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February 23, 2005
Book Outline: Youth Liberation's Big Ideas
[NOTE: This document was added to the blog on May 22, 2005]
My previous essay revised and commented on an outline for "The Keywords of Youth Liberation". Herein I integrate all those notes.
1. Introduction: How do these buzzwords fit together?
2. Adult / Youth
Q: Where is the dividing line between the two?
A: It's fuzzy -- but based on the family.
- Youth as a social group - objections (objections)
- youth is temporary, a phase; other identities are permanent
- youth is a universal, there's no relationship between groups
- experiences of girls/boys, teens/infants, blacks/whites are too different
- youth is temporary, a phase; other identities are permanent
- Different models of age
- [Adulthood is (mostly) artificial]
- Adulthood as a membership organization
- ways in which adulthood is like an organization
- the "family resemblance" model of youth
- explaining a paradox: oppressed becoming oppressors
- ways in which adulthood is like an organization
- What word to use? - youth, minors, kids, children
3. Difference
Q: How different are adults and youth, really?
A: As different as adults are from one another.
- Sameness vs. difference: addressing age-based abilities
- Varieties of age-based discrimination [problems for equality]
- Obvious discrimination (curfew, spray paint)
- Participation in decision-making (the vote)
- Skill-based competencies (driving license, airplane seating)
- Vice (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pornography)
- Protection from exploitation (age of consent, labor laws)
- Privileged treatment (juvenile sentencing)
- Obvious discrimination (curfew, spray paint)
- Thought experiment: Ageless being
4. Identity
Q: Who do you think you are?
A: It depends on where your allegiance lies.
- Membership vs. identity
- what if I don't feel like an adult?
- acknowledging membership -- while transgressing identity
- what if I don't feel like an adult?
- What makes me an adult? - different models
- "I'm not a kid!" - strategies for dissociating from childhood
- Being a conscientious objector to adulthood
- [Maturity as virtue]
- [** Adults entitlements & obligations; a sense of superiority]
- [Good kids / bad kids (and daring to be bad!)]
- [Is the problem adult's image of youth -- or adults' self-image?]
5. Adultism
Q: How do adults mistreat youth?
A: They continue to treat youth like human property.
- [A brief history of adult oppression]
- [How different varieties of YL frame the problem]
- How different authors have defined "Adultism" [same topic?]
- [** Adultism as the command / obey relationship]
- Ageism vs. Adultism
- Creating a YL vocabulary
6. Oppression
Q: Why do some groups mistreat others?
A: There's a history of one group benefiting off of another.
- Oppression: A starting-place definition
- a historical relationship of power difference
- commonly recognized oppressions
- oppression vs. privilege vs. entitlement
- a historical relationship of power difference
- Different models of oppression
- Misconceptions about oppression (objections)
- How oppressions get named
- Two different frameworks: Inequality vs. Oppression
7. Youth Liberation
Q: How do we end adultism?
A: We fight back!
- YL as a loose philosophy / movement
- Youth Liberation vs. Children's Rights
- Sub-varieties of Youth Liberation
- Criteria for YL organizations
8. Activism
Q: What tactics should YL use?
A: Working in small groups to influence decision-makers.
- What constitutes "activism"?
- The value of working in groups
- Risks & benefits of becoming an activist
- How youth activism differs from that of other groups
- Perpetual debates: long-standing disagreements about what tactics to use
- separatism vs. collaboration
- angry confrontation vs. peaceful friendship
- assimilation vs. radical cultural identity
- narrow identity politics vs. a united progressive front
- separatism vs. collaboration
- Problems that arise within the movement: cooptation, corruption, self-appointed leaders
9. Adult Allies
Q: What should the role of adults be in YL?
A: Helping youth with resources -- but not replacing youths' own voice.
- [What adults fear about YL (objections)]
- Different models of being an ally
- Against adults being the sole voice of YL
- Separatist vs. Multigenerational organizations
- Different roles for different age groups
- Etiquette for allies
- [Parents as allies]
- [Why activists from other movements should care]
10. Social Change
Q: What does the world we're fighting for look like?
A: A place where youth can escape harm, and where adults don't feel entitled to command.
- Models of social change
- A consensus YL political agenda
- [Life in a post-YL world]
- [Escape freedom / Guiding Principles: self-ownership, etc.]
Posted by Sven at February 23, 2005 12:03 PM