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September 23, 2005
Generator turns 3 years old!
Today (Friday Sept. 23, 2005) Generator turns 3 years old! This past week I've been reviewing my old YL writings -- and since Generator is primarily an outlet for my YL stuff, I see a nice synchronicity in sharing a few vital statistics about what I've found.
Below this self-congratulatory intro, you'll find a list of nearly every YL essay I've ever written. What I want to know: Just how many YL documents have I written at this point?
...One practice that has served me well has been keeping logs of my essays. What I consider to be my first YL essay, I wrote back in 1992. Since then, I've had seven major catalogs of YL essays. Since 2002 I've restarted the log each year; that's four. Prior to that, there were two other major logs: one with 40 essays, another with 67. Prior to those, there were ten early documents that I went back to later and organized into a another log.
For practical purposes, I'm going to base my count of documents on the logs, rather than that on the true number of documents scattered across four computers. Not all of my YL writings have made it into the logs: I have a separate binder for independent studies I did through Reed, book attempts, speeches & workshops, and political actions. The essays on Generator have not been entirely about YL -- but predominantly, and this is where my YL writing focus has been for the past three years -- so I'm choosing to include the present logs in their entirety in my reckoning. [My other essay logs -- on sexism, relationships, bisexual politics, etc. -- I've excluded entirely.]
My grand total? This entry will bring the count up to 180 documents, exactly. Nice round number!
Of those 180, I've put 63 essays into the logs since I began Generator. And I see that there are now 66 entries in the Movable Type system (the software that runs this blog). [There are a few "site info" entries that don't go into the logs.]
...I've been considering getting all 180 documents online. That's a heck of a lot of work! But, even if it doesn't happen, here's at least a list of the titles -- both to prove to myself that I've really done this work, and to whet your appetite. Let me know if something really peaks your interest!
- INDEX: Early Works (1992-1993)
- 01/05.28.92 Letter - To Amanda Riesman
- 02/09.20.92 Feminism and Boys: On Youth Oppression's Structure and Significance
- 03/12.16.92 On Youth As A Political Identity (Hum 220 paper)
- 04/02.22.93 Thoughts on Youth Oppression
- 05/04.28.93 Imagining Direction: Liberating Works
- 06/05.13.93 Youth Organizations & Centers (phone list)
- 07/06.03.93 Being Young Sucks
- 08/06.06.93 Youth Oppression & Violence
- 09/07.23.93 Letter - To David Lee
- 10/08.19.93 Letter - To David Lee
INDEX: Adultism Notebook
- 00/05.05.94 STARTING POINTS: Material for Essays on Adultism
- 01/04.18.94 Useful Definitions
- 02/04.20.94 Hate Crime and Minors
- 03/05.05.94 A Battery Protest Model for Youth Liberation
- 04/05.20.94 Making Rumors of Freedom / or, Generation X & Activism
- 05/05.29.94 What Adults Are
- 06/05.29.94 Anti-Adultism Action as Guerrilla Warfare
- 07/05.31.94 Take Back the Curfew
- 08/06.01.94 What Adultism Is
- 09/07.04.94 Is "Kids" a Social Hate Category?
- 10/08.28.94 Adult Supremacism and Violence Against Minors
- 11/12.05.94 Fundamental Tenets of Youth Oppression Theory
- 12/11.02.94 Minors & Adults as Caste System
- 13/11.04.94 The Rumor of Freedom
- 14/11.09.94 A Resistance Movement
- 15/11.20.94 Principles of Unity for Youth Liberation
- 16/08.06.94 Adult Supremacy: Framework
- 17/03.27.95 Difference
- 18/01.13.95 [Paideia class: Introduction to Adultism]
- 19/01.12.95 Things Said To or About "Kids"
- 20/04.18.95 Adultism Theory: Adult Supremacism, Age Stratification, & the Political Nature of Violence Against Minors
- 21/04.20.95 Adultism Theory: Adult Supremacism, Age Stratification, & the Political Nature of Violence Against Minors
- 22/04.27.95 Conversation
- 23/05.26.95 Rant: An Ideal World / Re-Focus on Harassment / Naming Parents
- 24/06.01.95 Grassroots Movement
- 25/06.03.95 Activism How To
- 26/06.12.95 Special Topics
- 27/06.16.95 Special Topics 2
- 28/08.12.95 Youth Liberation as Church
- 29/09.04.95 Youth Peace
- 30/10.03.95 Minors are Present
- 31/10.03.95 Penelope Conversation
- 32/11.08.95 Agency of Oppression, Linchpins of Social Constructionism, & Blueprints for Change
- 33/03.13.96 M&M Workshop Outline / "Adult Supremacism: Child Abuse viewed from an Oppression Framework"
- 34/03.31.96 M&M Workshop Outline - version 2 / Adult Supremacism: Child Abuse viewed from an Oppression Framework
- 35/01.18.96 Disseminator of Youth Liberation Politics
- 36/01.27.96 Abolition of Adulthood – A Strategy for Youth Liberation
- 37/01.07.96 Youth Culture
- 38/05.08.94 Refusing To Be An Adult
- 39/02.12.96 Age Allegory
INDEX: YL!J – Youth Liberation! Journal
- 01/08.18.96 A Letter to Generation X
- 02/09.18.96 Coverture [incomplete]
- 03/09.20.96 A Movement By and For Youth
- 04/09.29.96 Unfair to Youth!
- 05/10.01.96 Lines of Acquaintance - for Sven
- 06/10.03.96 Age Monism
- 07/10.05.96 Vision Statement
- 08/10.15.96 FIRST OBJECTIVES for Youth Liberation
- 09/10.29.96 PARENTAL RIGHTS [incomplete]
- 10/11.21.96 CR: Courage Raising
- 11/01.06.97 ADULTISM: The Oppression of Young People - OUTLINE
- 12/02.25.97 YOUTH LIB How-To – For Adults
- 13/05.12.97 Book Outline: / Youth Liberation: Strategy for Stopping Adult Sup
- 14/08.24.97 "But he's never hit me…"
- 15/09.05.97 A Framework for Understanding Young People's Oppression
- 16/09.16.97 The Goals of Youth Liberation
- 17/10.12.97 Violence Against Minors – OUTLINE
- 18/10.13.97 Violence Against Minors (part 1)
- 19/10.13.97 Youth Liberation: A Movement Led By Youth, For Youth
- 20/10.13.97 Youth Liberation: A Movement Led By Youth, For Youth
- 21/10.19.97 Violence Against Minors (part 2)
- 22/10.27.97 Violence Against Minors (part 3)
- 23/12.13.97 What makes someone an adult?
- 24/12.15.97 What makes someone an adult? – OUTLINE
- 25/12.15.97 What makes someone an adult? [version 2]
- 26/01.07.98 Analysis: The Identity "Adult" – OUTLINE
- 27/01.07.98 Analysis: The Identity "Adult"
- 28/01.12.98 Introduction: Transforming the Adult Supremacist Society
- 29/01.15.98 Transforming the Adult Supremacist Society
- 30/02.01.98 The Youth Liberation! Handbook – Table of Contents
- 31/02.04.98 Analysis: Adulthood & identifying as an adult – OUTLINE
- 32/02.17.98 Analysis: How (and why) young people become adults – Pt.A
- 33/02.25.98 Analysis: How (and why) young people become adults – Pt.B
- 34/02.27.98 Analysis: The oppression of young people (Q#5)
- 35/03.03.98 Analysis: How (and why) young people become adults – Pt.C
- 36/03.03.98 Why Progressives should care about Youth Liberation
- 37/03.04.98 Vision: Youth Liberation Movement (Q#3,4,5)
- 38/03.13.98 Workshop: Youth Liberation 101
- 39/03.14.98 Youth Liberation 101 [handout]
- 40/03.16.98 Youth Liberation 101 [4 pages]
- 41/03.28.98 Comparing Visions
- 42/03.28.98 What would a world without adultism look like?
- 43/03.31.98 Youth Liberation: Analysis - Table of Contents
- 44/04.23.98 ROUGH DRAFT/The Youth Liberation! Handbook-Analysis, Vision, & Strategy
- 45/06.07.98 Youth Liberation Handbook - Table of Contents
- 46/07.08.98 Rules for Adult Allies
- 47/07.24.98 The role of 18-25's in Youth Lib
- 48/08.03.98 The Liberation Framework
- 49/08.13.98 How to be an Adult Ally to Youth
- 50/10.31.98 Problem: Adult Supremacism, Solution: Youth Liberation
- 51/01.10.99 Youth Liberation Book - OUTLINE
- 52/02.03.99 The Shape of a Youth Liberation Movement
- 53/02.17.99 Unlearning Adultism
- 54/02.23.99 Abolitionists
- 55/03.03.99 Youth Liberation 101 Booklet
- 56/05.25.99 Protectors
- 57/06.11.99 The Concept of Oppression
- 58/07.10.99 Why "adultism" instead of "ageism"?
- 59/07.10.99 Why the word "Adultism" instead of "Ageism"?
- 60/07.18.99 The Life-line of a Movement
- 61/07.18.99 Book Outline - YOUTH LIBERATION: tools for young people fighting adult oppression
- 62/02.14.00 What is Youth Liberation?
- 63/07.18.00 Adultism: The Oppression of Young People - Book Outline
- 64/07.18.00 Adultism: The Oppression of Young People - Book Outline with Notes
- 65/08.09.00 (0) Preface
- 66/10.25.00 (1.1.) Different Models of Age
- 67/07.12.01 Working in Groups
INDEX: 2002 Generator Blog
- 001/09.23.02 On Writing A 'Blog
- 002/09.24.02 Poly Means...
- 003/09.25.02 Property and Ownership - part 1
- 004/09.26.02 Property and Ownership - part 2
- 005/10.01.02 Property and Ownership - part 3
- 006/10.09.02 Property and Ownership - part 4
- 007/10.10.02 Property and Ownership - part 5
- 008/12.02.02 Adult Supremacism - part 1
- 009/12.09.02 Compass [poem]
- 010/12.11.02 Adult Supremacism - part 2
INDEX: 2003 Generator Blog
- 001/01.06.03 Adult Supremacism - part 3
- 002/01.08.03 Adult Supremacism - part 4
- 003/01.09.03 Adult Supremacism - part 5
- 004/01.13.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 1
- 005/01.22.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 2
- 006/02.18.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 3
- 007/02.20.03 Book Outline - YOUTH LIBERATION: Fighting Adults' Abuse of Power
- 008/02.20.03 Book Blurb - YOUTH LIBERATION: Fighting Adults' Abuse of Power
- 009/02.20.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 4
- 010/03.03.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 5
- 011/03.04.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 6
- 012/03.05.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 7
- 013/03.05.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 8
- 014/03.07.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 9
- 015/03.07.03 Chapter 1: About This Book - part 10
- 016/07.08.03 Three Types of Youth Liberatioin: Youth Equality, Youth Power, Youth Culture
- 017/07.10.03 The Role of Adults within Youth Liberation
- 018/07.13.03 The Future of Youth Justice
- 019/07.30.03 Age Lines: How to Define "Adults" and "Youth"
- 020/08.01.03 Thoughts About How To Package Youth Liberation Texts
- 01)09.20.04 OUTLINE: Youth Are Nobody's Property -- Except Their Own
- 02)09.29.04 Exploration: Emancipation
- 03)10.05.04 Exploration: Public Education
- 04)10.06.04 Exploration: Youth As Their Own Property
- 05)10.07.04 Why "Youth Liberation" instead of "Youth Rights"? [fragment]
- 06)10.27.04 YL Theory: Topic Areas
- 07)12.08.04 Exploration: Outline for a Youth History of Adult Power
- 08)12.20.04 Exploration: Ageless Being - A Thought Experiment
- 09)12.22.04 Exploration: Worldview of the Youth Power Movement
- 01)01.19.05 Exploration: Compare/Contrast Youth Equality vs. Youth Power
- 02)01.26.05 Exploration: Youth Liberation - First Person Singular
- 03)02.09.05 Exploration: Life in a Post- Youth Liberation World
- 04)02.23.05 Book Outline: The Keywords of Youth Liberation
- 05)02.23.05 Book Outline: The Keywords of Youth Liberation - Revised
- 06)02.23.05 Book Outline: Youth Liberation's Big Ideas
- 07)04.09.05 Justice is a drama that plays out on many stages
- 08)04.27.05 Research: History of Adulthood
- 09)04.28.05 Notes: How Adulthood Evolved - A Speculative History
- 10)05.03.05 Exploration: Expanding Parents' Role in YL Work
- 11)05.05.05 Exploration: A New Contract Between Parents and Youth
- 12)05.10.05 Outline: New Framework for Historical Research on Adulthood
- 13)05.26.05 Exploration: Youth Against Youth Liberation
- 14)05.26.05 Research: The Origins of Law
- 15)05.27.05 Exploration: Joining the Opposition?
- 16)06.08.05 The Evolution of Youth's Position Under the State - A Hypothesis
- 17)06.25.05 Historical Research on Adulthood, draft #1
- 18)07.22.05 YL Simplified
- 19)08.23.05 Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 1)
- 20)08.24.05 Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 2)
- 21)08.25.05 Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 3)
- 22)08.29.05 Exploration: Blueprint for Revolution (part 4)
- 23)09.15.05 Exploration: Criteria for YL Organizations
- 24)09.23.05 Generator turns 3 years old!
Posted by Sven at September 23, 2005 02:58 PM