resources, they should stop voting in group decisions, and speak on panels only with explicit caveats that they are no longer youth. Minors, 18 and under, should be the actual voice of the movement.
3. Things I Forgot to Say Above
I forgot to talk about how a law is just a piece of paper. ...How a law does not actually protect your rights -- unless adults actually fear breaking it. A civil rights law is your access to a legal system. It's strength is in enforcement -- that armed police will arrest a person may plausibly use weapons, that prison might be involved, things that make paying a fine the lesser punishment. However, in order to get enforcement, you have to prove your case -- something that is not easy, because the standards for evidence tend to be high. What's more, a law that in your support doesn't do any good if you either don't know that you have a right, or know how to navigate the system that will enforce it for you. ...It's nice to have laws in place, and they say something about what a society values -- but true power is in the hands of individuals, not the law books. ...A person can hit, or run, or share food; these things are what's "real".
I could also see talking about the notion of "oppression", how that creates a common language that we can talk to other movements with -- but I think that may be superfluous here, now that I have a strong analysis of the command-obey relationship.
I sort of feel like I should have talked more about point of view, conflicts of interest, an adversarial relationship in politics, and escape freedom. I could possibly have talked about how social change happens: because it's demanded -- but that there's no revolution, rather, a permanent state of negotiations between social groups. Given what most people think "radical" means, that might be important. I want points-of-view to be represented at the table by the people who actually experience them -- not for some kind of violent overthrow to occur. ...I might also need to say something that explicitly contrasts my "etiquette" with a simple "don't trust anyone over thirty" sentiment.
I'm not sure if the final section about "method of activism" even needs to be there. Maybe that's my own gig, but doesn't relate to what is essential to Youth Power.
I'm also uncomfortable with how much I focused on the issue of violence, somewhat unintentionally. ...I kind of feel like I got into rehashing my whole philosophy again, without relating back to the key terms "world view" and "power" often enough.
I might add something about how opposition to youths' self-possession is very active, meaning that we must be concerned primarily with resistance -- forward progress is likely to be infrequent.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
December 20, 2004
Exploration: Ageless Being - A Thought Experiment
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
From W 09.29.04:
"The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]"
I had this idea sometime last year (2003), probably around March. I remember outlining it verbally to Carl Caputo at the Chez Machin creperie. I walked through it briefly when I gave my presentation on Youth Liberation at the New Year's Eve (2003/2004) party at the coast. I put the outline for that presentation online on my "Notepad" site. I've printed out a portion of that outline, and am using it as notes, to remind me what I wanted to talk about here.
1. Youth as Disability
One of the things that makes Youth Liberation a tough sell to people is the way in which I deal with youth as if they are just people. In my writings, I talk about youth as if they are essentially adults' equals -- or as if they are adults themselves. Often, this seems to rub people the wrong way because they think that I am ignoring the ways in which young people are different from adult people.
Personally, I don't think that I've ignored the differences between youth and adults. It's true that I don't talk very much about them -- but I have, in fact, developed a way of thinking about differences. It seems like my adult audiences often think about youth only in terms of their differences. Perhaps I am just counterbalancing their extreme with an extreme of my own.
Generally speaking, my approach to the differences of youth has been to compare them with the disabilities that some adults have. Among adults, there are differences in abilities: illiteracy, physical handicaps, "developmental disabilities" ("mental retardation"). Many adults, due to disability, illness, or infirmity need some sort of care -- they require the assistance of a caregiver. Youth, too, need caregivers. During the past few decades, society has made strides toward accommodating differences in ability [especially via the Americans with Disabilities Act]. Accommodating the physical and mental differences of youth also requires making changes to the physical environment.
For the most part, I see little reason why the physical and mental differences that constitute youth should not be approached in the same way that other disabilities are. It seems patently wrong to me that parents, as caregivers, should have such enormous power to control their offspring -- authoritarianism and use of violence (spanking) being condoned. As with caregiving for people with disabilities, the ideal that we should be striving for should be empowering the young person's self-determination to the greatest extent possible. [I realize that this view of how people with disabilities are treated is idealized and ahistorical.]
However, parents are not seen as being merely caregivers for persons who inherently own themselves. They see themselves as the owners of the beings that they have physically produced. I draw a hard line: a woman owns the fetus that resides within her body, parasitically subsisting off of her; but neither mother nor father own the independent (though needy) child once it has emerged into the outside world. Once a person is in the outside world, they are their own property -- caregivers can and should assist, but the child fundamentally does not "belong" to them.
Perhaps this seems callous toward the parent-child bond. It need not be so. I am a great supporter of protecting loving relationships. The principle of a child's self-possession poses no threat to the bond -- unless the parent is abusive, and the child voices a desire to separate from them.
[There may be an additional objection: that youth are far more common than adults with disabilities. Whereas "differently-abled" adults are in some sense "exceptional", the disabilities of youth are the rule. My response to this is that, first, adults with disabilities are more common than you think [partial deafness or blindness often go unnoticed by the casual observer] -- and, second, that the total disability of the newborn is relatively brief, which should perhaps lower our estimation of what percentage of the population is in this state. ...It is a mistake to reduce all minors, ages 0 - 18, to the state of a newborn. We must learn to see all the ways in which children, even young children are capable, rather than seeing them only for their lacks.]
2. But children look different!
While my audience may be able to wrap their minds around the analogy between children and adults who are in some way "below average" physically or mentally, my sense is that there will still be a sticking point: children look different!
While intellectually you might be able to make a comparison between youth and adults, when confronted with the physicality of a person who is less than 3 feet tall, the mind goes back to its old habit of seeing youth purely in terms of their difference. In order to counter this visceral sense of differentness, I've designed a thought experiment, which takes place in three parts:
I. What if minds could switch bodies?
II. What if you could construct a body and summon a mind into it?
III. What if, upon entering a body, you had amnesia?3. What if minds could switch bodies?
Suppose that the minds that inhabit physical bodies could switch at will. On a lark, you could pop over and inhabit my body, and I would spend a while living inside of yours. A man could spend time living in a woman's body; a woman could spend time inside a man's body. A person who normally has white skin could spend time in a body with black skin -- and a person with black skin could live as a white. A person confined to a wheelchair and unable to coordinate their muscles could transfer their self into the body of an athlete, and an athlete could spend time inside a disabled body. An adult or old person could switch into the body of a newborn, a child, or a teenager -- and vice versa.
In such a world, where people could mix and match bodies at will, you wouldn't know what kind of a "soul" existed behind a person's eyes until you spoke with them, got to know them a little. [To an extent, it would be like communicating anonymously with people on the internet, where you can only evaluate the identity of a speaker based what they write.]
...How different would male, female, black, white, able-bodied, disabled, adult, old, and young souls actually sound? There would likely be tell-tale signs in terms of language-usage: complex or simple vocabularies, dialect, slang, etc. These signs would be clues as to what life experience a soul was most familiar with -- but if you could minimize "give aways", what then? Are adults so academic, political, scientific, or philosophical that they would always be obvious? Isn't the majority of conversation banal, and simple -- wouldn't most youth and adults be indistinguishable? Furthermore, how often would it be the youth that seemed wise in their perspective on the life -- perhaps seeming to have more piercing insight because they come to the world anew?
4. Caregivers in a body-switching society
Regardless of the diversity or homogeneity of minds, important differences between physical bodies would remain. Some bodies would have testicles and be able to create sperm; others would have ovaries and wombs, creating eggs and having the capacity to carry a fetus to term. Bodies would come in different colors: black, brown, red, yellow, pink, albino. Bodies would come in different heights, standing from between two and (occasionally) seven feet tall. Bodies would come in different shapes: thin or fat, curvy or sleek, wrinkly or smooth, hairy or sheer -- each uniquely proportioned in the gait, slope of shoulders, and face. Some bodies would have super-honed eyesight or sense of taste -- others would be blind or deaf, or nearly so. Some bodies would be frail, some confined to a bed or wheel chair, some unable to lift their own head, some athletic.
In a society where minds could switch bodies, one would expect that some bodies would be more desired than others. Yet, if we presume that the number of existing minds matched the number of existing bodies, and that turns were taken in this fleet of bodies with some impartiality, then we there would still be a need for caregivers.
Caregivers would tend to people either because of limitations in the physical body or limitations of the mind inhabiting it.
A) Physical limitations
In the case of physical limitations, the most profound assistance would be required for infant bodies, bodies infirm with old age, bodies with disease or structural damage that impairs movement or voluntary control of movement, and bodies that with impaired senses (e.g. hearing, sight). Caregivers in many situations would have to assist with dressing, feeding, and transporting these individuals. Where speech was impaired, assistance translating the individual's thoughts for others would likely be required.B) Mental limitations
Mental limitations come in several varieties: language usage (learning to speak, or learning to speak English as a second language), not knowing how to navigate a society's institutions (how to acquire and use food, clothing, transportation, money, etc.), social / emotional communication (appropriateness to a given subculture's norms). In some cases a person would be permanently stuck at their particular level of neurological development, in which case the caregiver might be required to act as a sort of translator, negotiating interactions between the individual and the greater culture. In other cases, the individual would be in a process of learning how to navigate through society under their own power, in which case the caregiver would be more of a guide.In some instances, lack of understanding might lead a person to self-endangerment, similar to stepping out into the way of an oncoming care without looking. In this situation, there's nothing objectionable about a caregiver interceding to prevent the immediate, unintentional injury. However, situations where the person is knowingly choosing a path that may cause harm to themselves, is another matter. If, for instance, a person chooses to smoke (knowing its dangers), they ought be allowed to do so. A caregiver, like any caring friend, might choose to intervene -- but it would have to be as an equal, without the force of any authority other than their own ability to be convincing.
In addition to physical and mental limitations, there is a third limitation that would exist -- even in a body-switching society -- that must be addressed: financial limitation.
C) Financial limitations
When a mind transfers into a new body, it does not necessarily come attached with a full wallet! Finding a job in order to earn money might be difficult, either due to a lack of jobs in general, a lack of the jobs that one is specifically trained for, a physical or mental inability to do most jobs, or a pressing need to deal with other activities (learning, dealing with a personal trauma, caregiving for another person, etc.). People with altruistic motives might assist in one of two ways: setting up agencies that deal with the homeless and penniless en masse, or adopting individual persons for charity....In adopting and individual, the caregiver would be a sort of "patron", providing either cash or tangible goods (food, clothes, shelter). What financial limitations would be placed on this relationship? Would the receiver be able to demand anything they desired? Would giving be at the whim of the patron? Would any sort of minimum requirements be placed on the patron in order to prevent neglect? Might some sort of contract be spelled out, to prevent abuse by either party? [This arrangement might be take the place of inheritance...]
At a societal level, I would think that there would be a greater understanding of the need for some socialized services. Unemployment and retirement wages, homeless shelters and hostels, public transportation, public schools, public libraries -- with a greater ability to change circumstance, I would think that people would more generally see the value of a social safety net, how that which is done to benefit and protect all, uplifts all.
[To recap the implications of this thought experiment for YL politics... I think that parents, as caregivers, are required to fulfill three distinct functions:
A) Caring for physical survival at an early age
B) Orienting youth to society, and helping them navigate its institutions
C) Providing for financial needs ]5. Laws in a body-switching society
[Note: If minds could switch bodies instantaneously at will, it might be impossible to create laws. Our legal system is founded on identity: that a mind and a body wholisticly remain the same person over time. For the purposes of argument, here, let's presume that authorities could identify certain souls as known, unique individuals -- but that they still could not ascertain anything else about the nature of that soul, other than that which they could test for in the present.]
If minds could switch bodies, it seems to me that laws establishing artificial age lines would be particularly offensive. This does not mean that regulating society would be simple! Consider the following examples:
A) Skills required for communal safety
Issues of skill would be the easiest issue to deal with. For instance, so long as a body was able to physically drive a car, and the mind in it knew how to operate the vehicle, they ought not be prohibited from doing so. Or, if a person was physically able to open the exit door on an airplane, they should be allowed to sit in the exit row.B) Minimal intelligence required for communal decision-making
The right to vote in elections similarly would not be constrained by the age of a body. The electorate might choose to prohibit persons who are too "stupid" from voting -- but how would you do that? By making people take the SAT vote? By imposing at least a literacy test? During the Jim Crow period, literacy tests were once used to prevent blacks from voting -- that requirement has been struck down. Consider also, the diversity of beliefs among "intelligent adults" at present -- regarding religion, supernatural beings, what makes a good political leader, etc. Within a society that has any pretenses at being a democracy, who would we have stand as arbiter of truth? If we could not distinguish between people based upon their physical bodies, the problem of "adequate intelligence" would surely become only more difficult.C) Regulating the impact of vice
If minds could switch bodies, to what extent would society attempt to control vices -- smoking, drinking, pornography? Would we decide that these influences were deleterious to society as a whole, and thus limit access for all? Would we use a "controlled substances" approach, allowing anyone access -- so long as they went through a training on the dangers, or perhaps got a sort of "prescription" from a doctor or similar authority figure? Would all people be given full license to do with their bodies as they please?D) Assessing responsibility for someone's criminal actions
How would criminal offenses be prosecuted? Would all people be subject to the same penalties for the same offenses? Would there be a test for mental competency, imposing less severe penalties on persons who could not understand the consequences of their actions (due to inexperience, mental impairment, or insanity)? Would there be a means for erasing one's prior criminal record -- perhaps via an adequate period of good behavior? ...If there were a competency test, how would it be designed in order to prevent people from faking incompetence? Would there be circumstances under which competence was simply assumed -- or times when incompetence was not an allowed defense? Ought some crimes be unexpungable?E) Identifying and empowering persons vulnerable to exploitation
How -- if at all -- would government attempt to protect vulnerable individuals from sexual or labor exploitation? It seems that in an ageless society, all persons would necessarily be given the right to make a criminal complaint against another person. How would government attempt to make people aware of their rights? How would it establish a system that was friendly to people who had been victimized? How would we understand "vulnerability?" Would all physical violence be understood simply as "assault" -- would we expand our understanding of "harassment" to further encompass intimidation on the part of caregivers? Would we have a broader or narrower notion of who's likely to be traumatized by assault? In which relationships would we continue to see a power imbalance -- the employer/employee relationship perhaps? How would we distinguish persons who are vulnerable from those who are self-willed and resilient?6. What if you could construct a body and summon a mind into it?
I suppose an assumption of this thought experiment has been that there is a constant number of bodies and minds -- that the minds are essentially eternal. If so, this assumption makes it more difficult to talk about youth issues. Perhaps, on the other hand, I haven't made that assumption -- rather, I've simply bracketed the issue of inventing new persons. Maybe what I've done is assume that from this moment forward, everyone has the power to switch bodies. If so, what I'm describing is, poetically, a sort of revolution in human existence -- or an evolution, whereby souls are suddenly make the leap (all together and at once) to being unglued from their containers, their vessels.
...Now, I want to make the move to discussing the invention of new soul vessels, after the great moment of transcendence.
Now, suppose that people in this body-switching society have the ability to construct new physical vessels. If you want, they might grow them in vats, or piece them together like Frankenstein's monster. I want to keep in place the notion that this body could be any body -- it need not be an infant's body. However, in this hypothetical society, people do not have the power to invent new souls. The best that they can do is to summon a soul into the shell -- randomly selected from the population of souls that currently exist.
In fact, imagine yourself as one of these souls, who has been torn from your previous existence, plopped down into a new container, unexpectedly looking up into the eyes of the people who brought you here without asking.
The first thing that seems obvious to me, is that the power of creation does not grant ownership. Simply because these persons transferred your soul from one place to another (involuntarily, no less), that does not grant them the rights of slave owners. A self-aware being can enter into contracts that bear similarities to slavehood -- but persons, I believe, are fundamentally unownable. Claims that one owns another are inherently invalid.
The second thing that seems clear to me is that "creating" a person in the way I've described obligates the "creator" to caregiving. Having torn a soul away from wherever they were before, and now placed them into an alien situation, the person who brought them here bears responsibility for their well-being. They must provide for physical survival, orientation to and navigation within the local culture, and financial support that gives the translocated individual some sort of independence.
The person who has been transplanted, on the other hand, owes nothing. They did not ask to be brought here, to seemingly now come into existence. Their situation has been forced upon them; it is not some sort of favor, and are not obligated to view it as such. They need not be grateful or obedient in payment for coming into existence.
The person who summoned the soul into this body is not God. They did not actually create the soul that has come to reside in the physical vessel. If they had been able to create a soul, in the sense of meticulously programming its nature like some sort of robot, then perhaps they might be able to demand obedience and servitude. However, they did not; the newly arrived soul is independent and must be treated with the respect that is accorded an honored stranger.
...Even though providing for the newly arrived person may be a burden, it is the responsibility of the bringer to do so because it was their choice that created the situation. The newly arrived may choose to assist the bringer, doing labor, obeying their will -- perhaps because they see that they will themselves benefit from doing so, or perhaps out of a sense of compassion and respect for the bringer -- but they may equally decide not to provide such labor.
[The other scenario that might obligate a newly arrived person to their bringer is if the entire situation is the will of an omnipotent God. If there is a God who exists, dictating that bringers bring, and then that the people who are brought serve them -- then one should perhaps feel compelled to be obedient... However, it remains within one's menu of choices to rebel against God, and take whatever consequences follow.
The trouble with positing a "will of God" arrangement here, is that we do not have proof-positive that God wills subservience. The more plausible explanation is that it is simply in the self-interest of the bringers to say that there is a God. Because a command-obey relationship is so much in the favor of the bringer, documents that purport to relate the will of God should be viewed with suspicion. Without a strongly convincing manifestation of the supernatural, documents that demand obedience should be presumed to be human-made hoaxes.]
7. What if, upon entering a body, you had amnesia?
What if, in the body-switching society, whenever you entered a new-to-you body, you lost all your memories? I suppose, previously I should have stressed more vigorously that one maintains all of the memories from existing in previous bodies...
Still, if we assume natal amnesia, this changes the whole scenario somewhat. It seems to imply that souls may be immortal -- which raises the question of who created them in the first place. God?
...Perhaps what we need here is to clarify that the amnesia is temporary, that the soul does not so much learn, as go through a process of remembering itself. Now that I think about it, I think that I've read that exact theory somewhere before. Perhaps in Plato? Or maybe in Saint Augustine? --That notion that we do not so much learn the world as remember it again.
Where I wanted to go with this, is to say something about how all human beings need helpful peers. Each of us at some point in our lives needs caregivers to assist with our physical survival, or social navigation, and our economic independence. Who these caregivers are, however, need not be presumed. Caregivers could be the "bringers", or siblings, or unrelated acquaintances -- age, sex, race, all irrelevant. We need to be cared for.
We also benefit from relationships that we can count on -- that are stable, and will last for years to come. We need attention; infants "fail to thrive" when left alone, and adult prisoners tend to go insane when kept in solitary confinement. We need this companionship beyond just being assisted -- we need to have relationships.
A diversity of relationships with different ages, sexes, races, classes, and ability-levels is valuable. However, I disagree with those who put too much emphasis on role models. People who say that a single mother is inadequate because there needs to be a male role model -- or that a gay male couple can't parent because they provide no female influence -- to them I say "balderdash!" In many countries, children are raised primarily by siblings. This is not wrong. Loving attention is adequate, regardless of the source. ...Furthermore, I don't think that human beings should be trained into their roles as "men" or "women" or what not. We should be human beings first of all -- "manhood" or "femininity" be damned.
I also wanted to make the point here that if a soul already exists before it is brought into the body, then caregivers should not feel entitled to "shape" or "mold" the newly arrived. If people are inherently going to become who they were meant to be, then caregivers should assist -- but attempt to not get in the way of a person's self-determination.
As I look at it now, I'm not so sure that I can easily make this point. It seems like the idea that children are merely adult souls who have forgotten who they are is a larger stretch than when I was merely separating body and mind. It's easy enough to separate the physical and mental -- but when I start talking about remembering the future as if it's a past that simply has yet to unfold -- then I'm tinkering with the fourth dimension, suggesting that there is some sort of transtemporal "essence" to a person that is more than their existence in the present.
It's an interesting notion to explore elsewhere: what if I ran time backwards, and looked at the future as if it were simply the past unfolding. It's a separate topic entirely -- but another interesting mental exercise in terms of different ways to look at children.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
December 8, 2004
Exploration: Outline for a Youth History of Adult Power
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
From W 09.29.04:
"The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]"
1. My Slant on the History of Adult Power
OK, so I'm reading this book called "From Father's Property to Children's Rights", a history of child custody. It's given me an idea about how to begin writing a history of adult power... Perhaps only a brief history.
Part of this project is inspired by beginning to find discrete moments in history with dates attached to them. It's occurred to me that I might begin assembling some historical time lines. These time lines might be used to *suggest* a history -- I may not be able to tell the full story, but by pointing to important events, I can suggest a story. In making my historical painting, I might be impressionistic, might do a sort of collage.
Another part of this project is inspired by books such as "The Invention of Heterosexuality" and the magazine "Race Traitor". These publications, rather than looking at the oppressed group, take the oppressor's identity to task. This has been a bias in my work all along. Rather than focusing overly on youth identity, or how adults perceive youth (i.e. via stereotypes and prejudice), I'm interested in how adults perceive themselves. I think that the modern notion of "adulthood" is probably a recent invention -- I think that it is possible to discuss "the invention of adulthood".
[In fact, that might make a good essay title. Whereas the essay title "Adulthood is Artificial" says some of what I want to convey, "The Invention of Adulthood" would historicize my idea, portray it as an event rather than an abstract.]
2. The Heart of the History: Parental Responsibilities
The thing that makes me think I might have the germ of an actual history project is that I think I've found a central theme that I could use to unify a larger narrative. The author of this book I'm reading itemizes the responsibilities of parents during the colonial era. I think that's my beginning point.
...Actually, though, rights and responsibilities always come as a pair. Furthermore, while the author has done a good job of identifying core rights and responsibilities, she hasn't necessarily listed them as succinctly as I would like. Some may be separated from the main list, and I'll have to collect them. Here's what I've ascertained so far:
- to provide vocational education
- to provide religious education
- to teach the child literacy
- to provide food and shelter
- to control the child
- [to not abuse / neglect the child (?)]
- obedience from the child
- to contractually "bond out" the child to another adult
- [use of physical discipline (?)]
- [marrying off girls (??)]
I want my main focus to be on history within the United States. I forget where, but I know that somewhere I've read a similar list of contemporary responsibilities that the law places upon parents. Perhaps in one of my books on teen legal rights? Perhaps in the Oregon Revised Statues, under "custody"? My thought is that the heart of this book / essay would be comparing the laws in Colonial America to the laws of today.If I recall correctly, there are only four or five core responsibilities of parents listed in the contemporary discussion of legal custody. There are perhaps quite a few laws that devolve from those few, laws in support of the basic principles. I'm excited to think that there are fundamental principles of custody that are well documented in legal code. By comparing Colonial times and contemporary times, I should be able to show how similar these two periods are, how adult ownership of youth remains -- without having to discuss dozens of specific laws.
The focus on parental responsibilities is in keeping with my perspective that governmental laws are, in essence, the familial relationship projected onto society as a whole. I can see right now, looking at the list of responsibilities, that several are ostensibly responsibilities to the child -- but at least "to control the child" is a responsibility to society / the community. In this book I'm reading, I've found precursors of the conflict of interests between governmental ownership of its citizens, and parental property rights over their children. This will be interesting later on.
3. Expanding the Scope: England and Rome
After Colonial and contemporary custody issues, I expect that I'll want to go back a bit farther into history. At this point I know I'm going to want to visit at least two additional periods: 2nd millennium England, and ancient Rome.
Law in Colonial America derives largely from English Common Law: unwritten law whose binding force comes from "immemorial usage" (Webster, unabridged, 2nd ed., 1940). Fortunately for me, common law was written down and codified by someone named Blackstone. [That's an area I need to further research.]
Preliminary research in this Webster's [that I found in the PSU library] turned up some interesting facts that I hadn't known before. "Age of majority" -- the age at which all rights of adulthood are attained, was actually composed of three subsidiary issues: (1) the age of consent, (2) the age of discretion, and (3) military age. Each of these ages has a different number associated with it -- and some of them have different numbers depending on if you're a boy or a girl.
Whereas Common Law is based on unwritten tradition, apparently Civil Law derives from ancient Rome. ...It is interesting to note here that the introduction to my history of adulthood may actually need to be a brief overview of the history of written law itself! [Note: the third major category of law that I've encountered is Canon Law, which is the law of the church. I am uncertain how this relates to other laws.]
...The most interesting thing I've discovered so far is that in Roman society, the patriarch of the house was allowed to deal with his children however he chose -- even to the point of killing them. The author of "From Father's Property to Children's Rights" tries to paint the lives of children in Colonial times in a positive light, contrasting their situation with the absolute power of fathers in Rome. Personally, I'm offended. I concur that by Colonial times some progress was made toward restraining parental usage of power -- but even then, and even today, we are not many steps removed from absolute parental power.
...I will need to tell the story of progress -- but the march toward treating youth as people rather than property is far from over!
4. The History of Adult Power: Specific Areas
If I were to create an outline at this point, it might look something like this:
- The history of written law - a brief overview
- The legal responsibility of guardians in America - from colonial times to present
- The origins of youth as property - from Ancient Rome to England's industrial revolution
- The evolution child issues being distributed among institutions
...I'm not sure that 2 and 3 are necessarily separate topics. Both deal with the rights and responsibilities of guardians. I want to start by making the point that little has changed between Colonial and contemporary times. Then, I want to make the point that while progress has been made from the absolutist power of Rome, the journey toward personhood is still not complete -- which might require contrasting the distant past with an imaginary future. That might throw me off topic, since it would require describing things that don't exist -- I wouldn't be simply reporting anymore.This fourth point in the outline is where this project could really explode into something book-length. See, I think that one could use the legal responsibilities of guardians as a leaping off point for discussing a variety of social institutions. If I'm right that governmental laws are outgrowths of intrafamilial dynamics, then societal institutions should have their analogs in the laws that structure the family.
Here's what I've come up with, in terms of making that analogy:
- to provide vocational education = labor relations
- to provide religious education =X
- to teach the child literacy = public schools
- to provide food and shelter = state intervention
- to control the child
- [to not abuse / neglect the child (?) = state intervention?]
- obedience from the child = history of obedience
- to contractually "bond out" the child to another adult = history of youth as property?
- [use of physical discipline (?) = history of corporal punishment?]
- [marrying off girls (??)]
Issues that don't fit within the analogy:
- artificial age lines
- juvenile delinquency
The historical time-lines that I want to provide for each of these topics may be pretty short -- just a subsection (with ten paragraphs or less) within a larger essay. In a following section, I'll have to record notes on what I know about each topic at this point.5. A Thesis to Prove: Numerical age lines mimic lines between child / parent / grandparent
As I look at this list right now, what I see is that before talking about the rights of guardians at this level of detail, I will probably want to backtrack and discuss the dividing line between adults and minors. A brief history of artificial age lines would have to discuss the "age of majority" and its three components, which I've mentioned above.
...However, it would also have to deal perhaps with emancipation, or with premarital sex. What is the transition from being a youth to being a full-fledged adult? Is it marriage? Does a young man who's married ever get treated as a youth in Colonial America? Perhaps if he's under age? Or does marriage make one a full-fledged adult, regardless of age (back then)? A history of artificial age lines is not merely a recounting of numbers that have appeared in law -- my premise is that age lines mimic the lines between children, parents, and grandparents -- I have to look for how those practical distinctions inform the numbers.
6. A Thesis to Prove: Numerical adulthood is recent, overthrowing the power of the old, rule of the oldest
Another story that I need to be looking for is that contemporary adult supremacism is a recent invention. In earlier times, we had gerontocracy (rule by the oldest) -- but when senior citizens were overthrown, we arrived at the modern notion of adulthood and adultism. I am wondering if the existence of an "age of majority" in English Common Law will contradict this thesis.
If I go all the way back to Roman law and discover numerical age lines that separate children and adults there, then it starts to seem like the adult-ruling-class has always existed. I won't be able to say that modern adulthood is a "recent" invention. However, it may be that Roman law, with its focus on patriarchs, didn't use birthdays to any great extent -- in which case I'll have a better case for pure gerontocracy.
My case for the overthrow of the old may be stronger. I know that "senior citizens were removed from the work pool by the New Deal. The contradictory evidence that I'll have to be searching for as I read is any evidence of seniors being removed from power, based strictly on their birthday, not loss of ability.
7. A Summary of "Theses to Prove" - Concerning Age Lines
I've just gone back and added the heading "A Thesis to Prove" to the preceding two sections. ...I'm not sure whether I'm dealing with one or two theses in "Numerical adulthood is recent, overthrowing the power of the old, rule of the oldest. There are two interpretations.
Option 1: I might be saying that from a pure continuum of age, where older is more powerful, the modern numerical adulthood arose, overthrowing youth and the elderly simultaneously.
Option 2: Two separate theses... First, that the power of the elderly has been toppled, resulting in modern adultism -- as opposed to gerontocracy. Second, that at some previous time, birthdays were not taken into account in separating the adults from the children -- only practical distinctions such as procreating, ability to labor, etc.
...Suppose that a legal distinction between children and adults has existed longer than a legal distinction between adults and the elderly. What would that say? Is the advent of modern adultism marked by the fall of the old, rather than the birth of numerically measured adulthood?
Can I still say that there is a period of pure gerontocracy if there is a dividing line between youth and adults? Among the 21 - death population, was "older is better" actually in effect? It seems I have another thesis to prove: that an "older is better" principle was ever in effect.
Thus, to summarize, it now looks like I've come up with four theses that I'll have to prove using the historical record:
- Previously birthdays were not taken into account in separating adults from children -- only practical distinctions.
- Numerical legal age lines mimic lines between child / parent / grandparent.
- Gerontocracy, "rule of the old" and "older is better", existed previously.
- The power of the elderly was toppled, resulting in modern adultism -- rule by adults, not just the oldest.
8. The Government's Role in Regulating Ownership of Children Has Expanded
I'm reviewing this section from above:
- to provide vocational education = labor relations
- to provide religious education = X
- to teach the child literacy = public schools
- to provide food and shelter = state intervention
- to control the child
- [to not abuse / neglect the child (?) = state intervention?]
...I'm considering positing a thesis thus: "former parental responsibilities are now filled by government-run institutions." What I want to get at is that "the role of the government in managing the lives of youth has expanded." Or, perhaps what I'm trying to get at is that "the Government's role in regulating ownership of children has expanded."[I'm very excited about this phrase, "regulating ownership of children" -- it seems accurate, and it harkens back to that Catherine MacKinnon line I've been adapting for some time "from women's point of view, rape is not prohibited -- it is regulated." --Or was it from "Rape - a first sourcebook for women" (title?)? Anyway -- I like how this phrase ties into the thread about treating youth as property, and sets the government up to have conflicts with parental rights -- but not necessarily because there is authentic concern for youth as people. I'm not willing to attribute "in their best interest" as the government's simple motive!]
...The more I look at this "responsibilities" section, the more I'm feeling that the correlation between my topics and the responsibilities is too forced. The topics are good, and I can link back to the custodial responsibilities list -- but I can't do something like having a chapter associated with each responsibility.
There are several areas in which the government's involvement has expanded. The most notable is (1) schooling. Whether or not public schools actually teach "vocational" information or not is debatable -- but much responsibility for literacy has devolved to them. At this point, I don't know very much about why public schools were instituted in the U.S. -- but that's a topic that shouldn't be too difficult to research.
The responsibility "to control the child" is also an area that the State has gotten more involved in -- this maps on to the topic of (2) juvenile delinquency. Again, I know little about the topic at this point -- but I have at least one book on the subject in my possession. [I do know, I should say, a little about how it used to be the parent's responsibility to punish -- and by "coverture", they were punishable for their ward's actions.]
The last area I want to mention, in which the government has taken on greater responsibility, is (3) intervention. On this topic, I'm discovering very interesting things in the book I'm reading. Apparently even before there was a federal government, town fathers were given power by their village charters to intervene on behalf of abused children. Now, what the standard for abuse was, that's another topic entirely. But I find it very interesting to see the prototype of state intervention preceding child welfare as we now understand it.
So, it seems that I've got three areas of history that fall under the heading of "expanding government responsibility":
- Intervention in cases of abuse
- Punishment for juvenile delinquency
- Public schooling
I suppose in each of these cases, the story will be a bit more complex than simply the "government responsibility increasing while parental responsibility decreases". Intervention is a state power that has increased, while parental power has decreased. By punishing youth for their crimes, rather than parents, it seems that parental responsibility has diminished -- which is a benefit to the parent. Public schooling could be seen as a benefit -- but at the same time, it was seen when instituted as a theft of parental property (the youth labor force)... In that sense, schooling is an increase of governmental power, and simultaneous decrease in parental responsibility -- both a loss and a benefit to the parents....Throughout this discussion, I've been holding "labor relations" aside. Prohibiting child labor, rather than being about an interference of the state in parenting, is about protecting the adult workforce from the threat of cheap youth labor. As I understand it, the abolition of child labor in the U.S. was part of the New Deal -- it was all about protecting adult jobs, not protecting youth. In a sense then, youth are almost incidental to this particular governmental action.
Maybe the heading I'm looking for is "ways in which the evolution of adult government has modified parenting".
9. Powers Granted to Parents
If my starting point is "the history of written law", I'm beginning to see three distinct areas of inquiry:
A. The history of artificial age lines
B. The history of governmental involvement in parenting
C. The history of parental power[I wonder if "power" divides both into "rights" and "responsibilities" -- otherwise worded as "entitlements" and "obligations". One seldom thinks about the responsibilities attendant upon power -- but I suppose that authority is founded upon the notion that a person is fulfilling a role of some sort.]
The history of parental power is perhaps the most important thread for me to follow here -- and remember, I'm trying to tie it to a history of written law. The relevant parental rights and responsibilities from my previous discussion are:
- to control the child
- obedience from the child
- to contractually "bond out" the child to another adult
- use of physical discipline
"Obedience" has it's own history. We can trace it back to the bible. Following a religious track, we can trace belief that children should obey their parents down to the present in contemporary religious tracts such as those put out by "Focus on the Family". "Obedience" might be a fundamentally religious topic -- although I would hasten to say that the desire to control is rooted in selfish convenience, not in an intellectual belief. Religion and science are both just means of rationalizing desires in this context. I could point to "conduct disorder" in the DSM-IV as a relevant scientific admonition to obey."To control the child" is really an admonition from society to the parent. It is a contract between the government and the parent, regarding who will deal with discipline. Things have shifted somewhat in the favor of the parent -- for the most part coverture has been abolished, and parents are not punished for their children's crimes. Yet, "control the child" remains in place (if I'm not mistaken) as one of the primary three or four responsibilities placed upon guardians. ...This is where I can appeal back to Rome, talking about absolutist power and the right to kill. [If my focus is on adult identity rather than on youth, then this is a better place to begin than obedience: "I made it, I can destroy it".]
In terms of topic order, this is perhaps more appropriate:
- the right and responsibility to control one's offspring
- expectation that the child will be obedient
- the right to use discipline to obtain obedience
- the right to sell children as slaves, or "bond" them out
Do each of these topics have enough detail to merit an independent time line? I see that #1 begins with Roman absolute power, power to damage and destroy -- but rather than ending with youths' personhood, stops at control with some limits. #2 is the story of rationalizing ownership via religion and science. #3 is the history of what means have been used to obtain compliance. #4 is about the transition from youth being sellable property to non-transferable property. ...#2 is going to take me into the realm of Canon Law, and then into regulations within a profession (American Psychological Association). #2 and #3 both might touch on laws regarding runaway youth.It may be that I simply need to accumulate more historical data before I can really begin dividing my discussion into sections. ...The test of whether or not these sections are independent will be whether or not I can assemble actual time-lines with dates. The need for a traditional research project, where I write down my discrete facts on note cards, is becoming apparent.
Maybe #4 should come second in the sequence, because it talks about what you can do with your property -- and how the "lessened slave" state came into existence. As the author I'm reading aptly points out, youth are not slaves -- but the fact that several varieties of subjection have been created still bears discussion.
10. Conclusion
Maybe one of the key ideas that I'm trying to cover is that of the "rights and responsibilities" that exist in law today, the responsibilities are relatively recent -- and by no means outweigh the rights. The germ of adult power is absolute power (Rome); the core metaphor is youth as property -- actual slavery, that over time was subdivided into a hierarchy of different forms of subjection.
The government was in some ways invented to govern who gets to be an owner of people -- and regulates how property owners treat their possessions. It was erected by the property owners themselves, but as it has grown more complex, it has modified parenting practices by establishing institutions that lessen the burden on adults: protecting their jobs, punishing youth separately from parents, relieving the burden of instructing youth. However, there has been a tension -- not between the rights of children and of parents -- rather, between the selfish motives of parents, and the nosiness of other parents who want to regulate parents in general.
Because youth (in a numerically-governed system) are still in a property-like status, because one of parent's core legal rights/responsibilities is "to control", and because the government's function is essentially the regulation of property ownership -- youth cannot depend upon adults to elevate them to personhood. Youth should be grateful to the adults who go out of their way to work for youth welfare -- but legitimate children's rights must be initiated by youth themselves. The opposite of being property is having actual power; it is in the exercise of power to improve their own welfare that youth most embody what children's rights are actually for: self-defense and self-determination.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
October 27, 2004
YL Theory: Topic Areas
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
My main interest as a writer is in creating theory that will support Youth Liberation -- both by explaining the problem that it seeks to redress, and by talking about how to organize activist efforts. Without even discussing specific campaigns (e.g. winning the vote, ending curfews, discouraging spanking, etc.), there are several books worth of material here. In this essay I will try to identify the main topic areas that I believe YL theory should address, and show how they are interrelated.
I. The Blueprint of Adults’ Oppression
There is a history of adults treating youth as property; it continues on into the present day. This is not right. Youth are persons -- no one’s property but their own.
Treating a person as property means thinking that one has the absolute right to control them. With regards to the relationship between parents and children, there is an initial, inevitable power imbalance due to biology. However, that power imbalance is maintained for an artificially long time, and is taken to unnatural extremes. A hierarchical relationship is presumed to exist between any adult and any minor: the adult is entitled to command as they see fit, the youth is expected to respectfully obey without question.
Topic #1: Youth as Property
What is the history of adults treating youth as property? In what ways are youth still treated like property today? What strategies do parents use to maintain control of their human property? How does adult government legitimize parents’ property rights? How do parents and the government conflict over ownership of youth?Minors’ place in civil society is modeled after the relationship between parents and their children. Youth are excluded from formal decision making processes (e.g. voting and control of the public school system); adult citizens (or their governmental representatives) are entitled to make laws governing youth as they see fit. Given that there is a biological and chronological continuum between childhood and adulthood, this raises questions about who should be recognized as an actual “adult”.
Topic #2: Age Lines
What is the line between childhood and adulthood? What are different strategies for defining adulthood? [e.g. a biology, law, psychological development, personal character] How is adulthood like a membership organization? What is the history of the concept of “adulthood” and the creation of “adults” as a legal group? What commonalities bind youth together as a group?Why do adults treat youth as property? The answer is simple: because it benefits them. Benefit may be in the form of financial gain -- but mainly it’s simply a matter of convenience and getting to have things the way that one wants. Treating youth as actual persons means not always getting what you want; it can be inconvenient. But that does not mean that it can’t, or shouldn’t be done.
Adults have a great many rationalizations for why it’s right to treat youth as they do. Adult controlled media generates propaganda suggesting that it’s more important than ever to maintain control over youth. While it’s worthwhile to examine and debunk these arguments, they should not be misinterpreted as adults’ true reasons for acting as property owners.
Topic #3: Adult Supremacism
How do adults rationalize treating youth as property? How are youth portrayed as flawed beings? How do adults argue their own superiority? How do parents understand their entitlement / obligation to guide-supervise-protect-control? How are youth seen as incompetent to participate as citizens? How does the media portray youth as a problem people, with troubling trends, a group that is getting progressively worse? What fears does the prospect of Youth Liberation raise?II. From Property to Personhood... to Power
Youth Liberation is a subcategory of Children’s Rights work, distinguished foremost by the belief that youth should have access to the vote and by the involvement of actual youth in activist efforts. There are several branches of thought within Youth Liberation. I am a proponent of what might be called the “Youth Power” variety, which emphasizes the importance of youth gaining power -- as opposed to equal treatment, or an independent youth culture.
Topic #4: Varieties of Youth Liberation
How does Youth Liberation differ from the Children’s Rights movement? Within Youth Liberation, what major ideological differences exist? Why “liberation” rather than “rights”? What agenda points are widely agreed upon? What is the history of youth-led, anti-adultism activism?The guiding principle of “Youth Power” YL is this: youth should be able to remove themselves from harmful situations under their own power. The ability to leave a situation at will is “exit freedom”; from a youth perspective, it is a matter of self-defense. Manifesting this principle of exit freedom throughout society will require changing many laws and institutions. For instance:
- youth should be able to voluntarily “divorce” their parents, either then becoming emancipated or attached to foster parents;
- youths’ ability to leave home in an emergency should be supported by an infrastructure of public services (public transit, shelters / hostels, free medical care);
- to lessen financial dependence on potentially abusive parents, youth should be able to access welfare;
- youth should be able to leave a school where they are being tormented by peers or abused by teachers;
- youth should have the power to improve their educational experience, either through participating in hiring / firing / funding / curriculum decisions, or by pursuing self-directed learning at home (“unschooling”);
- youth should work to remove themselves from harm collectively by lobbying legislators now, and ultimately by winning the right to vote in federal, state, and local elections.
In addition to legal change, YL must pursue cultural changes in our society. We must be concerned with countering anti-youth propaganda -- however, we must pay at least as much attention to how adults see themselves, as to how they see youth.The adults who oppress youth now, were once youth themselves. Many minors never truly think of themselves as youth; rather, they are always intent on associating themselves with the prestige of adulthood. Instead of standing in solidarity with other youth, they try to dissociate themselves from the group. The “adulthood” that they are ultimately passively granted by law is seemingly contingent upon having become a superior being and joining the societal effort to control younger folk.
In place of this vision of adulthood, YL promotes the notion of “ageless being” -- which strives to see the humanity in beings of all ages, is encouraging of their efforts at self-determination, and assumes a humbleness regarding one’s own competence.
Topic #5: Age Identity
If youth are oppressed, why do they go on to become adult oppressors? What strategies do youth use to dissociate themselves from childhood, to gain social status? What’s wrong with treating “maturity” as a virtue? How can an adult be a “conscientious objector” to adulthood? What is the vision of “ageless being”?III. The Practical Work of Movement-Building
The activist work of building exit freedom into the family, schools, and government will ideally proceed with the help of supportive adults. However, even “enlightened” adults should not be entrusted to protect youth in the total absence of input from youth. Because YL is concerned with youths’ control of their lives, its method for bringing about social change should involve activists who are youth themselves. The YL movement must always be concerned with cooptation by well-meaning, yet oppressive adult leadership.
Topic #6: Working Inside YL Organizations
What criteria determine whether or not an organization is doing Youth Liberation work? What are the arguments for a “by youth, for youth” organization? What are the proper roles for adults, “tweens”, and youth in the YL movement? What are common ways in which adults take over youth organizations? What principles should adult allies observe when working with youth activists? What processes can help deal with adultism when it emerges within a YL organization? How can one identify cooptation?Youth Liberation’s allies may come from outside of the movement, that is, from within other liberation movements. Adultism is an oppression; it has commonalities with other oppressions, such as racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, anti-semitism, ableism, and ageism. I promote the notion that YL activists should both seek the help of other progressive movements, and themselves lend assistance when possible.
Topic #7: Adultism as an Oppression
What criteria define an “oppression”? How is “oppression” commonly misunderstood? What is the root cause of adults’ oppression? In what ways is adultism different from other oppressions? What does adultism have in common with the oppressions of other groups? [particularly women and blacks] Why use the word “adultism” rather than “ageism”? How can YL activists build partnerships with other movements? Why should other progressive movements be interested in Youth Liberation?IV. Specific Campaigns
In this essay I’ve attempted to identify the broad topic areas that should be of interest to YL theory. I believe that these areas set the stage for understanding the problem of adultism, and for designing activism to fight it. What is notably lacking in this essay is a discussion of specific campaign issues.
The reason for this is that I expect strategies for any particular issue to be somewhat different depending upon what locality an activist is working in. Also, it seems to me that while there will be consensus among YL activists on many issues, the principles of YL may lead to differing conclusions when applied at different times. For instance, YL activists will likely always agree that youth should be able to vote -- but whether or not school uniforms are appropriate may be an issue that depends upon how badly factionalism is hurting a particular population of students.
I may or may not address specific campaigns in the future. I encourage other authors to apply the frameworks I have developed to these issues. I leave you with a partial list of issues deserving consideration (and activism):
- non-oppressive parenting styles
- right to “divorce” one’s parents
- access to welfare
- treating violence against minors as assault, rather than “discipline”
- giving teens reasons to trust that child protection services will give them more control over their lives, not less
- school: getting to vote in hiring, firing, funding, and curriculum decisions
- ending nighttime and daytime curfews
- winning the right to vote in federal, state, and local elections
- drivers’ licenses already require a test; eliminate the age requirement
- vice law: smoking, drinking, porn -- an appropriate stance?
- design “age of consent” laws that are neither based on artificial numbers, nor leave youth at the mercy of adult predators
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
October 7, 2004
Fragment: Why "Youth Liberation" instead of "Youth Rights"?
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
I'll offer four reasons...
1. In essence, youth are still their parents' property. A person's property doesn't have rights of its own.
At one point, black slaves, women, children, and cattle all had a similar status -- essentially as the property of adult, white, male heads-of-households. Whereas blacks and women have essentially won their freedom (if not full equality), youth have yet to truly move from property to personhood in this country. Notice that guardians have the right to use physical violence to maintain control, and that it is illegal for youth to run away. Youth are tied to their guardian, good or bad, and it is very difficult to sever the tie.
Youth cannot effectively argue for having rights equal to those of all other citizens because they're not even fully recognized as persons yet. The African-American civil rights movement could not happen until decades after the Emancipation Proclamation gave blacks their freedom. Similarly, youth must win their fundamental emancipation before we can treat the notion that "discrimination is wrong" as a given.
2. People who write about rights rarely discuss how to redress wrongs.
Within the Children's Rights and Youth Rights movements, it is common to propose "Bill of Rights"-style documents. These are valuable visions of how things should be. However, in imagining what sort of utopia we are shooting for, authors seldom discuss how to deal with redress of wrongs. Even if the rights we desire become law, they'll be meaningless if we don't have enforcement agencies -- ones that actually do their duty, and that are adequately staffed and funded to deal with their workload.
People talking about Bills of Rights also tend to ignore the nature of this struggle. They often suggest, at least implicitly, that to achieve progress, we just need to keep marching forward. In reality, however, we are on the defensive. Adult supremacists keep on asserting new ways to curtail youth freedoms. We are doing well if we just manage to defeat each new attack as it comes along. Most of the time, our struggle would be best described as a "resistance" movement.
I choose to use the word "Liberation" not because legal rights aren't important -- they are! -- but because this word connects our struggle with an Oppression / Liberation framework. An Op/Lib frame more accurately describes our opponents as an active force, responding to us, and working against our goals. "Liberation" says that to redress wrongs, we have to fight back. Given that forward progress is so difficult, there is less burden to describe our ultimate goals.
[The Op/Lib also gives us a means for connecting with other anti-oppression movements. When adultism is described as an oppression, we can show progressive activists working on racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, etc. that we have a common cause.]
3. Equality, if that's interpreted as "identical rights" under the law, doesn't make sense for youth.
The Youth Rights movement is a variety of civil rights movement. Civil rights movements in the U.S. draw their power from The Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal". They seek equality, which has tended to be interpreted as identical rights under law. The notion that everyone should be treated identically has been problematic for other group (e.g. women re pregnancy, or people with disabilities re physical accommodations) -- it is even more so for youth.
4. To distinguish "by youth, for youth" activism from "children's rights" organizations that are entirely controlled by adults.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
October 6, 2004
Exploration: Youth As Their Own Property
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
This is another "exploration" essay, in which I mean to explore everything I have to say on a topic. It is not meant to be a polished product that an audience will read.
My prompt this time is a paragraph I wrote as part of an outline for the proposed arc, "Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own". Here's the quote:
1. Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own The current YL movement focuses on winning rights identical to those of adults, based on the "all men are created equal" principle. However, property doesn't have rights of its own -- and youth are still essentially property. ...There couldn't be a meaningful Civil Rights movement til decades after the Emancipation Proclamation. In this essay I intend to discuss the various things that are inherently, inalienably owned by youth: their body, name, friendships, movement, time/labor, education, a portion of what's held collectively by society, and access to resources that have been made available for the public good (etc.).
People are not property. It is wrong to treat them as if they are.
Youth are people. It is wrong to treat them as if they're property.
And yet, youth are treated like property.
Looking back into history, we see that adult society has viewed youth as the property of their parents -- property that parents are entitled to control as they see fit. This is a history that continues into the present day. Standards of what's acceptable treatment have improved; yet the essence of youth being dealt with as if they are property remains...
[That was just a good four paragraphs that popped into my head -- not really what I'm going for in an exploration. Let me back up and try to explain at a meta level what it is that I want to deal with in this essay.]
1. Reexamining the essay arc
I want to write an arc of essays, the central theme of which is property. Well, not just property, but youth-as-property: (1) as their own property, (2) being viewed as the property of parents, or (3) as the property of adult society as a whole (which conflicts with parental ownership rights at times).
In taking this route, I'm building upon my previous essay "Property and Ownership". I'm attempting to replace the Oppression / Liberation model (Op/Lib) with a Property & Ownership model (P&O). Whereas Op/Lib compelled me to define oppression, then show how adultism met the criteria for inclusion, I think P&O is more immediately intuitive. I might be wrong. Maybe I need to include the theoretical essay on "what is property?" in this arc -- but I think my chances are at least better, at being able to avoid this than the "what is oppression" essay. "Oppression" is such an abstract term. People may not understand P&O in all its detail, but we do at least have daily interaction with the concept of property.
Just so I can stop going back and forth, referring to this outline I wrote, I'm going to copy over the proposed chapter headings to this essay now:
- Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own
- Emancipation: Reclaiming Ownership of Oneself
- Adult Supremacism: The Idea That Youth Should Be Adults' Property
- How Parents Maintain Control of Their Human Property
- "Adulthood" Is Membership in an Organization for Property Owners
- Ageless Being: Transcending Childhood, Adulthood, and Old Age
A few paragraphs up, I sort of condensed my topics down to three: youth as the property of (a) themselves, (b) parents, and (c) society. These topics correspond to chapters 1, 4, and 5 in the arc's outline. So are the other topics really called for?The "Emancipation" topic is meant to sort of say: "Hey! Whereas youth should be their own property, adults do not recognize their right of self-ownership. I'm not going to go so far as to say that guardians are unnecessary -- because they are necessary. There is a biological reality of being unable to care for oneself. The need for care is perhaps exaggerated (I could go into that), but it's still real. So, if I'm forced to acknowledge this, how does self-ownership play out? You get full control as soon as you ask for it. But there also has to be the means to access partial control when you need to get out from under a bad guardian. In that sense, I'm advocating reworking what it means to be a guardian. There is a parallel with the three needs of youth (physical care, social navigation, and economic patronage): the three roles of guardians (physical caregiver, guide/advisor, financial patron)..."
It seems like in this proposed essay, I'm going in a few directions... I'm (1) talking about what it means to be a parent who doesn't act like an owner, and (2) setting forth my 2-point condensation of the YL agenda. There's also a topic in here, (3) about what it would mean if "emancipation" genuinely reflected youth taking possession of themselves, rather than the watered down version of freedom that exists now... This might require me to go into a discussion of the various types of artificial age lines.
...Now that I discuss that "emancipation" essay, I see that I'm also trying to go in a few directions with the "youth are their own property" essay: (1) replacing the civil rights model with the property ownership model, (2) a list of what youth rightfully own. I might also need a little discussion about (3) what it means to own a thing. [Later addenda: (4) contrasting ownership of oneself with ownership by a parent or a slave owner.]
2. Listing what youth own
In terms of talking about what youth rightfully own, I don't really have this list well defined yet. A few years back I came up with what I thought were the five essential freedoms. That certainly seems relevant here:
- freedom to control one's own body
- freedom of movement / association
- freedom of speech / thought
- freedom to access necessary resources (medical, food, shelter)
- ability to participate in decision-making processes that affect one
I also recall brainstorming a list of things that a youth owns several months ago in one of my small notebooks. I'll try to find that now. ...OK, here it is: an entry from October 9, 2002. I'm going to copy it in here so I have this...
- This is your name; you get to choose it; you get to call me by mine.
- This is your room; I don't get to come in here without your permission; you keep and decorate it how you want.
- This is your body; you can cut your hair, pierce or tattoo yourself like you want; you can drink, smoke, take drugs.
- These are your clothes, wear what you want.
- This is the house we live in, we can move; you can go live elsewhere.
- This is the city I brought you to -- you could live elsewhere.
- This is the school -- there are others or unschooling.
- This is the money you have, this is what I have, here's how I choose to give it to you.
- I am housemate, cook, financier, ride -- you can be emancipated.
- This is your food -- you can eat what you want, carnivore, vegan.
- This is my religion, you can choose your own.
- You have friends -- you're free to choose them, it's OK to have sex.
- You can choose the words you use and swear.
- This is your safe word -- I have to listen with special ears.
- (?) I don't have the right to hit you or call you names.
- (?) You can say "no"; it's not OK for me to force you.
The context of this list was that I was imagining an annual "Youth Liberation Day": a day every year (for parents as much as youth) where the parent physically walks around and names ownership, affirming youths' right to choice. It's a sort of ritual, intended to make sure that the youth is clear about their rights, and reminding the conscientious guardian about what they're aspiring to. Perhaps it would have it's own holiday date each year, or maybe it would be set to the weekend before the youth's birthday. ...It's more practical than a bill of rights, which fails to specify who has to do what. It's also an opportunity for grievances and objections to come up.I think these two lists are the main relevant work that I've done on self-ownership previously. However, there might also be something relevant in my "Property and Ownership" essay. In Part IV, "Persons As Property", section C, "Powers of Ownership Applied to People", I examine the following areas:
- Permission to touch.
- Staying put.
- Moving things.
- Physical alteration.
- To destroy or create.
...Prior to my discussion of "Control of Your Property", I address "Defining Self: The Owner of Property". The central idea of that first section is that you are a geographical point in space, one with a point of view, and that all your possessions are extensions of your body, as if they were attached by invisible strings. Perhaps this suggests that I need to talk a little bit about what it means to call youth "owners" before I an go into the specifics of what property they own. I'm also thinking that my notions of owning are very rooted in primal ownership of one's body. Other aspects of ownership may be more difficult to explain.3. Trying to integrate the lists
A trial paragraph:
...Suppose that you and your body aren't one and the same thing. Suppose that you could look at your body from the outside. This object, your body, is your possession. What's it mean when something is your possession? Four things: (1) other people have to get your permission before they touch it; (2) when you put it somewhere, you can expect it to stay put; (3) you get to decide if it's going to be moved, and where to; (4) you get to physically alter the thing.
[I'm dropping the "destroy or create" item. "Destroy" leads into questions of suicide, which are morbid, but also covered by "physical alteration". "Create" deals with pregnancy; but it's not relevant here unless you assume that you can impregnate a slave woman and own her offspring. If instead I only want to deal with the right to be pregnant, and the infant once born belongs to itself, then this is covered by "physical alteration" again.]
[From the "freedoms" list, this covers items 1 and 2. I might be able to tie the later three items (speech, society's resources, a vote) to owning physical property, but it would be more of a stretch... Perhaps more about controlling one's property when it exists within a communal space?]
...Let's try reorganizing the "rights within the family" list, now putting it under the headings from the "Property and Ownership" essay.
- freedom to control one's own body
- freedom of movement / association
- freedom of speech / thought
- freedom to access necessary resources (medical, food, shelter)
- ability to participate in decision-making processes that affect one
I also recall brainstorming a list of things that a youth owns several months ago in one of my small notebooks. I'll try to find that now. ...OK, here it is: an entry from October 9, 2002. I'm going to copy it in here so I have this...I. Permission to touch.
15? I don't have the right to hit you or call you names.
2. This is your room; I don't get to come in here without your permission; you keep and decorate it how you want. [Note: Space as an extension of the body.]
II. Staying put.
[Note: Identical to list under "moving things".]
III. Moving things.
5. This is the house we live in, we can move; you can go live elsewhere.
6. This is the city I brought you to -- you could live elsewhere.
7. This is the school -- there are others or unschooling.
IV. Physical alteration.
3. This is your body; you can cut your hair, pierce or tattoo yourself like you want; you can drink, smoke, take drugs.
4. These are your clothes, wear what you want. . [Note: Clothes as extensions of the body.]
The following items are similar to the "freedom of speech / thought" -- they're about having the right to believe differently.
10. This is your food -- you can eat what you want, carnivore, vegan.
11. This is my religion, you can choose your own.
13. You can choose the words you use and swear.
The next two items seem potentially like ownership issues -- but they're more tenuous. Naming yourself could be about decorating one's body, but it also seems like a freedom of speech issue. Having sex is about movement (association) and altering your body (sexing it), but also about communally held space, since sex intrudes into other people's space / bodies.
1. This is your name; you get to choose it; you get to call me by mine.
12. You have friends -- you're free to choose them, it's OK to have sex.
The remaining items seem to have more to do with how the parent decides to comport themselves. They're about things owned by the parent that they nonetheless commit to giving to the youth. Precisely how much a young person is entitled to, out of a parent's holdings, is an area I don't want to go into.
8. This is the money you have, this is what I have, here's how I choose to give it to you.
9. I am housemate, cook, financier, ride -- you can be emancipated.
14. This is your safe word -- I have to listen with special ears.
16? You can say "no"; it's not OK for me to force you. [Note: A commitment of time and attention. Uh-oh... I haven't even touched young people's ownership of their time / attention!]
Grrr... Trying to rework these old materials is getting frustrating.
Other ideas. I could go through multiple permutations in talking about ownership. I could explain what it means to own an inanimate object, making the leap to (1) ownership of one's own body from there. [From there, (2) ownership of "extensions of one's body".] Then I might talk about (3) the bubble of personal space that surrounds a person (who is not in motion). Then I might talk about (4) the right to move one's body through communally held (or unowned?), public space. Then I might talk about time and attention, how you get to (5) control your expenditures of energy. I might end with a discussion about "public" spaces that are owned by someone / some group; this raises issues about youths' right to be acknowledged as existing, therefore (6) stakeholders in the ownership of society's resources.
...This begins to sound more like an essay about boundaries (where you end and I begin) than about property rights per se. Does that undercut my effort to replace "civil rights" with a "property rights" model? Not necessarily. It just means that I have to play up the fact that who owns a particular thing is often contested.
Perhaps this discussion of boundaries has a meta-level that I should discuss first: what it means to own (1) an inanimate object; to own (2) physical space; to own (3) expenditures of energy. What this does is collapse the topics of personal bubbles and public space, and collapse ownership of the body, its extensions, and public property. I probably want to address each of these topics separately, but not at the meta level.
This sounds increasingly like a full essay on the nature of property. Damn!
4. Simplifying the list of what youth own
Alternatively, I could simplify and use the list from the outline essay:
- their body
- name
- friendships
- movement
- time/labor
- education
- a portion of what's held collectively by society
- access to resources that have been made available for the public good
This list covers most of the important issues, at least in a symbolic way. If I wanted to be exhaustive, I could get a lot more specific, talking about spanking, sex, tattoos, etc. See, I could emphasize the ownership angle, or the list of things that you have a right to control angle, or the context of family angle. ...The context of family angle is probably the most concrete and specific (which I like) -- whereas the ownership angle seems to lean toward the theoretical ("what is property?").Perhaps I could tweak the family angle by contrasting "this is what your parents think they own" vs. "this is what you own". However, in doing so, I'm neglecting to discuss what youth properly own out of society's holdings. Apparently, in order to talk about property (which is basically a control issue), you have to talk about the opposing parties that may all claim control. Thus, understandably, I'm getting confused when I try to talk about what parents claim as their property (which rightly belongs to youth) at the same time that I talk about what society at large claims (which rightly belongs to youth).
...Does "society" need to be further broken down? Is there an important distinction to be made between what store owners claim, police, schools, city government, and federal law makers? I'm beginning to think that in these public settings, what I need to address foremost is this: youth exist; they are participants in society; they are not simply potentialities that will someday exist. [This then leads into a discussion about democracy, the principle that all participants in a group have a right to a say in its decision-making processes.]
So, maybe I need two essays: (1) what youth own within the private, family home, and (2) what youth own relative to society's holdings / resources. [School might be such a specialized setting that it requires its own essay... Grrr.]
It feels like this might be an easier tack to take. But it's not elegant. In the first essay of the arc, what I want most of all is to say that I'm going to talk about ownership of property as it pertains to youth. I have to talk about what it means for adults to think that youth are their property. I have to talk about what it means for youth to be held as collective property by adult society. I need to talk about what it means to own your life. If I am not someone else's property, then I own this body; I own at least a bubble of space around it -- people don't get to touch me (e.g. sexually) or hit me (if I don't want them to); it's my right to get piercings, to get tattooed, dye my hair...
The point here is that the rights derive from owning yourself. If someone else owned you, they would get to determine these things. To own a thing is have the right to control it. You get to do with your person what you want (so long as you're not violating the legitimate rights of others to the same). You can alter your body, you can pursue careers that other's don't approve of, you can do things that other's may feel are immoral. You own your body, you own your personal space (as well as a portion of communal space), you own your energy. Because these things are yours, when other people try to take control of them, they are violating your rights. They are violating your property rights. These things are yours.
[As a thing, you have a right to move your body around. But you are not only a thing, you have energy and a right to spend it how you choose. So, as a combination of not having to be where you don't want to be, and getting to put your energy into your own interests, you get to choose your destiny: a career, whether or not you go to school -- or heaven / hell, for that matter! It's OK to choose to go to jail...]
At the societal level, adults as a collective think that they own you. Society has decided that while parents are the primary owners of minors, everyone else together as a group also own you somewhat. It's a shared ownership arrangement -- which easily results in conflict between individual parents and the state when they disagree about which one of them should be in control at any particular time.
My big point here is to compare civil rights and property ownership. I don't have to list every single right that you have. If you see the comparison with ownership of property, then I can leave the rest to your imagination. "Every single thing that you own" is a different essay. OK, I've finally found a conclusion that will be useful in this essay: it's not so much about the specifics of what is owned (though I do need to identify the parents, state, and youth as conflicting claimants) -- this essay is to be about the civil rights model vs. the property rights model.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
October 5, 2004
Exploration: Public Education
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
Herein I will explore some of the issues surrounding public schools -- from a Youth Liberation perspective. This essay is what I'm calling an "exploration"; it is the place where I'll assemble my own ideas, and not meant as an essay for others.
This writing is in response to a posting by Alison Dunfee on the Scoop list, where she asked people to address the following topics:
- the value/purpose of sending a child to school
- what "education" is
- where/how do kids learn best
- can we fix what we've got
- (?) And, if anyone's willing, describe your ideal schooling situation for a kid.
As I read through other people's responses, several topics come to mind that I would like to cover:
- the age apartheid that compulsory schooling has created
- how public schools promote an anti-democratic model -- both the hierarchy of teacher over student, and the social stratification of the grade system
- balancing the unschooling option vs. a necessary escape from the parents' home
- how people learn knowledge vs. the "teaching" process
- (?) if possible, I also want to touch on teaching as an industry, how the New Deal took youth and seniors out of the work pool, and how adult labor (esp. women) has adapted to a form of state day care
[note that although there are five of them, these points do not map onto Alison's questions.]OK, with that overview stated, let's dive in...
My interest in the public education system is primarily at an institutional level. I'm not so much interested in how it exists at present, that is, how to navigate within it successfully -- I am more interested in the history of where it came from, a philosophical understanding of why/why not such a thing should exist, and what it might more ideally become if we conscientiously work to create change.
1. A form of age apartheid
It has been a while since I've read much on this topic, so some of the relevant facts are fairly stale in my mind. One that has stuck with me, however, I learned from John Taylor Gatto's book "Dumbing Us Down". Here, I've found the relevant passage:
"Our form of compulsory schooling is an invention of the State of Massachusetts around 1850. It was resisted -- sometimes with guns -- by an estimated eighty percent of the Massachusetts population, the last outpost in Barnstable on Cape Cod not surrendering its children until the 1880s, when the area was seized by militia and children marched to school under guard." (p. 25, in the essay "The Psychopathic School")
...It has stuck with me a long time that compulsory schooling is a relatively recent invention (1850) and that it was essentially met with rioting when it was instituted. Now I would understand this as a conflict over property rights; children, the parents' "property", was seemingly being usurped by the government. I also imagine that these children were probably being used as farm hands; so there is an issue about labor involved as well.
Consider life in Colonial America vs. Contemporary America. I think that one of the effects of compulsory schooling is that it's instituted a form of age apartheid. From roughly 8am to 3pm, five days a week, 9 months out of the year, youth are segregated from the rest of society into school buildings. The impact of this segregation is compounded by nighttime curfews -- and by daytime curfews intended to insure that youth are properly in school. Adults have far less casual daily contact with young people than once they did, and this (I imagine) must have a profound impact on attitudes toward them.
I believe that removing youth from community life has helped create social distance between adults and minors. It has made youth seem more alien, which has helped fuel prejudice against them.
2. Labor issues
The public school is a form of concentration camp. That's an incredibly loaded term to use; but if you can take it at its literal value, I think it's accurate. Young people (generally) get picked up by a bus, and are driven to a building where they are overseen by authority figures whom they far outnumber.
[...I know this brands me as a radical, but yellow school busses often make me think of the trains to the German death camps. Not the same, obviously -- but I'm unnerved by the mass transportation, and not really comforted by the sentimentalization of these cheerily yellow vehicles.
...To avoid invoking Nazism, perhaps it is better to consider the internment camps where the U.S. placed Japanese Americans during WWII. Also very different: Japanese Americans weren't allowed to leave; youth only have to stay at school a part of the day. Still, I'm never happy to hear "it's only temporary" used to silence criticism about individuals' freedom being taken away.]
One of the purposes of public schooling, as we understand it, is to educate the electorate. We live in a democracy, adult citizens get to vote [that is, at least since the Electoral College was reworked with the Fourteenth Amendment!] -- voters should have some minimum amount of education... This is an argument for putting youth into schools; but there is also an argument for taking youth out of society at large.
As part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, efforts were made to shrink the work pool. Laws were created to keep both senior citizens and minors out of the workforce. The nation was in a depression, and it seemed wise to funnel wages earned to heads of households. Thus, you see, laws against child labor are not purely about preventing exploitation, as we're commonly lead to believe -- they're also about protecting the earning power of adults.
I find this interesting: whereas parents rebelled against compulsory schooling when it was instituted, they have now become dependent upon it as a form of state-sponsored day care. There has been a social revolution between 1900 and 2000, where women as a class have escaped the confines of mothering to become an integral part of the (paid) workforce. This is listed among Feminism's great accomplishments; another side of the story, though, is that wages now are such that it generally takes two wage-earners to support a family. [Does that mean that this is really a story about the victory of Capitalism?] ...It wouldn't be possible for (traditional) adult women and men to lead this lifestyle if the state weren't taking care of the kids.
Adult society has adapted to age apartheid, and is now dependent on it.
3. Public schools are anti-democratic
Public schools are an arm of the government. They are the aspect of the government that is most intimate to young people's lives. The inside workings of schools are authoritarian. The web of teachers, principals, parent-teacher associations, teachers' unions, city councils, federal law-makers, and adult voters determines what kind of experience youth will have within the schools. At least at a formal level, youth have very little say. In this respect, schools embody profoundly anti-democratic principles, and set a bad example for the future voters.
By not giving youth real control over the institution, schools teach powerlessness. Adults are compelled to go to jury duty, or to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew their license -- boring, but only for a day or a week -- yet, imbued with a greater sense of civic duty (I think), because one knows that this is part of one's own contributions to the upkeep of society. For youth, going through 12 grades is waiting out a jail sentence.
[If they're smart, they'll try to put the time to good use, bettering themselves so they'll have better chances at life when they're given their freedom. However, their labors within the institution are understood to have no inherent value. If they were, perhaps we would compensate youth for their time -- as we compensate adults for time lost while attending jury duty. As it is, though, "homework" is like women's housework: unpaid / unvalued.]
Worse, schools provide a powerful example of authoritarianism. Teachers command, youth are to obey. Youth (generally) sit in rows, and are only to talk when they are called upon. I've read [in "A History of Private Life: Passions of the Renaissance", if I recall correctly] that this traditional arrangement of desks was created specifically to prevent student interaction. Teachers are given the right to punish in order to maintain control -- still with legal corporal punishment in some states, but minimally with after-school detentions...
...Years spent in this environment teach people that this is OK. It paves the way for accepting fascist government, for trying to be the authoritarian at work or with intimate partners, and for treating one's own offspring in this way. [It seems to me that over the decades, a circle has evolved, whereby parents seek to emulate teachers, and teachers to emulate parents. Children have increasingly become objects whose purpose is to be educated.]
Schools don't just prepare youth for hierarchical life post-graduation, though. They also foster social stratification within the youth culture. Notice how it's a social faux pas for the 11th graders to hang out with the 10th graders, or for the 4th graders to play with the 3rd graders? The grade system establishes a sort of caste system, whereby people in the grades lower than you are your social inferiors. In part this is a symptom of a larger phenomena, wherein older equals "superior". Still, it seems profound to me, how the grade system provides such an explicit framework for this elitism.
4. Alternatives
As an arm of the government, I think that public schools should embody democracy. This begs the question: what do I mean by democracy? To me, the principle of democracy is this: everyone who participates in a group should have a say in making the decisions that will effect it.
For this reason, I am in favor of making the national vote all-ages. Currently, younger voters tend not to vote as frequently as older voters [perhaps because they feel powerless, or due to less investment in ownership of property]. I doubt that there would be a massive swell of youth voters if the age restriction were struck down; nonetheless, I think that youth, as participants in society, should be allowed their voice in decision-making, simply on principle. Intelligence is not a criteria for whether adults are allowed to vote, and I don't think some sort of intelligence test should be applied to minors. You are a member of society, you get a say. Period.
For public schools to embody democracy, I think that students must be given power over hiring, firing, and funding decisions. From what I've seen of them, "student councils" are meaningless groups. Real control must address money -- and that's going to make a lot of adults, especially teachers, nervous. But it's been done, and successfully.
I am an advocate of the Sudbury Valley School model. Last I heard, there are currently about 18 schools in the U.S. based on this model. It was inspired by the writings of John Holt, and you can read about it in "Free at Last: The Sudbury Valley School" by Daniel Greenberg (other books have been written, too). In the SVS, students get to vote on hiring and firing their teachers. This responsibility breeds seriousness. The youth don't choose their teachers according to who will give them the least work; they are most interested in learning, because they own their learning -- and the internal debates among students over hiring and firing are apparently quite something to hear.
In the SVS model, youth also have a great deal of control over their curriculum. They're allowed to pursue personal interests to whatever extent they desire; teachers are largely available on-site to facilitate finding learning resources (particularly outside experts on various subjects). Having friends around, though, groups of students often become interested in working on a topic together. This motivated collaboration is really useful; you have peers working at your own level who can help you work through confusion, not just a single adult voice at the head of the room who's supposed to convey truth to the entire room.
On a similar note, I advocate "unschooling", as described in "The Teenage Liberation Handbook: how to quit school and get a real life and education" and in "Real Lives: eleven teenagers who don't go to school", both by Grace Llewellyn. Unschooling is a subset of homeschooling, but differs in philosophy from how homeschooling is typically understood. Whereas in homeschooling the parents generally take on the role of the teacher, and attempt to dutifully create lesson plans and execute tests, in unschooling youth are allowed to pursue their interests, and the parents simply work to facilitate finding resources (both books and actual people).
Yes, you can learn to read in this way. And math too. I refer you to the books aforementioned for further details.
5. Changing how society schools youth
Within the intellectual circles I run with, there's a legitimate question about whether or not we should abolish schools altogether. Me, I want public schools to continue to exist, but in a much altered form. I want for these institutions to become democratic (students having hiring / firing / funding power), and I want self-directed learning to be the primary educational model. I also want unschooling to be a better understood and more available option.
My main reason for not seeking the total abolition of schools is that I see a need for an institution that counterbalances the power of parents within the private home. For some youth, school is a welcome escape from overbearing or abusive parents. Public schools are youths' prime opportunity for getting out of the house; without schools, youth are more easily trapped by parents who see them as their personal property.
[I think one of the values of public schools is also the way in which they allow you to meet people from other socio-economic classes, ethnicities, and races. The charter school movement, I think, does the nation a disservice by factionalizing us, removing one of our best opportunities to meet each other.]
I'm interested in moving from "compulsory schooling" to "community learning centers". I kind of think that schools shouldn't be age-based; that government should support public education, but that it should be available to adults as well. Society has an interest in having an educated populace; do we have to limit ourselves to providing educational services to the young, in a sort of boot camp model?
The prospects for changing schools? Not good. From what I understand of the educational power structure, instituting the Sudbury Valley School model nationally could not be top down. Activists would have to transform one school at a time, working from the inside as stake-holders. Meanwhile, there would be powerful forces allied against change. Teachers' Associations, in particular I think, would be against putting educators' jobs in the hands of youth. Education is an industry; thousands of people earn their livelihood off of the status quo.
6. A final word about learning
I think most people believe that knowledge must be forced down young people's throats. I don't buy it. I think that we're born curious about the world, and are desperate to learn about what's going on around us.
Rather than answering this curiosity, however, too much of the time parents want their children just to shut up, because it's inconvenient to answer so many questions. Questions are seen as silly, or cute, or annoying -- they're not given due respect. I find this minimizing of young children's interest in the world offensive. Perhaps (some) parents think that it's not their job to teach children; it will be dealt with by the schools.
I think that we remember what interests us. Contrary to what we're led to believe, I think most knowledge is very temporary. How much do you remember from high school history class -- I mean really? Me, I've taken years of Spanish, but because I don't use it, I've forgotten most of it. Yeah, each time I've gone back for another class, it seems to come back to me quicker than if I'd been learning it for the first time -- but still, learning subjects that you aren't going to be using soon seems like a pretty futile endeavor.
I think pursuing what actually interests you is generally a pretty good way to learn. You can't always easily categorize what you've learned through hobbies, but the learning is there. As for getting an introduction to the sciences, I think most of what I ever have needed to know I got from watching National Geographic, Nova, and Bill Nye the Science Guy episodes. Most of the introductory stuff can be adequately conveyed by videotapes.
You need to be able to read. According to Grace Llewellyn, that skill can be picked up in 100 hours. You need some basic math. There should be an intro to evolution, a word about how whales aren't fishes... Really though, twelve years is too much. It's the theft of years of our lives.
Maybe you made the best of the years. I know I tried to. I was top of my class, tried to learn everything, had lots of friendships with my fellow students... But what could I have done with my life if I'd had freedom?
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
September 29, 2004
Exploration: Emancipation
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
The point of this essay is that it is not an essay; it is an "exploration". I don't have any outline going into this, and it's not meant to end up as something that other people will read. This is where I'll sort through my thoughts. It's like note-taking -- but in sentences and paragraphs, rather than in fragments. The idea is to just keep going forward, and not become recursive, trying to edit what I still haven't even thought through. I think I can trust that by writing "explorations" such as this one, outlines will naturally emerge -- if it turns out that I even have adequate material for an essay. [Discovering that I really don't have adequate material for an essay would be valuable in itself!]
So, although I already said some of this in my previous essay ("OUTLINE: Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own", M 09.20.04), I'm going to recap where this train of thought began...
1. Teaming up with Older Voters?
There was a New York Times article that I read online about how there's new concern about the competency of older voters. Because vote-by-mail is becoming so common, there's concern that family members and political groups will wrongly use the ballots of older voters who are no longer legally "sane". Regardless of how you go about curbing fraud -- whether well-intentioned on the part of family members, or manipulative on the part of political parties -- this raises issues about how one tests for mental competency. ...Honestly, I haven't read the article thoroughly yet -- but it spurred another train of thought.
When YL activists have discussed how to win the vote, it's generally been a matter of youth winning it on their own. But what if YL teamed up? Older voters whose mental facilities have declined, as well as adults with various developmental disabilities, share issues in common with youth. What if youth could ride in on their coat tails? If there were a test for mental competency that was widely accepted, then shouldn't youth be able to take it too?
It's not so simple, of course. With elders, the issue is at what point a right that they already have will be taken away from them. While it seems like there should be a single standard, it's still a different thing when youth are petitioning to have a right given to them. It's strange: the barriers to youth claiming the right to vote are strong; but it sounds like the issue of removing the rights of the elderly is a fairly new concern. Depending on which way the political winds blow, this might not be good for youth at all -- perhaps restrictions on voting in general will become stricter!
2. Constitutional Concerns
There's another key difference between the situations of elders and minors. The voting age, 18, is named in the constitution. Nothing about an upper age limit exists there. What's more, the Twenty-sixth Amendment (our most recent amendment), which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, was only passed in 1971 -- it seems soon to revisit age and voting in the constitution.
In the fight for the vote, and in all other fights about artificial age lines, we must remember that this problem is rooted in the constitution. Change is therefore going to require a "yes" from two-thirds of both the House and Senate (Article V). ...Actually (I'm looking at the constitution now), this is interesting: the minimum voting age for citizens is not in the constitution -- it's in the Amendments. The constitution lists 25, 30, and 35 as the minimum ages for representatives, senators, and presidents, respectively. The voting age of 21 is created by the Fourteenth Amendment in 1866. [I wonder what the story is, there? I have a suspicion that it might have to do with changes in the electoral college system.]
So the constitution is where the fight for the vote ultimately must take place. For several years, my thinking has been that we don't have a shot at the vote until we make progress on a more local level. We need a cultural shift. I see two avenues to work on. First, we need to create democratically run schools. Youth must have hiring, firing, and funding powers -- not just puppet "student councils". Schools are the arm of the government most intimate to youths' lives; if we win the schools, then it will seem more natural for youth to have the vote at the national level. [The difficulty with this is that teachers' unions are powerful; and teachers have a vested interest (their jobs!) in not letting youth have hire/fire power.] Second, we need to establish more youth-led lobbying groups in order to demonstrate (and instigate) youth having an interest in politics to begin with. I know there are models in existence already of organizations that find out what youth care about, and then take those concerns to legislators (generally adult-run, but steered by youths' actual voices).
When I read the NYT article, I got all excited because I thought I finally saw a way to deal with the vote now -- rather than having to wait for cultural shifts to become mainstream. Actually, my brainstorm resulted in two distinct ideas. First, what if youth could ride in on the coat-tails of other groups with similar competency issues? [I've already discussed this notion, above.] Second, what if we circumvented numerical age lines by instituting a different standard altogether?
Put differently, what if instead of trying to subtract the 26th Amendment, we added a 27th Amendment that dealt with "emancipation"? This notion is a pretty radical departure from my previous thinking. What we would do is leave 18 in place as a default -- but strengthen youth's ability to self-emancipate. If you're emancipated, then, you get to vote -- regardless of numerical age. ...The idea has both pros and cons; exploring them is the meat of what I have intended to do with this essay ("exploration").
3. Pros and Cons of an Emancipation Amendment
First off, I have to confess that I failed to really realize during the initial glow of this new plan, that adding a 27th Amendment is likely to be just as hard as striking down the 26th. Not that just striking down the 26th would be enough -- if we did that, presumably we'd revert to the 14th Amendment! It's a rather odd situation, that the 14th Amendment remains in place in the Amendments, even after it's been changed. I suppose the 26th doesn't really change the bulk of the 14th... Nonetheless, it's an interesting approach to maintaining this document, that rather than editing the original language, all changes get tacked onto the end. It highlights how every change is a moment in history where the political parties, and the house and senate, come into agreement. Rare, indeed.
Pro: Leaving 18 in place as a default: it recognizes that we are building on top of an existing history, rather than starting from a blank slate, or somehow magically erasing the past. This isn't a very palatable realization, but perhaps a necessary one. It's tempting to stay in the fantasy world of utopias, imagining a perfect plan without compromises. ...But is leaving 18 in place a compromise we can live with?
Con: I've been invested in an "ageless society", "abolish adulthood" model for years now. Maybe we can shift culture so that people only see emancipated and non-emancipated people. It seems unlikely, though. It's more probable that a distinction between people (adults) and non-persons (youth) will continue to exist, just with redrawn lines.
Pro: It's not bad to suggest that if youth want to vote, they should choose to emancipate themselves. Having a voice in decisions that steer society is a responsibility; I don't mind there being a formal moment when young people say "I now take responsibility". I don't think the test should be difficult, however. Basically anyone who's intelligent enough to know that they want to vote, should be allowed to.
Con: Any test at all -- whether it's for elders, developmentally disabled adults, or youth -- opens up the possibility for abuse. I'm thinking about Jim Crow laws: how literacy tests, etc., were used to keep blacks from voting. Always remember: elections are a war where the two sides vying for power have agreed to abide by certain rules. It is within political parties' self-interest to use all legal means at their disposal to win. If youth are more likely to vote Democrat (hypothetically), then it is in Republicans' interest to prevent them from voting at all.
Aside: On the other hand, if youth were voters, it would open up a whole new demographic. In the first all-ages election [**nice phrase!], there would be a massive battle to get the new youth vote. Presidential candidates would probably package themselves differently to appeal to youth; political ads would run during the Saturday morning cartoons and other non-traditional advertising time slots. Or maybe the parties wouldn't focus too heavily on youth during the election. Currently, young adults have very poor voter turn-out. If everyone could vote, though, there might be a move to set up voting booths at youth-friendly sites -- like at schools -- which might improve turn-out.
[Digression: Part of why youth aren't very interested in elections may be because they aren't property holders, and don't tend to have much control of their money. I've recently learned that the labor laws that restrict both child labor and senior citizens were created as part of the New Deal, in an intentional move to shrink the labor pool during the Depression. One could argue -- though perhaps not convincingly -- that youth regaining a strong right to earn money is a precursor for them to become invested in winning the vote.]
Pause: I realize that I haven't really said what I need to say about emancipation. I should go into it before I continue on.
"Emancipation" is a powerful word. It invokes images of the Emancipation Proclamation and the freeing of slaves in the United States. That's an appropriate image: to a large extent, youth remain in a property-like status, essentially owned by their parents. [In the NYT article, there was an intriguing sentence about how some states disallow anyone who has a legal guardian from voting. I hadn't realized that "guardian" was a term that might also apply to caretakers of elderly or adult persons.]
What does it buy a youth to become emancipated? Not necessarily as much as it should! Even though you sever ties with your parents, you're still a minor in almost all other respects -- suffering the discriminatory laws that are imposed upon minors. How does one become emancipated? Right now, it sounds like it's a damned difficult process, which involves petitioning a judge. From a very cursory peek into my books on youth-related law, it even looks like youth may be prohibited from "divorcing" their parents on their own initiative; the petition must be brought by an adult.
"Emancipation" as it currently exists is watered down, and too difficult to access. What youth need is to be able to self-emancipate on demand. It is wrong that they should be treated like property. Perhaps it is fine for parents to be the default care-givers; but if it really is about care-giving, rather than possession, then youth should be able to sever the tie at will. The fact that it is very difficult for youth to become independent suggests that this is really an issue of property rights -- parents, as property owners, want laws that make it difficult for anyone to take what belongs to them.
It seems like we should put emancipation at the heart of the YL agenda. If the rights conferred to a youth upon emancipation were equal to those that adults enjoy, then it would be eminently acceptable to focus on winning this key right. However, if that were the only thing that we worked on, we would be essentially abandoning un-emancipated youth to their fates. Thus, we need a second, additional focus: we need to strengthen the ability of youth to leave bad guardians (or proxies, such as teachers) at will.
What I'm saying is that I think the whole youth agenda may boil down to two points:
1) Let youth assume responsibility as soon as the desire / are ready.
2) Let youth escape bad guardians and proxies at will.
OK, I think I've adequately outlined what I'm thinking about emancipation now. Back to the pros and cons.
Con: Emancipation is not so simple as just getting the right to vote, although that may be an important application. Guardians oversee "dependents". I've frequently discussed three levels of dependence: (a) for physical survival, (b) for navigating through social institutions, (c) for financial support. While it seems like anyone who's willing to say "I want to be emancipated" is probably able to take care of the first two of these, the economic issue is likely to remain a problem. Does claiming intellectual independence necessarily have to mean severing financial ties, as well? It seems like these two things should be separate. [Somewhere in my writing, I talked about how parents fulfill three jobs: (a) physical care-giving, (b) assistant / counselor for navigating the adult social system, (c) financial patron.] ... [While I'm at it, I should at least mention how unfair it is that financial aid for college is often based on your parents' salaries -- even if you are receiving no support from them.]
Pro: Having a line between the emancipated and un-emancipated in YL theory would affirm the importance of parents /guardians in care-giving. My "ageless society" writings have often garnered criticisms that I undervalue the importance of parents. I don't mean to; good care-giving is incredible important. What I'm trying to do is extract the portion of "parent" that is equated with "property owner, owner of a person". Toward that goal, I've had questions about how people understand the identities "adult" and "parent". Although "guardian" invokes bad images in my mind of people who want to be omnipotent and hero-like, turning my emphasis onto that word might alleviate some of the shear that I'm getting from parents and parent wannabes.
Pro: I have a notion that creating an Emancipation Amendment might give us a new tool in fighting the proliferation of artificial age lines. We might be able to say in its language that there shall only be a distinction between emancipated and un-emancipated people (who are cared for by guardians). No numerically-age-based law may created that restricts an emancipated person.
...This would leave room for practical rules that are based on physical ability, e.g. "you must be this tall to ride this attraction", or strength requirements for people who sit in the exit aisles of airplanes. You probably wouldn't have to explicitly say anything about this loophole in the Amendment itself -- but might want to say something at some point, to prevent height from becoming the new covert way to discriminate against youth -- and incidentally against midgets, too!
...The Emancipation Amendment, it seems would have several parts. (A) The creation of a new status: anyone who is emancipated shall enjoy the full privileges of citizenship (unless convicted of crime). (B) Persons who are under the control of a guardian may self-emancipate at will. (C) The financial patronage of a guardian shall not be automatically severed upon emancipation. (D) No numerically-age-based law may be created that restricts an emancipated person; however, rules may be created if they are upon the need for a physical ability.
Con: I think that laws against age discrimination already exist at the federal level. Numbers such as 18, 21, 25, 30, and 35, proliferate nonetheless. Perhaps enforcing age non-discrimination is really a matter for the courts. If so, it's a Supreme Court level decision that is needed -- there is precedence for artificial age lines in the constitution itself. It seems unlikely that the Supreme Court would invalidate age-based lines. Firstly, their main job (as I understand it) is upholding the constitution -- such a broad reinterpretation would amount to rewriting it.
Question: My thinking here has been that by strengthening the emancipated / non-emancipated distinction, we might have a shot at bundling up all of the various age-lines and wiping them out all at once. It's like saying, "hey, we have this new category -- you don't have to use numerical age anymore". This maybe overly optimistic, more than you can do in a single Amendment. ...So are age lines really a separate issue from emancipation? Or are they implied when I say "1) Let youth assume responsibility as soon as the desire / are ready"? Maybe I'm trying to squish a lot of assumptions under that heading -- after all different people could certainly have different interpretations of what emancipation should look like! Still, in terms of reducing a 10 or 15 point agenda down to two principles -- I'm fond of the simplification, and think the inherent ambiguities are forgivable, if it really does touch on YL's essence.
Pro: Leaving 18 in place as a default for emancipation might help get parents on board. I mean, could youth decide that they don't want to ever be financially independent? --Living in the parent's basement until they're 30, as the stereotype goes? It seems like it might be a fairness to parents to allow them to shed their responsibility after 18 years... But I'm uncertain.
...The question of how to fund childhoods is tricky. The "you made it [the child], you pay for it" principle is intuitive. Yet, there's so much injustice that flows forth from whether a person's parents were rich or poor -- or what the parents choose / don't choose to gift the youth with. Plato thought we should go for a radical socialism, where children are put into a pool, each being supported by society equally. While technically just, I can't approve of the human cost, tearing infants away from their birth mothers. There is a human experience associated with birthing and parenting that should be protected, as much as possible -- that is, until the youth objects.
Contradiction: I've pinned some hopes for eliminating all artificial age lines on strengthening the status of "emancipated". However, at the same time, I'm seriously contemplating leaving 18 (the 26th Amendment) in place. That sets a very bad precedent. It's not even just leaving 26 has a historical place holder -- I seem to be building in dependence on it, as a way to protect parents against unreasonable financial responsibility [**another good phrase!].
Problem: In terms of the age-lines portion of this, I'm not sure that I've addressed what needs to be addressed. In previous work I've identified four varieties of age lines:
- No line should exist [e.g. all people in society should have a vote]
- A test will suffice [e.g. anyone should be able to take the test for a driver's license]
- Preventing damage / vice [e.g. prohibitions on cigarettes, alcohol, porn]
- Protection from adults [e.g. age of consent, labor laws]
...It's easy enough to say that we should dismiss the 1st and 2nd varieties of age-lines -- but I don't have good alternatives for the 3rd and 4th. I might with further thought. I know that a notable book, "Harmful to Minors" by Judith Levine, has come out recently that might be pertinent. In the past, I've escaped the issue by not trying to get rid of all age lines at once -- I've told skeptics that this movement is about youth activists, and until they actually start organizing on an issue, there's no reason for me to have to defend a hypothetical position on such things.4. Summaries
Summary re age-lines: I'm beginning to think that the age-lines issue is so complex that it's unreasonable to lump it in with the purview of the Emancipation Amendment. The Emancipation Amendment, might lay the groundwork for court cases that finally enforce the age discrimination laws that we have on the books. However, so long as we have artificial numbers in the constitution and its amendments, there will be a problematic precedent.
...It may be that before we can really make headway on 18, we need to get rid of 25, 30, and 35 -- freeing up people of all ages to serve in the government. With 18 as the last numerical age in constitutional law, the stage would be set to wipe out numbers entirely.
Summary re getting the vote via emancipation: Because 18 is so specifically named, we're not going to be able to coat-tail our way to the vote with elders, regardless of what competency tests are established. Pursuing an Emancipation Amendment strictly as a means to getting better access to the vote is too narrow a vision. Emancipation raises a host of thorny issues -- such as parental financial responsibility and when it's to be severed -- which need plenty of attention. If there were an amendment granting youth the right to self-emancipate at will, it might open new avenues for winning the vote -- but the emancipation struggle must be more than just a vehicle for getting at the vote.
An Emancipation Amendment for its own sake: I haven't come up with a convincing reason why the goal of strengthening emancipation must be done via a constitutional change. Constitutional change, requiring a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate, is a very difficult route to go. If we can achieve our goals via the courts, then we should pursue that route.
The only question this really leaves, then, is how central emancipation should be to the YL movement's agenda. That, I guess, and what strategies might be effective in bolstering it, based on the actual history of case law.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM
September 20, 2004
OUTLINE: Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 16, 2005]
Oh, I'm so excited! Last night I was struck by inspiration -- which kept me up til 4am -- and I came up with a new outline for the YL writing project, taking a very different approach.
Book Title: Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own
Six chapter-length essays:
1. Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own
The current YL movement focuses on winning rights identical to those of adults, based on the "all men are created equal" principle. However, property doesn't have rights of its own -- and youth are still essentially property. ...There couldn't be a meaningful Civil Rights movement til decades after the Emancipation Proclamation. In this essay I intend to discuss the various things that are inherently, inalienably owned by youth: their body, name, friendships, movement, time/labor, education, a portion of what's held collectively by society, and access to resources that have been made available for the public good (etc.).2. Emancipation: Reclaiming Ownership of Oneself
The key to youth freedom is emancipation. In the same meaning of slaves becoming free people, it is the door to youths' freedom. However, the legal notion of "emancipation" for minors that exists now is watered down (what rights does it actually buy you?) and difficult to access (requiring a court decision to terminate parents' property rights). We need to make strengthening the laws around emancipation our movement's core project... In essence YL's goals boil down to just two: (1) let youth assume responsibility as soon as they desire / are ready, (2) let youth escape bad guardians and proxies at will.3. Adult Supremacism: The Idea That Youth Should Be Adults' Property
With all this talk about treating human beings as property, I need to take a step back and discuss the philosophy of what property is -- and therefore what it means to treat people like it. [This bit should cannibalize some from my "Property and Ownership" essay.] ...That said, let me introduce the concept of "adult supremacism". It has five possible meanings (like any good dictionary definition):
- belief that a command/obey relationship should exist between individual adults and young persons [a one-on-one relationship]
- belief that adults as a group should exclusively control youth as a group via unilateral rule and adult-managed cultural institutions [a form of government]
- belief that youth are a "problem people", whose troubling character/behavior requires intervention on a large scale [media defamation]
- belief that youth in itself is a flawed/objectionable state of being [youth hating]
- a sense of pride/superiority based on one's own adulthood -- belief that "I'm better than you because I'm an adult" [personal sense of superiority]
4. How Parents Maintain Control of Their Human Property
An examination of the strategies of control. Making youth self-police with "conscience" is the supremacist's ideal. Fear of punishment is more effective than punishment itself. Physical violence is a tool available to all parents, good or bad. Violence is a means to an ends; it is predictable that in a context of adultism, some parents will take this to an extreme -- abuse. Control is no longer just a means to protect and help youth (if it ever was just that); it has become an end unto itself, such that "insubordination" is seen as an offense.5. "Adulthood" Is Membership in an Organization for Property Owners
Adult supremacism is rooted in a one-on-one command/obey relationship between parent and child. However, we can also look at adult society and see that it has become organized to protect the property rights of the individual parent; it's similar to a home owner's association. Youth are not just private property; they are the collective property of all adults. In this sense, "adulthood" is not biological, but rather an artificial status. ...Let's go further into the "organization" metaphor: there's a line between members and non-members, the line is policed, membership has privileges, the organization has government, some lead and some follow, there may be internal dissent, there's a cultural dress code of sorts, some youth create fake IDs to try to pass as members, etc.6. Ageless Being: Transcending Childhood, Adulthood, and Old Age
Being "adult" is seen as a virtue, being a "child" as a flaw. This sets the stage for supremacism. But we need not aspire to embody a stereotype that's been attached to a biological state; we can aspire to ageless ideals. ...Rather than dividing the world into adults and youth, we can see the commonality between young children and adults who have various disabilities. Infants are physically alien to adults; we need to project humanity into babies, anthropomorphize them, because it will be far more difficult to begin acting respectfully later. Respect is given -- not won. ...I'll take a look at the specific ways in which youth are dependent on adults: at first biologically, then for social navigation, and economically for a prolonged time). Then, I'll then lead readers through a thought experiment about what it would mean if souls could relocate into different bodies, and its ramifications for the construction of a just society....Ooh! Ooh! I'm so stoked! This new book structure represents several significant changes in my thinking:
1) I'm abandoning the "Oppression / Liberation" Framework in favor of a "Property and Ownership" Framework. The P&O frame is my own creation, and I think it's finally developed enough that it can replace Op/Lib. It launches readers into the subject of youth's condition -- whereas with Op/Lib, I always had to go through an abstract discussion of what "oppression" means, then show that youth meet the criteria for inclusion.
2) I'm going for booklets, rather than one all-encompassing book. My previous book outline had 27 proposed chapters, broken into six sections -- and I kept coming up with more. Six chapters is a doable arc. It makes for an approachable book, and it stays on topic. I can already see how each essay in this booklet suggests further booklets on other topics -- but I'm content to deal with them separately.
3) Property is the appropriate starting point for a discussion of YL. When I did a YL workshop at the coast for New Year's 2003/2004, I kind of confused people by focusing on where the age line between adults and youth is, and on the youth-led model of activism. This new theme really gets to the "meat" (or tofu paddy, in my case) of the matter, right off the bat.
4) Property Rights are more intuitive than Civil Rights. I'm replacing a "bill of rights", which has always been a sort of pie-in-the-sky wish list of guarantees, with a list of what you own. When someone takes away something that you own, that's theft. I like how clear-cut that is, and feel it will help clarify the thinking of our movement. Your usual "bill of rights" seems like an odd potpourri; I'm making the underlying theme of all rights explicit: you may not own another human being. That principle is what rights seek to protect.
5) The new emphasis on emancipation opens other new possibilities. Last night's inspiration was an offshoot from something I read in the NYT about creating new competency tests for elderly voters. First it occurred to me that we could possibly win the vote by riding in on the coat-tails of competency test legislation. Then it occurred to me that our big problem is that the number 18 is named in the constitution; so what if rather than trying to subtract this law, we tried to add an amendment that made a provision for emancipated youth?
...As I began looking in my reference books about what legal "emancipation" means, I increasingly came to realize that it actually offers very little additional freedom -- and it's very difficult to access. But it's a powerful word, evoking the emancipation of the slaves, becoming free! Shouldn't we struggle to make emancipation more meaningful? [Though it risks reinforcing the powers of guardians prior to the emancipation...]
...What if we abandoned the terms "Youth Rights" and "Youth Liberation" and went for a "Youth Emancipation" movement instead? It may not flow off the lips -- but it gives youth the right starting point (property rights) for their personal thought journeys -- and it suggests an iconic ritual that youth activists might aspire to (or at least contemplate) in their own lives!
Wow. This is the kind of world-view shifting insight that only comes along every 6 months or two years. I live for this.
Posted by Sven at 12:00 PM | Comments (2)
August 1, 2003
Thoughts About How To Package Youth Liberation Texts
Are you an activist who wants to change the world? Then write a book!
Unfortunately, fuzzy thinking can get in the way of using educational texts effectively. When talking about books, I think there's a tendency to forget about the container -- as if ideas in their pure form could just be handed from one person to another. I think how you physically package information is nearly as important a concern as what you actually write. People relate to a hardcover book or a tri-fold pamphlet first as an object; they have to get past that to get to the information. ...To use books effectively, activists have to understand that they are not ideas in themselves -- they are concrete tools.
In this essay, I want to talk both about a book as a physical object, and about the disembodied text that you put inside the book (or other formats). After describing how activists' books get exchanged, I'll discuss the implications for what kind of tone one should use, and my personal approach to generating text.
I. THE BOOK AS A PHYSICAL PRODUCTYou want to write a book. I try think in really practical terms. I'm wondering about what you want to do with this book once you've got it written...
There's the issue of cost. If you use 8.5x11" paper for your pages, even just 20 pages @ $.05 each means these things are going to cost a buck or more, each, to produce. I don't know if you've got the budget to actually get them printed, instead of photocopied, but that'd probably cost even more -- particularly since you'd have to produce them in bulk, rather than a few at a time. At a buck each, you're not going to hand copies out very casually. I'm guessing you'd end up wanting to charge something, to recoup some of your costs. Trying to sell the book as a sort of zine maybe changes the dynamic you had in mind.
Once you make the book, how are you going to distribute it? I ran a bisexual organization for several years, doing community-building, public education, political advocacy, and large events. Our group created some hand-outs -- but then there was the question of how to get rid of them! Whenever we held a discussion group, a workshop, or a conference, we could set them out on tables. If we had been working in a zine format, we could have gotten our lit into the local bookstores. We talked about sending copies to local organizations, so they could lay them out wherever they had other informational flyers (but we never actually got around to doing this). ...So basically my question is this: once you've got copies, where are you going to put them so people see them?
How many copies do you want to get rid of, and how quickly? If you give away the book for free, someone has to look at the thing sitting there on the table and think "hey, I think I'll pick one up". ...But these things are expensive; you don't necessarily *want* them to just grab a copy if they're not really going to read it. I know for myself, there's lots of times when I'll take a pamphlet just because someone's pushing it at me, just so I can keep walking. Even with the lit that I pick up voluntarily, most of it I never get around to reading. You don't just want to get rid of copies -- you want to get them into the hands of people who will really care about reading what you wrote.
So who's a "motivated consumer"? I think there's mainly just two kinds of people who are genuinely interested in reading what you have to say: people who already think of Youth Liberation as a pet cause, and people who are interested in the author as a person. If I wrote a book, I bet that I could sell *you* a copy, and I bet that I could sell copies to my friends. People I meet while doing workshops and conferences might buy copies -- having met me, they feel like they've got a connection. If I'm really lucky, you, my friends, and these other brief acquaintances will recommend my work to people I haven't even met yet. There's got to be some kind of personal connection... I mean, how often do you actually pick up a book you've never heard of, about something you know nothing about -- like "Eating Habits of the Ancient Greeks"?
II. WHAT KIND OF TONE TO USEI think this model I've described -- of what it's like to create a book, and who's interested in reading a copy -- has some implications for what tone you use.
I don't think writing to convert hardened opponents of Youth Liberation is worthwhile; political enemies seldom read each others' books, or respond respectfully when they do. Twice, I've had friends use my essays to communicate with their partners. When I think about the level of antagonism that I want to counter, I think "friends of my friends" is probably the right audience to have in mind.
If I'm writing for the kind of people that I hang out with, then I'm going to avoid dumbing-down my material. I think I've noticed a tendency among folks who are trying to do public education, to try to make the ideas they're selling as simple as possible. Booooring! I want to read about a topic that I'm already a little aquatinted with, but I want the book I'm reading to take me "to the next level". I want ideas that are exciting. I want the questions that still puzzle me to be answered. I want to read an author that is honest about what they don't know, who are themselves engaged in wrestling with ideas, who will take me along with them on an intellectual journey -- who'll talk *up* to me, not down.
III. GENERATING TEXTI've been trying for years to write a good, short "Introduction to Youth Liberation" essay. I think it's a damned hard project. My heart's with you, cheering for your success. This may not be useful, *but just in case*, I'm going to say a little about what kind of writing process is working for me these days.
I think I keep getting tripped up by focusing on how I want to physically package my ideas: in a tri-fold pamphlet, a 20 page booklet, or a hardcover masterpiece. I keep on setting out to write one thing, and winding up with another. I discover that I've got way more to say on a subject than will fit in my intended format; or I figure out that I really don't have a clue about what to say on one of the topics in my outline. It will be so cool if / when I eventually pull my book together... In the meantime, I've changed my strategy to just trying to generate lots of material. By writing lots and lots of essays, I'll be able to figure out what it is that I actually know (and am able to articulate) and what it is that I only *think* I know. [When I write, I'm half telling other people what I think, and half just telling myself.] ...Later on I can see what pieces I have and put them all together into something bigger.
When I see outline topics such as "What is adultism?" and "A short summary of the philosophy", I get excited... I'd love to try writing essays on each of those things! Trying to sum each of them up in a paragraph or a page, though? I feel now like what I'd want to do is take a few hours to write the full essay, then extract the summary paragraph. Trying to write a summary for somebody first, without having gone through the process of articulating exactly what *I* believe, feels daunting. Maybe it's more difficult to write "short" than "long".
Generating more text than I actually need has another benefit: I can cut it up and repackage it in lots of different ways. Once I have an essay on some subject, I can put it on my website, put it in a zine format, submit it for publication to various groups. Nothing has to go to waste. This is particularly true with the internet providing essentially free publishing. I don't have to put up my one-and-only thing to say -- I can make everything available and let other people sort through it, pulling out what they want.
Why do we need really short essays anyway? If an essay, by it's own nature, wants to be short -- then that's great. But I've gotten the feeling that a lot of us doing activism are hung-up on turning our heart-felt beliefs into one-liners and billboard slogans. Yeah, when I go to a protest I want to have something catchy on my picket sign -- but that's not where I'm really going to change hearts and minds. Instead of taking what we want to say and condensing it down, let's have more forums where we can really go into as much detail as we want. Ultimately, I think it's in really hashing out the details through conversation (verbal or written) that Youth Liberation is going to take root.
-- END --
August 1, 2003
Posted by Sven at 6:31 PM | Comments (4)
July 30, 2003
Age Lines: How to Define "Adults" and "Youth"
Youth Liberation seeks to change how adults treat young people. But what makes someone an "adult"? Who falls into the category of "young people"? Where is the line between these two groups?
I. THREE MODELS OF AGEBefore we begin trying to answer these questions, it's valuable to take a step back and look first at the more general concept of age. It seems to me that there are three main models of age:
1. Age as biology
2. Age as legal status
3. Age as personal character(1) AGE AS BIOLOGY
The "age as biology" model addresses natural phenomena: the sheer number of years that one has been alive, growing taller, physical changes associated with puberty, dental record, brain development, etc. Several of these attributes could be equated with "adulthood": when one has lost all their "baby teeth", when one stops getting taller, when secondary sex characteristics such as menstruation, breast development, and facial hair appear. However, it's important to notice that discussions about "adults" and "youth" seldom have anything to do with biology itself -- focus is almost always on social differences (law and character).
[A noteworthy variant of the "age as biology" model is the concept of "mental age". The "mental age" model suggests that just as the body progresses through stages of development, so does the mind -- but development of the two are not always in sync. This idea most frequently comes up when discussing people with "developmental disabilities" -- adults with the intelligence or emotionality "of a child". ...The popular sentiment that "you're only as old as you feel" also invokes the "mental age" model.]
The "age as legal status" model addresses laws that sort people into the categories "adult" and "minor" (or simply "under age"). While attempts may be made to associate legal age-lines with natural biological changes, they are in themselves entirely artificial. There is no meaningful difference between an 18-year-old on their birthday, and the 17-year-old they were the day before, except that which is invented and imposed by legislators.
The "age as personal character" model equates "adulthood" with behavior: you're an adult when you "act like an adult". ...What do you have to do to act like an adult? There are a variety of ideas about what that entails -- and some conflict with each other.
Frequently adulthood is equated with "maturity" -- a set of virtues that everyone should aspire toward: being responsible, serious, hard-working, intelligent, patient, wise, conscientious, competent, etc. When parents say "grow up!" or "act your age", they seem to be saying that maturity is accomplished by effort and will. On the other hand, when adults say things like "you'll understand when you're older" and "the wisdom of age", it sounds more like maturity can only be achieved by living long enough in the world -- but if you can just do that, then it's inevitable. Other variants on the theme of "acting like an adult" focus on the culture of adults (what they wear, what music they listen to, what kind of language they use), or being in a position to supervise (e.g. the oldest child getting to be "the adult" while their parent is away), or the power of command ("because I'm the adult and you're the kid, that's why!").
Ultimately, the promise that you can get treated like an adult, just by acting differently, is hollow. Even if a 16-year-old is responsible enough to be a store manager, intelligent enough to win national science awards, and / or conscientious enough to start a community service organization, they still don't earn the right to vote.
II. THE LOGIC BEHIND AGE LAWSAge laws are not entirely consistent. Different laws set different ages as the dividing line between youth and adults: 16, 18, 21, 25, etc. We need to look past the actual numbers and see the logic behind society's structure.
Society is set up to imitate the generations within a family. In the family, there are children, parents, and grandparents. In society at large, there are minors, adults, and senior citizens.
From this perspective, young people are most defined by being living in the home of their parents, and by being financially dependent. A few exceptions should be noted. In addition to living situations with both biological parents, living with a single parent, adoptive parents, or foster parents also counts. Street youth are no less youth, because people generally feel that they're "supposed" to be with the parents. Youth who are financially independent or legally emancipated also count, again being lumped in with their age-peers.
Of the various age-lines established by law, 18 seems to be the most common and most significant. Most high school systems are set up so that students will graduate when they are about 18 years old; most youth also leave their parents' home at about this age. If we had to pick a single age line to define youth, it seems that 18 would probably be the best choice.
Most people, however, don't feel that a person is fully adult upon reaching age 18. Some legal entitlements are still withheld, and much of the social stigma attached to youth remains in place. I'm going to argue that people aged 18-25 constitute a meaningful sub-group of adults. Among activists that I've worked with, "tweeners" is the word being used to discuss people in this position.
People who have just graduated high school and are going off to college are often referred to as "college kids" -- even though they they're now treated as "adults" by the judicial system. Why? I believe it's largely because these students are usually still dependent on their parents for money. They may be living away from home, but the other half of what would make them "youth" is still in place.
The ultimate confirmation of one's adulthood is to marry and become a parent oneself. According to a recent survey from the University of Chicago, the average American feels that people should get married at age 25.7, have children at age 26.2, and that adulthood begins at age 26 (www.norc.uchicago.edu). ...It appears that society's emphasis on attending college has socially (if not legally) extended adolescence.
Perhaps the strongest case for seeing 18-25 as a meaningful grouping is that this age group is required to register for the draft (selective service). Whereas one must be 18 to vote (lowered from 21 in 1971), you must be a minimum of 25 years old to become a state representative, 30 to become a senator, and 35 to be become president. With the exception of these last two cases, 25 is the highest age-line that I am aware of. [You have to be 25 to rent a car -- a fact that once stranded me overnight in Pennsylvania!]
[Within Youth Liberation, questions about where to draw the line between adults youth probably come up most often when deciding who may be members of an organization. There's general recognition that 19- and 20-year-olds still suffer much of the stigma of youth -- but still, they have more legal freedom than 17-year-olds. Often activists' solution is to set the cut-off for membership at a compromise number, such as 23. To me, this is a bad solution. It's offensive that adults base young people's freedom on artificial age lines; it's little better if youth themselves pull numbers out of a hat. I feel that if you're going to draw age-lines, then they should be in direct response to legal realities. For these purposes, "youth" should be defined as "under 18". If you want to include "tweeners", then set the cut-off at 25 -- but set limits on their participation, to help level the playing field for the actual minors in the group.]
III. "ADULTS" AS AN ORGANIZATIONWhile it is possible to talk about age in terms of biology -- infancy, early childhood, puberty, adolescence, adulthood, etc. -- anatomy and physiology have relatively little to do with adults and youth relate with each other. Infants are physically dependent on others for survival; as society is currently structured, young children require assistance to procure food and clothing; teens typically remain financially dependent. Super-imposed upon these real needs, however, is adults' belief that they should always have the right to command and be obeyed.
Gerontocracy, rule by the elders of a society, has probably existed for thousands of years. It's intuitive for most people to feel that they're better persons because they're older and more experienced. Adultism, however, is a relatively recent development, coinciding with the emergence of organized states. Now instead of whoever's oldest having the most power, adults have organized themselves into a government that wields power over both minors and senior citizens.
I find it extremely useful to think about "adults" as if it is an organization. It's more massive and less orderly than organizations we're used to thinking about, but the metaphor holds up remarkably well. An organization has leaders; given that youth are excluded from running for office, "leaders" here is synonymous with the U.S. government. An organization has members; these are all the adults who passively enjoy rights conferred upon them by the government. [As the advertisement for American Express credit card used to say, "membership has its privileges".] An organization has membership criteria that exclude non-members; in this case, youth are non-members.
The aspect of adulthood that seems least like an organization is the fact that you don't have to do anything to join -- as soon as you turn 18, you're automatically inducted in. However, there may be precedents for other organizations that function like this; perhaps churches that baptize you before you understand their beliefs are an example.
Another thing that may seem wrong about the metaphor is youth's lack of opposition to becoming members. If youth are truly oppressed by adults, wouldn't there need to be some sort of political conversion experience, where youth denounce their former membership? ...I think the reason we don't see this is because most youth spend their 18 years of "childhood" just wishing they could hurry up and join. There is little sense of "joining the enemy" because most youth identify with adults' point of view; it's an issue of assimilation -- as with Jews who want to dissociate from their Jewishness, queers who want to "act straight", or immigrants of any nationality that want to blend into America's "melting pot".
Within the "adults as organization" model, "youth" is not an organization in itself, parallel and equal to "adults". Youth are an unorganized people, defined by their exclusion from the group "adults". Historically, young people have been seen as the living property of adults in the eyes of the law. Things have changed enough that we can forget this fact, but evidence remains embedded in our language. Young people severing themselves from their parents become "emancipated" -- like freed slaves; running away remains illegal, again, as it once was for slaves.
Organizations often have mission statements. If "adults" had one, what would it be? To some extent all-adult government arises because most youth aren't up to the job of running the state, in which case, the "purpose" of the organization would not directly address youth or age. However, given that youth are specifically excluded from participating in democratic decision-making, and the history of youth being treated like property, I would argue that the mission statement could be articulated as "to control youth". Others might argue that the intentions of adults are beneficent in current society, so "to protect and serve" would be a better fit. However, even if that were the intended goal, the means to this end is total control.
IV. BEING A CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOROne reason I like the "adults as organization" model is because I feel it helps spell out what options for action I have as an adult. Just because I am granted membership doesn't mean that I have to identify with the group, or support the policies it makes. Within an organization such as "adults", there are three main positions that can take: you can be a leader, a passive member, or a conscientious objector.
Leadership might mean holding a formal position (e.g. as a senator), or it might mean being an opinion-shaper (e.g. an author who writes about child-rearing). If you have a movement of other adults behind you, you essentially become a "caucus" within the organization. "Adults" is a large enough group to tolerate a great deal of internal dissent -- like the Democrat and Republican parties do, for instance.
Being a passive member, you don't necessarily even think of yourself as an adult. An unmarried, baby-faced, fan of rock'n'roll might not feel like they're a "real" adult. Regardless of how this person feels, though, they still possess basic privileges that minors don't: the right to vote, buy alcohol, rent a car, etc. A person may simply not recognize the ways in which they identify with adults. In looking for your own hidden sense of adulthood, try asking yourself this: "When there are debates on TV about young people, in my mind do I think of the youth as 'them' or 'us'?"
If "adults" is an artificial category, projected onto real physiology, around which a powerful organization has been built -- then a person can choose to be a "conscientious objector", instead of just accepting adulthood as inevitable . There are several ways to approach this concept...
Focusing on the history of adults claiming to own youth as their property, persons who are adult-by-membership can become "age abolitionists" -- attempting to dismantle the legal institution of childhood, just as slavery was dismantled. Recognizing that this position sets them in opposition to the majority of other adults, such people could proudly call themselves "age traitors" (akin to the once derogatory term "race traitor").
As an organization, adulthood has its own sort of "dress codes". An adult-by-membership can choose to break the dress code by wearing styles associated with youth: dyed hair, baggy pants, bright primary colors (associated with very young children). This action could be called "age bending" (akin to "gender bending"). Intentionally mixing adult- and youth-identified clothes with the intent to shock could be call "age fuck" (akin to "gender fuck").
There are several good arguments for age-bending. It's a way of challenging the idea that adults and youth should dress differently. It can be a way of visually showing that you stand with young people. It can be part of a larger commitment to remaining culturally informed about what's going on with youth, instead of ignoring or putting down youth fashions. It can be a part of trying to be a more whole human being, rather than cutting off the parts of oneself that are "childish".
Age-bending can extend to behavior, as well as fashion. The ideal of "maturity" puts value on character traits such as "serious", "stable", "unemotional". The opposite characteristics, associated with youth, are typically stigmatized. However, traits such as "playful", "fluid", and "emotionally engaged" can be reclaimed an given new respect. Adults can model this work by embodying such virtues, explaining their motives, and doing so with mannerisms that are recognizably "young".
The notion that human beings are either "adult" or "young" in nature could be called "age dualism". I've occasionally heard adults talk about their younger selves as if they were separate persons, putting down those younger selves in order to look bigger, just as they might put down any other young person. I offer term "age monism" to describe an alternative: seeing one's earlier life and present life as a continuum, embracing and respecting the person one used to be, even if you would choose to make different choices today. This is the path of trying to be an "ageless being" -- neither "adult" nor "young" in nature, but instead the best of both, or something else entirely. "Ageless being" is about trying to be a person that transcends age -- even while acknowledging one's involuntary membership in the organization "adults", and the privileges that it confers.
V. HOW TO DEFINE "ADULTS" AND "YOUTH"How should we define "adults" and "youth", and where is the line between the two? I think the question has been answered at this point, but let's put all the pieces together now, as a way of summarizing...
The most common ways of answering this question involve defining "adults" and "youth" in terms of biology, law, or personal character. I propose an alternate model, one which encompasses those three approaches: adults as an organization.
Prior to the emergence of law-based governments, gerontocracy (rule by the oldest) was a fairly common occurrence. By creating laws that discriminate against both the young and the old, adults as a class have ascended to power -- establishing modern adultism.
On top of actual physiological differences, adult-only government has superimposed the artificial concepts of "adult" and "youth", and made them real by passing age-based laws. Adults, out of desire to dissociate themselves from youth (or at least youths' powerlessness), have created a separate culture of adulthood: dress codes of clothing; adult-identified mannerisms, interests, and language; the set of valued personal qualities collectively known as "maturity".
Viewing "adulthood" as a largely artificial invention, we're likely to see "the line" between "adults" and "youth" as primarily a legal one. Particular laws vary, but we can see the logic behind them: just as there are children, parents, and grandparents within a family, society is organized into minors, adults, and senior citizens. As a group, youth are most defined by living in the homes of their parents, upon whom they remain financially dependent. Considering the bulk of laws and their apparent intent, I conclude that it's best to define youth as "people under the age of 18". However, because people in the early years of adulthood still lack some privileges and suffer much of the stigma of youth, I advocate recognizing "tweeners" (ages 18 - 25) as an important subgroup of adults, strong potential allies to actual minors.
The "adults as an organization" model draws a sharp distinction between membership and identity. Whereas membership is involuntary, a legal adult can still disagree with the policies of the adults-only government, and identify with the point of view of youth fighting the system. This is an exciting possibility: adults can be "conscientious objectors", "age abolitionists", "age traitors"; they can "age-bend"; they can aspire to transcend categorization in their personal lives as "ageless beings".
VI. CONCLUSION: PROMOTING THE NEW MODEL OF AGEIn conclusion, it seems apparent to me that how a person defines "youth" and "adults" is going to have a major impact on how they choose to work against adultism, or more generally for the interests of young people. I advocate promoting the "adults as an organization" model in the future. I believe the level of clarity it can provide, combined with the concise options for action that it suggests, give it obvious advantages over the "biology", "law", and "personal character" models of age. It will give Youth Liberation a better foundation to build upon.
And how can a Youth Liberation movement with better thinking help but become more effective?
-- END --
July 30, 2003
Posted by Sven at 1:05 PM | Comments (1)
The Future of Youth Justice
What does the process of changing society look like? Is it really going to be possible to transform this country's age laws and culture? We have a vision of the society that we want to live in -- but how do we get from here to there?
Youth Liberation is not the first movement to contemplate these questions. Most radical activists have given the topic some thought: Feminists, Marxists, Anarchists, Environmentalists, Queers, Anti-Racist Activists... In this essay, I want to look at five models of social change that radicals have proposed. I'll comment on strengths and weaknesses, attempting to arrive at a better strategy (if not the "best") through the process.
1. VIOLENT REVOLUTIONOne vision of social change imagines that there will be historical moment when the oppressed have finally had enough, when they'll rise up and overthrow their oppressors. There's a strong sense of "before" and "after the revolution"; things are bad now, but after a few years of intense struggle, our problems will be solved. Change is going to be violent in the sense of "sudden" -- but some also feel that it will be important to be holding a gun in your hand when the big day arrives.
One thing I admire about this vision is its sense of urgency. One of my favorite quotes comes from julian beck's book "the life of the theatre": "When we feel, we will feel the emergency: when we feel the emergency, we will act: when we act, we will change the world." It seems true to me that social change is seldom moved forward by cool, dispassionate reason alone. People put the effort into making change when there's emotion involved, when an issue *feels* important.
The "violent revolution" model's most serious flaw, in my mind, is imagining that the power to oppress is wielded by only an elite set of individuals. This is certainly not the case for youth. The power to oppress is very distributed among adults; any parent, teacher, or legislator can cause suffering at will. It's true that you can point to some people who are super-powerful in society, like the CEO's of major corporations. But if the guilty are going to be slaughtered in an orgy of rioting, how far down the totem pole of power are you willing to go?
Tearing down the old system is not enough. We also have to build something new in its place. Rather than starting that work after the magic "revolution" has taken place, why not start now? If we work hard enough, perhaps we can simply replace the old structure, piece by piece. We'll be challenged at each step along the path, but the idea is that people's hearts and minds will change, so resistance will get lighter the farther along we get.
...Of course, some opponents won't change, no matter how much the society around them moves forward. I call this the "dinosaur" problem. Some adultists will never accept change -- you just have to let them die off. Personally, I'd rather let them die of natural causes than get blood on my hands.
The necessary aside about violence: I abhor murder. I condemn radicals (whom I've met) for stretching the idea of "self-defense" to justify doing physical violence to other people's bodies. I think hitting or shooting someone can only be justified if they are attempting to do the same to you. A scab that takes your job threatens your money; it's bad, but it's not the same as your life. ...However, on that same note (distinguishing between your money and your life), I am open to discussing destruction of property (e.g. defacing billboards, monkey-wrenching logging equipment). I don't advocate it, but I'm willing to consider situations where it may be an appropriate tactic.
Besides the ethical concerns about doing violence, I think "power comes out of the barrel of a gun" is bad strategy for several reasons. First, in a physical fight, our side is bound to lose. Adults tend to be physically stronger than youth, they own the guns, and control organized police forces. Second, even if youth successfully stage a riot or some kind of assault as a militia, the adult backlash is likely to be too terrible for it to make any sense. Third, violence will alienate youth and adults alike from the cause. Long-term social change, in my opinion, depends on gaining public support.
2. PROGRESSING TOWARD UTOPIAAnother model of social change imagines a slow march toward the perfect society. In this utopia, everyone will have grown beyond the prejudices of the past, everyone will be enlightened (like in "Star Trek"!). Activists with this model in mind tend to put a strong emphasis on doing public education. The idea that we'll have inevitable victory evokes an almost religious sense of faith: the promised land is waiting for us, even if it takes 500 years to get there. I think this feeling grows out of the conviction that we're right. ...Just as science progressed from seeing the world as flat, society will ultimately have to accept youths' equality.
The best thing about this model is perhaps how inspiring it is. The image of a non-adultist society is something worth really fighting for. If youth are damned to forever suffer insults and injuries from adults, why bother trying to change anything? Better to just keep your head down and survive into adulthood without getting into unnecessary trouble. ...The conviction that things could be different gives one the strength to take risks, get through the hard fights, and keep on going after defeat.
The thing that seems least accurate to me about the "utopia" model is the idea that someday history will just come to a stop, and nothing will ever change again. Even in the distant future, I imagine that there will be new scientific innovations, fads and celebrities, good and bad harvests, ongoing political / philosophical debates. In other words, there will always be something to argue over or get upset about. Instead of "working to put ourselves out of a job", I think that we need to organize ourselves to be permanent participants in society's negotiations about what's fair and what's unfair. Youth justice will be an ongoing concern even if we do finally defeat organized adultist oppression.
A word about bigots... We can eliminate an enormous amount of injustice by changing laws and doing public education -- but I don't think we can get rid of it entirely. If an idea can be imagined, then someone somewhere right now probably believes it. After all, there are still people in America that believe the Earth is flat! Even if we could wash history clean and begin with a clean slate, I suspect some people would reinvent racist, sexist, and adultist thinking for themselves. Fairly or unfairly feeling resentment toward members of another group, some people would rationalize their dislike in terms of sweeping, oppressive generalizations. As far as bigots are concerned, I wonder if the best we can do is to keep them in the minority, ostracized by the mainstream. [Personally, I'm just thrilled that most people now view KKK members as fringe extremists!]
Something else that troubles me about the "utopia" model is that I think it encourages us to equate freedom with accomplishing our ten-point agenda of social change. What does it mean to be free? I think that when you're free, you just decide what you feel like doing, and then do it -- probably without even thinking about it that much. From this point of view, youth could consider themselves free right now. If you're sitting in a school room, that's your choice; you can stand up at any time and just walk out the door.
...The trick, of course, is that there are going to be bad consequences. Adults are going to get in the way of doing what you want, and generally make things unpleasant. In essence, youth are a colonized people. It's as if they were living in the country of Youthistan, and were suddenly invaded by conquerors from Adultistan, who now say that the inhabitants all have to do what they say. From this perspective, Youth Liberation's work is not about getting rights per se, but rather just getting adults out of the way. It would be nice if the adults would recognize the legitimacy of youths' self-determination -- but if you can do the things that you want in life by just not getting caught, then hey, that works too.
3. SHIFTING THE MAINSTREAM CULTUREEven if we can't accomplish a state of permanent justice, I think it's clear that we do want to make some pretty major changes in society as it stands now. A lot of this work involves changing the law, changing how courts interpret the law, and making sure that the law gets appropriately enforced. Yet, legal change can't occur in a vacuum. How can just laws come into being (and survive) if we don't also have a majority of people supporting the ideals behind them? There needs to be transformation of America's culture, as well as its laws.
Television is probably the strongest force unifying Americans in contemporary society. People anywhere in the nation can watch the same news report or sit-com; TV gives us a common reference point for discussion. Consequently, it is easiest to discuss cultural shift in terms of programming content. Youth want to see stories that portray minors in a positive light, stories that are critical of adultism, and stories that help people get used to non-adultist ways of relating.
Unfortunately, television is big business, which makes it very difficult for youth to influence. Just getting on the local news is a major accomplishment! Activists who want to shift culture are forced turn to other strategies. For instance... They try to influence public opinion through more accessible media: putting essays in magazines, writing letters to the editor, seeking coverage from indie news outlets. They argue that we can shift attitudes by just talking honestly to the people we know, that if millions of us speak out, it will have a huge impact. They advocate confronting adultist language, protesting businesses that have discriminatory policies. They try to foster the growth of alternative culture by hosting special events (conferences, camps, teach-ins, etc.) and making safe spaces for youth (like drop-in centers).
In and of themselves, these all seem like positive actions, helpful to the Youth Liberation cause. The thing that worries me most often about the "culture shift" model of social change is that it's easy to lose sight of the need to be doing legal work at the same time. In my experience, talking to the people in your life -- or even organizing a big youth event -- is much easier than locking horns with an actual political opponent. Proactively proposing new legislation takes a great deal of research and setting up appointments with the people in power. Resisting any kind of political attack -- whether that's a new anti-youth law, a police curfew crack-down, or a cut in funding to youth service providers -- means conforming to a timetable set by the opponent; it's rushed and stressful. It's all too easy to wait around for someone else to deal with the really tough stuff.
Another concern: By focusing on defamation and public image, it seems to me that we're often talking about youth -- when it's really adults that we ought to be talking about. When an adult hears something about young people, they process that information as "about other people". So, if we offer stories about youth who are intelligent, courageous, and principled, the adult just thinks "OK, so there are some exceptional youth". What I think we want instead, is for adults to realize that "there's something wrong with me, with us as adults, we need to change!" To get adults to think about themselves, we need do much less defending of youth, and instead make more pointed criticisms about adults. Look at all the ways in which adults are terrible people: petty, stupid, cruel, unprincipled, moody, reckless, etc. It's really just a matter of emphasis, but I think there's a difference between saying our problem is that youth lack something -- rights -- and saying that adults are withholding something -- again, rights. We shouldn't need to prove that youth deserve better treatment; the burden should be on adults to prove that they deserve such omnipotent power.
Questions about the right balance of public image vs. law-changing work, and about whether we should discuss "us" vs. "them", are really about how to do "culture shift" well. However, I think there's a more basic problem with this vision of social change... Obviously cultural shift does happen: there's more acceptance of inter-racial marriage now, it's unacceptable to use the "N-word", women's competence in the professions and in sports is beyond question, drunk driving is frowned upon, and the climate for people who smoke in public is increasingly hostile. Yet, despite these victories, progressive movements always remain outside of the mainstream. We have utopian visions, but the majority of America makes only minor adjustments in their behavior -- not so much because they embrace our ideals, but just because "everyone else is doing it". Are we really shifting culture if our ideologies aren't making it into the mainstream?
We'd like for America to understand everything there is to know about Youth Liberation -- but in reality, we're just one of dozens (if not hundreds) of minority groups vying for the public's attention. The better established a movement becomes, the more it gets recognized as a "subculture". Feminists, hippies, goths, Harley riders -- we all want to be better understood, to maybe change the world... How many minority groups can any one person be an expert on?
4. INTER-COMMUNITY DIPLOMACYThe "culture shift" approach to social change tends to focus on the state of the nation. If you're committed to the movement, however, you have to start realizing that a national movement is built primarily out of activists doing work in their own cities / states. Youth Liberation activists need to be able to identify which level they're working on with any particular issue: federal, state, county, city, neighborhood, or within-organization.
With this perspective in mind, changing society becomes a problem of influencing one group at a time: your city council, a teacher's association, a homeless youth shelter, etc. You need to identify exactly who's the decision-maker that controls what you want. You can meet with them one-on-one, but it's generally more effective to be able to show that you have the support of some larger body of people.
To this end, you may want to establish some variety of youth community organization. Maybe the constituency is all drawn from a particular school's student body, or maybe your group represents a collection of like-minded individuals from different areas of town. Maybe you try to set up a permanent structure, or maybe you just come together to address a one-time issue. ...Politically, the main benefit of gathering a group is that your voice will be heard more loudly together than alone.
Within your local youth community, there are also levels to consider. There's generally a leadership committee, members who are less actively involved, other local youth groups that are somewhat similar to your own, and a population of youth who aren't yet organized or involved in any way. As an activist, you have to try to communicate effectively with people on all these levels. It's all too common to discover that you've not only failed to tell other youth groups what you're doing -- your own leadership collective isn't even all on the same page.
Even though you're trying to deal with the relationships between groups (allies, neutrals, opponents), it usually doesn't work very well to try to address a group as an organization. The best activists' secret weapon is incredibly simple: invite people out for coffee dates and get to know who they are as individuals. That way, when you're sitting at a table with a group of people, you already have a sense of who's going to agree with you, what skills each person has, and who you might ask to take on some extra work.
Many youth feel uncomfortable speaking for youth as a whole, and insist that they can only address their own experience. As a group leader, you can earn the right to speak for the group by a couple of means. You can study the history of Youth Liberation, and so speak from a body of knowledge that you have. You can participate in lots of group discussions, or have coffee dates with individual youth, so that it's legitimate to generalize about what the youth that you know are saying. You can be formally elected by a youth organization to be one of its leaders / a spokesperson. While it's true that you can't speak for every youth, being able to represent at least some portion of the youth community can make youth groups more effective.
The original purpose of bringing youth together is maybe to do political work, but it's easy for "having as many members as possible" to become an end in itself. This is not necessarily a bad thing; organizations that focus on community-building events (discussion groups, socials, internal workshops, conferences, etc.) help create a pool of engaged youth, from which activism may arise. However, the tendency to want to invite all youth in can also stand in the way of doing politics. If the group is too diverse, you may not be able to arrive at a consensus, or otherwise rally enough support to justify taking a collective position.
Doing public education workshops is generally less controversial than challenging a political opponent. However, how effective it is at creating social change is debatable. To begin with, panels / workshops have a very limited audience. Within your city, there are only so many groups that are interested in hosting speakers. You might be able to get engagements in college classes, youth service organizations, teachers' organizations, possibly churches... Ultimately, the list you come up with is going to be finite.
What if you had an unlimited pool of youth speakers to draw upon, and a full-time organizer to schedule workshops? What would happen is that you'd develop a list of groups that you revisit each year, doing more-or-less the same presentation over and over again. You'd be reaching more and more people as new members joined those groups; for everyone else it would be an annual refresher.
�If you combined this program of speaking engagements with coffee date check-ins for the outside groups' leaders, then what you've got is an excellent strategy for maintaining diplomatic relationships between the various communities in your area. The trouble is that none of your political opponents are ever going to host you. It can begin to feel like you're just preaching to the choir (although that's not entirely true). Political work that addresses your opponents requires an entirely separate process.
5. WATCHDOG GROUPS & COMMUNITY DEFENSEYouth community groups are an important base for social change work. Young persons gathering, talking with each other, and getting inspired, is what makes the emergence of activist projects possible. However, my experiences lead me to think social and political concerns should be dealt with by separate groups -- rather than trying to form one super-organization that addresses all needs.
I think that politics are best done by a small cadre of activists, who devote a lot of intellectual energy to researching their projects, and who are willing to take positions that aren't always popular. If they're doing their work well, the cadre will decide which issues to take on largely based on conversations with the greater youth community, strategy ideas will be discussed at open community forums, and the projects will involve more and more people as they gain momentum.
We need to keep in mind the utopian vision of the society we want to create, but we also have to protect what freedoms youth have at present. Adultists aren't standing still -- they're actively making new assaults on young people's freedoms. In the long run, more of our energy is probably going to go into resistance than proactive projects. When we do have victories, we're likely to suffer a backlash, and spend years defending what we've won from being eroded away.
We'd like to "put ourselves out of a job", but I think we have to remain vigilant even when things seem to be going well. It's haunting to recall that Jews enjoyed greater freedom in pre-World War II Germany than they had for hundreds of years anywhere else. Because the natural anatomical, economic, and social differences between adults and youth are significant, youth will always be at risk of becoming a scapegoat group. In defense, we need to maintain watchdog groups, and be certain that the skills of activism get passed on from generation to generation.
Ideally, there would be watchdog groups at each level of society -- national, state, city -- and the groups would be diversified, each watching over as narrow an issue as possible: school policy, police issues, violence against minors, youth service providers, new legislation, court cases, media defamation, hate-group activities, etc. Justice isn't a permanent state that we can achieve -- there are going to constantly be issues arising that we need to negotiate. Unfortunately, this will probably always be a sloppy process. There aren't enough activists to deal with every issue; we'll take on the big fights, but be forced to just let the lesser stuff slide by.
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHERWhat does the process of changing society look like?
It begins with a utopian vision of the society we'd like to live in. The idea that things could be different than they are now makes activism worth all the risk and struggle.
At the same time, we know that justice is a matter of constant negotiation between different groups, all trying to work out a deal that benefits their own members. Society will never stand still, so instead of trying to "put ourselves out of a job", we need to secure ourselves a place in the decision-making process.
We'll work to change laws and organizational policies, to influence court interpretation of existing laws, and to make sure that laws and policies are properly enforced. At the same time, we'll need to work to shape public opinion: getting youth seen in a positive light, denouncing adultism, and promoting understanding of new, better ways for adults and youth to relate. Changing law and shifting culture go hand-in-hand.
Work will take place at different levels of society: national, state, county, city, neighborhood, within-organization. The movement's foundation will be bringing youth together as a community, hosting events where youth can discuss things, socialize, and support each other. Separately from youth community groups, but working in cooperation, small activist cadres will be formed to address political concerns.
As much effort as possible will go toward building a better world -- but much of our energy will have to go to resisting new adultist assaults. Doing public education that acts as inter-community diplomacy will do some good, but will be limited by who's interested in hosting our panels. The main burden of social change will fall upon small watchdog organizations, each paying close attention to policy matters and news events in fairly narrow areas.
Justice will always be a little haphazard, some injustices slipping through the cracks. Advocating for a community's needs takes enormous amounts of energy -- there just aren't enough activists to go around -- and the public is overwhelmed by different groups vying for their attention. The issues that Youth Liberation makes the most progress on will be the ones that inspire a strong emotional response and a sense of urgency.
Some final words of hope: Adultism is so big... Putting energy into the place where you live can be a bit dispiriting, because it doesn't feel like you're really making a dent in the big picture. It's important to remember that our actions have a ripple effect. People we'll never even meet hear about what we do, and the rumor of freedom spreads. We have no idea how powerful we actually are.
Ultimately, we find the courage to take on this problem not because we know that we will succeed -- but because, win or lose, our consciences compel the attempt. The struggle for justice may begin with outrage, but continues on because we desire to be just persons ourselves.
-- END --
July 13, 2003
Posted by Sven at 12:58 PM
The Role of Adults within Youth Liberation
When adults and youth work together for Youth Liberation causes, there is always a danger that the adults will bring adultism with them, getting in the way of the youths' work or taking over entirely.
I believe it's important to articulate a code of conduct for "adult allies". Adults need to understand this Ally Framework to avoid inappropriate behavior -- but it's also valuable for youth. It's good to have a standard for what to expect from adults; it makes it easier to identify internal problems when they come up; and it helps youth prepare for when they become adults themselves.
[NOTE: Not all Youth Liberation work is done by organizations. Individuals can do good work fighting adultism. Groups of individuals can come together to address an issue without setting up rules, formal roles, or long-range plans. Still, my focus here is going to be on organizations. Because they have explicit structure, and are intended to last for some time, it's easier to discuss their internal dynamics.]
I. ADULTISM WITHIN THE YOUTH LIBERATION MOVEMENTThe Ally Framework is meant to help prevent inappropriate adult behavior within Youth Liberation organizations. Before going on to describe the solution, though, let's take a closer look at the kind of problems that come up, so that they're fresh in our minds.
When adults and youth sit in a circle having discussion, adults have several bad tendencies. They talk too often and for too long, taking up time that could be spent hearing from youth. They interrupt youth who are speaking. They address the other adults in the room instead of everyone, sometimes acting even as if the youth aren't really there. When youth make a point, the adults sometimes act as if they didn't hear it -- going on with their own train of thought, instead of responding to what's been said. Youth in the room can be in consensus, but the adults continue to make objections and try to put a stop to the young people's plans.
When adults participate in the upkeep of a Youth Liberation organization, they sometimes seize control. If the adults can vote, situations arise where they out-vote the will of the youth in the group. If they have keys to the building where the group meets, they can deny access, or just get in the way of youth meeting by being unavailable to open the door. If they control the budget, they can decide that they don't want to fund the youths' initiatives. It's common for the adults to be getting paid, and for there to be no paid positions for youth. Particularly if adults are securing money from grants, they can suddenly decide to change the group's name, or put up a sign for their "parent" organization on the front of the building.
Where public appearances are being made, adults can set themselves up as spokespersons for youth, not letting youth speak for themselves. If there's a TV camera involved, an adult member of the group may feel that they are most articulate. They may feel that the young people don't look normal enough, or will come across as too radical. If there's a panel presentation, it's often an adult who plays the role of facilitator -- introducing the event and the youth on the panel, giving the impression that the youth are cute puppets being trotted out. Adults organizing panels also often stretch the concept of youth to include anyone younger than themselves; 30-year-olds should not be on youth panels. When ballot measures are being fought over, adults are prone to pay a polling service to help set the campaign's message, youth falling out of the decision-making process almost entirely.
When youth attempt to confront the offending behavior of adults in their group, the adults may respond poorly. They may become angry and defensive, making themselves scary people to try to raise concerns with in the future. They may refuse to listen to criticism because the youth are angry (because of how they've been treated) and don't sound respectful / deferential enough for the adults' taste. They may try to out-reason youth, sticking with the rightness of their opinions and actions until youth just give up out of exhaustion. They may agree that their behavior must change, but then conveniently forget, and just keep on behaving as they did before.
II. "BY YOUTH, FOR YOUTH" ORGANIZATIONSOne of the most important things that a Youth Liberation organization can do to combat internal adultism is to choose an appropriate group structure, particularly in terms of the balance of power between adults and youth. Here are the five essential options:
1. Youth only, no adults involved
2. Youth lead, adults follow and support their decisions
3. Youth and adults are equal participants
4. Adults lead, youth follow and support their decisions
5. Adults only, no youth involved
Personally, I think that adult-only organizations are adultist by definition. Even if they address issues that youth care about, like ending violence against minors, the means for achieving that end cannot be considered Youth Liberationist. Whether or not that invalidates the group's accomplishments is a matter for debate.
A lot of people like the idea of groups where adults and youth are equal participants (sometimes called "intergenerational" or "multi-generational" organizations). The problem I see with this kind of group is that they don't usually seem to talk about adultism. If you're not talking about it, how can you avoid it? I get the impression that most multi-generational groups slide into the typical "adults lead, youth obey" pattern.
People tend to have strong feelings about the idea of youth-only organizations. I think that they get a bad rap. A truly separatist organization has the benefit of completely avoiding the danger of adult take-overs from within. In my opinion, a group of youth, taking a stand and speaking out, is the very ideal of what Youth Liberation is about.
The trouble with youth separatism is really all about practical things: the difficulty of finding meeting space, learning activist techniques, reinventing ideas that youth-now-adults have already tried. A reasonable compromise, I think, is the "by youth, for youth" model -- where adults help out inside the Youth Liberation organization, but willingly limit the ways in which they participate.
III. FOR AND AGAINST LIMITING ADULT PARTICIPATIONWhen a group starts talking about adopting the "by youth, for youth" model, there's typically a heated discussion. It's difficult to do justice to both sides of the argument -- but trying to be fair, here are a few of the more common objections I've heard:
It discriminates against adults. It's wrong to not treat everyone exactly the same.
Adults have valuable ideas and information to share.
Not all youth are Youth Liberationists... Adults can be more knowledgeable about the movement than the youth are.
It doesn't matter who helps in the cause. All that matters is winning the fight at hand.
Focus on internal processing distracts from the real work.
�And here are a few counter-arguments on the "pro" side:
Even well-meaning adults bring adultism with them, which can derail or destroy youths' efforts.
If the point of our work is to eliminate adultism, how does it make sense to ignore the bad behavior of supposed "allies"? Any adult that truly wants to be an ally will invite criticism, so they can better learn how not to be adultist.
The movement is for youths' sake. For better or worse, they should get to be in control of their destiny.
It's not discrimination if adults voluntarily limit their use of power. If they don't want to play by the rules set by the youth, they can go back to the rest of the world, where adults are in charge.
Adults don't have a right to be involved in Youth Liberation work... It is a privilege to be allowed to assist in youths' movement.
IV. GUIDELINES FOR ADULT ALLIESThe essence of being an adult ally is to let youth leaders make all the decisions, and to support their choices with your time, sweat, and money. It's generally valid to offer a service if the youth are free to turn it down -- and anything goes if the youth specifically ask it of you -- but otherwise, you should be vigilant about not determining the direction that a youth group takes. Toward that goal, here's a list suggesting practical ways in which you can limit your influence...
1. Let youth decide if you're an ally.
Aspire to be helpful to youth, but be agnostic about your success. It should be up to youth to decide whether or not you're actually their friend. One way to support this is by saying that you're "pro" youth liberation, rather than a youth liberationist yourself.
2. Limit how long and how often you speak in discussions.
When there are group discussions, pay attention to how often the adults are talking. If the adults are talking too much, you may need to let go of the really-important-thing that you want to say. If you have a piece of paper in front of you, it can be useful to keep a running count: How many adult comments? How many youth comments?
3. Don't vote.
If you're invited to participate in a discussion, then feel free to share your opinions. But when it comes time for a real decision, gracefully bow out, and let the youth alone cast their votes.
4. Encourage post-discussion processing time.
It's a good practice to set aside a period of time after regular meetings for processing. One of my favorite formats is to give oppressed minorities (youth, people of color, queers, etc.) time to talk about anything that felt oppressive during the meeting; members of the majority group listen without responding. The point is not to punish any particular individual, but to educate the group about the everyday "stings" that go unnoticed.
5. Don't be in charge of the group's money, space, or resources.
There may be practical reasons why this is not possible. Still, if you can pull it off, make sure that the youth have keys to the building, the financial records, constant access to the photocopier and paper supply, etc.
6. Don't get paid.
Money that goes to you is money being kept out of the hands of youth. If the youth group is associated with a drop-in center, there may be legal reasons why there must be an adult staff person. In an ideal world, the youth center would sever itself from any "parent" service providers, thus allowing it to restructure. Do what you can to make sure that there are paid youth staff positions.
7. Don't get in front of TV cameras.
Avoid presenting the appearance that you're in charge of the youth in the group. Make certain that youth get to be their own spokespersons. If a reporter wants to talk to you, refer them to a youth instead.
8. Be cautious about participating in panels on Youth Liberation.
The facilitator has the appearance of being in power. Avoid being a facilitator -- or if the youth ask you, then be sure to make the audience understand that you are serving, not leading. If adults invite you to speak on a panel about youth, find an actual youth to do it instead.
9. "Nothing about us without us."
If you're talking with other adults about hosting a conference on youth-related topics, or if you are considering responding to a political issue that affects youth, don't even start the work until youth are at the table to give their input.
V. THE HEART AND SOUL OF AN ALLYIt's challenging to just be supportive about an issue that you really care about. You have to let go of a lot of ego and humble yourself. I want to conclude with some thoughts about the emotional aspects of trying to be an ally...
Don't invest yourself in being "one of the good ones". Instead of thinking that you have nothing in common with adult supremacists, "those monsters", look for the ghost of their beliefs in yourself. If you can talk about what you still find yourself struggling with, it makes you better able to bring other adults toward the light.
Accept that you're going to accidentally say and do adultist things. We've all absorbed adultist thinking, and will almost inevitably hurt / offend someone without realizing it. If you want to believe that you never do wrong, then it's likely that you're going to be defensive -- which makes you a more dangerous person for youth to confront. Instead of being the person who never makes mistakes, invest your self-esteem in being the person who takes criticism well, and really follows through when they say they'll change.
Invite criticism. It's through being confronted about oppressive behavior that we learn to be better. Criticism is a gift; appreciate how scary it is to confront someone, how much courage and caring it takes to try to deal with the person that hurt / offended you. Do whatever you can to let people know that you welcome feedback about how you're doing as an ally.
Listen, even when the person who's confronting you is angry. It's unfair to ask oppressed persons to just put aside their anger when they've been hurt, to only listen if they're going to be calm and nice. If you can learn to listen to angry criticism, you have much greater opportunities to learn. Personally, I try to even listen through criticism that has swearing and name-calling (if it's coming from oppressed person). So long as I'm not physically endangered, so long as I can leave whenever I want, I try to set my standard for "verbal abuse" high. The more I can sit through, the more I can learn, the deeper the wounds that may be able to be healed.
Be prepared to lose arguments. When I'm in a discussion with a circle of youth, I can feel pretty passionately that my opinions are correct. I have to keep reminding myself that the decisions are theirs to make. Maybe their decisions will mean that the group folds. I have to be OK with that too. Youth get to choose, even if (in my opinion) they choose wrongly. And -- who knows? -- maybe I'll discover that I was wrong, and that there's more than one way to get Youth Liberation done.
-- END --
July 10, 2003
Posted by Sven at 12:51 PM | Comments (3)
Three Types of Youth Liberation: Youth Equality, Youth Power, Youth Culture
In this essay, I'm going to talk a bit about three different philosophies of Youth Liberation, problems that are likely to arise between them, and how each is basically responding to a different (and important) aspect of adultism.
I. THREE FLAVORS OF YOUTH LIBERATIONThere are lots of different ways to approach Youth Liberation. However, I think three particular philosophies (flavors if you will) are bound to manifest within the movement: youth equality, youth power, and youth culture. I'll characterize them briefly.
1. "Youth equality" activists tend to explain adultism in terms of stereotypes and discrimination. Adults harm youth because they have bad ideas about them; adults fail to see shared humanity. Solutions may involve questioning double-standards, or trying to be "age-blind", living without assumptions.
2. "Youth power" activists tend to explain adultism in terms of the history of youth being treated like human property. Adults unjustly claim the right to command young people's obedience. Liberation projects might include taking away adults' right to spank, changing the power structure in schools, winning the vote.
3. "Youth culture" (or "youthcentrist") activists tend to think about adultism in terms of adult repression of youth culture. Young people have their own ways of being: e.g. playful, dyed hair, music choices, swearing, etc. Liberation involves embracing youth culture and creating alternative spaces where it can flourish, like free-schools and recreation centers.
II. "EQUALITY" / "POWER" / "CULTURE" IN OTHER MOVEMENTSI think these three philosophies are guaranteed to manifest within the Youth Liberation movement because they've manifested in other movements: feminism, black civil rights, and queer activism, for instance. I'll take a moment to show the similarities.
Feminism: In the second wave of feminism (feminism since 1970), the "equality" perspective is embodied by women concerned with androgyny, challenging stereotypes about what women "are like", joining traditionally male professions, and the Equal Rights Amendment. ...The "power" perspective has been promoted most strongly by the battered women's movement. They talk about violence as a means of control, the history of marriage as a transfer of human property from a father to the new husband, and the fact that we've yet to have a female president. ...The "culture" perspective has focused on communes and women-only gatherings (e.g. the Michigan Women's Festival) and revaluing women's supposedly natural qualities (e.g. nurturing, mothering, empathy).
Black civil rights: The "equality" perspective, again, is characterized by a focus on stereotypes, discrimination, and aspiring to be "color-blind". The "power" perspective focuses on the history of slavery, unjust laws, and organizing political pressure (like the Montgomery bus boycott). The "culture" perspective, or "afrocentrism", deals with things like discovering your family's original pre-slavery names, embracing African music and spirituality, reclaiming kinky hair as beautiful, etc.
Queer activism: The "equality" perspective promotes the idea that "we're just like you [heterosexuals]", in every way except choice of partner. The "power" perspective focuses on the ways in which gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, transgendered, intersexed people and other sexual minorities have been forcibly kept down and harmed: queer-bashing, anti-sodomy laws, preemptive laws against same-sex marriage, religious leaders calling us "abnormal and perverse". "Culture" -oriented activists focus on community events like Pride marches, reclaiming closeted historical figures, and creating queer safe zones.
III. PREDICTABLE CONFLICTS WITHIN THE MOVEMENTI wanted to really spell out how the Equality / Power / Culture philosophies manifest in each of these movements so I could make my next point more forcefully: there's always tension within a movement between people with different emphases. It's predictable, because beginning from their different starting points, activists develop these ideas to their logical -- and mutually exclusive -- conclusions. Three predictable conflicts strike me as particularly common in all these movements: bridge-building vs. confrontation, partnership vs. separatism, and assimilation vs. cultural pride.
Bridge-Building vs. Confrontation: Youth "equality" activists may want to reveal our shared humanity by developing personal friendships with adults. Youth "power" activists on the other hand, may favor a more confrontational style, letting authentic anger convey the harm that particular adults are doing. The "power" activists can end up feeling that the "equality" activists are cozying up with the enemy -- whereas the "equality" activists feel like the others are alienating potential allies.
Partnership vs. Separatism: "Equality" activists are likely to favor organizations that have both adult and youth members, all with equal votes; it's in sync with the ideal of adults and youth working well together. "Culture" activists are likely to favor youth-only spaces, where they can celebrate youth-identified values, qualities, and activities without interruption. "Equality" activists may see youth-only space as discriminatory against adults; "culture" activists may sense that adults' presence restrains youth from being as radical as they would otherwise choose to be. ["Power activists" may go either way, seeing the usefulness of adults' resources, but also the danger of adults asserting too much control.]
Assimilation vs. Cultural Pride: This conflict usually comes up when there's an opportunity to be in front of TV cameras. "Culture" activists will probably want to be as much themselves in front of the camera as possible, showing pride in looking like a youth rather than changing how they look to be accepted. "Equality" activists seem to have an interest in presenting an impression of maturity, responsibility, etc.; this grows out of the idea that the best qualities in adults and youth are the same, and have nothing to do with age. "Power" activists may go either way; there's also, though, an appreciation of the respect that a suit and tie garners. Obviously, each vying to promote their own version of what youth are like, conflict is going to arise.
IV. THE LOGIC BEHIND THESE THREE CATEGORIESPersonally, I have a fairly strong bias towards the youth power variety of Youth Liberation. However, I think that all three approaches to YL have their own value; each addresses part of the truth about what adultism is. So, while I'm interested in making sure that youth power gets at least a fair hearing, I want to avoid arguments about which is the one and only true path.
I think the reason why "equality", "power", and "culture" forms of activism appear in multiple movements -- along with the accompanying conflicts -- is because these categories say something important about the structure of oppression in general. That is, these aren't artificial categories that I'm identifying -- they are intimately rooted in the nature of the problem.
Adultism (like racism, sexism, etc.) is a very broad and general word. It encompasses lots of different injustices and social dynamics. It's just a way of pointing at a collection of phenomena; in itself, it doesn't say why those phenomena exist. To have a more sophisticated discussion about adultism, you need to create new vocabulary. In my opinion, three of the more important terms that you can add to your vocabulary are age dualism, adultarchy, and adultcentrism.
Age Dualism: The tendency to emphasize (and exaggerate) how different youth and adults are. Examples: ...The ways in which clothing, television, breakfast cereals, music, and everything else, is divided into "adult stuff" or "kids' stuff". ...In the wake of the Columbine massacre, a fair number of news stories ran about the science of how teens' brains are different from those of adults.
Adultarchy: A system of government in which people are divided into adults and youth, and power is vested exclusively in the hands of the adults. [You need to name a thing in order to begin imagining its alternative!] ...It's the way that federal, state, county, and city governments' charters are drawn up. ...It's the way that public schools and private families are structured.
Adultcentrism: The view that adults are the standard, "normal" human being; youth are seen deviations from the norm, their differences typically being interpreted as flaws. For instance: ...The word "human" evokes the mental image of an adult -- you need to specify if you are talking about a youth. ...The field of "psychology" deals with adults; the study of young people is qualified as "developmental" psychology. ...Stairs, light switches, buses, toilets, the international symbols for "men" and "women" on bathroom doors -- are all designed with adults in mind.
It seems to me that "equality", "power", and "culture" activists each address one of these dynamics -- I mean predominantly, not exclusively. "Equality" tends to deal with age dualism. "Power" tends to deal with adultarchy. "Culture" tends to deal with adultcentrism.
V. THE OPPRESSION TRIANGLESome time ago, I developed an educational tool for describing how these dynamics of adultism interrelate with each other. I call it the "oppression triangle".
Imagine that you're looking at a piece of graph paper, with a horizontal X-axis and a vertical Y-axis drawn on it. Now imagine that you're holding two boxes, one labeled "adults", and the other labeled "youth". Put both boxes on the very center of your grid, where the two axes meet.
When adults make a big deal about youth being different from themselves, it's like youth are being pushed away. Adults are distancing (dissociating) themselves from youth. So, let's push the "youth" box away from the "adult box", horizontally along the Y-axis. This represents age dualism.
When adults claim power over youth, or say something bad about youth to justify the power-grab, it feels like they're putting youth "down". So, now lets move the "youth" box downward on the graph. This represents both the practice of adultarchy, and the supporting ideology of adult supremacism.
So, now we have "adults" sitting there in the center of the graph, and "youth" over to the right and below. It's sort of like adults are at the center of the universe. Adultcentrism, which is kind of a combination of dualism and adultarchy, is represented by the diagonal distance from the center point over and down to where the "youth" box sits now.
Draw a horizontal line from the center to where we first pushed the "youth" box to, a vertical line down from there, and then a diagonal line back to the start, and you have yourself a triangle. ...It's hard to do the model justice without actually drawing it, but to me it does a nice job of showing how three dynamics work together, in a way that makes intuitive sense.
VI. WRAP-UPTo summarize...
I suggest that it's useful to identify three flavors of youth liberation activism: youth equality, youth power, and youth culture.
I see "equality", "power", and "culture" as flavors of activism that appear in other movements. I used feminism, black civil rights, and queer activism to demonstrate the point.
It's useful to think about the greater youth liberation movement in terms of these flavors because it lets you predict and facilitate your way through conflicts that are likely to arise.
I argue against trying to pick one flavor as the "right" way by showing that each addresses an important dynamic of adultism.
I concluded by offering a model, "the oppression triangle", that I find useful for conceptualizing how the three dynamics relate to each other.
-- END --
July 8, 2003
Posted by Sven at 12:40 PM
March 7, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 10
V. A Special Note to Blog Readers
There are inherent challenges when one tries to serialize a non-fiction book. No matter how clearly I imagine the product that I'm shooting for, actually writing it is a process of discovery. Up until the final draft I'm finding better ways to order the chapters, additional topics that need coverage, and sections that should be deleted altogether.This makes things difficult for the reader in two ways. Firstly, because I'm breaking earlier promises about the book's outline, it can be confusing when I launch into chapters that aren't the ones I said would come next. Secondly, there's a strong tendency for full-fledged essays to pop up in the middle of chapters, where short sections were supposed to be instead. ...At times, getting from point A to point B becomes an absurdly long and convoluted process.
The present essay is an excellent example. An "About This Book" chapter ought to be a brief introduction. Instead, this subject has taken up ten entries online, and over seventy pages of long-hand, college-ruled composition. Reviewing the product, I count maybe seven autonomous essays here. What a morass!
Still, the effort of pushing through the nesting of this chapter's outline has had value for me. Through the exercise I've produced a rich body of text that can be recycled and refined in other places. I apologize to my readers for the trouble, and hope that they will bear with me for revised versions.
Thanks for sticking in there.-- END --
March 7, 2003
Posted by Sven at 7:21 PM
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 9
IV. Narrowing the Topic
"Youth Liberation" and "Adultism" are big topics. There's enough material here for a dozen books: ones that counter opponents' arguments point for point; ones that tell how to be better parents, teachers, and friends to youth; ones that discuss adultism in the context of Christianity, the Latino community, or 18th century Japan. This book is only meant to be a general introduction. A lot has had to be left out.The idea of Youth Liberation tends to provoke strong emotions in an adult audience. There is such a gut-level reaction, objections pouring fourth almost immediately, that it becomes difficult to lay down any meaningful arguments before getting interrupted. In the context of a book, a similar thing can happen. The author seems to be ignoring an obvious issue, or has lumped two very different topics together -- so you find yourself distracted, thinking "But what about...?!" every few paragraphs. Eventually you just give up on the book.
By explaining at the start how I've chosen to narrow my topic, I hope you'll be better able to give what I'm saying a fair chance. Even if you don't agree with it all, maybe you can walk away with a few new ideas that do seem useful.
Here are ten important ways that I've constrained discussion in this book:
1. What Adults Are Like
This is not a book about what youth are like. I don't discuss their biology, emotional needs, or social development. I don't try to prove that their overall character is better than adults tend to think -- although you may accurately surmise that this is what I believe.Instead, this is a book about what *adults* are like. I describe how adults commonly treat youth, criticize it, and try to explain why they behave this way. To the extent that I deal with youth at all, it is to offer them tools for changing adults.
2. Young People's Point of View
The vast majority of literature about young people is preoccupied with how to love, nurture, teach, guide, supervise, control, manipulate, or punish your child / teen. In other words, it's from a parent's point of view. It's so common, even non-parents tend to think about youth from the parental point of view. Even *youth* tend to think in this way -- at least about anyone younger than themselves. However, what benefits adults is not always in the best interests of youth. The two groups have different standpoints which, inevitably, conflict with each other sometimes.In this book I try to look at the world from the point of view of someone whose legal status is "minor". This is different from simply reporting children's and teens' actual opinions. ...Suppose you didn't have to be under 18 to be a minor. Suppose any human being, regardless of their age, could be dropped into the identity -- having to obey all the laws, living under the authority of (typically) two parent figures, having to put up with being treated like a youth by strangers. How would it feel to be in that position? How would things play out when conflicts with adults arose? This is the method I use for exploring young people's standpoint in society.
3. Youth As Independent Beings
I want to be careful about how I discuss young people's dependence on adults. Infants are physically dependent on other people for survival. Grade school children are physically independent, but would run into terrible difficulties trying to get food, clothes, and shelter without help (at least with society set up as it is now). Teens can easily survive on their own, but are generally still *economically* dependent -- often for several years after turning 18.Good care-giving is tremendously important. And it can be difficult, exhausting, thankless labor. However, I think youth are frequently seen *only* in terms of their dependence and care-giving needs. The seeds of selfhood begin sprouting very early on. Adults can work to encourage and respect a youth's independent will from the very start -- but instead often see it as annoying, inconvenient, or insubordinate. This book seldom addresses the ways in which young persons are dependent on others. Perhaps it's overcompensating -- but I believe a perspective that emphasizes youths' independence is a necessary counterpoint to the prevailing attitudes of our time.
4. Gender Neutral Criticism
Women have been, and continue to be, the primary caregivers for children in our society. There is a history of male "experts" unfairly shaming women for how they mother. In this book I deal with both mothers and fathers as "parents". I hope that my artificial gender neutrality on this issue will be balanced out by equally neutral discussion of domains that are traditionally male-controlled, such as government. Should readers still find anti-woman bias herein, I invite hearing constructive criticism from them.[For more about how society blames mothers, I suggest starting with these books: "The Myths of Motherhood" by Shari L. Thurer, "The Myth of the Bad Mother" by Jane Swigart, and "Motherguilt" by Diane Eyer.]
5. Active Abuses
There is much discussion about absentee parents who don't take their role as care-giver seriously; they go out partying and leave the children on their own, abandoned. Some look to their offspring to emotionally take care of them. Commentators have said that these people need to "grow up" and act more "adult". I don't see being responsible to other people as having anything to do with whether or not a person is adult; so I choose not to address issues arising from lack of responsibility.This book deals with parents (and other adults) who are actively engaged with youth, but in a negative way. In extreme terms, I deal with abuse but not neglect -- harm done by acts of commission, not omission. I think much abuse of power is done out of a sense of responsibility. This should not be misinterpreted either as my saying that parents are not responsible for being good care-givers, or that they should simply disengage from youth and abandon them.
6. Grouping Teens with Younger Children
You'll quickly notice that I usually talk about "youth" and "young people" without distinguishing between infants, grade-schoolers, and teens. Obviously the physical and psychological differences are enormous. However, minors from age 0 - 18 tend to be treated equally under the law; parents' authority to control minors' lives remains essentially absolute up to age 18; and to some extent all minors suffer similar prejudices from adults -- being seen as unintelligent, incompetent, and generally worthy of ridicule.Because my main concern here is with young people's ability to get their complaints heard and dealt with, I see no need in most cases to distinguish between age groups. All voices are worth listening to. Yet, this very emphasis on *verbal* complaints does exclude babies. I acknowledge that teens are best equipped to do Youth Liberation activism, being most verbally articulate. Yet, I remain loath to say that any young person is simply unable to communicate that they're being mistreated -- even infants can communicate displeasure, in their inarticulate, non-verbal way.
[The main challenge to this grouping is where changing laws is concerned. I see a variety of issues arising. In some cases I find no justification for drawing an age line (e.g. city-wide curfews). In other cases, finding appropriate ways to accommodate age differences is very problematic, and I have no better alternative than the laws that already exist (e.g. age of consent laws). These issues are discussed in depth later on.]
7. Other Differences Between Youth
With few exceptions, I do not deal with differences between how boys and girls are treated. This is not for lack of interest in the subject! As with differences between teens and younger children, I've chosen to discuss commonalities of experience over differences. Gender differences in child-rearing and in the classroom have been explored at length by other authors. To do so here would expand this work beyond reasonable lengths.By the same token, other differences between youth also receive little attention. I don't talk about what it means to be straight versus gay (or lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, or intersexed); I don't talk about the cultural differences of growing up in a black, Latino, Asian, or Native American family; I don't talk about being working class or living on the streets; I don't talk about being developmentally delayed, physically or mentally handicapped, mentally ill, or incarcerated. Each identity combines with adultism to create new, specific forms of prejudice and oppression -- there's too much to consider for an introductory text.
8. The United States / Urban Areas
This book is specific to the United States of America. I don't attempt to discuss adultism in other nations. And even within the U.S., I recognize that I'm mainly dealing with cities and urban life.Adultism is omnipresent; but the resources to support Youth Liberation are not. For this kind of activism to thrive, you need a large pool of youth to draw from, and a context of other activist groups already disturbing the peace for social change. Circumstances like these exist mostly just in metropolitan areas. Looking at a map, there are roughly 50 large cities in the U.S. (not evenly distributed). Additionally, within each state there are also several large towns where organized youth activism might be really practical. By my estimate, there should be about 250 - 300 locales where this book can be immediately useful.
9. "Mainstream Culture"
Within the U.S., I presume that a "mainstream" culture exists -- growing out of universalizing forces such as television, compulsory schooling, and the "melting pot" ethic. Adult-youth relationships vary somewhat, according to which ethnic or lifestyle subculture they occur in. Still, the mainstream's influence is sufficiently powerful, finding its way even into these pockets, that I feel comfortable making generalizations.I'll spell this out once, at the beginning: the mainstream U.S. lifestyle tends to be defined by white-skinned, European-descended, middle-class, politically moderate, Christian-leaning, heterosexual, family-oriented parents. By talking about mainstream values, these are the people I'm most strongly referencing. That said, I won't bother to repeat such qualifications throughout the rest of the book.
10. Shifting What's Normal
If I knew how, I'd write a book titled "How To Fight With Your Parents And Win". The trouble is that odds are so stacked against youth, they lose every time -- if the parent's being unreasonable. Tips for how young people can better deal with living in their own family are painfully absent here.Instead, I pin my hopes on a long-term approach: shift what's considered normal, so adults won't be as casual about throwing their weight around. It's hard to leverage a parent with activism; they're pretty much off on their own, the "king of their castle", ruling however they want. Even so, they are restrained, somewhat, by their perception of mainstream public opinion. If public opinion is swayed toward the ideals of Youth Liberation, then after long enough people will simply be brought up believing that it's what's right. The outcome of challenging norms with activism is uncertain; but for the sake of justice, it must be tried.
-- to be continued --
March 7, 2003
Posted by Sven at 5:11 PM
March 5, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 8
III. Audience -- Who This Book Is For
Adult opponents of Youth Liberation may well feel that I haven't proved youth deserve liberation. This book is not meant to convince them. If youth can themselves demand better treatment and expanded rights, I view that as sufficient proof of their intelligence and humanity. ...Going forward and acting on the ideas of Youth Liberation does not require adult approval.I am writing for people who already support Youth Liberation, and for skeptics who suspect that they might agree with the idea, if only it were spelled out for them.
Foremost, I want to speak to actual youth activists. I've spent ten years studying how adultism works and how it might be fought. My hope is that the ideas I've come up with will be useful: helping youth see adultism, challenge it, and defend against counter-attacks.
Writing that's unnecessarily complex and uses "big words" excludes youth. As my writing style has developed, I've always tried to be as plain as possible, replacing technical terms (like "hegemony") with more simple ones (like "command / obey relationship"). Nonetheless, I know that I frequently fail. I'm college-educated and think in those terms. If you don't understand, it's my fault; I apologize.
[In earlier stages of writing, I had the good fortune to find teens willing to review my writing. Hopefully I'll be able to connect with more youth readers before this is published to a wider audience.]
Among adults, I most want to address persons who are going to work within Youth Liberation organizations. Special responsibilities fall upon allies. It's a humbling experience. You need to learn how to invite criticism; how to suppress the urge to assert your "right" way of doing things; and how to abide by the activist dictum "Do nothing about us without us." I think that I can make this difficult work easier.
I also want to reach adult activists of the Progressive Left. Because of their commitment to fighting other oppressions, I believe they are predisposed to becoming allies. I think activists have a moral obligation to become educated about the various oppressions, and to lend assistance to other people's movements when possible. The Left could be a great support to Youth Liberation: supplying training, meeting space, and political credibility.
Having an academic background, there's a degree to which I'd like this work to be read in colleges and universities (particularly psychology, sociology, and political science departments). I want the theory herein to stand up to at least moderate scrutiny from scholars. It's more a standard that I set for myself than a crucial audience, I suppose. It would be nice if my work inspires further research on adultism -- but if that research doesn't connect with activists, what good is it?
Obviously there are many other people that may read this work. Parents will want to know more about the implications for raising children. Teachers may wonder what good they can do in their current positions (without risking their jobs). College students -- with most of the legal privileges of adulthood, but much of the social stigma of youth -- will want to know where they stand. Whole books could be devoted to each of these concerns -- and I hope that someone writes them. The scope of this book, however, must be limited to what directly helps the activism of minors. I offer parents, teachers, and college students brief suggestions; but discussion always returns to what they can do to support youth-led groups.
...I'm in an odd position, writing this book when I'm now an adult myself. I criticize adults as a group and advocate that youth be seen as the experts on adultism. By my own principles, I must not speak in their place -- yet, at present I know of no one else prepared to write a book like this. How do I reconcile the contradiction?
I reconcile it by naming youth as the legitimate critics of my work, instead of adults. I've worked hard to make something that is accurate and useful -- but youth can take it or leave it as they see fit. It's offered as a tool. If they praise it, then I will feel validated. If they discard it, I'm OK with that too. Adults -- while I'm interested in their in their criticisms -- don't get to be the final judges here.
-- to be continued --
March 5, 2003
Posted by Sven at 7:12 PM
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 7
II. Goals (Continued)
(5) Support Youth Liberation activists.
The most important goal of this book is to support actual Youth Liberation activists. I want to offer them new ideas about how adultism works and how to fight it.You don't need a book in order to do Youth Liberation activism. All you need is a sense of injustice and the courage to speak out. Still, knowledge can help you be more effective. How you understand a problem determines what actions you'll choose in trying to solve it.
I believe adultism is basically a problem of adults misusing power. Adult power is not inherently bad; but being nearly absolute, there's great potential for abuse. ...And adults *do* abuse it -- often and casually. Anti-youth prejudices contribute to the problem -- but rather than seeing them as a root cause, I view them more as convenient excuses for adults who like getting what they want and seeing themselves as better than youth.
Being a problem of power, I think it's useful to look carefully at the structure of society: What institutions govern the lives of youth?; Which specific individuals get authority to make decisions about youth?; What tools do they have for making youth obey their will? The answers to these questions dictate the solution: activist groups led by youth, for youth, against adult oppression -- specifically targeting the individuals who have decision-making power over what youth want -- mainly more ability to leave harmful / demeaning situations at will.
If the problem were primarily one of prejudice, emphasis might be put on challenging media defamation (also useful work). Instead, this book focuses on leveraging legislators, city councils, school officials, child protection agencies, and other adult authorities. Stopping these persons' abuse of power means limiting what they get to control. This can be done by making sure that youth are included in all decision-making processes that affect them, by taking away some of the adults' authority, and by giving youth more freedom to get out from under them (e.g. by lifting curfews, making public transit free, building more youth shelters / hostels). These changes will need to be pushed for by youth -- adults, even friendly ones, are unlikely to give up control voluntarily. Youth should work in groups for mutual support. Speaking together, they will be taken more seriously than they would speaking alone.
Besides teaching youth about oppression theory and the tools of activism, a fairly direct way to support Youth Liberation is by training adults to be better allies. Doing so puts more resources behind youth leadership; it also helps prevent adults from getting in the way. But this material isn't for adults alone. Having a clear idea about how allies should be expected to act makes a youth better able to confront adult takeovers within their organization. Furthermore, it prepares youth for the day when they become adults, when their role in the movement abruptly shifts.
Spreading these ideas and tools, hopefully, will be a significant help to the Youth Liberation movement -- making it more effective in its aims, and better able to defend itself against problems from within.
-- to be continued --
March 5, 2003
Posted by Sven at 2:32 PM
March 4, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 6
II. Goals (Continued)
(4) Add Youth Liberation to the Progressive Left's agenda.
I want the Progressive Left to embrace Youth Liberation. In order to explain what that might look like, I need to briefly explain the reality of how movements associated with the Left connect with one another. Next, I'll touch on a few of the practical issues that come up when you try to integrate concern for an outside minority into your own group. I'll finish by summarizing the ethical arguments for paying attention to Youth Liberation issues.
a) How Movements Connect with One Another
Minority groups that face social oppression (e.g. blacks, women, gays, Jews, the poor) often come under attack from the same conservative forces. Despite this, oppressed minorities have many times found themselves pitted against one another. [This is sometimes referred to as "horizontal oppression".] However, in the Progressive Left there is a train of thought that tries to build alliances between the movements. "Oppression" and "liberation" is language used in trying to draw out the similarities of circumstances that they share.There is no massive, centralized body in the Left that could set an authoritative agenda. Building connections is an ongoing effort, typically between just two or a few groups at a time. To the extent that a sort of shared agenda *does* exist, it emerges from the concerns and values of many individual organizations choosing -- independently or together -- to work for similar goals.
Some activists argue that we should try to build a single unified front -- turn all the little groups into one big force. They see our movement's splinteredness as a significant problem. I don't agree with this view. For the most part, I see diversity of groups as a very positive thing.
When people argue for creating one ten- or twenty-point agenda that everyone can get behind, too often some group is told that their issues should take a back seat -- that they should shut up for the greater cause. Having many specific minority advocate groups allows each to be an expert on its own constituency's needs and historical perspective. I suspect it would be near impossible to gather and coordinate all this intelligence within a one-size-fits all structure.
Still, individual activists within all these groups should strive to become as knowledgeable about other movements as possible. They should attend each other's meetings, creating diplomatic ties through personal acquaintance. And when asked, they should strongly consider giving assistance for a specific project.
b) Practical Coalition Work
I once heard a useful distinction made between coalitions and alliances. A coalition is two or more groups coming together for the sake of a common short-term goal. The groups may come from radically different philosophies -- but they both want the same thing right now, so they're willing to put those differences aside. An alliance is more of a long-term partnership; it's between two or more groups that are philosophically aligned and want to support each other's broader aims. An alliance relationship may continue to exist even in the absence of a current shared project.I think most people's notion of what "coalition work" means is pretty fuzzy -- just the idea of being mutually supportive. Consequently, they may be enthusiastic about the concept without at all understanding what it requires. It's easy to give an endorsement -- but it takes a lot more energy to help stage a protest or collect testimonies for a public hearing. *Meaningful* coalition projects have a cost. Even if the drain on money and material resources isn't bad, an organization's five or ten core activists only have so much energy. Signing-on to too many outside projects leads to exhaustion and neglecting the issues that the group was originally formed to address. The decision to enter into a coalition shouldn't be taken lightly.
That said, it takes relatively few resources to begin laying down the groundwork for an *alliance*. The first step is just to become more aware of another group's issues.
One way to start the process is by inviting in guest speakers. This benefits both parties: the speakers further their goal of public education, and the host group's organizers get to sit back (for a change) and let someone else fill meeting time. Activists often say that going to workshops and learning new ideas helps keep them inspired and energized. Meeting people from an unfamiliar minority also tends to be popular among audiences.
After hosting a workshop, it's much less difficult to start challenging oppressive attitudes within one's own group. Increasing participation of people from this other minority group, however, is another thing.
Organizers often bemoan the absence of blacks or women or youth in their meetings. Generally the problem stems from wanting these outsiders to **come to them**. I mean this in both the physical and the psychological sense. Let me use race as an example... White organizers are often attached to a meeting space that's located in a predominantly white section of town. They fail to advertise or host meetings on black turf. Even when a black person does manage to walk through the door, organizers frequently turn them off to the group by not being savvy about what issues matter in the black community. It's as if they want African-Americans to support their pet cause without having to give anything back. If you want more blacks in your predominantly white group, realize that a demographic shift will also mean shifting the group's priorities to better match those of the new members.
If you genuinely want to bring African-Americans in, here's what to do: go volunteer for a black organization. Doing so, you learn the community's issues as seen from the inside; you make new connections with people on their own turf, instead of your own; and you develop reputation and credibility by showing willingness to put your labor behind their leadership. Rolling up your sleeves and shedding some sweat is far more meaningful that nice words alone.
The principles that I've described hold equally true for working with youth. Coalition work is demanding; most adult-run Progressive Left organizations won't choose to actively collaborate with youth activists, not if the youth are choosing the issues. However, in a city or an organization where youth are raising their voices, adults have an obligation to become more knowledgeable. A good first step is inviting youth activists to speak. If the adults really get serious about bringing more youth participation into their groups, then they'll need to change the very nature of their organizations. Advertising and meetings will have to happen on youth turf: schools, all-ages clubs, hang-outs where food is cheap and the staff is youth-tolerant. Which issues the group takes on have to shift to better reflect what's important to youth. ...And ideally, youth will be integrated into the board of directors, and be hired for staff positions.
This is what it would look like for the Progressive Left to embrace Youth Liberation.
c) Ethical Arguments
I believe groups that share the oppression / liberation framework are morally obligated to integrate awareness of adultism into their activities. I see three key reasons why they should be concerned:First, youth are already part of their constituencies. Among African-Americans, black youth suffer a special, additional prejudice that's directed at hip-hop culture and clothing thought to associate one with a gang. For Feminist abortion defenders, parental consent laws have been one part of a conservative agenda to slowly chip away access for all women. Among gay, lesbian, bi, and transsexual persons, some of the most intense harassment tends to be experienced during the high school years. Embracing youth issues just means serving a larger portion of the people in one's own community.
Second, groups concerned with oppression should be committed to not oppressing others. It's a simple matter of observing the same principles that you ask others to live by. For example, if you're asking people to stop using language that denigrates your community, then you should also take it upon yourself to learn what feels offensive to other groups. [To some extent this can be done with common sense; however, even long-time activists need education to become aware of more subtle, group-specific issues.] Or, perhaps your group has historically been excluded from power, suffering laws and policies that were created without its input... Maybe you're trying to rectify this by insisting that authorities listen to your community's concerns. Shouldn't you then go out of your way to make sure that you don't also play the excluding authority figure for someone else -- such as youth? [As the activist saying goes, "Do nothing about me without me."]
Third, so long as adultism remains intact, it will help preserve other oppressions. A historical complaint of both white women and black men is that they've been treated "like children", e.g. being called "girl" and "boy" as adults. Of course it's disrespectful -- but doesn't the fact that it's offensive to treat adults "like children" also suggest that there's something fundamentally demeaning about how adults treat actual youth? If human beings keep on learning to treat young people in this way, then they will always have a model of oppressive behavior that can be translated over to some other group.
...An argument can be made that adultism, being such and early and universal experience, is really the seed from which all other oppressions spring. Personally I think this position is flawed; racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, etc. are interrelated, but each has a unique history -- there is no "mother of all" oppressions. Nonetheless, the hyperbole at least serves to suggest that adultism is *not* unimportant among the ranks of "isms".
To summarize: Organizations of the Progressive Left should be concerned with fighting adultism -- for the sake of serving their entire constituencies, avoiding hypocrisy, and eliminating all models for oppressive behavior. Minimally, they should invite youth activist speakers to come and do educational events; more ambitious organizations should work collaboratively with Youth Liberation groups, and even consider changing their own internal structures. Once many individual groups have taken these actions, then it will be appropriate to say that the Progressive Left has finally embraced Youth Liberation as part of its agenda.
-- to be continued --
March 4, 2003
Posted by Sven at 8:15 PM
March 3, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 5
II. Goals (Continued)
(3) Promote youth-led activism within the Children's Rights movement.
Adopting an oppression / liberation framework forces well-intentioned adults to reevaluate their role in protecting youths' well being.The traditional model of child rights / welfare / protection pits "good" adults against "bad" ones (who are abusive, neglectful, or incompetent), or against simple accidents of circumstance -- such as poverty, hunger, or lack of resources. Young people's role in this model is essentially passive: harm is defined by an adult-run organization; intervention is set in motion when some other adults identify a problem situation; and the ultimate outcome is determined by an adult service provider -- or by resolving a conflict between the agency and a youth's parents. If the youth's input is solicited at all, it is simply to confirm what the adults already believe is the case.
Within the oppression / liberation framework, this exclusion of youth is seen as oppressive in itself, and thus unethical. "Oppression" is primarily defined by the power and control that one group wields over another; strong emphasis is put on examining who holds final decision-making power. Ethically speaking, if something's going to affect a youth, the youth must have a say. **Excluding youth from a decision-making process that affects them is an act of oppression.** This remains so regardless of how well-intentioned an adult is, or how positive the outcome they engineer; regardless of whether the exclusion was intentional or just an oversight.
This is not to suggest that all existing child welfare / protection efforts are entirely without value. There are *some* roles that adults can play independently and still be considered ethical. Generally a blanket, or a belly full of food, or an escape route out of immediate danger is a positive thing -- no matter where it comes from. However, this is most true when suffering is extreme and clear-cut. Unilateral provision of "help" is not designed to address more subtle social dynamics between youth and adults. Adults don't necessarily know what feels most important to youth. They can fail to perceive attacks on young people's dignity, or not address these issues as aggressively as the ones that seem significant to *them*.
Because youth and adults have different standpoints in society, there is potential for a conflict of interests. For instance, adults have made child abuse a criminal act -- but spanking / physical disciplining a child or teen is legally protected. Adults, even those actively working for youths' welfare, have a vested interest in maintaining control over the young people in their lives. The right to inflict pain is a tool that can be used to that end. Youth, by contrast, are in a position to argue that corporal punishment and child abuse are both forms of assault, and that these acts should not be condoned, regardless of the victim's age.
Youth Liberation suggests that in order to be non-oppressive and avoid conflicts of interest, groups claiming to act on behalf of youth must actively involve youth in steering their organizations' work. It does not stop there, though. Youth Liberation further argues that youth should have ultimate power in such organizations, and that adults should play a subordinate role, limited to supporting the leadership decisions of the youth. In essence, this is about the *means* matching the *ends*. If the core issue behind young people's oppression is exclusive adult control, then the solution to this problem must involve youth being in control of the effort to make change.
Simply involving youth more in organizational planning has substantial benefits -- even without the further step of reversing power roles. Youth have insider knowledge. They, better than anyone else, understand the realities of their problems: only they experience them first hand. Studying youth from afar or trying to look at the world from their standpoint can be useful; but inevitably there are aspects of the real experience that could not be predicted by an outsider. Youth can identify problems that adults were unaware of, and ways in which service programs are failing to connect with their intended audience.
Direct participation of youth in children's rights, welfare, and protection work also gives these endeavors a greater appearance of legitimacy. If youth are permitted to speak for themselves and they bless the project, that says more than any number of adult endorsements could. The trick of it is that in soliciting youth input, you might discover that they're *not* entirely satisfied -- which would commit you to having to change how the organization currently operates, which may be very difficult indeed.
For adults to take that additional step, of becoming the servants of youth leadership, requires a major change of perspective. It requires well-intentioned adults to see themselves as part of the problem.
All adults are members of the oppressor group. This is not to say that they are bad persons, but rather that they personally benefit from their position in a legal and social structure. It's not something to feel guilty or ashamed about. You're not responsible for having created the situation; but as a beneficiary, you are responsible for helping to change it. There's no way to simply wash your hands; you can't voluntarily revoke the privilege you've been given. What you can do is strive to be an ally to youth in their own efforts to become free. [Whether you succeed or not in this aim is for them to decide.]
The ideal Youth Liberation organization would be fully separatist, run by youth with no adult participation whatsoever. In reality however, the benefits of limited adult involvement usually outweighs the problems: adults can teach the tools of activism; they can supply meeting space, labor and financial / material resources; and they can lend credibility when adult authorities are disinclined to listen to youth alone.
But the problems involved are also significant. Foremost is the fact that adults are so used to being in charge that they tend to take over. When youth and adults sit in a circle, the adults monopolize the conversation: they speak longer and more often than the youth; they speak and respond to each other instead of to the whole group; and they steamroll the youths' opinions, or fail to even hear and remember what they've said -- they don't pay attention.
For these reasons, it is important in Youth Liberation organizations to put explicit limits on adult participation. Adults may be prohibited from voting; they may only be allowed to speak a certain number of times during the meeting; there may be a period at the end of the meeting when only youth get to speak, and they discuss moments in the conversation that "stung", so the adults can learn.
**Adults must learn how to invite and receive criticism from youth.** This is the foundation of being a good ally, of improving existing youth rights / welfare / protection agencies, and -- in the broadest sense -- making society a more positive place for youth.
On a personal level, you have to disinvest yourself from always being right. It's easy to feel like you're a good person because you "never" (seldom) hurt anyone. But that idea can lead to a defensiveness that makes youth feel unsafe to criticize you. Criticism is how you learn. It is a gift to receive criticism from an oppressed person; it takes courage on their part to risk telling you how your actions affected them. Shift your self-esteem over to how you respond *after* doing harm. Instead of being the person who never does wrong, be the person who welcomes becoming more self-aware of their actions. Find pride in being the person who follows through and keeps their word when they say they'll change.
The more that adults adopt this attitude -- of being *accountable to* youth instead of *responsible for* youth -- the better society will become. To improve, organizations and communities must open themselves up to learning when something is wrong. That means opening up the floodgates to youth criticism. Only when youth have a voice, welcomed and heard --in *everything* that affects them -- will ending their oppression become a real possibility.
-- to be continued --
March 3, 2003
Posted by Sven at 5:35 PM
February 20, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 4
II. Goals [continued]
(2) Redefine "Children's Rights" work as fighting an oppression.
The Children's Rights movement has admirable goals; Youth Liberation could be well described as a sub-variety of activism under the general rubric. However, I believe that getting "rights" is the wrong model for how to improve treatment of youth. Using an oppression / liberation framework instead has distinct advantages.What is a "right"? It's a guarantee, typically in the form of a government law, e.g. "freedom of speech". Of course, a law is only a piece of paper -- in itself, it provides no powers or protection. The guarantee is made meaningful only to the extent that when someone ignores your right, there's a process in place for registering a complaint, judging it's validity, and enforcing change (e.g. armed police imprisoning the offender, or compelling them to pay a fine). Thus, it can be useful to enshrine a right in law -- but that's only the first step. If young people aren't familiar with their rights, or don't know how to navigate through a legal complaint process -- or if no enforcement agency exists -- then their "rights" are basically useless.
Rights can guarantee that someone will provide you with something: e.g. a material resource, a service, or access to providers of such. Or, they can guarantee that someone will *not* do something to you: e.g. treat you differently from others, physically hurt you, or in some other way punish your actions. In either case, getting justice when your rights have been broken can be extremely difficult. You have to *prove* that the offender committed a crime of commission or omission -- which usually requires material evidence, which can be very hard to come by. [Not to mention that while you pursue justice, the offender may be well within their rights to harass you and make your life generally miserable!] By focusing on "rights", I think youth advocates have unwittingly narrowed potential discussion of how youth are treated to a very small set of issues.
I'm amazed at how little attention is given to young people's subjective quality of life. Providing resources and intervening in horrific abuse both deal with objective harms; hearing about youths' internal experience is not even essential in dealing with such problems. However, an enormous amount of quality of life has to deal with how a youth is treated socially, as a *person*. Are they ignored, interrupted, disparaged, lectured, coerced, dealt with punitively? ...In other words, treated "like a child"? Attitudes toward youth have got to be considered as a fundamental "Children's Rights" issue. And, if youth are disrespected, devalued, and dehumanized -- how can that not contribute to the more objective forms of maltreatment? Unfortunately, a rights framework is not really designed to deal with purely social interactions -- it's set up to demand material evidence.
Richard Farson, John Holt, and Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor -- in my opinion, the founding thinkers of modern Youth Liberation -- all produced "bill of rights"-style documents [probably inspired in part by the "UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child"]. These writings convey a vision of the utopian world that we want to create -- but they also suggest a false image of how change will occur. Whereas the United States' Bill of Rights was passed in one fell swoop (with later additions), each point on the Youth Liberation agenda will have to be won one at a time. Not only will there be strong opposition on the way to any victory, but even after a pro-youth law passes, opponents are likely to continue trying to strike it down, or at least erode its impact.
I believe an oppression / liberation framework does a better job of addressing the social aspects of youth suffering, and just how active opposition to youth freedom really is. There's still a place for rights -- but as a tool of self-defense rather than an end goal.
Some Children's Rights authors have discussed the historical oppression of youth, using the word "oppression" in a fairly loose, but evocative sense. I mean to use "oppression" here in an almost technical sense, linking these issues to an alternate political framework. Alison Jaggar, in her book "Feminist Politics and Human Nature", explains the difference:
"Earlier feminists used the language of "rights" and "equality," but in the late 1960s "oppression" and "liberation" became the key words for the political activists of the new left. [...] The change in language reflects a significant development in the political perspective of contemporary feminism. [...] [O]ppression is the imposition of unjust constraints on the freedom of individuals or groups. Liberation is the correlate of oppression. It is release from oppressive constraints. [...] Oppression is the *imposition* of constraints; it suggests that the problem is not the result of bad luck, ignorance, or prejudice but is caused rather by one group actively subordinating another group to its own interest. Thus, to talk of oppression seems to commit feminists to a world view that includes at least two groups with conflicting interests: the oppressors and the oppressed. It is a world view, moreover, that strongly suggests that liberation is likely to be achieved by rational debate but instead must be the result of political struggle." (pp. 5-6)
Describing adults (collectively) as oppressors accurately conveys the extent to which disrespectful, anti-youth attitudes are pervasive in the mainstream -- even if they're alternately contradicted with declarations of love. It also rightly suggests that adults are *actively* engaged in inventing new rules and legal initiatives to curtail young people's freedom. ...Most of youth advocates' energy could easily be spent just defending what few rights minors have at present -- forget about building utopia!
One final criticism of the "rights" model: I think it fosters the idea that youth won't truly be free until the whole agenda's been won. I object to this; youth are free *now*. The problem is that when youth try to exercise their freedom, adults predictably interfere and prevent them from doing so. But sometimes youth get away with it; they break a rule and don't get caught. Youth are like native people in a land that's been colonized by outsiders; they don't necessarily have to recognize adults' right to rule them. Changing the rules isn't so much about opening up incredible new opportunities -- it's about making it easier to get away with what you intended to do anyway. It's about simply getting adults out of the way, as you live your life in the way that you would choose to normally.
-- to be continued --
February 20, 2003
Posted by Sven at 6:05 PM
Book Blurb
NOTE: Imagine that you're reading this on the back cover of the book.
YOUTH LIBERATION: Fighting Adults' Abuse of Power
"I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn't much improved my opinion of them."
Antoine de Saint-Exupry, The Little Prince.
While many minors are treated well, experiences of being disrespected simply for being young are also widespread especially among teens. Adults claim near absolute power for guiding, controlling, and correcting their children. This leaves enormous room for abuse of power from making petty demands to inflicting physical pain. Adults are unlikely to voluntarily limit their own powers; change must be demanded by youth themselves. "Youth Liberation" is teen-led activism: by youth, for youth, against adult oppression.In this book:
- Youth Liberation basics
- How adults mistreat youth
- "Adultism" defined the oppression of young people
- How adultism is built into society's institutions
- How adults can be allies to Youth Liberation
February 20, 2003Posted by Sven at 5:53 PM
February 18, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 3
II. Goals
I want to provide a theoretical foundation for Youth Liberation activism. In a very general way, my job breaks down into two parts: analysis of the problem (adultism), and proposing a solution / strategy for change (teen-led activism). I've chosen to limit this book to describing the problem -- and even then, for the sake of brevity, only in an introductory way.I have an academic background and by nature am attracted to a philosophical tone. However, I am also an activist -- which means I have to be concerned with mobilizing specific communities to the cause. I don't think many readers will pick up this book out of pure, uninformed curiosity and then feel moved to become full-time activists. The ideas herein are most likely to appeal to people who are (at least marginally) already involved in Youth Liberation work, or who care about issues that are only a short step away from this topic.
From this perspective, my task is really to introduce several different communities to the ideas of the others. In a sense, I want them to become more ideologically and politically integrated. Indeed, the process of comparing and contrasting their different ideas is what led me to my own beliefs.
I have identified five core goals for all of my Youth Liberation writing:
1. Explain child abuse by using Feminist domestic violence theory.
2. Redefine "Children's Rights" work as fighting an oppression.
3. Promote youth-led activism within the Children's Rights movement.
4. Add Youth Liberation to the Progressive Left's agenda.
5. Offer Youth Liberation a toolbox of activist tactics....My goals in writing exceed the scope of this book; not all of these topics will receive direct attention herein. Nonetheless, these themes will doubtlessly influence the present volume, so I think it's appropriate to explain them now, if only briefly. [With luck, I'll be able to follow this book with one that provides a more in-depth and historical analysis, and another that deals with the logistics of youth-led activism.]
(1) Explain child abuse by using Feminist domestic violence theory.
Physical violence receives significant attention in my work. This focus reflects my sense that intentionally causing pain is the epitome of oppression. It is the awful end result of normal values being taken to an extreme, to their logical conclusion. As such, it illuminates the oppressors' most destructive thinking.Violence also provides a useful focal point for designing specific liberation proposals. In my framework, liberties are seldom just for their own enjoyment -- they are the necessities of self-defense. Most of the agenda points that I support contribute in some way to youth being able to remove themselves, at their own discretion, from an abusive home.
Feminist theories of male violence against women emerged, in part, from an awareness of historical oppression. They emphasize the role of power and control-related motives. A new, Feminist-style analysis could go a long way toward explaining violence against minors. True, it would add little to present understandings of infant abuse. And it would largely neglect various other factors known to contribute to violence -- such as parental drug / alcohol use -- but because these are not seen as *causal* factors. Despite such caveats, translating Feminist insights produces some very useful and previously unexplored perspectives:
Violence is about adults' desire for power and control. It is a means to an end: obtaining minors' obedience. The line between legitimate "discipline" and illegal "abuse" is artificial. Violence is not prohibited; it is simply regulated.
Many grownups have a strong desire to embody the role of "the parent" or "the adult". If being "the parent" is equated with being in control of one's child, then "correcting" them with physical punishment can provide a strong feeling that one has fulfilled the obligations of his/her role. Giving punishment can also reinforce the adult's sense of identity: that they are different from and superior to the younger person (and youth in general), because the youth's subordinance has been made apparent. [This is analogous to how some men's commitment to embodying "masculinity" leads them to subordinate and/or hurt women.]
If adult authority was ever just a tool for protecting youths' well-being, it has since transcended that purpose. For many, authority is an end in itself. People with an "I'm the adult, you're the kid -- do as I say" attitude generally feel entitled to make petty commands, self-serving rules, and major interventions in the young person's life -- actions that provoke legitimate resistance. A resentful tone, being slow to respond, or not doing what you're told, is seen as insubordination: a punishable offense. In this cultural context, it seems inevitable that some percentage of parents will ultimately resort to violence to enforce respect for their position.
Like assaults on other minorities, violence against minors can also be seen as a form of "hate-crime". Prejudice against teens is apparent in adults' widespread disparagement of youth character and culture. Prejudice creates a hostile environment, which increases the likelihood of conflict and use of physical force. Essentially, youth are attacked, within the home, for showing their membership in a disliked group.
Along these same lines, parents may *anticipate* the onset of stereotypical "adolescent behavior" and begin treating their children with suspicion and an overly critical eye. in doing so, they may actually be responsible for creating the "moody", "rude", and "rebellious" behavior that they have expected and feel compelled to punish.
-- to be continued --
February 18, 2003
Posted by Sven at 5:55 PM
January 22, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 2
I. The Lack of Youth Liberation Theory
The first 18 years of my life are not a tale of suffering. I was a good student, and usually got along pretty well with my family. But that wasn't the case for all my friends. In high school, we knew whose parents were abusive; people would sometimes stay over at each others' houses to escape physical and verbal violence.I went to Reed College and majored in psychology. However, more than any class, the lasting impact of those years comes from my involvement in student activism. I cut my political teeth volunteering for the anti-domestic violence movement, getting trained by the Portland Women's Crisis Line and Bradley-Angle House (a battered women's shelter). I learned about a model of sexism that focuses on male power and control, and draws parallels with other oppressions -- racism, classism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc.
Getting and keeping fair treatment for minority groups is a continuing struggle. I got into activism to be an ally, to try to assist them. I've run discussion groups; protested porn stores carrying videos of actual rapes; escorted women past pro-life demonstrators into abortion clinics; handed out cookies at Portland's "Dyke March"; helped on "get out the vote" phone banks; served as a non-profit's executive director; organized conferences; and worked on a committee drafting a new civil rights ordinance for Multnomah county. I learned the tools of social change by doing.
My introduction to the concept of "adultism" was through Re-evaluation Counseling ("RC"), a peer counseling community that I've since renounced and disconnected from. The idea seemed to complement what I already knew of oppressions. I wanted a well thought out analysis -- but RC's discussion was superficial. It failed to really address power and institutions, or to propose the necessary activism for change. Even so, the more I involved myself with movement work, the more I saw young people's oppression as an important piece of the puzzle. It must have an important role in teaching hierarchical relationships... I wondered, could adultism be the original model for all other "isms"? No one seemed to have given adultism the attention it deserved.
Anti-domestic violence agencies addressed teen dating violence and incest survivors, but each essentially as a women's issue. Feminists have redefined battery and rape as issues of power and control; it seemed to me that this insight could be extended to explain child abuse. But age wasn't a part of the discussion. ...If a father strikes his teenage daughter, don't we need to understand the role age plays, as well as sex? For me, memory of my high school friends made explaining parents' violence against teens a pressing concern.
In the realm of psychology, I read comprehensive overviews of the theories that have been proposed to explain child abuse. I was unable to find anything analogous to feminist thought, attributing abuse to a power and control motive. Discussion of violence against teens, in general, seemed rather neglected. But I know that babies and toddlers are not the only victims.
Some activists have tried to get domestic violence seen as a form of hate crime against women. This suggested another intriguing idea, that perhaps prejudice against teens contributes in part to violence. Considering the mean comments I've heard about adolescents -- about their music, hair / clothing, hormones, and character -- it seems like psychology or sociology should have produced some relevant research. Again, I discovered a hole in the literature. Next to nothing has been written on prejudice or discrimination against youth.
Rather late in my research, I finally sought out books about the Children's Rights movement. I found a handful of essays that resonated with the power-aware activist politics I've embraced. However, for the most part, Children's Rights seems isolated from other movements. Almost no authors used the "oppression" framework, or place mistreatment of youth in the context of sexism, racism, classism, etc. Nor do any but a scant few talk about this group's ability to liberate itself through activism. From what's written, you'd think that adults will calmly discuss, agree upon, and then deliver new freedoms, all from above. This does not jibe with my sense that rights are never given voluntarily by the oppressor -- they must be demanded by the oppressed.
Dissatisfied with the lack of well-made Youth Liberation theory, I set out to create it myself. My earliest writing dates back to 1992. Much of the theory for this book was generated as I worked on my undergraduate thesis: "Adult Supremacism: Violence Against Minors Viewed Through an Oppression Framework" (an inadequate and poorly written piece, I feel). Writing since then has continued unabated, augmented along the way by activist experiments. Notably, I initiated the Ending Adult Supremacism Task force, a caucus within the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (the NOMAS leadership council approved formation during its 1995 Men & Masculinity conference at Johnstown, PA). Then, in 1998 I worked again with youth activists as they founded Portland's Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Center -- learning much practical information about doing "by youth, for youth" groups in the process.
Most of my understanding of adultism and Youth Liberation does not come directly from working with youth. I've been inspired by writings from (and experience with) a coalition of progressive, identity-based social justice movements. Much of what I now believe comes out of extrapolating from their examples. Ultimately, I hope to bring Youth Liberation and these other movements together -- each enriching and completing the other.
-- to be continued --
January 22, 2003
Posted by Sven at 1:28 PM
January 13, 2003
Chapter 1: About This Book - part 1
NOTE: This essay is meant to introduce a book project that I've been working on: "Adultism: How Adults Oppress Teens and Children" (working title). The essay I just completed, "Adult Supremacism", is meant to fall much later in the work. It was useful for me to write on that subject while inspired, but it was just about the worst possible way to introduce new readers to my ideas. So, let me begin again -- at the beginning. ...The first section of the book (Part I) is titled "Adultism is an Oppression", and will take up five to six chapters. At my current rate, I hope to have Part I done by the end of March. Wish me luck!
"I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. And that hasn't much improved my opinion of them."
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince" (1943)This book is about adultism: how adults oppress teens and children. It is meant to support the United States' fledgling youth liberation movement. I hope that it will help youth activists and their adult allies better understand the overall problem that they've begun to challenge.
Unlike previous books on "children's rights", little energy will be spent arguing that youth are better quality persons than adults generally think. This is not primarily a book about youth; it is about adults -- how we imagine ourselves, and the harm that we collectively cause in the name of young people's "best interests". The bulk of the work deals with my analysis and criticisms of adulthood: the identity and the organization.
...Yet, I cannot help but begin suggesting some alternatives. I hope and imagine that following this book, I will be able to write one that deals in-depth with the practical issues of youth-led activism. This book is about the problem; that one will be about the solution.
There are many negative things to say about what "being adult" means in our society -- but there is also joy and hope in the struggle to create change. By working to unlearn adultism, adults can begin to relate with youth an a more equal, human basis; we can strive to be more whole persons, setting "ageless being" as our ideal instead of "maturity"; and we can feel pride in our effort to make Justice include all age-groups in its vision. Criticizing how things are now is an important first step. Where it leads is to imagining how things could be made better, and then to the harder work of actually changing our world.
-- to be continued --
January 13, 2003
Posted by Sven at 2:52 PM
January 9, 2003
Adult Supremacism - part 5
VI. "I'm better than you because I'm an adult"
The mirror image of negative perceptions of minors, is adults' positive self-regard. Similar to white supremacism and male supremacism, many people feel at some level "I'm better than you because I'm an adult." Whether or not it's fully articulated, this sense is ultimately what makes adults feel entitled to control youth, that it's their *right*. It's one thing to see youth as a troubled people, or as fundamentally flawed persons -- but it's another to think that you deserve absolute power over their lives because you're so much better.Adults rationalize their sense of superiority with several lines of reasoning:
- Wise from experience. Having been alive longer, adults have had more experiences, more opportunity to learn life lessons. This wisdom makes them better at making "good choices" -- and able to see when youth are making bad ones (e.g. premarital sex, taking drugs, joining a gang, getting a tattoo).
- Intelligent thinkers. Having completed more school, and learned more about how the world works, adults are better qualified than youth to make important decisions -- such as who should be president and what laws we should live under. Youth are more easily manipulated by flashy ad campaigns and lying politicians.
- Practical competence. Adults are able to take care of themselves. They can drive, get a job, buy groceries, dress and feed themselves. Children are a threat to themselves -- likely to run into the street, touch a hot stove burner, stick a fork in an electric socket, put a marble up their nose, and eat nothing but cookies. [This argument generally focuses on infants and toddlers, ignoring teens entirely.]
- Cultured behavior. Adults are polite, have good manners, and show self-control. Their clothes, haircuts, and music all show that they are civilized human beings. Youth, by contrast, are loud, rude, and wild; their music is awful, and their appearance is ridiculous (e.g. green hair, piercings).
- Emotionally stable. Adults are calm, even-tempered, patient, and good-natured. ...Whereas youth are slaves to their emotions. They want everything they see on TV, want it immediately, don't understand having to work for a goal (because they're given everything on a platter), and throw temper-tantrums when they don't get what they desire. Teens are especially unreasonable -- moody, withdrawn, embarrassed by their parents, rebellious (just to be like their friends), and generally impossible to live with.
- In touch with reality. Adults live in the "real" world -- the world of working a job and paying bills. Children are sheltered (as they should be) and innocent of the evil that goes on out here. They believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, and play with imaginary friends. Teens think that they're immortal, that they know everything, and that they'll always feel the way they do now (e.g. getting a tattoo, eloping with their first girl- / boyfriend). Adults have their feet on the ground, not their head in the clouds -- like youth who think they'll be rock'n'roll stars some day.
In arguments, the burden is usually upon youth to prove that they are not inferior to adults. But adults are themselves guilty of all these perceived flaws. Plenty of adults are unwise, make decisions based on faulty reasoning, do a poor job of caring for themselves, are ill-mannered, bad-tempered, and out of touch with the equally real world that youth find themselves in each day. Similarly, it's not difficult to produce positive examples of youth who take care of themselves, do good deeds, involved in the community, prodigal at some skill, and so on. The argument then shifts: "But you have to admit that *on average* adults are better at all these things than youth!"
Whether young people have flaws -- even more flaws than adults -- is beside the point, and seldom worth arguing. Adults -- parents, childless citizens, government and school officials -- have claimed *absolute* power over young people: the right to command and be obeyed. Parents have free reign to do with their children as the see fit, with limits placed only on gratuitous abuse. The adult government controls minors as it sees fit, without the checks and balances of young people's direct political participation. Despite noble intentions, it is a situation rife with potential for abuse of power. The burden of proof should be upon adults, to show that they are so perfect that young voices can safely be excluded from decision-making processes.
...Young people *do* have disadvantages in terms of physical ability, economics, and know-how; the kind assistance of adults will always be necessary. But adults must learn humility, and to put firm limits on which areas of young people's self-determination they will meddle with.
[Personal freedom and participating in democracy are not things to be doled out based on superior intelligence. When blacks and women fought for the vote, some felt they weren't reasonable enough beings, that they would destroy the nation. Adults who believe the earth is flat can vote -- let youth, honor society students and drop-outs alike, vote if they choose to. Perhaps it is unlikely that a 10-year-old can drive a car -- but why prohibit them from taking the driver's exam if in fact they have learned how? ...Divesting control frightens adults; familiar institutions will have to be changed, and uncertainty will be introduced into personal relationships. But it is the *just* thing to do. And the opportunity to witness young people as equal beings offers rewards that many aren't even aware of yet.]
I am proposing the abolition of adulthood. Not the biological stage, of course, but all of the laws that artificially establish the group "adults" as an organized power. It is a vision to strive for; countless practical details remain to be hashed out (e.g. I am not proposing that adults should have sex with 4-year-olds). But that is OK -- issues will necessarily be addressed one at a time, and there will be political struggle at every step of the way. Adult supremacism cannot be wiped out with the stroke of a pen.
Furthermore, I advocate that human beings abandon even thinking of themselves as "adults". The identity cannot be redeemed of its supremacism simply by trying to reinvest it with a new meaning, or by striving to be better adults than before. Pride in adulthood is the pride of being something other than a youth. No one should take pride in a purely biological distinction (e.g. white, male) -- unless that difference has historically been put down. For the foreseeable future, it's the work of young people to claim youth and celebrate the ways in which they are different from adults; it's the work of adults to see how humans of all ages are the same. ...Which is not to say that adults should be "age-blind"! Rather, they must be very conscientious about how they interact with people of different ages, and aware that they are being seen as "adults" -- but at the same time striving in their personal lives to be something more whole.
Several ideas are useful in striving to transcend adulthood. If the group "adults" is a powerful organization with members and non-members, then one can imagine being a "conscientious objector", a form of "abolitionist" challenging the group to change, perhaps to the extent that one is considered an "age traitor". If "age dualism" is viewing one's younger self as if s/he was a different and separate person, then the alternative is "age monism": seeing one's life as an unbroken development, with themes continuing from childhood into the present. Let us set this as our ideal: to be an "ageless being". In the process we can reclaim qualities and culture associated with the young by "age-bending" --thoughtfully mixing youth-identified clothes, interests, and ways of being with those that we value from traditional adulthood.
Dismantling adult supremacism *must* be a humbling experience for adults. It entails giving up a sense of personal superiority, and the security that comes from ordering youth to do what you want. It means embracing one's own flawedness, inviting criticism, and basing self-esteem on how one deals with a situation after having caused harm -- rather than on being "good" for never doing wrong in the first place. But there is also joy in the change: being able to relate with youth on a more equal, human basis; becoming a more whole person; setting age justice as one's noble cause. These are reasons why ending adult supremacism benefits not just youth -- it's for the good of adults too.
-- END --
January 9, 2003
Posted by Sven at 4:19 PM
January 8, 2003
Adult Supremacism - part 4
V. Desire to be Adult [continued]
(C) How Parents Invent Their Adulthood
Previously, I distinguished between three meanings of the word "adult": (1) a biological phase, (2) a legal status, (3) a way of behaving (a subculture). Now there is a fourth sense I'd like to discuss: being "the adult" as an act of wielding power over youth.People actively pursue being adult in order to get more respect and privilege -- by dissociating themselves from childhood, or by conforming to the fashions of adult subculture. Hypothetically, a person using these strategies doesn't actually have to do anything to anyone younger than themselves -- it's just about getting seen as a certain kind of personality. The person wants to convey that they're unique because they're unlike other youth, or that they're special because their "mature" persona is a product of personal effort.
Using another approach to win status, however, "the adult" is a role that various people can step into interchangeably. A "chaperone" could be essentially anyone, so long as they're adult. Being a "father figure" requires that you be male and adult, not that there be a unique relationship between two individuals. Stepping into one of these roles grants privilege and prestige -- but it's dependent on wielding power over one or more actual young people.
For those who desire to be adult, the ultimate step is to become a parent oneself. [Indeed, among adults, someone who's unmarried and without children is often seen as not really having "grown up" yet.] Most people in U.S. society grow up calling their parents "Mom" and "Dad", or "Mother" and "Father". The words originally (and primarily) denote a biological relationship -- but they've become something more in common usage. If your mother or father divorces and remarries, then the new stepparent is generally entitled to be called "Mom" or "Dad" as well. Because we are so familiar with using them, we think of these words as if they are proper names. They are not. They are titles, which denote a position in a hierarchy.
It is taboo in most families to call one's mother or father by their first name -- even though that is how they address their children. Similarly, it is considered rude for young people to address any other adults by their first names. They are to be addressed by their last names, preceded with the titles Mr., Mrs., or Ms.. More than rude, to call an adult by their first name is understood as a form of insubordination.
In the U.S., parenting is frequently described as a "job". How to do that job is a much discussed and debated topic; few if any parents simply improvise -- they pay attention to commentary and moralistic entertainment in the media, research, and fantasize about how they'll deal with their own kids (long before they even have a child). One important aspect of this mental preparation is imagining how they'll react to disobedience and "problem" behavior.
One of the most powerful ways that individuals invent their own adulthood is by finding fault and then punishing a young person. Early on, soon after becoming verbal, opportunities emerge to witness the youth as a comprehensible mind, an equal being -- different in body, knowledge, skill, and culture -- yet with whom meaningful conversation can be had without reference to age. These begin as moments, but expand (more rapidly when they're nurtured). However, interacting on this equal basis is a threat to parents' sense of their own adulthood. Many parents are deeply invested in being a "good mother" or "good father" -- putting that identity in jeopardy strikes at the very heart of who they see themselves as. To be a good parent, to be "the adult" at all, requires that they feel they are actively supervising / guiding / controlling their children's lives. Nothing creates this feeling more strongly than delivering a punishment.
Imagine that a youth does something that their parent doesn't like. The parent can try to raise the issue respectfully, acknowledging that they are asking for a favor (which will take time and humility). *Or*, they can claim superiority: demanding change, delivering a stern lecture, taking away "privileges", "disciplining" by causing some kind of physical pain. The parent in this situation does not have a natural, inherently right authority -- they invent the position of superiority by how they behave. If being "the adult" is an act of wielding power over youth, then by putting their child down with punishments a parent takes the artificial notion of "adulthood" and makes it into something concrete and *real*.
One would imagine that a child's *humanity* grows in a fairly steady and continuous way. Yet, given how current law is written, parental authority is an absolute up until twelve-midnight when the youth turns 18. It should be easy to gradually treat youth more and more as equal human beings -- but because the law keeps adults responsible for controlling them unnaturally long, a notion has evolved that justifies the situation -- and contributes to parents' desire to play "the adult". The common belief is that minors require the strictest supervision of all as they approach adulthood, because they go crazy with hormones, are likely to commit crimes, and generally ruin their lives (and the lives of others) during the teen years. Parents often *expect* teens to behave badly -- the media has warned them about the signs of drug use and gang involvement. By being suspicious and accusatory, they themselves give youth ample reason to be "moody", "withdrawn", and "rebellious". The media portrays "rebellion" as an inevitable phase, a foolish fad that all youth go through. But given a climate of hostility and oppressive control, wouldn't rebellion be a reasonable and legitimate course of action for any self-respecting human being?
(D) Teaching -- The Noble Cause
People have many reasons for wanting to be a parent; having children in order to become a "real adult" is perhaps one of the less flattering ones. Living so intimately with children, of course parents do get to know youth as unique individuals -- it's just that the relationship often gets tainted by trying to play an artificial role. At its worst, the job of "parent" is judge, jury, and prison guard rolled into one (e.g. "grounding" the youth).Part of what makes the effort seem worthwhile is that raising young people has been portrayed as a noble cause. Platitudes such as "the children are our future" and "children are our most valuable resource" abound. In our country, parents and teachers share responsibility for this work. Many take great pride in the notion that they are shaping the next generation. It's rather like the notion of "the white man's burden"; turning youth into good adults is seen as a sacred duty -- like civilizing the savages. The nobility of the cause makes "adult", again, look like a desirable identity. [Mentoring in any form, even by minors in a "big brother / big sister" capacity, is seen as praiseworthy. Within the constraints of the situation, they get to be "the adult".]
Parenting and teaching have become increasingly similar in the adult public's mind. Before compulsory schooling was instituted in the U.S., when going to school was exceptional, the role of teachers was likened to that of parents. When youth went away to school, the institution was charged with acting "in loco parentis" -- in the place of the parents. Now that schooling is ubiquitous, and takes up more and more time with extracurricular activities and homework, parenting is frequently likened to formal education. Ad campaigns spout slogans like "teaching begins at home", and adult society tries to reach a consensus about whether character and sexuality should be taught by parents or professionals. In the process, young people's interest in creating themselves seems to be getting ignored.
Common metaphors liken children to empty jars, just waiting to be filled with knowledge; or to blank slates ("tabula rasa") waiting to be written upon; or to lumps of clay that need to be shaped. Supposedly youth have to be instilled with an encyclopedia of scientific, historical, and literary information; they need to be taught morality, "right from wrong"; they need to be cultivated into good-mannered, well-kept adults of "character". But how much of this really has to be force-fed to an unwilling audience?
It seems to me that the vast majority of practical and ethical knowledge is simply absorbed by interacting with good, sensible people in one's life. Special areas of knowledge are best learned -- and usually quickly -- when a person chooses to pursue the subject out of their own interest. The unschooling movement (home schooling without parents playing teacher) has demonstrated that math, reading, and other such necessities can be reliably learned without rows of desks, bells, standardized tests, and paid authority figures. One wonders: would teaching be seen as such a noble cause, were there not a billion-dollar schooling industry, populated by teachers whose personal paychecks depend on armies of children being bussed to their workplace each day?
Having examined the notion that youth must be forcibly taught to be adult, let's now revisit the idea of "maturity as a virtue". In *retrospect* adults usually want to describe their persona as a personal achievement: they figured out life lessons on their own, and created an image for themselves that they could feel proud of. Judging youth from their current vantage point, however, many adults seem to think that human beings do not take an interest in their own lives and learning about the world unless they're sat down at a desk and forced. Maturity is an achievement if you're an adult -- but if you're young, credit for your character must go to someone else. Despite any pretenses that acting mature or immature is unrelated to biological age, youth who act "mature" ("for their age") are seen as behaving in a way that is against their own nature -- as are adults that act "immature". No matter how much of a child prodigy you are, you can never escape the social stigma of being biologically young. You are an exception to the rule that youth are inferior, not disproof of the rule, and you're damned for "growing up too fast" to boot.
-- to be continued --
January 8, 2003
Posted by Sven at 5:48 PM
January 6, 2003
Adult Supremacism - part 3
V. Desire to be Adult
The biggest challenge for any theory of adultism is to answer this question: why do so many adults embrace supremacism -- when they themselves were oppressed as youth? Part of the answer is that adults simply imitate what was done to them, because it's what they know. Without visible alternatives, the command / obey relationship can seem natural, as if it's the only way that things *could* be. There's more to it, though. Both youth and adults actively pursue being adult.Three meanings of the word "adult" are relevant here:
1. The biological phase that follows puberty
2. A legal status conferred by the state, typically at age 18
3. A way of behaving that is considered the highest achievement of character developmentThe individual can't alter biology or their legal status (except by emancipation, and then only partially) -- but how you act is under your control. At the interpersonal level, this is what really matters. Once you can walk and talk intelligently, biological age differences between people don't mean that much. Nor, most of the time, do youth and adults have to actively think about how age-based laws personally affect them. When adults and youth interact with each other, a great deal of the supposed difference has to be invented by the adult (especially dealing with a teen). The categories "infant" and "young child" refer to an obviously natural stage of life. But "adult" -- whether that means people aged 18-65, or people whose personal development qualifies them to control others -- has become an almost entirely artificial category in modern society.
No one wants to be on the receiving end of control; we want (minimally) to be free from pressure to obey, or better yet, able to make commands ourselves. Power automatically gives you status -- prestige and esteem from others. Having no *formal* decision-making power over their own lives, youth are at the bottom of the social ladder. They are adults' social inferiors, looked down upon with something like scorn. There's little that youth can do about their legal standing -- but there are other ways to win status. The struggle for status is what sets the stage for embracing adult supremacism.
(A) Escape from Childhood
From the media we hear troubling stories about the state of minors today. However, youth aren't just portrayed as a problem group for adults to deal with -- the very state of being young is seen as flawed and objectionable. This is perhaps best revealed by how we use age-based language. Consider all of the words that describe the biological state of being young: baby, infant, child, puerile, juvenile, pre-pubescent, adolescent. Each of these words is synonymous with having a bad character -- to be "childish" is to be silly / irresponsible / stupid / rude. Note that these aren't words merely associated with young people, like say "vivacious" or "playful" -- they are the words that denote physical age itself. Compare this to how it would sound to say "womanish", "black", or "gay" in a similar sense.As soon as toddlers can understand language, they learn that being young is something that you don't want to be. If youth felt solidarity with minors as a class, then the switch to supporting adult supremacy would be a change of loyalty. Instead, from the youngest age most minors attempt to dissociate themselves from other youth. It's a form of social mobility: if they can distance themselves from younger age groups, seem adult-like by super-achieving, steal the markers of adulthood (like sex, smoking, drinking, fake I.D.'s), or look bigger by putting down the maturity of a peer -- then maybe they'll receive a little more respect and privilege.
The toddler insists "I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy!"; the 11th grade student avoids the stigma of hanging out with a 10th-grader; and after getting out of the compulsory school system, most adults never want to look back. Some even take dissociation a step farther, by putting down their former self. One portrayal of aging depicts the years before adulthood as "development", a difficult struggle upward, and adulthood as a long plateau of unchanging completeness. Another metaphor likens the adult to a butterfly, which has transformed from its ugly caterpillar stage into a new, different animal. An alternative to these views of aging sees development and change as a constant across the life span, emphasizes positive personality traits that have remained the same over time, and extends compassion to previous attempts at navigating life -- even if you would do differently now. From this perspective, it's sad to see someone prop up their current life by telling a self-deprecating story, "I was such a stupid kid!"
(B) Maturity as a Virtue
People don't pursue being adult just to avoid the stigma of childhood; maturity is seen as a virtue in itself. Again, "adult" and "mature" are words that denote both a biological state and the quality of one's character. "Adult" (as an adjective) encompasses a number of characteristics: being responsible, competent, hard-working, self-aware, even-tempered, socially adept -- all positive traits."Mature" and "adult" are both umbrella terms: their intended meaning can be conveyed by listing a variety of qualities that do not have to do with age. It is an anti-adultist act to stop using the words "mature" and "adult" as praise, both for minors and adults. For "mature" and "adult" to be understood as positive, "immature" and "young" must be negatives. Praising someone for being adult-like implicitly says that people who are youth-like are inferior persons. "Youth-like" must include all actual young persons -- except possibly for rare individuals who are young but don't "act their age". That is, who don't don't "act like young people". ...Praise for being "exceptional" is as much a slur against the group as slandering it outright.
By equating the word "adult" with so many positive traits, U.S. culture conveys an image of what human beings are supposed to aspire towards. However, not everyone has an equally strong desire to embody the ideal. Some are enthusiastic to be "good" people by being adult. Most, though, just want to "pass". Despite *legal* inclusion in the group "adults", they neither identify with the label, nor feel like they're actually "real" grownups yet.
Perhaps more than developing one's personality, acting "adult" is about wearing the right clothes and having the right interests. Youth culture, because it's associated with young people, is considered "low" and looked down upon. Slang, mannerisms, clothes, hairstyles, music, books, movies, games -- and whatever else gets linked to minors -- is generally thought of as inferior to the culture of adults. Much commentary is made about "youth culture" -- but adults have a culture too; and inasmuch as adults are not the only age-group within society, it is a subculture. How are we to compare the subcultures of two age groups? I think we should be critical of assigning adults' customs more value than those of young people. Would it be appropriate to say that Russian customs are superior to those of Japan? ...To say that the culture of industrial Europe is superior to that of the Australian aborigines? [If you *would* call industrial cultures superior, can you do so without also describing aboriginal peoples as *child-like*? Early anthropologists' tendency to depict tribes as "primitive" has come under much fire during the past few decades...]
If it's to be said that youth have a legitimate subculture, care must be taken to distinguish between genuine enthusiasms and inventions emerging from within youth communities, and marketing ploys that have been projected onto youth by adult business interests. This is not to say that the only legitimate "youth culture" is that which bears no hint of adults! In contemporary industrial societies, subcultural identity generally has a great deal to do with brand-name affiliation --this is true for adults as well as youth. Try to imagine "acting adult" in terms of language, mannerisms, clothes, hairstyles, and so on. Which company manufactures those clothes? What company produces the film or TV show that popularized those mannerisms?
My purpose here is not to catalog all the ways that businesses manufacture popular culture and subcultural identities. However, looking at the interests of the business community raises an interesting question: to what extent are the qualities associated with being "mature" (responsible, hard-working, serious, etc.) really just the qualities of being a good worker? These traits describe what is valued in the business world; so maybe acting "adult" is really about embodying the subculture of "professionalism". It's more a matter of *class* norms than age. It seems inappropriate to condemn youth as a group for being "irresponsible" when there may not even be anything meaningful to be responsible for yet (like tending a store). ...Even more so if the accusation is ultimately motivated by classism.
-- to be continued --
January 6, 2003
Posted by Sven at 9:34 PM
December 11, 2002
Adult Supremacism - part 2
IV. Anti-Youth Propaganda
Adult supremacism is a blueprint for one group's control over another -- one that's been implemented. But adult supremacy is not static and unchanging. Adults continue talking about it, interpreting current events through the lens "adults should control youth". This cultural conversation keeps the implementation of adult supremacism a constantly changing and evolving thing.The role of public commentator is taken up by a number of different groups: news reporters, writers for sit-com TV shows, authors of popular non-fiction / advice books, university-based researchers, politically involved advocacy groups, public officials, etc. The work of creating media content is creative, but certain themes are repeated over and over. In his book "Framing Youth: 10 myths about the Next Generation.", anti-adultism author Mike A. Males identifies some of the most common themes: "today's youth are America's worst generation ever", "teens are violent thugs", "teens need more policing", "teens are druggie wastoids".
Suppose a 16-year-old white male murders his parents. In similar actual cases, national media have picked up the story and covered it for days or weeks on end. It's a terrible crime -- but adult men murdering their wives and girlfriends is common enough that it only receives local attention and usually only on one day. Similarly, when an adult goes on a shooting spree, murdering a number of people, it makes the national news -- but only briefly; it's become a familiar (though terrible) event. When white teenage boys did the same at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, it was the news event of the year; media commentators were still talking about it many months later.
The gist of most commentary went along these lines... "How could this happen? If *any* youth could do this, then there must be something horribly wrong with the state of youth collectively. We adults must make big changes now. Parents must exert more control. Everyone who interacts with youth must be more involved." National magazines ran cover stories about how to spot violent youth. Across the U.S., special suspicion and hostility was aimed at any youth wearing the color black. Underlying all discussion, the real story was "we need to control youth." So, as time passed, new topics got coverage: the brain chemistry of young people (showing how unlike adults youth are) and, as one cover story succinctly put it, "do kids have too much power?" Local TV news crews wanted some way to connect their own communities to the national concern, so they ran stories about vandalism and petty crimes by local youth, all the while shaking their heads, reiterating the implication that youth as a group have gone bad. Legislators, wanting to respond to the (adult) public's concerns, acted where they could -- for instance, by making the requirements for a driver's license stricter, and by cracking down on movie theaters that don't check patrons' age carefully enough!
The societal backlash against youth after the Columbine shootings was probably the worst in 50 years or more. But it was not unique -- it simply replayed on a larger scale something that happens commonly when youth make the news. Anti-youth propaganda makes adult control seem vital and new again each time current events give pundits something to respond to, something to interpret.
Between news events, adult supremacism is recycled in moralistic entertainment. TV dramas and sit-coms habitually reuse the plot line where son / daughter becomes involved in some vice, and is only saved from destruction by lecturing and a stiff punishment from the wise parent. The story may be aimed at youth, adults, or both; notice that it provides a clear role model for parental behavior, not just for youth. In the realm of pure comedy, stand-up comics and newspaper cartoonists (notably Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman, creators of "Zits") regularly trot out hackneyed caricatures of youth for derision: the bad student driver, the telephone monopolizer, the faddish teen with green hair and a tongue-piercing, the fast food burger-flipper with acne and a cracking voice, the brooding and sulky teen, the fan of unbearably loud and awful music, and so on.
Youth Liberation activists would like to move society toward a non-adultist future. It's inspiring to imagine a utopian world where young people have equal rights, or to draft a youth bill of rights. However, with so many voices actively justifying adult control -- if not calling for its expansion -- activists can expect opposition at each step. The better part of our energies may go to just resisting new attacks, holding and protecting ground rather than making any new progress.
-- to be continued --
December 11, 2002
Posted by Sven at 11:53 AM
December 2, 2002
Adult Supremacism - part 1
"Adultism" is the oppression of young people by adults. Adultism is pervasive in U.S. society, shaping personal relationships, institutions, and cultural images. The word "adultism" is very general; it encompasses many different situations. So, it is useful to create more specific language. Probably the most important word an anti-adultism activist can add to their vocabulary is "adult supremacism".
ADULT SUPREMACISM is the belief that adults should control youth.In this essay I'll attempt to give a better understanding of adult supremacism by describing it in some detail.
I. An Ideology
Adult supremacism is an ideology. It is the set of ideas, the belief system, that rationalizes how adults continue to treat youth. Most people don't even give it conscious thought. They agree with adult supremacy by default rather than by choice. Adult supremacism has been built into our institutions and handed down as tradition, so it seems like it's just how the world works, like it's nature. Other individuals are more outspoken about their dislike of youth or belief that parents should be strict disciplinarians. These people are bigots -- but don't make the mistake of thinking that only aberrant individuals are supremacist. The entire society is saturated in adult supremacism; the bigots are just more vocal about their support of the system.
II. Control by Parents
The most basic building block of adult supremacism is the parent-child relationship. It is supposed to be a command/obey dynamic: the parent makes commands, the youth is obligated to obey them. But obedience is not enough. The youth is supposed to show that they're eager to comply and grateful for the supervision. Resentment, rolling eyes, sighing, back-talk, and being slow to obey -- are seen as insubordination, an attack on the parent's right to command.To empower parents, adult society has granted authority to use violence ("discipline") -- acts that would be considered "assault" if done to another adult. Most parents seldom need to use this power, though. Having established that they *can* inflict pain, intimidation keeps the youth in line. Youth remain trapped under this lingering threat by dependence on the parents for shelter, food, clothing, money, and transport.
Most parents, perhaps, seem kind the majority of the time. Generally, parents don't want to see themselves as tyrants. They want their offspring and other adults to appreciate them as kind protectors. The children of a "good parent" are supposed to obey out of love -- too much resistance by the youth, too much force by the adult, makes the grownup look like a "bad parent". So parents give youth areas of freedom, making life tolerable to the extent that the basic command/obey relationship can fade into the background. The fact remains, though, that when some issue feels important to the parent, they can step back into the role of authority at any time.
The power that parents are given to rule over their offspring is almost unlimited. Most states prohibit violence only if it leaves lasting physical damage -- and even then, some states forgive the act if it was an accident that occurred during discipline. There is a presumption that adults in their wisdom are fair rule-makers -- but youth experience shows that parents often become petty tyrants: judgmental, inventing rules and punishments to suit their mood, stepping in to control young people's lives simply because they can. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." [John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1887]
III. Control by Government
This idea that "adults should control youth" shapes the government, just as it shapes parent-child relationships. As things stand now, only adults are permitted to run for office in the U.S., and minors are prohibited from voting in elections. It's a situation that echoes the structure of the family: adults get to make the rules, youth are expected to obey them. Someone could argue that there are benefits to this system -- but not that it's the only *possible* system. Rule exclusively by adults is a particular form of government -- like monarchy, oligarchy, matriarchy, etc. By coining a new word to describe rule by adults --"adultarchy" (or "adultocracy") -- we create room to envision something different: a society where all members have a voice, regardless of age.Modern adultism is a phenomenon linked to the emergence of the nation state. Within the family unit, the line between parent and child can remain intact even as both get older. In previous times, this allowed the grandparents or great grandparents to hold the highest authority in a multi-generational family. Now, however, simple rule by the eldest has been replaced by rule by the mid-range, an artificial class: adults. On a societal level, government has imitated the generational lines of a family (child / parent / grandparent) by establishing legal categories: minor / adult / senior citizen. But unlike in the family, law-makers are *forced* to pick an artificial age-line to distinguish youth from adults. Different laws identify different age lines (e.g. 16, 18, 21, 25), but the preponderance center around 18 -- roughly the age when most youth now leave home. Again, the parent-child relationship is the most basic building block of adult supremacism; government attempts to echo its patterns in law.
Where youth are concerned, the adult government's first role has been to elevate the tradition of parental authority to law. The original and continuing model for parent power has been to view youth as property. In the early part of U.S. history women, children, slaves, and cattle were all seen as the living property of a white, adult, male, head-of-household. Like inanimate possessions, these dependents were seen as extensions of the man, without a legal voice of their own. It was the right of the man to do with them as he liked, and his obligation to be responsible for their actions should they offend another adult male citizen. The man could be punished if his property committed a crime, so he was granted legal authority to use violence as a means of control. Institutions were put in place to return "runaways", as were means for severing connection to a continually unruly ("incorrigible") youth. Most legal vestiges of "persons as property" have been wiped away for women and African Americans -- but for minors, parental responsibility laws, the right to discipline, prohibitions against running away, and laws pertaining to "incorrigible" youth, remain largely intact.
In addition to codifying individual parents' right to control their children, the modern nation state claims for itself the right to control minors as a class. As with parental authority, the powers of the state are essentially unlimited. Of the many youth-related laws currently in effect, examples include:
- a minimum age to take a driver's test
- a minimum grade point average required to hold a driver's license
- city-wide curfews (both night-time and day-time)
- bans on underage dance clubs
- bans on unsupervised minors meeting in groups of 3 or more in public spaces (how some cities define "gang activity")
- bans on buying spray paint
- punishments for minors of a certain age that have sex with each other
- limits on minors' access to sexually explicit literature
- bans on youth purchase or use of alcohol and tobacco products
- [Note: city, county, state, and federal-level laws have been lumped together here.]
At times, governmental and parental interests in controlling youth seem at odds. Compulsory schooling and child abuse intervention are probably the most significant instances of state interference with parental control. Parents may become angry because they feel that state agencies are teaching viewpoints that they disagree with, or more basically, just because their human property has been taken away from them. Like parents, the state views youth as property -- but property that is collectively owned by *all* adult citizens. Backing up a step, the state actually views all U.S. citizens as its own property. Anything owned by a possession of the state, must also belong to the state. When (for whatever reason) government takes an interest in a matter that would otherwise be parents' domain, this principle justifies superseding private ownership rights.
It's worth noting that when agents of the state do step in, they tend to replicate the parent-child model. Public schools -- the arm of the government that youth are most personally effected by -- are at least as hierarchical as the family: youth are given no power in decisions about hiring and firing staff and administrators, funding, policy, or curriculum. Teachers are expected to act "in loco parentis" -- in place of the parents... And in more than half of the U.S. states, they share with parents the right to inflict corporal punishment. In child abuse intervention, the ultimate goal is to either reunite the youth with their rehabilitated parents, or to place them with a foster family. Youths' right to simply "divorce" the parents has repeatedly been denied in the courts, even when they were sufficiently articulate and aggrieved to demand it.
To summarize... The government echoes the structure of the family: adults, and only adults, get to make the rules. The breadth of rule-making power that adult government grants itself is almost unlimited. It elevates traditional parental authority to law, giving youth a status much like private property. Yet, when the state does take an interest, parents' rights of private ownership are superseded, with the justification that youth are property ("resources") collectively owned by *all* adult citizens.
-- to be continued --
December 2, 2002
Posted by Sven at 5:53 PM | Comments (1)
- explicit condemnation by parenting books and experts
- Previously birthdays were not taken into account in separating adults from children -- only practical distinctions.
- what is the origin of written law?